Hathaway continues to talk about it.

"I know it's a female."

Jenkins said this was information dug out of the memory of the original owner.

"And there is a blood relationship with the royal family, a very weak blood relationship."

The red-haired girl added.

"I don't know that."

"Perhaps the king of Chesland included her in the visiting group because he knew that Fidictelli had found a young writer, and this young writer happened to be a descendant of the royal family, so the king of the southern kingdom wanted to prove himself The young people in the family are not bad either.”

Hathaway joked.

"If that's the case, I'd be somewhat interested in meeting that lady. She wrote a really good book. Maybe I should ask her for an autograph."

Jenkins replied staring at the street below, his eyes resting on the men in black wearing crow's mouth masks for a long time.

PS: Since the story begins in Nolan, it will naturally end in Nolan, so this volume was originally arranged to deal with some things in Beldiran, and then return to Nolan to face the final story.

Of course, Nolan still has many things to deal with, such as the throne, such as the talks between the three kings, such as the new agreement of the Twelve Churches, such as the talks between the church and believers of lies, such as Hathaway's "plan", such as Finny and the little angel , such as Dad's Curse, such as Strange Tobacco, such as the Difference Engine, such as Mr. Hood's Party... so there is quite a lot of content in this volume.

Ask for everything at the end of the month.

Chapter 1620 Chapter 1595 Beldiland Evacuation

Nothing happened that day until the evening. As planned, Jenkins first went to the hotel to look for his father. After finding out that his father was not there, he went to the hotel room rented by his family to say hello and learned that they planned to take the train to leave Beldi tomorrow night. When Lan returned to her hometown, Her Majesty the Queen said she would see her off in person.

Next we came to the church, and sure enough we saw my father and the Vatican’s secret keepers together. After seeing Jenkins, his father waved and called him over:

"You pack your luggage when you go back, and we'll leave Beldiland together tomorrow night."

"Okay...tomorrow? Are you in such a hurry?"

"It's not a rush. The first team sent by the Twelve Orthodox Church to Nolan will also take the train to Nolan at the same time tomorrow. It will be much safer for us to go with them."

Because Jenkins, as a lie believer, casually said that he was going to Nolan to discuss cooperation, the Twelve Orthodox Church decided to transfer important teams and representatives to Nolan first, and then start long negotiations and consultations.

"It's okay to go together. Robert and Mary have also decided to take Newman and John with them tomorrow night..."

"Yes, it was the church that suggested they do this so that everyone can be on the same train."

Dad explained.

"Can I take other people on the train with me? It's Hathaway, Britney and their friends. Now that something like this is happening in Belduran, I think they won't stay here for too long. The train can be arranged. More than twenty ladies?”

Jenkins wants to go with Hathaway and Britney.

"You don't have to worry about this. Knowing that the church delegation is leaving, many nobles in Beldiran also want to go with them to Nolan for temporary refuge, and..."

Dad looked to the side and saw that except for the people who were flipping through books and keeping secrets, there was no one else in the library:

"This will be announced tomorrow morning. Queen Isabella will leave Belduran for Nolan with some important nobles and officials, together with Salhi II, also with us."

This really shocked Jenkins:


"Of course it's because of the damn plague. It's not safe in the city now. No one knows if there will be a second source of infection. The talks between the three kings will definitely not be held in Beldiran. If the king is to be transferred For our meeting place, Nolan City is the most suitable choice. You see, this is also one of the largest cities in the country, and Chesland's delegation will land there. The most important thing is that Nolan has had similar outbreaks. The plague is over now, and it is known that this will give people in the city some immunity for a short time..."

There are many political and security reasons that Dad has not listed, but it is obvious that this hasty decision cannot be changed.

Jenkins was surprised by such a quick turn of events, and then realized that it all seemed to be caused by an imprudent decision on his part. There has been talk of the fateful stage of Nolan City at the end of the era for a long time, and now, it seems that it has really become a whirlpool of all contradictions.

That night, they learned from Hathaway and Britney that their tour group would leave tomorrow night. This was arranged by the girls' families. Later, Dolores and Alexia confirmed that the Hampavo delegation would set off again tomorrow night, which also confirmed all the news they heard from their father.

So Jenkins took the time to pack his luggage, and of course he did not forget to discuss the impact of this matter with Miss Windsor. As expected, Miss Windsor will also go to Nolan, because most of the people related to the King's Choice will move with Queen Isabella. It is conceivable that Nolan will become the political center of the entire world in a few weeks.

On Friday afternoon, Jenkins met Queen Isabella again at Cold Spring Palace. The old man bluntly hoped that Jenkins could leave Belduran. After learning that he had such thoughts, he also hoped that he could be in the same carriage with her:

"I know your friends in the church have arranged the ticket for you. But since you are already a member of the royal family, you must be prepared to stay away from religious affairs, otherwise you will be gossiped by others. I heard that the Nolan Diocese is preparing to make you the successor of the Archbishop? Oh, Jenkins, you don't really want to do this?"

Jenkins never thought about taking over the position of Bishop Palod, so he said very sincerely that he would not do so. Her Majesty was very happy that Jenkins thought the same as she did, and then formally talked to him about the succession to the throne for the first time.

"Between you and your brother, you are actually the most suitable to take over this crown."

She spoke frankly, and Jenkins also understood that this was the truth, after all, this sentence limited the candidates to only three people.

"I know there are a lot of sensational rumors outside now, but I am actually optimistic about you."

She seemed to be hinting at the news revealed by Miss Windsor, and Jenkins pretended not to hear the hidden meaning.

"After arriving in Nolan, I think it's time for me to choose the candidate. I want to invite you to meet with other collateral heirs of the royal family. I hope to see you standing together, so that I can better compare which one is more suitable for my position."

She meant that all the heirs would follow her to Nolan, so Jenkins should not think too much.

"That's good, I also hope that this country can have a better king. However, I have already agreed with my family to take a train trip with them, so..."

Jenkins looked embarrassed.

"It doesn't matter, then go and spend more time with your family. When you are older, you will know that this is not easy. I have to sigh that you look very young. If I didn't know that you are really in your twenties, I would have thought you were still a child in school."

She patted Jenkins on the shoulder twice to show her intimacy, and then asked Jenkins to go back to prepare and agreed to meet Nolan again.

The number of people leaving Beldiran this time far exceeded Jenkins's imagination, because the nobles and the royal family all wanted to go with the church delegation, so most of the 20 carriages were arranged as ordinary double-row seats, so that the carriages could fit as many people as possible.

This was only the first group of people who left Beldiran to "escape" to Nolan. You should know that although only three kings will participate in the Three Kings' Talks, in fact, there are quite a lot of people involved and it is complicated. After Queen Isabella and Salhi II left, more people will continue to go from Beldiran to Nolan.

Of course they are happy to do so. After all, almost everyone now believes that there will be an epidemic in Beldiran. Otherwise, the kings would not leave so hastily.

PS: The scheduled release of chapters yesterday was wrong, and two chapters were updated in the morning... I ask for everything at the end of the month.

Chapter 1621 Chapter 1596 End of the month

At five o'clock in the afternoon of that day, Jenkins, his father and his family set out from the hotel. When the carriage took them to the Beldiran Railway Station, all kinds of carriages almost blocked the road in front of the station.

Jenkins had a lot of luggage, which were gifts Dolores gave him when he came back from Loon. The luggage was temporarily kept by the church and taken back to Nolan City by another truck.

So Jenkins only carried a small suitcase with clothes for changing and walked into the station with his cat on his shoulder.

People of all kinds crowded here, as if the haze of the plague had passed. Jenkins saw the church team, the royal guards guarding the corner, the girls' tour group mixed with local socialites, and he even saw Marquis Michael and Count Hesha standing with a group of well-dressed gentlemen, and behind them were the naval officers who came to Beldiran with them to be awarded medals.

Because the capacity of the 20-car truck was limited, most people chose to carry only one suitcase like Jenkins, and the other luggage was transported by another train.

When the train specially responsible for transporting these distinguished guests arrived at the station, the scene became even more lively. It's not that someone deliberately disrupted the order in order to squeeze onto the train, but Jenkins had never seen so many gentlemen and ladies in formal suits and skirts queuing up to get on the train.

His seat was with his family and his father. Because of his royal status, he got a better seat. Most of the people in the same carriage were people Jenkins knew.

It was almost six o'clock when they sat down and put away their luggage. Jenkins looked out the window. The days in summer were long, so there was no sign of sunset at this time. There were already few people waiting to get on the platform. From his angle, he could barely see a corner of Beldiran City in the distance. He hurriedly came to this city from Loon, and now he was leaving in a hurry.


The cat in his arms meowed, and Jenkins touched its head from behind.

The whistle sounded from the front of the train, and the deafening sound covered the second half of the cat's meow. This steam-powered locomotive full of passengers is about to drive to the most important port city on the west coast of the continent, which will also be the final judgment place of this era.

I was lost in thought when the train started moving slowly. Sitting near the window was John, the youngest child in the family. He pushed the window up to let the summer breeze blow into the carriage. Many people stuck their heads out of the window to look at the platform outside, where there were people waiting for the next train to arrive.

A white knitted hat suddenly flew from the front, passed by John quickly and flew to the higher sky. Looking out, the train had already left the platform. After passing a few buildings for a short time, there was a vast field outside, which was a refreshing and beautiful scenery.

Jenkins suddenly let out a long breath, and his father, who was sitting next to him and took out a book to read, curiously asked him how he felt at this moment:

"It's like a dream, but I know very well that everything will be different when I come to Beldiran next time."

The train trip from Beldiran to Nolan City is not fast, and the crowded carriage is obviously not a good place to sleep. Therefore, the travel plan is to drive during the day, stop at the city along the line at night to repair, and wait for the day to set off again. In addition, the train does not stop at the station.

This will of course greatly increase the time of the journey and the pressure on the cities along the line, but this is also the best way at present.

The departure day is Friday, and the train will travel until eleven o'clock in the evening, and then stop in the city of Krolla in Fendel County. The municipal departments and churches of Krolla City are ready to welcome this huge team.

The church team can stay in the church, which is fine, because almost all churches have a lot of spare rooms in daily life to prepare for disaster relief or adoption of orphans.

The city hall will provide the best residence for the royal families of the two countries, which is what they should do. Jenkins believes that even if there is no empty house in the local area, the officials and nobles of Colorado City will be willing to give up their homes to the royal family. At least in this era, this is a glorious thing.

Jenkins faces a variety of choices. He can live in the church, live with Queen Isabella in the small manor provided by the city hall, and of course live with Hathaway and Britney. Marquis Michael also has real estate in the local area. It seems that the marquis has real estate in most cities across the country. According to Britney, he foresaw that domestic housing prices will continue to rise in advance.

But considering that tonight is the last day of May, that is, the end of the month, he will definitely experience the end-of-month whispering incident. Although these whispering sounds will no longer cause him to have serious side effects such as bleeding from all seven orifices, Jenkins still does not want to live with close people at this time.

So after thinking it over, he neither went to live in the church nor declined the invitation of Queen Isabella, and even turned down the invitation of his parents and Hathaway Britney, saying that he wanted to be alone tonight and think about what had happened recently.

Everyone understood Jenkins' recent distress, so they all supported him to do so. Watching the carriage carrying people away from the station, Jenkins turned in the opposite direction with the cat.

He found a hotel in the city center and stayed there, then projected to Loon, and then used a real phantom to pull his real body over. Of course, the cat also projected to follow Jenkins, it didn't want to stay in a room in a strange city to watch the moon - and the moon didn't like being watched by it.

Before Dolores and Alexia left Loon, Jenkins left three spiritual magnets in Loon. One of them was guarded by the Snowman Legion in the ice castle in the snowy mountains, one was secretly hidden in the corner of the garden of the royal palace in Loon, and the last one was placed on Dolores's sister, the little princess Ajelina Stuart.

This time he appeared directly beside the little princess. It was late at night and Ajelina had already fallen asleep. Jenkins came and left quietly without waking up the sleeping girl.

After all the royal family members left Rune, something big must have happened in Rune, otherwise it would be a shame to the current situation of "empty houses" carefully created by Salhi II.

Jenkins rode a unicorn to the night sky of Rune and looked at the city from a very high altitude. He hoped to find evidence of the army gathering near the city, or to discover the assassination troops secretly dispatched. But it was still very peaceful here, just like usual, and it seemed that nothing had changed.

Jenkins did not believe that this peace would last, and believed that Salhi II had a backup plan. Since he could not see it now, he would wait and see. He could travel back and forth between Rune and Nolan at any time, which was his biggest advantage now.

He did not stay in Rune for too long and returned to Crola City. The accommodation conditions of the hotel were not very good, and the room was a little damp. Jenkins could only dry the mattress himself before lying down and waiting for the arrival of twelve o'clock.

PS: I ask for everything at the beginning of the month~

Chapter 1622 Chapter 1597 The Secret of the Star God

May belongs to the righteous god [Lightless Moon]. The scope of this lady's priesthood includes [Night], [Secret], [Conspiracy], [Moon], etc., while June belongs to the righteous god [All Things Starry Sky]. The scope of this lady's priesthood includes [Stars], [Balance], [Unpredictable Fate], etc. There are also priesthoods that overlap with other righteous gods, such as [Fate], [History] or [Negative Energy].

Because the scope of the priesthoods of the righteous gods [Lightless Moon] and [All Things Starry Sky] are both closely related to the night, their priesthoods are also the most overlapping among the twelve righteous gods. The believers of [Lightless Moon] and [All Things Starry Sky] are very hostile to each other, because there are contradictions and even conflicts in the interpretation of the night sky in the doctrine, and the two like to call each other "heretics" the most.

Even in the relatively peaceful era before Jenkins appeared, this did not change.

His consciousness gradually faded, and when twelve o'clock came again, Jenkins' body fell into a deep sleep, while his consciousness rose to an indescribable height.

Surrounded by white clouds, it was possible to observe higher, where two magnificent figures stood together. Those were the images of two female gods in Jenkins' soul vision, which contained their understanding of the world, which was a secret that only gods could understand and accommodate.

Jenkins emptied his mind and felt this moment seriously. This time his spirit was not hit hard. Although the whispers in his ears were still chaotic with the messy hymns, he could at least understand it a little.

Even if he emptied his mind and closed his eyes, he could not prevent the figures of the two gods from being observed by Jenkins. He experienced all this that humans could not perceive, and carefully recorded the scattered knowledge to capture every unnatural jump in his thoughts.

For a long time, since returning from that indescribable dimension, Jenkins had no abnormalities except a little dizziness.

He closed his eyes and did not get up. After confirming that all the new knowledge in his mind existed, he slowly got up.

He walked to the window, opened it, and took a few deep breaths. But he did not immediately go to the desk to record. Instead, he summoned the mining lamp that symbolized the [Mechanical Light] and called softly:


The star spirit of the star world felt the call of the God of Lies and led him to the sky above the surging sea of ​​stars. The star spirit seemed to always stand there quietly, as peaceful as the ancient galaxy.

"Good evening, God of Lies."

There is no day or night in the star world. She greeted according to the time of the material world.

"Good evening."

Jenkins responded. He had always been in contact with the star spirit, but he only asked it to help transfer some items between Nolan and Rune. It has been a long time since I asked the star spirit for advice, and this time I really have a very important question:

"Excuse me, is the race of the righteous god [All Stars] before becoming a god... the star spirit?"

He asked hesitantly. The knowledge he had just obtained from the whisper at the end of the moon actually included the "astronomical knowledge gift package" that Lakul had given him. The content of the two overlapped extremely highly.

The female star spirit Lakul pushed the transparent blue glasses on her face:


She answered directly without the hesitation that Jenkins imagined, which surprised Jenkins who was ready to ask again and again.

"You actually told me directly?"

"Why can't I tell you? You have verified your path step by step and found all the qualifications of a god. For you now, there are only a few secrets in this world that you cannot know."

"So the position of the true god can really be inherited?"

"It can be inherited, and it can also be created. You don't think that in the first era, there were twelve months in a year, right?"

The Star Spirit asked, and Jenkins thought for a long time before nodding:

"False gods can increase the number of days in a year, and true gods can certainly increase the number of months in a year. I understand."

"The inheritance of the seat of the true god requires a false god with similar priesthood. Before the current star god [Lightless Moon], the seat of the star god belonged to [Star God], that is, the twelfth master; the creation of the seat of the true god is more difficult, because the increase in months must mean an increase in the number of days, and creating a whole new pantheon can accomplish such a great feat. The last time a year increased from 11 months to 12 months was the ninth era."

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