"I am a descendant of elves and a descendant of the World Tree Priest. I think I am not suitable for the power of death."

This is to show his background and imply that the Lord [Lord of Flowers] will definitely not allow him to do this.

He knew what he was giving up. It was something that all beings in this world could only dream of or even dare to think about. It was something that was enough for the gods to take action personally, but he knew that some things could not be taken.

"If you are worried that someone will stop you from doing this, don't worry. This is a city outside all destiny nodes, and no one will be watching here."

This was the reason why Mr. Augustus showed up before Jenkins left the city of Belduran and arrived at Nolan.

"I'm sorry, but it makes me sound a little... arrogant, but I guess I'm not cut out for death."

He refused again without any hesitation, just hoping that the other party would not become angry.

"Although I have already guessed it, this is really a pity~"

The voice under the hood of Mr. Augustus sighed:

"But even if you reject this gift, you are destined to be inseparable from death. Haven't you noticed? You now have the power of death that ordinary people cannot have, and death is everywhere where you go. Reject me A gift, but you can't refuse fate. One day you will understand, god of lies. In this world, only fate cannot be refused. Death is your essence~"

The golden scale representing [Priesthood: Judge of Death] disappeared out of thin air, and at the location of the broken statue, a white light door returning to the real world also appeared.

The hooded Mr. Augustus continued:

"You are a mixture of the living and the dead. You cannot refuse life, nor can you refuse death. This is all destined. I will not bother you again, but I look forward to meeting you one day. By the way, I would like to remind you , you'd better not step into the manor that seals the old disaster, but if you need my help, just call my god's name."

"What manor? Aren't vampires already..."

There was no time to think about it, and darkness flooded the place for a moment, but soon the campfire illuminated the surroundings again. The feeling of being watched disappeared. Jenkins took two steps tentatively thinking about the light door, and then saw Mr. Augustus taking off his hood:

"That gift will appear when you return to the real world. You can leave now. I'm sorry to bother you so late."

His memory seemed to be stuck on the previous conversation.

Jenkins nodded with a complicated expression, but did not want to tell him what happened just now. This would only make Mr. Augustus more troubled. So he nodded, looked back at the ancient battlefield in the darkness, and then led the cat into the light door. After the strange falling feeling disappeared, he finally returned to his own room.

He put his hand into the pocket of his pajamas and took out a statue with only half of it left. It looked very similar to the one in the strange world just now. It's a gift, of course, as always.

"This is a gift. Imagine the target's face and speak the target's true name to this statue. Any life with a soul that does not possess divinity will fall into the realm of death. Or insert this into the heart to obtain a life with death. Related abilities. But no matter which effect it is, this gift can only be used once. I think you will like it."

Mr. Augustus also came here from the Strange Realm, but he just explained, smiled and waved goodbye to Jenkins, and then left through A-12-1-008//9 [Door to Death Realm] Got here.

"Any life that is not divine? This is really..."

According to Jenkins' understanding, the masters and gods must have divinity, and the disaster beast may have divinity, but other existences should be the targets of this half statue, including those evil things sealed in subspace, and Including tricks - provided Jenkins knows the other person's real name.

"This is really an incredible gift. It seems that the [Ancient Death God] is really nice to me...but I'd better not use this. After all, I am from the life camp, the Lord of Flowers." Helped me a lot... I don’t know what the relationship between the Sage camp and the Lord of Flowers is.”

After confirming that there was no strange aura nearby, Jenkins wiped the sweat from his forehead and sat down on the bed. The cat jumped down from his shoulder, lay on his lap and meowed, as if to comfort him.

"I accidentally made a very big decision just now, but it was the right thing to do...probably right."

When he refused the gift just now, the clothes on Jenkins' back were soaked with sweat. Fortunately, the other party was very reasonable and at least did not fall out on the spot.

"I thought that before I returned to Nolan, such unfortunate things would not happen."

He fell back on the bed, stretched out his hand and pulled his pillow up to cover his face:

"Really, something like this happened. Fortunately, I'm not greedy..."

Jenkins didn't think he was boasting, but at the same time he remembered the great man he was talking to who said he was destined to embrace death.

Chapter 1628 Chapter 1603 Mutual Gifts

"Destined to embrace death? Let's talk about this kind of thing later."

Jenkins, who covered his face with a pillow, thought to himself, and then felt a little tightness in his chest. It seemed that the cat that was originally lying on his legs was lying on his chest. I wanted to take off the pillow, remove the cat and go to sleep, leaving the accident that had ended behind me, but suddenly I felt a cold finger poking my arm.


When he put the pillow over his face a few seconds ago, there was no third person in the room. If it weren't for the chocolate pressing on his chest, he might have guessed that the cat suddenly turned into a human, but this was obviously impossible.

He took the pillow off his face and suddenly sat up and looked to the left. The left side was the window of the room. The city had good weather tonight. Because the curtains were not closed, the red and blue The full moon casts clear light in, making the little girl carrying the flower basket seem to have its own background light in Jenkins' eyes.


He was startled, not because he was afraid of the flower girl, but because the girl was too close to him, right next to the bed.

He turned over and sat up completely, causing the cat lying on his chest to roll onto his lap. The cat stood up very dissatisfied and meowed at the girl who appeared in the room.

The girl was obviously afraid of cats. She took two steps back with a frightened expression on her face amidst Chocolate's less than intimidating cry. She already looked a little pitiful because of her ragged clothes, but now that she was threatened by the cat, she looked even more unbearable.


Jenkins shouted softly, picking up the chocolate by the scruff of his neck as he got off the bed.


It waved its claws at Jenkins again, but because the claws were too short, it couldn't touch Jenkins.

"Good evening, long time no see."

Only then did Jenkins have time to say hello to the flower seller. This girl should be considered an acquaintance:

"You don't have to be afraid. Even though it's so fierce now, it's actually very docile."

Jenkins reassured.

The girl obviously didn't believe this. She had retreated to the wall in front of the window and stood with her back almost pressed against the wall.

"Good evening, sir."

She greeted timidly, and Chocolate became happy when she saw that she had really scared people, even though she was still being carried by Jenkins.

"What do you want to see me for so late?"

He asked, but knew it must be because of what happened just now.

"I was asked to bring you a message."

She said softly, sniffed and then looked at the cat cautiously. The cat stared at her with big amber eyes, which made the girl startled again:

"Don't accept any gift from the God of Death. Even if you can balance the power of life and death, your essence is fate and life, and death will only make you unable to accept the improvement of life."

"I know, I have politely declined."

Jenkins replied, seeing that the cat in his hands was no longer "manic", he put it on the bed. Chocolate immediately jumped to the floor, then jumped onto the chair, jumped onto the desk, and finally jumped up as if vertically climbing the side wall of the closet, reached the top of the closet, flicked his tail, turned around and stood there, squinting. Look at the girl selling flowers.

"That's good, you made the right choice. And life and death are one, and the power of life can also bring death."

She did not say the second half of the sentence, which was "the power of death can also bring life."

"Since you did not accept the gift from the God of Death, I am relieved. Sir, you are the sacrifice of the World Tree. Even in my hometown of the Flower Forest, you are the most noble person. You don't have to worry about your lack of strength. Life will always take care of you. ”

After saying this, the girl lowered her head and praised the "Lord of Flowers" softly. Then she put her little hand into her little basket. Jenkins twitched subconsciously, but because he had already overcome the strange emotion, he was not afraid. Or worry.

The girl finally took out a white flower without branches from her little basket. The flower had five petals of the same size. The stamens in the center were yellow, and there were even dewdrops on the petals, as if they had just been picked. Come down. According to the girl's own characteristics, the white flower represents the increase of spirit, but this flower is obviously unusual, just like the blue flower that gave Jenkins the [Frost Fist].

"This is a gift to you, it represents an ability."

The girl carefully held the flowers in front of Jenkins:

"According to mortals, this is the ability of the green life system [Extreme Growth]. With this ability, when giving vitality to a living body, it can break through the limit of its own growth."

This sounds very useful. For example, it can make humans grow three arms, make low shrubs grow as tall as towering trees, and make some extraordinary plants that are already precious in this era grow more leaves or have more leaves. utility.

It's just... Jenkins' [Life Origin] can do this on its own. Before this ability evolved to this step, it was [Healing Breath]. It can only accelerate growth to achieve healing, but [Life Origin] But it is indeed manipulating life. [Extreme Growth] is just a side effect of [Origin of Life]. (Note)

"Can I give this to someone else?"

he asked sheepishly.


The girl held the flowers in front of Jenkins. Jenkins drew a transparent glass bottle in the air and put the flowers into the bottle. This flower is an extraordinary creation and will not decay easily. In addition, Jenkins can instill vitality into it at all times, so it can be preserved for a long time.

"As long as you persist on the road of life, you will definitely gain more in the future."

The girl said with certainty, then put her hand into the basket and took out a large bundle of white flowers. At a glance, there were at least ten branches.

"This is my gift to you."

This is the kind of flower that can increase the spirit of the devourer. Jenkins has eaten it twice.

"Oh, thank you."

The flower that represented the ability just now seemed to have been sent by the [Lord of Flowers]. This was a gift from the girl. She respected Jenkins very much.

"this is for you."

Jenkins did not refuse, took the bouquet of flowers and put them aside. Then, with the girl's uneasy eyes, he walked to the chair next to the desk, picked up his shirt, tore off the small pocket sewn on it, and took out two round coins. . After the last "big shopping spree" from the woman at the party, he only had a Time Gem and a Greed Ring. After thinking about it, he handed the more beautiful [Time Gem] to the girl:

"This is a gift for you."

PS: Regarding the difference between the gift of the Lord of Flowers and the God of Death, if you don’t understand, you can think of it this way: when someone refuses an invitation from a rival company and does not want to leave his family business because of the shares of the other company, the person in charge of the family business They will not give the same benefits as those offered by hostile companies, but only give some inconspicuous rewards, and then promise future promises as encouragement. After all, Jenkins also has shares in the "family business" and is considered a direct descendant.

Chapter 1629 Chapter 1604 Return Gift

Looking at the little girl carrying a basket of flowers under the moonlight with a smile, Jenkins now knew the reason why monsters and extraordinary people walked in the material world. The bouquet of flowers the girl sent just now was obviously made with her own strength. I don’t know how much it will set the girl back on her way to becoming a god. Jenkins is not the kind of person who likes to take advantage of little girls.


The cat on the closet barked dissatisfiedly. It always thought that Jenkins's things belonged to it, and now Jenkins was obviously wasting his family's money.

Of course, Chocolate also thinks that his things belong to Jenkins.

"No, I can't have it."

The girl wanted to step back again, but her back was pressed against the wall:

"I can't just ask for your stuff."

She emphasized again, then put both hands behind her back so as not to pick up the beautiful gem coin. Because the right arm is still carrying a small basket, the movement of carrying the hand behind the back is extremely difficult.

"Well, since you don't want it, I really won't give it~"

Seeing the girl's insistence, Jenkins could only put away the [Time Gem]. But he still didn't want to take other people's things for nothing, especially those things that were very valuable, so he thought about it and came up with an idea.

He stretched out his hand and touched the girl's hair. The other person was a strange creature. Such contact would inevitably cause harm to the mortal body. But now he is no longer the level 0 benefactor. The existence of [Hero] also allows him to be immune to some damage from monsters, so although this is still a bit painful, it is bearable.

"I bless you."

He knelt on the floor so that he could barely speak at the same height as the girl. He looked into the flower seller's eyes. The latter did not dare to look at him, and her dark eyes drifted sideways.

"In the name of the [Guardian of Flower Girls], I bless you."

Jenkins repeated that although he is not a god in the Burning Divine State, this is the first divine power he has condensed, and even in the ordinary state it has extraordinary effects.

Sure enough, as he spoke, the hand placed on the girl's hair lit up with a faint golden light, and the power of the god resonated with the "flower girl" qualities of the strange thing in front of him. The light was not intense, it could only be regarded as some faint dancing light spots. But they didn't just flicker for a few seconds and then disappear. Instead, there were more and more of them, escaping from Jenkins's hands to the girl's entire head, and then spreading along her cheeks, arms, back, and all over her body.

These golden flashes eventually flew around the girl like a golden ribbon. At the same time, the [Origin of Life] actually responded. Although the green light spots only formed a ribbon, they also flew around the girl.

Upon seeing this, Jenkins took a few steps back and came to the bedside, and then looked at the ribbons formed by the flash of light that completely blocked his sight.

The ribbon quickly disappeared, and the girl behind the ribbon had changed her outfit. The shabby clothes turned into a brand new red and white dress. The big golden braids that were originally simply combed and hanging down the back of her head were braided and combed with complicated techniques. The strands of blond hair on the left and right were overlapped together, and finally they became natural. hanging down. The pair of shoes with leaky toes under her feet have turned into brand new black leather shoes.

The dust on his face disappeared, his eyebrows seemed to have been drawn with eyebrow pencil, and those dark eyes made Jenkins miss him so much.

What the eyes see is the appearance, but in the eyes of reality, the aura of A-01-2-0198 [the little girl selling flowers] turned green - she is no longer a strange thing.


The girl folded her hands together uneasily, lowered her head and looked at her small leather shoes nervously:

"This is really, I really don't know how to thank you. This is really, thank you very much..."

She said incoherently. What Jenkins did just now directly eliminated the distortion of her essence caused by absorbing too much sin after she came to the material world from the [Flower Forest]. This kind of thing can only be done by gods with corresponding priesthoods, or the masters who control the world. Obviously, Jenkins's return gift is a bit too expensive.

"It doesn't matter, don't thank me. I should thank you."

He said with a smile. He sacrificed his divinity to become the Son of the Sage because the girl solved the previous ice messenger Bruno for him.

Although even Jenkins didn't know what the principle was, his blessing now seemed to work. This is not only reflected in the girl's change of clothes and makeup, but also the change of her identity from A-type weird to B-type extraordinary, and her ability will definitely change dramatically.

"This may be a little inspiration for me to gather divinity. Since the [lie] priesthood can gather divinity, [the flower girl's protector] can certainly do it, but how to do it?"

While thinking, he saw the girl nervously lowering her head to look at her new clothes. Jenkins stretched out his hand in the air and drew a floor-length mirror. The moonlight outside the window was bright, and the girl's figure was clearly reflected in the mirror. However, because she was a Class B extraordinary, the figure in the mirror was not stable. Occasionally, it would suddenly turn into a skinless flesh-colored monster with an open mouth to eat people, which was scary, but that was all. It was just scary but not harmful.

"Thank you, sir."

The girl thanked him in a low voice, still uneasy.

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