He thought for a moment, put the cat on the floor, and stepped on his slippers to the first floor. The wind outside was a bit loud tonight, and the windows on the first floor may not have been closed properly, filling the room with a terrifying whirring sound.

The gas lamp in the foyer flickered several times before settling down. It seemed that the pressure in the gas pipe was unstable. Jenkins stood in front of the door for a few seconds, then asked outside:

"Excuse me, who is here to visit so late?"

"Mr. Willamt, I have a letter from you."

The man's voice was hoarse and had a slight northern accent.

"Put it in through the delivery port on the door."

Jenkins said.

"The client wants me to hand it over to you personally."

The person outside the door explained.

Jenkins nodded, sure that the people outside had bad intentions, because every word he just said was a lie. He looked at the drawer of the shoe cabinet. There was a pistol loaded with three bullets. So he took out the gun, hung up the anti-theft chain on the door and hid behind the door, then opened the door a crack:

"Give me the letter."

But what stuck out through the crack in the door was not an envelope, but the black muzzle of a gun. The people outside the door probably thought that Jenkins would immediately look out through the crack in the door, but they did not expect that he was hiding behind the door.

After seeing the muzzle of the gun, Jenkins stretched out his hand to hold the gun body, then pulled the entire gun away with a sudden pull, while imagining what the man outside the door would look like. He didn't know the model of the gun very well and couldn't deduce the identity of the person outside the door from the pistol, so he asked:

"Sorry, this doesn't seem to be a letter."

He didn't know how the person outside the door felt at this time, but he only saw a dark thing being thrown in. He caught it easily, and then used his [Ice Condensation] ability to condense all the steam that the steam bomb was trying to spurt out into ice.

"This doesn't seem to be a letter either."

He said, then suddenly threw the ice lump in his hand through the crack of the door again, and then heard the sound of someone quickly leaving the door of his house and then swooping down to the ground.


The belated cat appeared and walked behind Jenkins. He started running neatly, then climbed up the shoe cabinet along the side of the shoe cabinet that was perpendicular to the ground, and finally jumped to Jenkins' shoulder.

Jenkins smiled and unhooked the anti-theft chain, holding a gun in each hand and walked out the door. He happened to see the man lying on the ground getting up.

The stranger looked at the young man in pajamas and slippers, carrying a cat and holding two guns, and somewhat suspected that his employer was setting him up.

"The last person who tried to murder me near my house didn't seem to end well."

Jenkins exclaimed, referring to the serial killer who broke into his home after returning from a winter trip and was knocked unconscious by him with his cane.

The stranger who had just climbed up took these words as a threat, but he also saw the two guns in the young writer's hands, one of which actually belonged to him a minute ago.

"You don't want to tell me now that you have found the wrong person, right?"

Jenkins asked. The stranger remained silent and wanted to take a step back, but Jenkins had already pointed the gun in his right hand at his head:

"Would you like to try whether you run faster or my bullets are faster? Although my shooting skills are not good, we are only three steps apart. I think I can aim very accurately."

Strangers are just ordinary people, and of course they don't want to try to use their own speed or luck to make such an attempt.

Chapter 1618 Chapter 1593 The “Plague” Outbreak

"Since the mission failed, then this is my bad luck. I know that you didn't kill me immediately or call the police because you wanted to get information about my employer from me. Give up, I am a killer with professional ethics."

The killer under the streetlight did not dare to move in the face of the gun, but there was no fear on his face. He was quite calm. The person sent to assassinate Jenkins was certainly not a random killer picked from an advertisement in a tabloid corner. He was a very professional person.

"Can a killer still have professional ethics?"

Jenkins mocked, but the other party did not refute this.

"Okay then, do you want to live? We can talk."

Mr. Writer said again.

"There's nothing to talk about."

The killer shook his head, but suddenly felt a gust of wind rushing towards his face. Then he realized that the young writer had thrown away the pistol in his left hand and grabbed his chin, making him unable to control his mouth.

"I'm here to prevent you from committing suicide by biting the poison."

Jenkins explained, and then learned the technique from the book to remove his jaw. Unfortunately, the technique was not skillful and the force was too strong, which seemed to crush the bones of the jaw. Of course, judging from the surprised expression on the other party's face, it seemed that the killer had no intention of committing suicide by biting the poison.

"look into my eyes."

Jenkins suddenly said in a low voice, and the stranger subconsciously raised his head, and his eyes happened to meet Jenkins's.

"Listen, your employer is actually your mortal enemy, so you're going to kill him."

The power of lies is blurted out with words, and the eyes of each other convey the power of spirit. The other party is just an ordinary person, and there is no possibility of resisting this method of almost directly rewriting consciousness and cognition.

Because his jaw was broken, the killer just shook his head, as if he wanted to express that he had never met his employer before and that he was quite cautious.

While the killer was making such an action, his face showed an expression of pain caused by the injury, but he already knew that he was going back for revenge. The young man with the cat in front of him was not an enemy.

"You always have a way to contact him. I don't believe you don't know anything about him. Do everything you can to kill him. This is the most important goal in your life."

Jenkins repeated again, letting go of the hand that restrained him, and then bent down to pick up the stranger's pistol and return it to its original owner:

"Do whatever you can."

He repeated it, and then raised his hand to treat the other person's jaw, but because the broken bone had not returned to its original position, the treatment was only to ensure that there was no more pain, and it was still difficult to speak. Finally, Jenkins pulled out a bunch of hair from the other person's head rather unceremoniously. This was not easy. The stranger had short hair and his hair was quite greasy.


The stranger who took back his pistol nodded, unable to speak because the bones in his jaw and cheeks were shattered. He turned around and left without hesitation, quickly crossed the road in front of the apartment and came to the shadow of the wall across the street, hiding himself in the shadow and walking along the street into the distance.

Theoretically speaking, lies told with the power of the priesthood can have an effect on ordinary people for a long time. Jenkins was not afraid of the other party telling his secret. Firstly, if he went to assassinate others now, he would be more likely to be shot to death. Secondly, he could not speak at all now. Finally, Jenkins looked at the hair in his hand.

The hair was obscured by his own shadow and couldn't be seen unless you looked carefully. Nolan hasn't used [Disease Curse] for a long time since he speculated that his winter and spring flu might be related to him.

Before Jenkins went out the next day, he learned about the city-wide martial law from Hathaway and Blainey who hurried over. Yesterday, the girls knew that Dolores Stuart was among the visiting delegation from their country, so they got up early today and went directly to see Jenkins, wanting to see where he spent the night.

"The whole city is under martial law? Even if it's because of the royal delegation from the North, it doesn't need to be to this extent, right?"

Jenkins, who was wearing pajamas, asked doubtfully, asked them to sit down, and then wondered if there was anything in his kitchen that could make breakfast.


The cat meowed from the second floor, and a few seconds later the yawning cat appeared at the corner of the stairs. Sleepily, he saw two more people in the house and suddenly felt unhappy.

"Something terrible happened last night."

Blaine waved the newspaper in her hand:

"Duke Stany has been killed!"


"You probably haven't heard of a duke in this country. He is very low-key and rarely appears in Beldiland. This time he came to Beldiran temporarily because of the change of throne."

Hathaway explained, and Jenkins looked down at the newspaper. The front page was occupied by yesterday's photo of Queen Isabella and Salsi II shaking hands. In a small corner of the third page was the report of the murder. Probably considering the impact, the newspaper deliberately downplayed the matter.

"Even if the duke is killed, there is no need for the whole city to be under martial law, right? I remember that at the end of last summer, a duke in Belduran also died inexplicably. Although the news was sensational at the time, there was no such battle."

What Jenkins was talking about was what he heard from Mr. Birchwood when he attended Mr. Hood's "legitimate party" for the second time. Mr. Birchwood did not provide information during the first party that Jenkins broke into, so the second time he attended Mr. Hood's "legitimate party" Two items are provided twice.

In the blink of an eye, that was already a year ago.

"Not only was the Duke killed, but after the assassin who was not afraid of death was shot to death indiscriminately, everyone who came into contact with his body developed symptoms of coughing, fever and dizziness. Urgently contact the professor at Beldiran Medical College and the one who just happened to The pastors who sent representatives to the Church of All Things and Nature in Beldiland found out that it was a very severe form of influenza. The symptoms were very similar to the winter and spring influenza that had disappeared in Nolan, and it was also pathogenic. Sexual and contagious, we all know how much harm Nolan’s infectious disease has caused..."

More importantly, the church has always suspected that winter and spring influenza are related to the plague of the Skull Sword. Now that the original holder of the Skull Sword is dead, the believers of lies just reached an agreement with the church a few days ago, so there is no reason to do such a thing. In addition, the murder of the Duke last night was full of doubts, and the church suspected that a new cult organization had come to the local area, or that the believers who lied had finally gone crazy.

Jenkins did not expect this result. He easily understood that the news brought by the girls was related to what he did last night, but before that, he never thought that it would cause such a panic.

In his opinion, the influenza pandemic in the Nolan area was the result of a combination of his curse and seasonal infectious diseases. As for the person who was cursed by him this time, he had decided that if he did not die in public, he would personally deal with the corpse to prevent the plague. Theoretically, this time it would not cause an accident like Nolan's. Jenkins just didn't expect that the church would now be full of caution and panic.

PS: Ask for everything at the end of the month.

Chapter 1619 Chapter 1594 Total Martial Law

On this somewhat panicked morning, the Duke's assassination became news that received little attention. News that a plague as big as Nolan's might break out in the city spread like wildfire and quickly spread throughout Beldiran.

But the problem is that the plague in Nolan sounds terrible because the plague there refers to the corpse plague caused by the skeleton sword, and the flu in winter and spring caused by Jenkins just appeared at the same time. But the citizens of Beldiran don't think so. They instinctively regard the two completely different infectious diseases that occurred in Nolan as one, and they are very sure that the same thing will happen in Beldiran soon.

Although there are many people who keep their sanity, the "three people make a tiger" thing is bound to be true as long as there are many people. So it came to this afternoon. Because of the martial law in the city, Jenkins could not leave the city and could only spend time with the girls in the Rosaria Hotel.

He was standing alone in Britney's room on the second floor at this time, looking out the window at the street, and saw groups of black-clothed people wearing crow-beak masks carrying huge metal cans, which were connected to the nozzles in their hands, spraying disinfectant liquids of unknown composition along the empty streets.

"Isn't it too exaggerated?"

From Jenkins' perspective, this is a bit of an exaggeration, but in the eyes of the church and the kingdom, this is not excessive. This flu had broken out once, and at the end of the era, there were all kinds of disasters. The signs of the plague now showed that they deserved such caution.

"Should I go to the church to explain this matter clearly?"

But he played the dishonorable role of inciting others to assassinate in this matter, and it was difficult to explain the method of inciting others. In addition, it was easy to link him with the culprit of Nolan Flu. Although Jenkins felt guilty, he was not inclined to explain this matter to the church.

Chocolate grabbed Jenkins' shoulder and looked down, his eyes looking at everything with interest. Suddenly, he heard footsteps, his two little ears shook, and then meowed to remind Jenkins.

Turning around, he saw Hathaway brought the hotel's servants with tea and snacks. The servants left quickly, and the red-haired girl stood at the window with Jenkins.

"Where's Britney?"

Jenkins asked.

"My friends are downstairs. They are all very sorry that they can't go out of town to see the lavender fields."

Although citizens are not prohibited from walking on the streets, the city hall prohibits people from leaving the city, and these noble ladies from Nolan also know how terrible the plague similar to Nolan is, so they consciously stay in the hotel and don't go out.

"What a pity, I was originally planning to go to Beldiran with Dolores and Alexia today."

Jenkins said regretfully.

"Can you say this in front of me?"

The red-haired girl asked with a smile. She didn't look angry, but Jenkins still consciously stopped the topic.

Since Jenkins' "friends" in the North have all arrived locally, Hathaway plans to arrange her plans as soon as possible to let Britney know about Jenkins' "colorful" emotional life. She told Jenkins to relax and wait with peace of mind, and said in a deliberately resentful tone that she was like the heroine in the vulgar knight novel, actually helping her man to win the favor of other women.

Jenkins kept silent, knowing that it was inappropriate to say anything at this time.

He planned to stay in the hotel until the evening, and then go to see his father. Whether his father was there or not, he would go to the Vatican to find out the current situation. In fact, he should have gone there during the day, but this morning the church priest sent a message, asking Jenkins to stay in crowded places as much as possible during the day. It seems that he found something strange about the assassinated duke and the assassin, so he asked Jenkins to wait and see for the time being, instead of going directly to the church for protection.

"Are you reading "Detective Knight Biography"? "

Jenkins was lost in thought, and Hathaway saw the novel upside down on the desk next to him.

"Detective Knight Biography" is the most popular and influential popular knight novel in recent years. Although it contains some unsightly plots, adhering to the view that a good story must be true, few people will criticize similar plots in the book.

Not only young men like the original owner Jenkins, the influence of this book has penetrated every corner of society. It is a novel that is truly enough to influence an era. It can be imagined that in a few years, it will definitely be known as a "masterpiece" and a "legend".

"I just happened to see this book on the bookshelf in the room. This hotel is really good. It actually takes the initiative to provide novels in the guest's room."

"Isn't it like this now?"

She flipped open the passage that Jenkins had just seen and found that the page was a short poem.


Hathaway laughed:

"This poem is really famous. I really like the sentence [I will bring a small cardboard box and put it in front of you]. Although it is straightforward and tasteless, it is unexpectedly... moving."


Chocolate squinted and nodded with satisfaction.

"Many books will quote this poem. Specifically, almost every knight novel that talks about love will quote this poem in a pretentious way."

Jenkins commented casually, still thinking about the plague. He hoped to find a suitable way to explain it clearly, otherwise it would be difficult to say how long Beldiran would be under martial law.

"I heard that the author of "Detective Knight Biography" will come with Cheslan's visiting group this time."


Jenkins had never heard of this.

"Yes, I heard about it from a friend a few days ago. It's really exciting, this is a real great writer... Sorry, Jenkins, I didn't mean you..."

Hathaway immediately realized the ambiguity in her words.

"It doesn't matter."

Jenkins didn't care at all. He knew that part of his book was plagiarized from another world, and he never really considered himself a talented writer.

"You know? The author of the Detective Knight is a beautiful young girl."

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