"Those nobles nowadays, hum!"

The old man showed a rare look of contempt, and then shook his head at Jenkins apologetically.

"Not everyone is as pious as you, child. For those big men who sleep on gold pounds and can decide the development of the city by writing a few words, the life of devout reading and regular prayer that you have adapted to is unimaginable. Mortals are ignorant, so we who believe in sages need to spread the light of wisdom. I heard from Oliver a few days ago that you have been working for a while, and courses such as etiquette, equestrianism, grammar, mathematics, and fighting are also gradually starting. Study hard, this is the greatest respect for the sage."

Chapter 141 Chapter 137 Creation

After leaving the church, it was still early, and Jenkins returned to Dad's antique shop with chocolate. Dad had indeed returned, standing in front of the counter fiddling with a complex gear mechanism.

"Do you need to sweep now?"

Jenkins asked, taking off his coat and hanging it on the hook.

The old man smiled, "No, find a place to sit, I guess there will be no business today."

Because he had been sleeping for several days, he had not copied the photo stone tablet for several days, so Jenkins would not forget it today.

Even though he became the so-called son of the church, his daily life was still the same.

The old man was in a very good mood. He told Jenkins that there were two more Class B [Supernormal] items sealed in the church, and the safety level was not high. He could apply for use when needed.

One was called B-10-3-8113, an emotional pollution candle. When it was lit, it produced black flames, and creatures within a certain range would fall into a terrible emotional pollution state. One was called B-10-4-9822, a demon slayer. The results of the appraisal showed that it could play an unimaginable role in concentrating demon-like creatures.

The former should be the candle that Miss Befanna lit on the table when she was talking to the demon, and the latter was a supernormal item that Jenkins witnessed with his own eyes.

He originally wanted to take it away, but he didn't have much divinity. In order to prevent himself from returning to his original form in front of everyone, he could only leave this item to destroy the remaining two demons.

The two talked while sorting the goods in the store. Jenkins found that his father had recently purchased a large number of exquisite handicrafts made of gears. His father explained that this kind of goods has been selling very well recently.

Jenkins returned home with the rapier sent by Old Jack. The hired maid helped to cook. Jenkins ate while looking at the letter in the package.

At the beginning of the letter, Old Jack mocked Jenkins for throwing away important things casually, and then implicitly stated that he would not reveal the item. At the end of the letter, he asked Jenkins to ask his father for him, and by the way, asked him again if he was willing to be his apprentice.

Jenkins smiled in return.

Tonight is the junction of [God of War and Floating Leaves Moon] and [Sage and Harvest Moon]. He made some preparations in advance and sat quietly on the sofa on the first floor, waiting for that moment to come.

The pocket watch was opened and lay quietly on the coffee table, and the dial was bathed in the quiet moonlight.

When the three pointers overlapped at the same time, Jenkins, with his eyes closed, felt that he fell into a white cloud again.

The whispers of the man and the woman came into his ears, the sound was sometimes far, sometimes near, sometimes loud, sometimes soft, and the tiny sound was like the feet of ants knocking on leaves. There was no logical words, no meaningful notes, but it caused vibrations in the void.

The woman's voice was inexplicably intimate, which was a feeling that he had never had the previous two times he listened to the whispers. His forehead was faintly hot, and the soft touch seemed to be just a moment ago.

Under great mental pressure, Jenkins hurriedly wrote down the tones that he could remember. When he felt that he had reached the limit, he did not insist, relaxed his mind, and completely fainted.

When he woke up, it was already two o'clock in the morning.

He lay horizontally on the sofa, and Chocolate lay quietly near his belly, curled up into a small ball. Entering October, the weather in Nolan turned cold, and the cat could also feel it.

Sensing Jenkins' awakening, Chocolate walked along Jenkins' body to his neck and looked down at him from above.

Under the two-color moonlight, the pair of yellow cat eyes seemed to shine differently.

After watching for a while, the cat jumped aside and ignored its owner. Jenkins sat up with his head supported, and stroked his cat, feeling a lot of emotions in his heart.

He had too many secrets, and only Chocolate could be a safe person to confide in. When he met it at the intersection of Privet Drive, he suddenly had the idea of ​​adopting a cat, which was indeed the right thing to do.

This is the guidance of fate to himself.


Chocolate turned over lazily and let Jenkins scratch its belly.

Jenkins is now more certain that the murmurs heard at the end and beginning of each month are the voices of the gods. The voices between July and August are a woman and a man, the voices between August and September are two men, and the voices between September and October are a man and a woman, which is the same as the mortals' gender cognition of the gods.

This time, there is not much knowledge gained, only one: the Lord of the God of War became a god in the 8th era, and the Sage of Inheritance became a god in the 12th era.

Jenkins squinted his eyes and was stunned for a while, feeling that this world is becoming more and more mysterious.

It turns out that gods are not born, but can also be achieved in some way. But he got two pieces of information about becoming a god:

"Things that can become gods are not here."

"Things that can become gods cannot be human beings."

If this is correct, then can only the alien species in the [Magma Hell] and [Bone Forest] become gods?

What was the sage once? Or what race was the sage once? What special meaning does the blue alien ability have?

Jenkins gave up the increasingly confusing thoughts, but also accepted the fact that his soul did not meet the definition of "human" in this world.

Jenkins did not plan to use the rapier hidden in the cane himself, but to exchange the chain ability with Miss Bailing at the next party, which is tomorrow night. Upgraded to level 2, four more bubbles, and the remaining one was left for the astral perception.

Although listening to the whispers caused great pressure on the mind and even caused coma, he inexplicably lost his sleep after waking up.

He comforted the dissatisfied cat, stretched out his hand, from point to line, from line to surface, from surface to body, a brand new Rubik's Cube appeared in his hand.

It can be confirmed that [Reading] + [Creation Pencil] + [Book of Memories] = Void Creation.

The divine power is used to draw in the void. The pencil is the core of the creation, and the book of memories extracts the images in the memory. The divine state constructs simple stone steps, because it is impossible to draw a fine structure in a short time. But with the [Book of Memories], it is much simpler. If there is a chance next time, the winding upward can be made of jade and carved with angels.

But this form of combined creation will no longer consume the pencil-because it is indeed not worn, but the consumption of spirit is very huge. When I created the bicycle, I only used the pencil, and the spirit I got from the strange realm just now not only increased the upper limit, but also almost overflowed, so I could draw a bicycle out of thin air.

And the combination of one ability and two [Gifts] consumes a huge amount of spirit. Just a small magic cube made Jenkins almost faint.

PS: Chocolate's last mocking look at Barnard was because he had unexpectedly taken the first step to become a god: not to be a human. Although it is only the first step, it is not certain that one of 1,000 gifters can take this first step.

In order to leave something for his family, he ventured into Jenkins' dream, causing his spirit to collapse, and ended up losing the opportunity in vain. This is the reason for the ridicule.

One way is for family, and the other way is for oneself. Barnard unconsciously became a different species, and then unconsciously chose the former.

Section 142 Chapter 138 Stories and Business

Quietly bathing in the moonlight, constantly exploring abilities. In the end, it can be determined that the level of creation is still limited by one's own cognition of objects.

In other words, it is not difficult to create something like a bicycle, knowing the specific materials, shapes, and proportions. It is impossible to create something that has never been seen and imagined, and it is impossible to create an object with spirit.

This cuts off Jenkins's attempt to draw a pile of gold-the original minerals of this world contain very thin spirits.

In general, there are really many restrictions. If you want to use this ability to make a fortune, the efficiency is not as good as working hard for your father. But it can also play a role at certain times. For example, if it is not to create objects, but a simple matching ability, you can print the impression on paper without almost consuming spirits, and the quality is comparable to color photos.

Putting the Rubik's Cube aside for Chocolate to fiddle with, Jenkins summoned the black robe again.

Some special items of the same kind have the property of devouring each other, and after being devoured, they can inherit certain benign and malignant properties. Jenkins heard this from Miss Hesha, no, from Hathaway.

That day in front of the Gate of All Things, the black robe of grace devoured another robe, but he did not feel any changes. He once imagined that the black robe could simulate the image of anyone, but now it seems that he can only continue to fantasize.

Divinity can temporarily enhance the ability of the gift. For example, the black robe stained with divinity has a very powerful concealment function. Jenkins entered the manor from the woods without being discovered by anyone; for example, after the creation pencil is stained with divinity, the creation ability can break free from the above-mentioned restrictions, and can cancel the creation at any time.

"I don't know what the ring and candle can do after being stained with divinity."

Jenkins guessed.

Chocolate seemed to be very interested in the Rubik's Cube, but it was too small and could not fiddle with the Rubik's Cube, so he could only push it around.

Jenkins has a lot of things to do recently. Tomorrow night is Mr. Hood's party, and the night after tomorrow is Mr. Corpse's party. He also needs to find time to visit Miss Heimer who is recuperating, hoping that she can give up her pursuit of the supernatural through this matter.

The last thing to confirm is the effect of the red ability [Twin Demons]. The name of this ability is very vague. In order not to destroy his house, Jenkins decided to find time to go to the suburbs to try it.

The next day, he went to work at his father's place as usual. Due to the popularity of gear-like antiques and crafts, he ordered a large number of goods outside. After lunch, his father asked Jenkins to watch the store, and he had to go to Nolan Railway Station to pick up the goods.

Holding a pen and continuing to conceive the story of Frozen, Jenkins was very distressed. This kind of long story with continuity is much more difficult to narrate than a short fairy tale. If this book wants to be written well, in addition to the unique world structure, the story should also be paid attention to.

He bought a batch of "Secret History of Ancient Palace" novels that sold well, and found that the writers had excellent writing style and gorgeous rhetoric, but they were not very combative. In other words, what they pay more attention to are bloody ethical stories, some of which are even comparable to some plots in "The Legend of Detective Knight".

Jenkins would definitely not write something with such strong taste. He thought about it and decided to tell the story in the tone of a fairy tale. Try to exaggerate some plots to make them unrealistic. The focus of writing should be on the changes in the relationship between the two princesses.

Because it is a fairy tale, it can be more romantic. The visual impact of building a city from ice and step by step is enough, but writing it in words is not enough. It seems that the illustrations this time need the help of an experienced painter.

He lowered his head and described in detail the process in which the eldest princess raised her hand and condensed the snowflakes from the sky into crystal clear ice roses. At this moment, the store door was pushed open.

"Welcome to Dad's antique store, what do you need?"

Jenkins immediately stopped writing.

The person who walked into the store was a middle-aged man wearing glasses and dark clothes. He puffed out his chest and raised his head in a domineering manner. The first impression he gives is that of a proud gentleman.

"I have something to sell."

He walked straight to the counter and took out a rolled handkerchief from his coat pocket. After carefully unfolding it, a dark rectangular piece of paper was wrapped inside.

On the front are three curly-haired men in military uniforms, with a huge hall behind them. On the back is the holy emblem of [Lord God of War], with the church's teachings written in small letters on the side.

There was no light in front of the guest, and the items themselves were normal. Jenkins breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is this...a founding memorial bookmark?"

Jenkins recognized what it was at a glance. On the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Chesland Kingdom, the royal family once sold a set of commemorative bookmarks to commemorate the great victory. There are a total of 10 bookmarks in the set, and the legendary heroes are selected as the painting targets of the bookmarks.

But for some reason, the price of this set of bookmarks was extremely high at the time, and to this day, critics can be seen deriding the matter in historical documents. Therefore, its existence is not high, but after nearly 500 years, its value has increased by at least 1,000 times.

"It's not easy to preserve it so well."

As he spoke, Jenkins put on white gloves, took out a small box, clamped a small magnifying glass, and carefully examined the surface of the bookmark.

In fact, he had already made up his mind. When this set of bookmarks was released, each one would have a unique number. And its manufacturing material is the branch of an extinct tree, so it is almost impossible to imitate.

Jenkins has been studying with his father for more than two months, and he is still quite confident in the authenticity of such items that can be identified by simple inspection.

"If you can get the complete set, I can offer you 4,000 pounds, but this is just a single one. Although it is in good condition, its value is lower. 100 pounds."

Jenkins thought about it for a long time and confirmed again and again that it was real before telling the price.

In fact, according to the market price, Dad can sell this bookmark for 500 pounds, but when doing business, you can't quote the reserve price from the beginning.

"If it's higher, 100 pounds is too low. I'm in a hurry to catch the train. I won't come back after leaving Nolan this time. If I can't close the deal, forget it."

The man pursed his lips and shook his head, and Jenkins could only raise the price again.

In the end, the antique bookmark was bought by Jenkins for 349 pounds. He wasn't worried about being cheated as he noticed the man's hair falling on the counter.

Chapter 143 Chapter 139 Fraud

This is the first time he has hosted a transaction in Dad's antique store. If he succeeds, he deserves congratulations. If he fails, he should be taught a lesson. There is no need to kill him, Jenkins is not that vicious, it is enough to use [Disease Curse] to make this liar fall seriously ill.

As soon as the middle-aged man left, a little boy with his head shrunk walked in. He looked young, without any beard, his hair looked like it had been trimmed by a poor gardener, and he was wearing a short-sleeved button-up with patches.

"Hello sir!"

He carefully stepped into the antique store, put his clenched right fist on the counter and spread it out, holding a beautiful button in his sweaty palm.

"Sir, may I ask this...ah!"

He screamed, took back his right hand, squatted down, and picked up a small cloth bag from the ground.

Chocolat half-squinted his eyes and watched this scene with great interest.

The boy looked at the cloth bag and then at Jenkins, as if to confirm that it was not from the store, he opened the cloth bag in front of him.

What was wrapped tightly was a gemstone hair accessory, sparkling in the sunlight that shone into the antique shop. Anyone who sees it at first glance can tell that this thing is worth a lot of money.

"Sir, is this yours?"

he asked knowingly.

"No, it's not mine."

As Jenkins said this, he put his hand under the counter. This scene looked familiar.

"Well, since it's not yours, otherwise, otherwise, we..."

He stared at the jeweled hair accessory and swallowed, then looked at Jenkins with straight eyes.

Jenkins leaned on the counter, never expecting to encounter such a clumsy trick after traveling through time. For Jenkins, who is good at acting, the boy's acting is really bad.

"Just now, a middle-aged gentleman came to the store. He mentioned that he was going to catch the train to leave Nolan and would never return to this city again."

Jenkins repeated what the man had "unconsciously" mentioned just now, and looked at the boy with a smile.


"So sir, why don't we sell it and divide the gold pounds! I swear to God that I will never tell the owner of this store about this. Sir, you are also working for someone, we... Although this matter is very immoral, since this thing has fallen with us, it is a gift from God!"

"How do you know I am not the owner of this store?"

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