He asked a straightforward question and did not directly use the word "god" out of caution. However, he still remembered the man in the golden wonderland of the castle who had his head blown off for asking about becoming a god.

"Do you think I'm qualified to answer this question for you?"

The woman shook her head, with a regretful expression on her face.

"So what's going on with this guy?"

Jenkins kicked the stone sculpture of the cursed man again and placed a piece of soul gold in his palm:

"But this question isn't worth a sin coin, so you'd better provide me with some information that might surprise me."

"Of course that's no problem, you'll be satisfied."

The woman twirled the gold coin from Jenkins' palm:

"A vampire used the [Scarlet Dinner] mystery lock in a manor outside the city. This mystery lock is also a type of banquet, and it is within the scope of my intervention. The mystery lock is currently close to collapse, and the amount of curses contained in it is really huge. It's too big. I think the woman who calls herself the Countess can last for three more days at most. I brought this out, yes, to express my sincerity to you and to prove my ability to interfere with the mystery lock of [Scarlet Dinner]. But I assure you that the curse did not spread outside when I brought it here. As for your sin coin, I can tell you the weakness of the myth lock if you are willing to spend 9 sin coins. , I can directly solve the mystery and all the troubles within the mystery."

Obviously Jenkins did not have such financial resources, and [Dream Crystal] cost him too much of his savings.

"Go on, what is your weakness?"

"The original purpose of this mystery is to provide strength to every participant in a family gathering of vampires. In other words, the real function of the Scarlet Dinner is to mobilize the power of every vampire in the mystery, and then feed it back. To all members. The Mystery Lock that appeared in the material world this time cleverly used the characteristics of the [Blood Mosquito Curse] to transform humans into blood-sucking creatures, and at the same time used the increasing characteristics of the curse to make the feedback become stronger and stronger. , to achieve the effect of 'resurrection'.

Therefore, if you want to defeat the Mystery Lock, killing the countess is the most direct way, but it is very difficult; a simpler way is to invalidate the concept of [Dinner Party], so that the process of the Mystery Lock's failure and feedback disappears, directly weakening the Mystery Lock The power of all cursed creatures within. "

"how should I do?"

Jenkins' [lie] cannot affect the concept yet, unless he is willing to use divinity. But since the divinity is used, the goal can be achieved by directly killing the countess. There is no need to destroy the mystery lock at the expense of the near and far.

"You can use this. This is a part of me that has the power to interfere with the concept of [banquet]."

She pulled out a long piece of her hair:

"As long as you are in the Mystery with it, within thirty feet (about 9.1m) of the Mystery's organizer, this hair will be effective. Maintain this state for two minutes, and the cursed people in the Mystery will You will lose the ability to resurrect, and at the same time the power of the Mystery Lock owner will be greatly weakened. You can use the short-term backlash of the Mystery Lock being destroyed. In this state, even if the vampire is a demigod carrying a curse, it may not work. Your mortal state is about the same strength."

Jenkins thought that the hair would also be charged, but he did not expect that the woman gave him the hair directly. He casually pulled a wooden stick from the bushes beside him, wrapped his hair around the stick and put it in his pocket.

The cat didn't show any curiosity this time, probably because things like hair are so common that it doesn't care at all.

"So what else do you need?"

The woman asked with a squinted smile, seemingly wanting to drain all of Jenkins' sin coins.

"how did you find me?"

"I can answer this question directly for you.

You don’t have to worry about being followed by me. The moment you defeated that monster in the dream world a few days ago was extremely dazzling. For existences like us, the sins of the beasts of disaster and the radiance of divinity are as conspicuous as the sun, so I noticed you. It happened that you were going to attend the party again, so I appeared here. "

Chapter 1588 Chapter 1563 Banquet (Part 2)

The woman in front of him discovered Jenkins because of his battle with Nightmare. Jenkins accepted this answer.

He thought that he still had 5 sin coins in his pocket. This was a rare opportunity to spend them appropriately, but the characteristics of the other party determined that she did not seem to have outstanding abilities.

As if she knew what Jenkins was thinking, the woman took the initiative and said:

"I know that my abilities are weak and will not be effective in a head-on battle. But you may understand that not only abilities suitable for fighting are excellent abilities. In addition to abilities related to myself and the banquet, I can also It provides you with many excellent auxiliary abilities, such as the basic [Poison Detection], [Elegant Posture] and [Charming Face], the spell [Treasure Detection], [Happy Aura], and the martial arts [Sword Dance·Spin]. 】【Clown Magic】【Performer】, and even the fate-type 【Banquet Protagonist】These are very useful.”

"What's going on with [Sword Dance·Swivel]?"

Jenkins asked, this kind of extraordinary ability that is biased towards moves is very uncommon in this era. Now is the era when spells are popular.

"The banquet requires dancers, and the sword dance is also a dance. Are you interested?"

The woman asked with some expectation, and then introduced:

"I heard from the mortal clergy that you have a very powerful sword, so why not learn some abilities related to the sword? Even though the sword is extremely powerful, you cannot fight with all your strength every time. And to be honest, Sword Dance and Spin are quite cool moves~"

The final reason that made Jenkins choose this ability was, of course, not that it was very cool, but that it was quite cheap. After just spending three sin coins, he successfully once again possessed a versatile fighting ability.

This ability is not like a mortal swordsman who has practiced swordsmanship for more than ten years, relying on quickly waving the sword around the body to harvest enemies around him like a windmill. Since it is the extraordinary ability of the benefactor, it can naturally do things that ordinary people cannot do. In Jenkins' view, this ability is more like some kind of powerful ritual than a martial arts fight.

More importantly, you don't need to hold a sword to use this ability, just something similar, including a cane.

Jenkins was very satisfied with this transaction. He kept a Time Gem and a Greedy Ring, and did not buy any more abilities or information to prepare for future emergencies.

The woman looked a little disappointed, but she could also tell that Jenkins had made up his mind. Therefore, he planned to leave after the transaction, and before leaving, he wished Jenkins that the banquet would go smoothly.

Jenkins felt relieved when he saw the strong red aura representing a woman suddenly disappearing at the edge of the garden. He lowered his head to look at the statue of the prone servant. After confirming that there was no one around him, he took out his cane and tapped it lightly on the fence next to him.

On the side of the originally flat fence, the green grass grew like tentacles. They clung to the ground and climbed to the surface of the statue, and then slowly pulled the statue deep into the grass. Then there was a heartbreaking sound of shattering. The plants controlled by Jenkins smashed the statue into pieces and ground it into lime powder.

After settling all this, Jenkins pretended that nothing happened and walked back to the fountain in the center of the garden with the chocolates. Hathaway said nothing about what had just happened.

There is still some time before the start of the investiture ceremony. Jenkins has already "hanged out" with Britney and Hathaway once in turn. However, the third female companion did not have such "good luck". Hathaway and Britney were not generous. To the point where he really regards Miss Windsor as a companion.

During the rest of the time, people he didn't know kept coming over to say hello or chat with Jenkins. Jenkins stood on one side of a group of girls, keeping just the right distance from them, but allowing Miss Windsor to introduce them to them. who.

These people are all well-known figures in the royal capital of Beldiland. Some heard the news in advance, and some saw the scene that just happened at the door of the villa in front of Cold Spring Palace.

People congratulated him on becoming a viscount, and some would talk to him about the recent visit of representatives from the Twelve Orthodox Churches to Beldiland. There were even guests from the Northland. They spoke the common language of Fidictri which was not fluent, and they talked with Jenkins about the scenery of Loen and complained about the bad summer weather in Beldiland.

Jenkins is not used to such social situations, but as his father once said, he will have to adapt to these sooner or later.

The Willamettes did not show up until a servant at Coldspring Palace informed Jenkins that the investiture and knighthood ceremony was about to begin. But Jenkins is not worried. The only trouble left in Beldiran now is the [Blood Mosquito Curse]. The church and the royal family will send guards to protect the Williamt family. At least before returning to Nolan, they will never encounter any danger. .

After bidding farewell to the girls, I followed the servants and met Queen Isabella again on the second floor terrace of the building facing the courtyard. The ceremony was about to begin, and she called Jenkins to her side, hoping that he would always stand next to her instead of waiting for his part to appear.

"Isn't this appropriate?"

Jenkins meant something. The parliament and the nobles have not yet reached a unified opinion. He can even feel that even the old man in front of him has not yet made up his mind to whom to hand the crown to. Jenkins does not want to stand rashly at this time. Previously, that would only attract unnecessary attention and danger without any benefit.

"I was a bit unconvinced when Douglas said you looked nothing like a young man who had never been exposed to politics. Now it seems that his feeling was correct."

The old man said with a smile, and the old Duke standing aside had a straight face without any expression.

"So, has the Sage Church given you any training in this area? No, it's only been half a year, so it shouldn't be enough for you to be like this..."

She didn't find a suitable adjective to express her opinion of Jenkins. Maybe many people can say what Jenkins just said, but from the tone and demeanor, she can tell that his attitude is different from that of those young people who are just studying but have no experience. People are completely different.

"I learned it from Princess Dolores Stuart."

He replied half-truthfully that this was not a complete lie. After all, Jenkin was just a poor student in the past. Although the amount of information he was exposed to was much greater than that of ordinary people in this era, he had never been exposed to such situations. It was the two months in Loen City, helping Dolores with official duties, combined with what he had learned, that allowed him to perform as he did now.

"I have heard of the Stuart princess. She is an amazing girl."

She said, and never mentioned asking Jenkins to stand beside her to attend the ceremony. Jenkins felt something was wrong and wondered what the old man in front of him was planning.

The nominal protagonists of this banquet were the naval officers and some soldiers who came from Nolan to attend the ceremony. Probably in order to let this commendation boost the morale of the front line of the battle with Chesilan, the banquet of Cold Spring Palace also specially invited some reporters, who were rarely allowed to enter the main gate for interviews.

The closed building has been allowed to enter, and people have poured into the gate in groups of three or five, excitedly talking about what will happen next in the magnificently decorated hall.

Soon, Her Majesty came down from the second floor with the help of servants. As she walked down the stairs, she looked at the men and women standing in the hall, smiled and nodded gracefully to the people, and the people also applauded in unison to welcome the appearance of Her Majesty the Queen.

First, there was a speech without much novelty, encouraging people to be full of confidence in the first year of the war, and praising the courage and strength of the army of the Kingdom of Fidictli.

After that, she did not immediately talk about the victory of the Broken Islands Battle, but talked about the confrontation between the Cheslan Army in the Eastern Army Battlefield. Even though there were some guests from the Cheslan Kingdom present, Her Majesty still denounced the disaster caused by the other side in Nolan and claimed that this just war would surely win.

She counted the small-scale conflicts between the Cheslan Kingdom and her country on the border in recent years, and then talked about the conflicts in trade and business in the past decade from the wars between the two countries after the collapse of the ancient Hikari Empire.

This caused a burst of cheers from the people. Although the war was cruel, for most people present, this war could bring benefits. The soldiers who really charged on the front line would not appear at the banquet. Even if people would consider them, they would think more about their own interests.

Finally, they finally talked about the Battle of the Broken Islands. Although this battle had nothing to do with the Cheslan Kingdom, Her Majesty made people subconsciously think that this was the first significant victory in the war with the Cheslan Kingdom through her speech.

She held the speech manuscript, stood in front of the copper-colored loudspeaker microphone connected to the steam pipe, and counted the glorious victories of the navy since the start of the naval battle of the Broken Islands. Of course, Jenkins knew that the two sides had reached a surrender agreement before the war, so he would not tell the public. The whole process of the battle described by Her Majesty the Queen was basically a real naval battle, bombardment and a small number of island landing operations between the two sides.

At the end of the speech, she mentioned the commander-in-chief of the battle, Marquis Michael. The man who looked more like a politician than a soldier, whom Jenkins had seen many times, was already wearing a uniform and waiting with his colleagues.

"Look, that's Britney's father."

Hathaway told Jenkins quietly, and then noticed that her father, Earl Hesha, was also standing there, so she immediately avoided looking at her father to avoid looking at him.

PS: The specific role of [Sword Dance·Spin] will be explained later when we fight the enemy.

Chapter 1589 Chapter 1564 Banquet (Part 2)

Although they have made many contributions, it is not enough for Marquis Michael and his senior officers to be promoted to the title. They just accepted the commendation from Her Majesty the Queen and received various beautiful medals of great honor.

Most of the middle and lower-level officers who came to Beldiran City with their superiors had a star or other symbol on their shoulders, and a very small number, about two or three, were fortunate enough to be granted the title. Jenkins noticed that most of these people were young people under the age of 30, thinking that this was the royal family setting up representatives to encourage young officers on the front line to fight bravely and gain more merits to add honor to themselves.

The long process of awarding honors and commendations took a full hour and a half, but people enjoyed it. The nobles looked at this group of upstarts, thinking about what they could get from it; the ladies covered half of their faces with beautiful feather fans, and kept looking at the young soldiers; the noble ladies gathered in groups of three or five, excitedly talking about these people who had won honors and reputations, and found their own fun in it; the foreigners who had nothing to do with the moment were also thinking about the impact of this war and these soldiers on themselves, and they tried to remember every face among them, hoping that this information would be useful; even the servants standing by could find fun in it, maybe they had no chance to get such an honor like the "stars" tonight, but it was always exciting to see these men of ordinary origins win honors on their own.

Jenkins tried to control his urge to yawn, and thought that only he and the cat were bored. He listened to the speech with great interest at first, but soon he felt bored with everything. Although he still stood there with a smile on his face and looked at the stage, he was actually lost in thought, thinking about whether he should take the initiative to invite Dolores and Alexia to live in his house after they arrived in Beldiran.

"I don't know when they will arrive in Beldiran, maybe I should ask them later... The day they met Hathaway and Britney must have been the most difficult day for me since I came to this world... The 31st day of that cycle does not count."

The cat on the shoulder had nothing to do, and knew that it couldn't run around and bark at this time, so it curiously looked around at the people around it like a normal cat. There were many people attending the banquet, some of whom were acquaintances of Jenkins, but Jenkins did not notice.

The cat is more concerned about the few human women around Jenkins. It hates the addition of new members to the family. Even if it is now "generous" and allows the naive Jenkins to find some "playmates" by himself, it still doesn't like these invading its territory. women.

Suddenly hearing Her Majesty the Queen mention his name, Jenkins immediately brought his thoughts back, and then realized that it was finally his turn.

At this time, the investiture has ended, and Her Majesty the Queen, who started a new round of speeches, mentioned the financial industry reforms carried out by the Kingdom since the beginning of this year. This was closely related to most people present, so everyone sounded serious.

It is now the second half of May. After half a year, the reorganization of the National Bank and the new policies of the financial and fiscal departments have been basically completed or are being prepared to be launched. Her Majesty the Queen talked about something to encourage everyone to invest in new financial industries and innovative creative industrial factories, and then finally mentioned the Fabry scam.

Since most people knew that there was another protagonist tonight, they were not surprised by this not-so-obvious change of subject. Seeing that it was almost his turn, Jenkins took the time to adjust his collar. Behind him, Britney smoothed his hair, and Hathaway nervously reminded Jenkins to button his cuffs.

Even Miss Windsor carefully patted the hem of Jenkins' clothes to smooth out the wrinkles. Jenkins thanked his female companions, then held his breath for a few seconds, and finally heard this voice:

"...I have therefore decided that, in recognition of his distinguished service to the Kingdom, Baron Jenkins R. Willamette will tonight be conferred upon him the title of Viscount..."

The burst of applause rang in her ears, and Britney gave Jenkins a gentle push. Jenkins walked out of the crowd, then turned back to thank the guests. He bypassed the crowd and came to the side stairs of the high platform in front of the hall, then climbed up the stairs to Her Majesty the Queen's side.

Behind the two of them was a huge spiral staircase leading to the second floor, and a huge oil painting of an ancient king hung on the wall. This oil painting is a new one. It was painted no more than three months ago. After Jenkins stepped on the stage, people looking at him and the oil painting behind him actually discovered that the face in the oil painting was vaguely similar to Jenkins.

It wasn't just one person who noticed this, whispers spread from the audience. But this is also Her Majesty the Queen's original plan. Before the official announcement, if people can obtain the truth through their own "discovery", then this news will not cause greater waves.

Not paying attention to the voices in the audience, Jenkins knelt on one knee in front of Queen Isabella and officially became Viscount Williamt from Baron Williamt. Her Majesty the Queen also mentioned that she intends to grant Jenkins a small fiefdom near Nolan, but a suitable location has not yet been found. But the matter has been decided, and soon Jenkins will have a good prefix before his name.

"It just so happens that everyone from Beldiran City can come here to participate in such a grand event tonight. I have a little news to tell you."

Finally getting down to business, Jenkins did not step down after accepting the title, but stood beside Her Majesty the Queen. She gently put her hand on Jenkins' shoulder and patted it twice, and then said to the people in the audience:

"Recently, I suddenly discovered that the Middleton family does not have direct blood descendants."

This sentence is full of energy, which is completely opposite to the slow and deep old voice in the speech just now.

The audience was in an uproar. Under the dim light of the shining chandelier overhead and the gas lamp beside the wall, men and women were already talking loudly without regard for politeness. Even if some people know the most important thing tonight in advance, most people don’t know the truth.

At this moment, the door behind the crowd was suddenly opened, and the warm wind blowing in from the courtyard reminded everyone to look outside.

On the red carpet extending from the entrance of Cold Spring Palace to the interior of the building, three men wearing different styles of black formal suits were walking towards them under the guidance of servants.

PS: In fact, if I follow the way of writing a brainless novel, I should have arranged in advance not to have villains who look down on Jenkins, or idiots who covet the girls’ beauty. But I can't write such a disgusting plot. I can't stand this routine myself.

Please vote for everything.

Chapter 1590 Chapter 1565 Three Brothers (Part 1)

This way of appearing was truly unique. The crowd watching the ceremony in the hall spontaneously gave way to the middle road, allowing the men of the Williamt family to walk in through the door.

Jenkins on the stage watched the body of his father and brothers gradually approaching, and saw the relief on Robert's face, the tension on Newman's face, and the excitement on John's face. He blinked at Robert, who had already seen his second son standing on the high platform.

He nodded slightly at Jenkins, and then brought his children to the queen of this country.

"Last spring, when I was sorting out the library of Cold Spring Palace, I discovered the personal letters of King Bisola II, and then I discovered that the royal family has a bloodline that is living abroad..."

This is an elegant way of saying "illegitimate child".

"I commissioned professionals to conduct an investigation, and finally discovered that the bloodline that was exiled back then has always had descendants. Today, there are four direct males among the descendants of Bisola II. Yes, this is the one next to me. Four gentlemen. I don’t think you will question whether this is true. Just from my appearance, people with some common sense will know that I am definitely not an old fool.”

She said with a smile, and then asked the four people from the Williamt family to come to her side.

Jenkins turned to look at the people below with different expressions, and the hall was almost noisy. He sighed in his heart and stood with the father and brothers of this body.

"I think now is a very suitable opportunity. I want to announce to everyone that these four gentlemen named William are actually descendants of the Middleton family. I will soon let Douglas Jarrow The Duke will hand over the investigation report to those who have doubts. "

This sentence is a re-read, more of a threat to people not to do unnecessary things than an announcement.

"At the same time, four new names will be added to the Middleton family tree. This has not happened for a long time. I am very happy to see new descendants of the family appear before I am called away by the gods. . I know that some time ago, people had a lot of impolite discussions about the death of the royal family.”

Her Majesty kept her voice as high as possible to drown out the discussion below, which was difficult for someone her age.

"But these worries are unnecessary. The glorious Middleton family still has reliable descendants. This is the god blessing Middleton, and it is the god watching over the Kingdom of Fidictry. No foreigner will succeed us. The throne..."

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