"If you resist for a while longer, I will take you out of here."

Behind her, a strange combination of geometric figures was arranged, and mathematical formulas outlined the outlines of those patterns like rune chains:

"In just three minutes, I can open the way out of here again."

The three minutes are actually for the cats outside to prepare. Alexia is not good at space manipulation. But Jenkins didn't know this, so he couldn't guess that his pet was actually saving his life.

"three minutes......"

He inserted the scepter that the cane turned into into the ground, but no life could be extracted from the land here. He could only use the power of his own life, but the half-skeleton man just took one step forward and shattered the green barrier that had just appeared. Even the orderly arranged magical runes were shattered by the black aura shock wave.

He reached into the air with his left hand and pulled out the Holy Bone Sword, inserting it next to the scepter. The power of life and death overflowed from these two weapons at the same time, and gray and green spirits spread out like mist, blocking Jenkins and Alexia.

The half-skeleton man who wanted to take the second step paused for a moment, then suddenly raised his feet and moved forward again. As his left foot landed, black spiritual light mixed with green and gray spirits rushed straight to the courtyard path. Jenkins' magic, power of life and death confronted it, and then as expected, they all failed.

"The other party is also immortal, and can also balance life and death."

He thought to himself as he watched the half-skeleton man take the third step forward. It had almost left the building gate and entered the courtyard. The terrifying creatures existing outside the path were affected. The scene was frozen like an execution in hell. The monsters assimilated by Night Manor turned to look at Jenkins and Alec. Shia, this trail is no longer safe.

"This is really..."

He reached into his neck and pulled out two-thirds of the World Tree seeds. This was the only item other than divinity that could be used to turn the tables. Very early on, Jenkins tried to activate this seed, or use it to do something, but could not find any way to make it show extraordinary properties, even if it shed blood, it would be useless.

Now at the critical moment, he believed he would find a way.

"If I had known earlier, I would have asked Sigrid for the remaining third."

He thought to himself, threw the seed into his mouth and swallowed it directly. There's no feeling of being stuck in your throat, it's more like metal than seed and it melts in your mouth. After a second of calm that made Jenkins suspect that he had just swallowed air, an indescribably huge spirit seemed to burst out from his soul, directly taking Jenkins from level six to level seven.

His whole body was glowing, and this light even covered up the pure golden light brought by the Son's form. The aura of life soared into the sky and broke through the dark clouds in the sky, like a standing green pillar of light.

Behind this beam of light, a towering tree loomed.

This vision is not something that can only be seen clearly in the night manor. Everyone outside the manor who was preparing for the sage's arrival ceremony raised their heads in shock and saw an unexpected sight. The phantom giant tree in the middle of the night reflected everyone's face in green, and what was projected into the retina was the giant tree of indescribable life.

"Awakened? World Tree?"

Miss Bevanna asked in surprise, putting down what she was holding and looking at the manor.

"It seems... no, not fully awakened, not to that extent."

The father on the side said hesitantly. He looked at his hand and shook it suddenly:

"What on earth is Jenkins doing? This kind of life spirit that can almost rejuvenate people... Oops, the scope is too big!"

In the evergreen forest in the distance, the trees throughout the forest were swaying in the breeze. The giant trees in the center of the forest spread out little bits of green fluorescence. The animals living here woke up, climbed up the treetops and stood on the branches, or ran to the heights of the forest to look at the green skylight in the distance. .

The visiting groups and negotiation groups from various churches gathered in Nolan were also awakened by the vision. In the manor where the [Church of All Things and Nature] lived outside the Evergreen Forest, Miss Cape held her third of the World Tree seeds in her hands and looked toward the horizon, with the appearance of the World Tree clearly reflected in her eyes.

"How can this be?"

Mr. Nelfons, the demigod of the Church of Nature, stood on the open-air balcony, and together with other important figures sent by the church to negotiate with Nolan, they saw the beam of light and the shadow on the horizon:

"World Tree? How could it be World Tree?"

He recognized what the shadow was, and then turned to ask the middle-aged man wearing a shirt next to him:

"What's in that direction Nolan?"

"Night comes to Manor tonight, and the Sage Church is going to resolve this matter. We have also sent a treatment team to support."

The middle-aged man in a shirt said quickly.

"The sapling of the World Tree has been taught by the sage..."

Mr. Nelfons frowned and muttered. He lowered his head and saw Miss Capet in the courtyard. As if lightning flashed across his mind, he suddenly figured it out:

"I remember that the Holy Son of the Church of the Sage, Jenkins Willamt, is related to Miss Sigrid Capet? Then what is his soul emblem?"

"It's a picture of a small tree..."

Now everyone else also understood that, except for the Hermit’s Church of Destiny, the Church of Nature knew the emblem of the World Tree Seedling best:

"Contact the Holy See immediately! The Church of the Sage didn't tell the truth! I know that those who like to read books are the best at lying!"

Mr. Nelfons said a little irritably. He originally thought that the Twelve Churches were on the same starting line, but he didn't expect that the other party was actually a full lap ahead:

"I said why are they so supportive of holding talks and discussing an alliance immediately? That's it!"

He said angrily, angry at the Sage Church's lies. Then he raised his head and looked at the light beam in the distance where the brightness had weakened and the illusion had disappeared:

"I am definitely not the only one who can tell what this is. This is really interesting. Take the time to assemble the team and set off for [Night Manor] immediately. We must not let Jenkins William die here!"

He knows very well that believers in lies are his biggest opponents.

Jenkins in the Night Manor didn't know how much impact he had. For the first time, he felt that the spirit of life was so terrifying. The last time I had this feeling of almost being physically damaged by the spirit of life was when the Evergreen Forest was born. But there was a way to vent that time, but this time it was completely beyond his control.

"Fortunately, I was prepared in advance. I knew this would happen."

He did not panic, and while controlling the spirits to attack the half-skeleton man who was getting closer and closer in front, he said to Alexia behind him:

"Don't be nervous next time, I'll be fine."

Because she was too close to Jenkins, the spirit of life generated by the resonance of the World Tree seeds and Jenkins also affected Alexia. Her whole body was washed by these purest spirits, which was even greater than the impact of rising demigods on the physical body:

"what are you up to?"

She shouted anxiously that the channel established by chocolate was almost taking shape. As long as Jenkins could control the slight power leaked from the World Tree seeds, there was no need to take risks.

Jenkins didn't answer him. He took out Alexia's lady's pocket watch with his left hand and checked the time:

"Exactly 34 minutes."

Jenkins wouldn't do it this way unless he had to. He had already thought that on the 34th minute after leaving the living room, if he really encountered something he couldn't handle, he would directly use the half of the statue, because this was in line with the future he believed.

Holding the statuette in his right hand, without any hesitation, he stabbed the sharp end into the left chest. After a moment of paralysis, the severe pain almost penetrated Jenkins' nerves.

The pain overwhelmed his consciousness, and his vision went dark. He vaguely saw a huge and empty world, and saw countless people in black robes wandering around in that world... The whispers in his ears and the murmurs of the dead made the cold feeling linger. Dragging the soul down, but the [Immortal] absorbed the huge spirit of life, it was impossible for Jenkins to really die in this situation. Even if Jenkins died for a moment because of the death effect of the statue, he could still be brought back after the effect ended.

"it is as expected!"

The gray mist spread outward from his body, and he automatically exited the state of the Holy Son. The moment he witnessed the [Immortal Underworld], he understood something that the living would never be able to understand.

The indescribable realization gave him a new power, and the empty bubble remaining at level 6 was filled with white light spots. As the half of the statue inserted into the chest turned into powder and merged into the wound, the power of death erupted from Jenkins' body, almost in an instant overwhelming the power of the World Tree's seeds:

[Body of Bones (yellow spell)] → [Bone Sacrifice (yellow spell)]!

[Bone Sacrifice] + [Embrace Death] = [Contact Death Messenger] (Chain)!

[Death Aura (White Base)]!

"Aura of fear! Aura of death!"

The gray air flow spreads in all directions, and the spirit of life merges perfectly with it. The two overlap, and the black soil where the mist passes turns into decayed gray. The twisted and terrifying monsters take root under their feet and turn into black elder trees. , losing activity a little bit.

Even the half-skeleton man who was getting closer and closer to the two people stopped and retreated for the first time. But as the power of the World Tree and death continued to spread, the main body of Night Manor was affected. Green grass representing vitality grew out of half of the man's skeleton body, and terrifying corpse spots appeared on half of the flesh and blood body.

He stood in front of the door coldly, looking at the two of them, and then fell to the ground like a sculpture being smashed, turning into a handful of dust.

Jenkins turned pale when he saw this, turned around, grabbed Alexia, and ran away towards the entrance of the manor.

"you win?"

Alexia asked in disbelief.

"What I win is the incarnation of the undead controlled by the sealed monster!"

He roared loudly, taking Alexia and preparing to jump forward to escape from here.

But at this moment, it was as if time had frozen. The death of the incarnation completely angered a certain existence suppressed here. The beast of disaster [Abyss of Immortality] has completely awakened.

PS: The update has been added. I am not asking for votes. I just hope that everyone will continue to subscribe. The subscriptions have dropped horribly recently...

Chapter 1659 Chapter 1633 The Saint’s Reliance

The fence was right in front of them, but Jenkins and Alexia stopped, not because they were unwilling to move forward, but because they were unable to move forward. A terrifying aura came from the ground of the manor. The ground was shaking. Countless gaps appeared on the flat ground. Under the gaps was the deepest black aura that was almost visible to the naked eye.

"The true form of the Immortal Abyss is an abyss, not a human being! The one just now was just...we woken up..."

That was the greatest sin of an entire era, and the most terrifying thing allowed to exist by the rules of this world. The mortal body was completely suppressed. Even though Jenkins' spirit was shouting to escape quickly, he could not control his legs at all.

He saw Alexia beside him, completely still as if she was frozen, with blood oozing from her eyes, nose, and ears.

Chocolate outside the manor suddenly opened its eyes, and it made a threatening voice towards the manor, but the earthquake transmitted from the manor showed no sign of stopping.


He hugged his girl, and under the stimulation of the beast of disaster, his divine essence was activated, and his whole body burst out with bright golden light like the sun. The short lady returned to normal in his arms, feeling at the same time that her connection to the chocolate was completely broken.

"It was my negligence, I didn't expect to wake it up, but don't worry, it's not bad..."

Jenkins whispered in her ear, but there was no regret on his face, only a look of relieved determination:

"I will eventually face the beast of disaster. Instead of waiting until the end to understand what I am going to face, it is better to first understand what level of power that terrible thing has. This opportunity is really a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to find a person who has been completely suppressed. But it’s not something you can do every day to still have the full power of a beast of disaster.”

"what are you up to?"

"Actually, this is part of my plan. Maybe I can kill two birds with one stone, and escaping is of no use."

He turned to look at the manor, and golden light floated in the wind around him like fire. The strong earthquake destroyed everything. Except for the outermost edge of the manor, the entire ground had collapsed, revealing a bottomless abyss and a lime-gray upside-down tower that gradually appeared.

Of course, this is just an illusion brought about by the monster's awakening. The seal jointly set by the savior and the gods cannot be destroyed so easily. But even so, it means that Jenkins must face a complete beast of disaster, although it cannot leave Night Manor.

"Use the [Fair Power Contract] again, which is the ability that allows us to exchange power."

He whispered into Alexia's ear, and the golden light almost made Alexia unable to see his face clearly. The short lady didn't ask any more questions, activated her ability and signed a contract with Jenkins, and then the two of them activated the contract at the same time. In this way, not only are they hugging each other, but their souls seem to be touched at this moment.

"Then feel it carefully. This is the best help I can provide."

He and Alexia faced the abyss together, but he changed into a posture of hugging Alexia from behind. The silver metal block gradually melted, and the golden light points went straight into the body.

Jenkins fell, and Alexia heard the sound, but someone was still holding her behind her. She was trembling, even though she hadn't been trembling just now, she was trembling now.

Behind her was the figure she didn't dare to look back at. It was the person who showed almost all his posture to her.

The short woman was shaking, an uncontrollable shudder that left her barely able to breathe. She leaned against that great and invisible being, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Although she had long thought of this possibility, she never dared to think that Jenkins could do this for her.

"Remember this moment, Alexia, you must remember it."

The God of Lies whispered softly in her ears. The roar deep in the ground was obviously so loud, but at this moment, only that voice entered Alexia's thoughts.

Under the influence of the fair power contract, the power of the two is shared with each other, but the power of gods cannot be touched by mortals. Fortunately, this drop of divinity itself is Jenkins' condensation, which is easier to control, and his godlike posture is a soul separated from the body.

"Don't resist."

The God of Lies whispered in the ears of the mortal girl, and Alexia felt the warm embrace behind her and the great power that almost occupied her.

The figure of the god turned into light and shadow, and the two figures gradually overlapped. The girl, a mortal and unbeliever, accepted the god with her body. Under the influence of many factors, the God of Lies entered the embracing mortal body.

Alexia became the first saint of the God of Lies.

The consciousness that controlled the body came from the God of Lies. Alexia could only feel the indescribable power, and then watched her body fly over the abyss from a first-person perspective.

The aura of death vents outward, and the immortal power is forced back to the bottom of the abyss under the suppression of divinity. God's perspective can clearly see the essence of the entire abyss. Therefore, Jenkins understands that in a non-god state, he cannot be an opponent of any disaster beast, even if the opponent is sealed.

"Then let's see how much power you have."

He planned to use this as an opportunity to give Alexia a chance to experience the power of the gods, and to give himself a chance to better understand the beast of disaster. He stood in the air, connecting Alexia's power through a fair power contract and this body that was temporarily under his control.

Lifting it with her right hand, the azure blue cube appeared in Alexia's hand. The process of appearing was faster and more natural. This time it was summoned by the gods, and in the center of the blue cube were dots of golden light flashing.

Without saying a word, the sword light drew a sword mark, and then the sword mark connected into a blue ring. The blue ring under his feet expanded rapidly outward. Within this ring, Alexia's mathematical knowledge was filled and connected in the form of runes. When the ring expanded to its limit, the visitor from another world filled it with his own knowledge.

The knowledge of the other world is not expressed in the form of runes. Those words from another world are power in themselves. The text composed of three languages ​​(note) blended with the runes of this world, and the blue mathematical reason instantly covered the entire abyss like a film.

At the bottom of the abyss, the amorphous black matter was ready to move. The power of the great sin condensed and did not dissipate. The seal of tens of millions of years did not weaken its strength.

Now it feels the crisis. There is a god who is trying to use an even more incomprehensible seal to try to keep it in the Night Manor forever.

PS: English letters, Chinese, Arabic numerals

Chapter 1660 Explain the previous chapters (not spoilers)

Since no one has mentioned it, I will talk about a few places in the previous chapters that are worth mentioning. There are so many questions, but no one has raised them. Do you understand what I mean...

Don't worry, this is not a spoiler, it's all things that have been said.

1. "Big Sin: Beasts of Disaster" clearly records all the beasts of disaster so far, that is, until the 17th era, someone has updated it. And Jenkins' "master" said that this is the book she wrote. This is not a bug, it means that the ancient fortune-teller girl is not dead, and has been observing the material world.

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