"It's nothing, but next time you come to see me, you can give me some warnings before you show up."

He said with a smile, and the girl selling flowers nodded quickly, staring at herself in the mirror, as if she saw the first time she came to the material world.

"Sir, I will definitely repay you, I will. Just wait, I will definitely repay you next time I appear."

She said quickly, then bravely looked up at Jenkins, then turned around and disappeared out of thin air. Jenkins breathed a sigh of relief, stuffed the glass bottle with white flowers into his suitcase, and then inserted the bunch of 12 flowers into the vase in the room.


The cat that jumped down from the top of the wardrobe at some point was already standing on the bedside table, stretching its head to sniff the white flowers. Seeing this, Jenkins took one out and shook it in front of Chocolate, then put it on the desk:

"Don't eat in bed."

This is considered to be tacitly agreeing that the flower belongs to Chocolate.


The cat also jumped onto the desk, turned to look at Jenkins' expression, and then carefully scratched the green branches with its claws. Seeing that Jenkins did not object, it slowly lowered its head and took a small bite on the white petals, leaving a cat tooth mark, and then quickly raised its head and looked at Jenkins again, only then did it realize that he really did not object.

So the cat happily ate.

"Chocolate is the easiest to understand."

Jenkins muttered softly, and this time he was really ready to go to bed.

Chapter 1630 Chapter 1605 Finally to Nolan

The next day, June 6, Thursday.

Jenkins took a large bunch of white flowers and boarded the train again with his family. Because these flowers looked ordinary, although this behavior seemed strange, no one asked him.

The train left the city and drove into the wilderness again. The white smoke pulled out from the whistle at the front of the train swayed on the train like a long dragon. The wheels clanged, carrying a group of people to the west. As the sun shining on the top of the carriage moved from the east to the center of the sky, and then to the west, Nolan City was getting closer and closer.

Jenkins sat by the window this time. He opened the window and looked out in a very dangerous posture. The city shrouded in smoke was right in front of him. He took a deep breath, hoping to smell the familiar burnt smell, which was the most familiar smell since he came to this world.

The train arrived at the station on time. Nolan, who had been preparing for a week, took out the highest etiquette to receive the visits of the royal family of the country and foreign royal families. Although today is a working day, many citizens have spontaneously flocked to the station. They stood in the decorated station and stood outside the cordon set up by the police officers of Carfax Field.

When the train entered the station with a huge roar, the cheers of the people even exceeded the explosion caused by the sudden cooling of the internal combustion engine of the train.

The plump mayor, Mr. Saxe Ruto, was wearing a burgundy suit and stood with the city's officials and nobles, wiping his sweat while waiting. As soon as the train stopped, most of the people in the group began to repeatedly adjust their hems, cuffs and bow ties. When the white steam around the carriage dissipated, the door of the carriage was opened from the inside, and the group walked to the platform led by the mayor.

In the carriage, Salhi II and Queen Isabella appeared at the door of the carriage almost at the same time.

Cheers came from all around, and pigeons caught from nowhere were collectively released, flying over the train and flying to the more distant coastline.

The reporters and assistants who had been prepared for a long time turned on the flashlights, and the band in heavy uniforms who had been waiting for a long time began to play. However, no matter how hard the old man in the white wig waved his baton, the sound of the band could not cover the cheers of the citizens and the loud shouts of salute to the queen.

It has been three years since Queen Isabella last came to Nolan. People support their own royal family and like Her Majesty the Queen, who has been in office for more than 50 years. In a way, this woman who does not have the blood of the Middleton family is actually more popular than most kings with royal blood.

The welcome ceremony at the station was just the beginning. Then the Jenkins family accompanied the queen to the mansion arranged by Nolan for the royal family, and today's activities were over.

But this was only the end for the Williamite family. Queen Isabella and Salsi II still had to attend the banquet, give speeches, and accept interviews from reporters, but this was no longer important for Jenkins, who had just returned to his "hometown".

He said goodbye to Hathaway and Britney temporarily, and waved goodbye to Alexia and Dolores from a distance. Then he hired a carriage to send his family back to Privet Drive, then went back to his home to put down his luggage, and finally rushed to Fifth Queen's Avenue with the cat who was extremely excited about going home.

Dad's antique shop was open for business, and Dad returned directly to the store after getting off the car. Excited to push the door in, the familiar bell sound made Jenkins intoxicated.

"Finally back!"

He announced happily, walked quickly to the counter and rubbed the tabletop excitedly. Chocolate also jumped to the cushion on the edge of the counter, patted it with two small paws, and then lay down with a comfortable look on his face. This is the exclusive position of cats in antique shops.

"Stop touching my counter. It makes you look like a mental patient."

The father who was carrying a cardboard box from the backyard said, but he was also very happy to come here as soon as possible after Jenkins came back. He put down the cardboard box, pinched his waist, looked at his store, and then suggested with a smile:

"If you have nothing else to do tonight, just tidy up the store with me. It won't take long. I know you have to go to church soon. This place has not been open for three weeks, but there is a layer of dust. We will officially open tomorrow "The goods I bought from the antique market arrived in Nolan a few days ago. Do you want to pick them up with me tomorrow?"

"Of course, of course."

Jenkins nodded quickly, he liked this kind of life, this was the place he was most familiar with. With a satisfied smile on his face, he took the rag handed over by his father, then turned to look at the shop full of antiques, and looked out the window at the sunset street scene in Nolan in summer:

"This is my life."

It didn't take long to clean the antique shop with my dad. Afterwards, I had dinner with the cat at a familiar restaurant nearby, and then headed to the Church of the Sage in the city center. As soon as he entered the church, he saw Captain Binsi leading the team members hurriedly out. These were all acquaintances of Jenkins, and everyone was very happy that Jenkins returned successfully.

Then I saw Bishop Parrod who was preaching to the congregation. He stood behind the pulpit and winked at Jenkins, talking non-stop about what he had been preaching for more than thirty years.

Seeing that Bishop Parrod was in good health and looking good, Jenkins nodded to him in response, then walked around the cloister, greeting the familiar priests and nuns, and then came to the courtyard behind. After looking around and not seeing Feeney, he walked towards Miss Bevanna's office.

After gently knocking on the door, she opened the door and entered after getting permission. Miss Bevanna was sitting behind her desk and happened to look up and saw Jenkins:

"Oh, Jenkins, you're finally back."

She smiled and took off her glasses, stood up and walked towards Jenkins, hugged him and then asked him to sit down:

"I thought you wouldn't arrive until tomorrow. We were just preparing to welcome the negotiating team from Beldiran."

Although there is also a Sage Church in the local area and there are many capable people in the local area, because of the need to hold talks and negotiate with believers of lies, the Holy See still sent a delegation to Nolan, led by someone who was familiar with the Nolan Diocese. Mr. Jonson Gilbert and another cardinal whom Jenkins was not familiar with would be sent later, and they were just the first batch.

"I just came to the church to take a look. After all, it's been two months since I left."

He said this and then asked:

"How's Nolan Parish going these days? Has anything big happened?"

Chapter 1631 Chapter 1606 Busy

"When you just left, a series of things happened to Nolan one after another. You probably heard about the ancient titans, the ghoul invasion, the hanging city and the tsunami. We were very busy at that time. But since then Nolan has Nothing major has happened. In the past two weeks, we have mainly been hunting down the people from the Gear Craftsmen Guild. I don’t know if Dad told you that we found that they were digging for a terrifying sealed object under Nolan.”

Miss Bevanna said, covering her forehead, looking like she had a headache.

The four events of ancient titans, ghoul invasion, hanging city and tsunami are all related to Jenkins. Together with the black shadow invasion that occurred in Loen, Jenkins, who has experienced these five events, has made the "Chapter of Disaster" a total of five events. gems, thus obtaining [Hero]. Since then, he has been busy traveling from Loen to Beldiran, and experienced a series of major events in Beldiran, so he has no time to return to Nolan. This is probably the reason why Nolan has been temporarily peaceful for half a month.

"So did we find them?"

he asked again.

"It's very difficult. The ancient mine tunnels under Nolan extend in all directions. Even with the manpower recently sent by Beldilan and the cooperation of other churches, it will be difficult, but we will always find them."

Miss Bevanna said confidently, and told Jenkins that if he wanted to know more, he could come back to her tomorrow. After all, the most important thing today was to welcome Beldilan's group.

When he left the church, it was already brightly lit outside. Jenkins had planned to meet his divination teacher tonight, but he also had other plans, so he planned to go see Miss Audrey tomorrow, and now he will go back first. I took a flower and used the seeds of ordinary roses to grow a white rose. Then I changed my clothes and happily came to the Citizen Square.

He didn't wait long before a carriage stopped in front of him. Hathaway and Britney were coming.

"For you."

The flower girl handed Hathaway a gift and Britney a white rose. This was bred by Jenkins himself. He had never seen a white rose in this world, but fortunately the basic laws of inheritance still worked.

"Thank you."

Both girls laughed and said that Jenkins rarely gave them flowers. Hathaway sniffed the flowers in her hand and felt something was wrong with the smell. When she looked up and saw Jenkins blinking at her, she immediately understood that this should be a special gift for her.

Even though the journey was tiring, returning to Nolan still made the two girls as happy as Jenkins. The three of them had already made an appointment to go to the theater to watch a play together tonight. As for the tickets, of course they were not a problem. Jenkins owned part of the Silver Jasmine Opera Company.

Returning to Nolan does not mean that Jenkins will suddenly be free. On the contrary, because too many acquaintances from all over the world have poured into Nolan, Jenkins actually faces a lot of things.

On the night of arriving in Nolan, I went to watch a play with Hathaway and Bryony at a theater on the outskirts of the city. Early the next morning, I used spiritual magnet projection to come to Alexia and Dolores and gave them two flowers each. White Flower then said goodbye in a hurry, trotted to Dad's antique store, and went with Dad to the warehouse next to the train station to transport back the batch of antiques that arrived in Nolan three days before the group.

This busy work lasted until noon, and then someone from the church called Jenkins to attend the welcoming ceremony of the delegation from the Diocese of Belduran. After the ceremony was over, Jenkins wanted to take a rest, but as soon as he arrived at Dad's antique store, a messenger came to inform Jenkins that a banquet to welcome the royal family to Nolan would be held tonight, and Jenkins must be there.

Hathaway and Bryony had just returned to Nolan and had to deal with some matters of their own. Jenkins could not invite a female companion, so he invited Miss Windsor to be the female companion for his banquet without informing the two ladies in advance.

This was as boring as the banquets he had experienced before. Except for the delicious juice drinks provided, Jenkins could not find any advantages.

His father did not come, but his brothers did, accompanying Queen Isabella as members of the royal family. The only incident was that John accidentally bumped into a young man whom Jenkins didn't know. The other person tried to say something loudly, but when he saw Miss Windsor and Jenkins standing together, he opened his mouth and walked away quickly without saying anything. Lost.

"This is the son of Queen Isabella's nephew."

Because the relationship was so far away, Jenkins couldn't tell whether the person was related to him.

"So he is also considered the heir?"


Miss Windsor admitted, shaking the red wine glass in her hand:

"You have to be careful. Not all the people who came to Nolan are waiting. Maybe someone will do something with a hot head."

"How dare they have such guts."

Jenkins suspected.

"Don't think that everyone has been tested for a long time and has the right staff to help. Some immature young people are most likely to do things that surprise people because of other people's temptations or a change of thought."

Miss Windsor said, and Jenkins nodded in understanding.

After the banquet, he did not go home immediately. Instead, he took the sleepy cat to the home of his divination teacher, Miss Audrey. The night was already very late, and Miss Audrey had a premonition that Jenkins would come, so she had been waiting for him.

After all, since he didn't come yesterday, he will definitely come today.

"Long time no see, Miss Audrey."

The last time we met, we were interrupted late at night because of matters in Blacktown.

"Long time no see. The look on your face shows that the trip went well. At the same time, I also hope that you have not lost our courses in the past two months. Now that you are back in Nolan, you can consider continuing the interrupted courses. Go ahead, but you didn’t come here specifically to give me a study report tonight, right?”

She sat Jenkins down and called the maid to bring them tea.

"Actually, I want to ask something."

"King Soul?"

Miss Audrey asked, then knew from Jenkins' expression that she was right.

"This is something mentioned in the letter sent by Teacher Bronyance about a month ago. How much do you know about it now?"

Miss Audrey asked.

"Knowing that there are four king souls, after gathering the four king souls, you can become the king of mankind. It is said that this is an ability cultivated by ancient humans through myths and legends from generation to generation. Because there can only be one king of mankind, this is a The ability to be unique.”

Jenkins told what he knew. He actually had some guesses about the owner of the Four Kings Soul, but since integrating the lens into the monocle, he did not search around except Miss Windsor and Dolores. This is because He wanted to know everything before taking any action.

Chapter 1632 Chapter 1607 Dating

"You are right. The [Epic of Time] collected in our church has now shown information about the corresponding ability [The Uncrowned King]. I immediately thought of you after hearing about it. I think the soul of the tree should be in your... ....”

"No, not here."

Jenkins shook his head and said, and then told what happened with Kamel, the owner of the thrift store. He told the church about it. It is expected that the church did not spread such a secret.

"And I am the owner of the World Tree sapling. I think it is impossible for a born savior to have two qualifications."

He explained, and then saw Miss Audrey looking at him in slight surprise:

"You know? About the World Tree seedlings?"

Sure enough, Miss Audrey also knew these things.

"Yes, because of family affairs, I found out about the past of the Middleton family. Then a university professor friend of mine told me about the elf sacrifice. I continued to investigate and learned the truth from my father."

Miss Audrey pursed her lips when she heard this, as if she was thinking about something:

"Well, now that you know everything, there is no need to hide it. But you are right. From ancient times to the present, no one has ever been able to be the natural possessor of two savior abilities at the same time, even if the king soul has four It is impossible for you to live in the body of you who has been chosen by the World Tree."

"It is said that the Savior Emblem cannot be actively pursued, so I'd better not take the initiative to explore those possible owners, right?"

Jenkins asked again.

"Don't be so strict, just let it go. The identity of the Savior is given by fate. If you deserve it, then even if you do nothing, there will be owners of the King's Soul who will take the initiative to pledge allegiance to you."

This is consistent with Jenkins's guess. He accepted this statement and knew from past experience that Miss Audrey was right.

The next day was Saturday, and the whole city was still immersed in the surprise and excitement of the royal visit. In addition to those tabloids, almost every newspaper used the photo of Queen Isabella or Salshi II as the front page picture. At the same time, the newspaper did not forget the king who was still sailing on the sea. The news about Tarquin the Proud, the king of Cheslan, was also rampant.

The eyes of the world were focused on Nolan City in this short week, because of the upcoming meeting of the three kings, nobles, businessmen and even opera troupes or bands from all over the world gathered in Nolan City.

This port city on the west coast has not been so lively for a long time. Citizens are also very happy that their hometown can have this honor, and they check the newspaper every day and talk about news from all over the world with colleagues or neighbors.

Jenkins is not idle either. The twelve orthodox churches gather here, intending to form a unified alliance before meeting with the believers of the God of Lies. As the only son of God in this city, although Jenkins does not need to do the complicated work of setting up the venue or moving tables, he must be present or even participate in some things.

As for the royal family, Queen Isabella frequently holds banquets to entertain waves of nobles from all over the world. This is a bit like the time when the ancient Hikari Empire was prosperous, when the subordinate principalities sent envoys to visit. Queen Isabella is obviously very useful, even though she is old, she still enjoys it.

However, Salhi II has been very low-key since he came to Nolan. Except for the occasions he must attend, he only occasionally appears in the "talks" mentioned in the newspaper. This made the Stuart children very happy, because their father did not confine them, so these foreign princes and princesses frequently appeared in various social occasions in Nolan, and their affairs became the most interesting news for a while.

On Sunday afternoon, Jenkins, who was a little tired because of the frequent church meetings, stood behind the counter, leaning forward and lying there. Next to his hand was the cat lying on its mat at ease, and the old man was sitting in a rocking chair in front of the fireplace reading a newspaper. There was too much news in the city recently, and many important newspapers chose to publish special issues. The old man was able to find many different newspapers to read.

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