Jenkins immediately closed his eyes. The special feeling had existed since those phantoms appeared. The three items were all attracting Jenkins to touch them.

"Can I ask about their specific functions?"

Jenkins did not immediately respond.

The old man raised his eyebrows with an interested expression on his face: "According to the regulations, it's not allowed, but since that's the case... Well, let me briefly talk about it. The first thing that can be done is to transfer the images that exist in the memory. Printed on the book, the projection speed will be different depending on the level of memory; the second one can cut through space, but it is very dangerous! I don’t recommend you choose it; the third one looks like an eyeball, but it is actually a gem. Ability to search for unowned treasures near the user."

"I choose this book!"

He said without hesitation.


The old man waved away the projection without asking for the reason, took a few steps forward, and pushed open the door of all things with his greatest strength.

With a heart-breaking sound, the Door to All Things opened completely, but behind the door was a very familiar dazzling white light.

With a whoosh, a small golden book flew out, and the bronze door closed randomly.

Jenkins stretched out his hand to take the book that flew over eagerly. It didn't even stop, and went straight into Jenkins' spirit.

The creation pencil trembled obediently, and the light spot of [Reading and Writing] also trembled, as if welcoming new members to join. With the addition of this book, I think it can play a more powerful role together with the other two.

"Very good, I appreciate your choice. C-10-5-9001, [Book of Memories], it belongs to you now."

The old man congratulated, while Jenkins looked at the door in confusion.

"Sir, I have also experienced two strange situations. Was the white light just now..."

"Yes, your feeling is very correct. The origin of this door is related to a special adventure in the strange world, but it is not a matter of this century. If you are interested, you can go to the Holy See to find the corresponding information. I remember No. There is no introduction to this item in Lan Diocese.”


Jenkins nodded again.

Chapter 139 Chapter 135 Questions and Answers

"By the way, Smith just told me that because of the incident with the devil a few days ago, you learned an ability that you don't need, so you need to apply for a sacred object to be purged?"

"Oh, no, sir, this ability is very useful!"

Jenkins immediately raised his hand to express his attitude: "[Reading and writing] is very helpful for my book writing, and as a scribe of the sage, how can I not learn any magical skills?"

The old man immediately showed a happy smile.

"Do you still have any questions?"

he asked again.

Jenkins thought about it and realized there was something he needed to ask:

"Excuse me, do you know the Lord of Flowers?"

The smile on the old man's face disappeared immediately.

"There are also [Magma Hell], [Bone Forest] and [Sea of ​​Eternal Calamity]."

Although the temperature underground was very suitable, beads of sweat still fell from the old man's forehead.

He wiped his face carefully with the handkerchief in his pocket, and after a while he said:

"You saw these words from some books of unknown origin, right? Young people are always so curious, which is a good thing. But, how should I put it, these four phrases can actually be explained together . But I can’t tell you now, not because you don’t have enough authority, but because you are too young.”

Seeing that Jenkins still had a puzzled expression on his face, the old man tugged on his beard and whispered: "Well, when you are 40 years old, if you still want to know the meaning of these phrases, and I am still alive, then Just come to the Holy See and ask me, and I will definitely answer you.”

"Is this very secretive?"

"Yes, it's related to the end of the era, cough, cough, cough. Okay, okay, that's it for today. I'm very old. Proper rest is conducive to longevity. I haven't been to Nolan for a long time. I still have some old friends to visit. Goodbye, Mr. Willemt. Oh, by the way, this is compensation for that wrong decision a few days ago. I wish you good health."

After saying that, he handed Jenkins a roll and hurried up the steps without looking back. The tip of his beard swayed around the corner and disappeared into the shadow where the oil lamp could not shine.

Jenkins stood there for a while, looking at a stack of banknotes with the Queen's image on them, rolled up in his hand and tied with white paper strips. He prayed again to the holy symbol on the Gate of All Things, sighed, and left.

Although he is still unlucky recently and encounters incidents wherever he goes, his financial fortune has obviously improved. This pile of money is at least 8,000 pounds, and it is in cash... The church is really rich.

Could it be that the effect of the golden ring is to permanently maintain the [Golden Rule]?

Captain Binsi was standing at the top of the stairs waiting for Jenkins. As soon as he saw him, he warmly put his arms around his shoulders and laughed.

Jenkins happened to have something to ask, so he just let him praise himself.

"You want to ask about that night?"

"Yes, I'm always a little curious. Did the soul box work in the end?"

He pretended to be curious, but in fact no one knew more about what happened that night than he did - except Miss Bevanna. Speaking of which, I didn't seem to see her on such an important occasion today.

"I can't say much, but your identity is different now, so let me reveal a little bit."

He pulled Jenkins back to the dim underground stairs and then spoke:

"A saint has appeared. Sage, who would have thought that the devil's affairs would lead to a great man?"

"It was last month..."

Jenkins pointed upward, hinting at the star.

"Yes, but the saint did help us this time. If it weren't for his appearance, the events that night would really be out of control."

"Is Miss Befanna okay? I didn't see her today, but I heard from my father that she visited me yesterday."

"Yes, she's fine, but she's not in Nolan City now. It seems that she went to New Truman City. Don't mention this to others. This is a confidential mission. Speaking of which, your actions that night were too rash. Since my father asked you to go to Shire, don't come back so soon. We all know..."

Jenkins nodded in understanding, praising the sage softly.

"Also, how was the riot in the factory area handled in the end?"

He asked again.

"The factory owners are indeed wrong. They have exploited the workers too much."

Binxi said with certainty: "But the workers have also been provoked. Now we can be sure that behind this matter are the [Gear Craftsmen Association] who believe in the false god [Gear King], the [Qili Cosmetics United Company] who believe in the false god [Thousand Changes Demon], and the group of liars who believe in the false god [Prince of Lies]. The City Hall and the Church issued a joint announcement to appease the workers. Now there is no problem for the time being, but as long as the bill is not passed smoothly, sooner or later there will be trouble.

This matter is now mainly handled by the police station, and the matter of the gifter is almost over. However, our church was mainly responsible for the devil's affairs on the night of the riot, and the details are not clear."

The three false gods mentioned just now were all defined as evil gods because of their priesthood and divine rituals. Jenkins had heard of the first two, and the believers of the last one should not be good people either.

"By the way, the believer of the [Thousand-Change Demon] who stole things from the church that day was a believer, but he was also seriously injured behind the Gate of All Things, so he dropped the mirror when he was stopped by you, and was easily killed by the black-robed man later."

"I see."

Jenkins made a simple comment.

Captain Binsey remembered something again, reached into his pocket and fumbled around, and handed Jenkins a test tube with a black hair inside.

"I remember you learned a curse-type spell ability, right?"


"Well, the last time the gifter who robbed and killed people and took away the [Fragment of the Cloak of the God of Death] has escaped the pursuit, but in the battle, the gravekeeper of the [Church of Death and the End] cut off a piece of his scalp. Since we can't find him, we can't let him off easily. All the gifters with the ability to curse in this city have the obligation to do their part..."

"Too cruel, right?"

Jenkins took the test tube and felt very funny.

"It's always been this way before, but this time the amount of hair was large, and there was a coroner who had the ability to preserve the body's power. It's bad luck for him."

Jenkins was very interested in the ending of the demon incident. Even though he participated in the climax, there were still some things he didn't understand, such as what the two demons were doing in Nolan City.

"We haven't figured this out either. Although Miss Bevanna talked to them for a long time to delay time, the purpose of the demons coming to the parish is still unknown."

Captain Binsi's expression was a little serious.

PS: This windfall will soon be spent for a reasonable reason. Keeping too much money in hand will be detrimental to the development of the subsequent plot. I originally wanted to write it as a special item, but then I found that no matter what it is, it will affect the future story line, so I just want to be more realistic and give money directly.

Chapter 140 Chapter 136 Conversation with the Bishop

"It is clear that since the second half of this year, a series of major events have occurred in the diocese. This can be seen as a warning from the sage to us. In the foreseeable future, there should be many similar events. We need to be vigilant and be vigilant at all times!"

What he said makes sense. Jenkins even suspected that all these events that happened on the stage of Nolan City were related to his crossing here. But since there is no evidence, don't put the blame on yourself. Maybe it's just that Nolan City itself is unlucky?

Jenkins recounted what happened when he escorted the soul box that night. Captain Binsi and Miss Hesha thought that the actions of those undead knights were not to help at all, but to get more demon flame seeds to cultivate more alien knights.

And Captain Binsi actually knew about the weird things Jenkins encountered.

"Oh, did you meet him too? That's A-11-2-3301, the malicious coachman. Many people have met him recently, but don't worry, this one is different from the flower girl last month, you just need to ignore him."

"Is it dangerous?"

Jenkins asked.

"He can transport passengers who intend to get on the car to any corner of the world, but they must pay a certain fare."

"Gold pounds? Crown?"

"Neither, he doesn't want ordinary currency...Okay, Mr. William, it's not good for us to know too much about weird things. The knowledge that mortals can bear is limited, and your curiosity is still so strong. Go to the front to see the bishop, he is waiting for you."

There is a limit to the knowledge that the mortal spirit can afford. This sentence also comes from the teachings of the sages. But it’s not for ordinary people, but for those who give gifts. The doctrine welcomes ordinary people to learn knowledge, but warns the gifted ones not to memorize too much supernatural knowledge.

Jenkins only thought this made sense before. After hearing the whispers many times, he truly understood the oppressive power of the weight of knowledge on the soul.

Speaking of which, today seems to be the last day of this month.

Bishop Parrod was waiting for Jenkins in the courtyard behind the nave of the church. When he saw him, he was looking at a cat with a smile, and the cat looked up at the huge decoration on the top of the church.

"Chocolate, why are you here?"

Jenkins picked it up hastily.

"Chocolate's intelligence seems to be better than before."

The bishop asked. Jenkins had brought the kitten to church, so the bishop knew him.

"I gave it some special potions."

Jenkins replied, and then the two of them walked along the corridor, with no special destination, just talking.

"Little Jenkins, you are my pride."

Jenkins didn't answer because he didn't know what to say.

"I'm proud of you, really. My child, not everyone can get the title of Holy Son, even if they offer something special to the sage. It is the sage's decision to finally grant you this honor. I'm proud of you, Jenkins."

As he spoke, tears streamed down his face. Rejecting Jenkins's advice, the old man took a deep breath and gently tapped his face with the handkerchief in his pocket to adjust his mood.

"Today is a good day, and this day will also be recorded in the history of the church. When future generations look through history, they will also be able to see the names of everyone present today. Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. In fact, I found you. There is something else."

"Please tell me."

The two of them turned the corner, nodded to the passing nun holding a flowerpot, and then continued their conversation.

"Have you obtained the title of Honorary Baron?"

"got it!"

Jenkins briefly talked about what happened that morning.

"Douglas Jerrod? It's him, oh, I understand."

The bishop's tone was laced with doubts, but they were soon relieved. He administered the secular power of the church in the diocese of Nolan and was sensitive to these matters.

He motioned Jenkins to go right, turned into the library, talked to the administrator for a few words, and then explained softly:

"You should know that the blasphemous creature killed a lot of descendants of noble families on the night of martial law. Although they are not necessarily the heirs of the family, with such a major event happening in Nolan City, the royal family will naturally send someone to appease them. , Especially since the truth of this matter cannot be leaked to ordinary people, it is reasonable for the royal family to send him. "

"Are there really so many people who died unfortunately?"


The old man touched his beard, his eyes a little depressed: "Most of them were not killed by blasphemous creatures, but were transformed into an inhuman state and then killed by our people. Not to mention the third son of the Duke who was the initiator, the Municipal Government The children of government officials and the descendants of various nobles were involved, and by the way, the cousin of the little Duke Francis was also dead. "

It took Jenkins a while to remember who the last person was. He was the young man in charge of Duke Francis' castle. Unexpectedly, it had been almost a month since he had left Nolan.

There were not many people in the library open to believers. Most of them knew Jenkins and the bishop. When they saw the two approaching, they put down their books and said hello. A well-built middle-aged man bowed so hard to the bishop that his glasses fell off and cracked on the ground. He laughed sheepishly.

After putting a misplaced book back in its place, Jenkins glanced at a thick book with black metal edges on the bookshelf nearby: "The First Year of Darkness: Cult History and Common Sense", and asked softly:

"Aren't they vigilant? Doesn't the church often preach that bloody sacrifices and weird rituals are the methods of terrible cultists?"

This is an era when gods are still showing their power. Even if the power of steam among mortals gradually becomes stronger and steam trains connect the three kingdoms, religion is still the most powerful force that can suppress the royal power.

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