2. The emergence of the [Immortal Abyss] allows the gods to add a 999-year-old "life lock" to the material world, which echoes the rules proposed in Chapter 84.

3. God is in the state of a saint when he comes. Unless the physical body is special, the physical body attached to it will be damaged when the god leaves (such as the incident of Nolan under the Six Gods), so the mortal soul will leave with the god. But since Jenkins became a saint with Alexia, there would be no such problem, and Alexia would not die. The reasons are as follows. First of all, Jenkins is not a complete god and has not been completely upgraded. Secondly, there is a [Fair Power Contract] as a buffer. Finally, to prevent spoilers, the next chapter will explain.

No one of you came up with the unreasonable details about the book and Alexia's possible death.

Chapter 1661 Chapter 1634 The Power of Disaster

Outside the night manor, the vision caused by the phantom of the World Tree could no longer be seen at this moment. A moment after the green light pillar disappeared, the smell of death and decay almost rushed towards the face, forcing the church to have no choice but to Retreat backwards. They did not associate this terrible power of death with Jenkins, only assuming that new changes occurred in the manor.

But soon a bigger change occurred. As a white beam of light fell from the sky, the power of God almost exploded the entire exterior image of the manor. The situation inside the manor can finally be observed from the outside, but countless terrifying illusions and chains composed of dense and incomprehensible words prevent people from witnessing the grand battle between gods and beasts of disaster.

"Who is this?"

Mr. Gilbert and his father stood together, and the young demigod asked cautiously. They thought it was the God of Lies who had come to the world unreasonably again, but judging from the manifestation of divine power, there was no magic of lies at all. The traces are very similar to those of the sage...

"have no idea."

The father pondered, "But...it is similar to the sage's clerical field...impossible, who is this?"

Things that even Dad can’t figure out are even more elusive for others. They could only wait outside the manor. During the waiting process, demigods from other churches who were attracted by the god's descent also appeared, but no one could tell clearly which great person appeared this time.

Miss Audrey, Jenkins's divination teacher, left the front line at this time and stood on a hill further away, looking at the situation in the manor below. The purple brilliance in her eyes flashed, as if she wanted to observe the unpredictable fate.

She frowned and looked at the blue light above the manor with some confusion, like a cover, blocking the terrible aura that was trying to leak out.

The diviner could not understand what this was. The unique position of the Church of Destiny allowed her to know the power characteristics of most gods, but she could not see which one was doing it now. Instead, the lights reminded her of her friend, the unbeliever who sought the truth of mathematics.

Alexia just returned to Nolan a few days ago and met Miss Audrey. Miss Audrey didn't believe that in just a few days, her friend who was the first to be promoted to demigod had already found transcendence. the road.

The fortune teller lowered his head again to look for Jenkins' cat on the plains below, but while looking around, he actually saw the princess from the North and her maid in the woods not far away.

Miss Audrey closed her eyes, not thinking about the impossible conclusion.

Inside the manor, the unfolding of [Mathematical Principles] caused divinity to burn rapidly. Three rounds of confrontation between the God of Lies and the Beast of Disaster have passed. The opponent is trapped at the bottom of the manor, and each attack takes a long time to regroup. Jenkins took this opportunity to carefully feel the power characteristics of the beast of disaster, and tried to get used to the strange feeling of fighting against sin.

A beast of disaster in a completely free state, he couldn't handle even a drop of divinity. The [Immortal Abyss] in its current state can be easily suppressed. By relying on Alexia's power, it can be deduced that if Jenkins can discover the disaster beast of this era before it is completely formed, as long as it is not a complete form, Jenkins in the divine state can also deal with it.

"Very well, it seems today's adventure was worth it."

Seeing that one-fifth of the divinity was still burning, he knew that time was almost up, so he waved his hand to scatter the black spiritual light sweeping from the bottom of the abyss again. Just when he was about to strengthen the seal and leave, the abyss shook violently.

The stone-gray upside-down tower floating on the upper level of the abyss slowly rose, showing signs of leaving the abyss. Alexia, the god of lies, frowned, understanding that it was unwilling to be imprisoned by a more severe seal.

"That's not up to you, the immortal who balances life and death, right?"

The god mockingly asked towards the abyss below, holding a sword in his left hand and a sword in his right hand. The gray and green aura was activated by the divine power. As the blue mathematical principle shrinks inward, the two gray-green rays of light spiral downward, shaped by the mathematical principle, and blend together tightly like a spiral.

The double helix of incorporeal light was caught in the hands of the God of Lies. Alexia had a sneer on her face. Jenkins controlled the woman's hand and raised the gray-green spiral light beam like a javelin.

That huge beam of light was much larger than Alexia, but when the god lifted it, it didn't show the god's insignificance at all.


The spiral light column representing death and life was thrown into the abyss by the God of Lies with the greatest force. With the catalysis of divine power, after dozens of seconds, the disgusting color of gray-green blended spread throughout the abyss.

It was a bit like mold on a corpse, and it was also like smelly gas after rotting. As this strange fusion power spread in the abyss, a roar that only God could hear came from the bottom of the abyss.

Alexia's face was still calm. The god waved his hand and used the mathematical puzzle lock to reinforce the seal that had almost no dead corners. In this way, whether you want to enter from the outside or go out from the inside, you need to solve the mathematical puzzle in the puzzle lock. This is a puzzle lock set by divinity, and even the beast of disaster can't think of breaking it with brute force.

Since then, although Night Manor will occasionally respond to the call to descend to the material world, all the dangerous rooms in the manor have been sealed. Unless the puzzle lock is solved, no one can enter. From now on, only the courtyard and the corridor maze in the manor are dangerous, and the secrets of the manor will be completely silent until the seals of the gods and Jenkins are all invalid, but that should be a matter of dozens of epochs later, and the gods will naturally have the next arrangement at that time.

Although he consumed the last drop of divinity, Jenkins was very satisfied with today's actions. He didn't always find an opportunity to face a "not too dangerous" sealed disaster beast. The last time he faced the scarlet mayfly, the other party wanted to break the seal, and he didn't have a chance to feel the power and went all out.

And this time, he was a serious fight with the disaster beast. Although he further confirmed that he would definitely die if he faced it in his mortal state, he at least understood that they were not completely invincible.

He watched the phantom of the abyss disappear with satisfaction, and then the Night Manor complex blocked the mouth of the abyss again. Although the God of Lies was not in action, the manor gradually faded like a shadow, and Jenkins used the power of God to expel the Night Manor from the material world.


He pondered in his heart, and with a thought, Alexia's body disappeared out of thin air and was transferred to a place not far away where Dolores' breath was. Then, before the cover of the azure mathematical reason completely disappeared, he returned to his body.

Chapter 1662 Chapter 1635 The trump card of the church

In the far suburbs of Nolan, people outside the manor also found that the battle was over.

The power of the weird creature first weakened significantly, and then the night manor gradually showed signs of disappearing. The skylight that fell from the sky also disappeared at this time. It seems that the god has returned to a higher dimension.

Just when everyone was still hesitating whether to enter the Lawrence manor immediately to find out, Chocolate, who had been waiting impatiently, had already rushed to the fence of the manor. Miss Befanna followed closely after seeing this, and the combat troops of the Sage Church also approached the manor according to the original arrangement. The pagans attracted by the god's descent also followed into the manor.

Jenkins was the only living person left in the manor. The battle with the [Undead Abyss] just now affected too much. Even if there were still lives that were lucky enough to survive, they were unfortunately affected by the battle.

After everyone entered the manor, they happened to see the cat jumping on the man's shoulder. The young writer looked at the manor's building with his hands behind his back. He had his back to everyone. At this moment, the double moon had not yet poked its head out from behind the terrible dark cloud. Jenkins in the dark was like a weird statue.

"Jenkins, are you okay?"

Miss Bevanna, the resident demigod of the Sage Church in the Nolan Parish, asked. Jenkins shook his head and turned around, and saw that many people had already come in:

"It's okay, I just feel that the power of the gods is so shocking. The scene I saw just now will probably be remembered by me forever, and it may even become my nightmare."

"Who was that just now..."

Mr. Gilbert asked tentatively, and then saw the two mutilated bodies under Jenkins' feet. These were Miss Lawrence's aunt and uncle. Jenkins wanted to know their origins, so he kept the bodies.

"I don't know. I've never heard of it."

Jenkins shook his head slowly, with an indescribable solemnity on his face, as if he was afraid of something.

Of course, this was pretended.

"I'm glad you're okay. This time I was too impulsive."

Dad taught him a lesson as an elder, but he also knew that Jenkins was that kind of person. Dad just saw Hathaway and Britney coming out of the manor, and he almost thought of the reason why Jenkins rushed into the manor regardless of everything.

"Fortunately, I didn't expect this manor to be so terrifying..."

Seeing that there were demigods from other churches here, Jenkins didn't hesitate:

"The beast of disaster."

Hearing this special term, most people's faces changed. The demigod of the Church of Death wanted to say something. The breath of death that just broke out was not like the power of sin, but after thinking about it, he said nothing. He believed that mortals could not understand the power of that terrifying existence, so the feeling just now might be an illusion under mental pressure.

"It's getting more and more dangerous. Even such a being has appeared."

Miss Befanna said solemnly, and then asked the church's gifted people to search for possible survivors in the manor, and to seal up the extraordinary items that might be left behind after leaving the Night Manor.

The demigods of other churches also did the same thing tacitly. As a result, there were only 28 demigods, a saint and a cat left here to talk. This is a very impressive lineup.

"I think you have also seen Nolan's current situation. If possible, it is best to seize the time to start a joint meeting, and then go find the believers of lies to discuss alliance matters."

Miss Bevanna said.

This is the whirlpool of destiny at the end of the era, a city where the cause and effect of the entire era has been condensed. Not just to negotiate, but to witness, face and fight the final disaster. Following the tradition of every era, the Twelve Churches will send most of their power here.

"This is a matter of course. I didn't expect that we had only been in Nolan for less than two weeks and we had witnessed such a big event, the beast of disaster and the unknown great man..."

Mr. Nelfons of the Church of Nature said, and the other demigods nodded in agreement and lamented that it was really not easy in Norland Parish. It has been nearly a year since the Star of Destiny appeared, and the local church is still able to maintain tranquility and peace in the parish.

Of course, the demigods gathering here at this moment do not just want to witness the arrival of the gods. Seeing that no one took the initiative to speak, the oldest demigod present, the old gravekeeper from the Church of Death, finally spoke. He hesitated for a while before arranging his words:

"There's something I think needs to be made clear right now."

He looked at the young holy son who had not spoken yet. The sage's holy son had just faced the confrontation between God and the beast of disaster, but he did not seem to be affected at all. At this moment, he was concentrating on teasing the cat. It seemed that he had nothing to do with what was going on here. It doesn't matter:

"Do you know [World Tree Seedling]?"

This sentence was asked to Miss Bevanna. The old tombkeeper knew that it would be very impolite to directly question the Holy Son of Ability God. Miss Bevanna was not surprised when she heard this, and nodded calmly:

"Of course I know."

"So do you know who the owner of this identity is?"

This is almost a clear fact. The vision caused by Jenkins swallowing the seeds of the World Tree just now cannot be concealed.

Miss Bevanna said nothing and turned directly to look at Jenkins who was teasing the cat. When Jenkins saw this, he scratched Chocolate's chin again before stopping, then raised his head and looked at everyone:

"it's me."

The night manor disappeared, the clouds dispersed, and the moonlight shone on his body but not on his shoulders, giving the sage's son an indescribable and terrifying temperament. Most people did not dare to look at him at this moment:

"Yes, I will participate on behalf of the Sage Church in the battle for the savior at the end of the eighteenth century. This is also our only chance to confront the believers of lies so far."

I don’t know how many lies there are in this sentence, but it is slightly aggressive, but no one is angry. Miss Bevanna looked at the pagans in front of her with an imperceptible smile:

"The Church of the Sage will contribute its own strength to this world. We should take care of this world for God. I am right, right?"

In any case, although the trump card was revealed in advance, the Sage Church still has the biggest cards besides the lie believers.


Feeling that Miss Bevanna's words were a bit too embarrassing, Jenkins put his fist to his mouth and deliberately coughed twice. Then he felt something big coming out of his mouth, which was two-thirds of the World Tree seeds.

"I'm just telling you, my current body can't digest such a thing yet."

He collected the seeds calmly, and then asked about the girls who left the manor early.

PS: Someone asked me to recommend a book: "Even the Evil God Gives You a Strategy", author: Wu Xiang

Introduction: Su Tian, ​​a social expert.

Amateur psychologist and senior psychiatrist.

He lost the ability to dream at the age of seven and has been haunted by strange things ever since.

By chance, he, whose highest ideal in life is to eat and die and spend the rest of his life being taken care of by a rich woman, is suddenly invited by a mysterious organization to participate in the final test of a horror game.


"I didn't want to work overtime, but they gave me too much..."

Heroic spirits sung by epics, Kamen Riders passing by, super high school level luck, coquettish stand-ins... Facing "players" recruited from all realms, and all kinds of crazy and chaotic ultimate weirdness——

The young man who was involved in the evil god's game felt that something was not quite right about his main mission...

"Uh, escape the secret room, or choose... to capture the Compound Eye Tentacle Rift Girl!?"

"Isn't this a horror game?"

Chapter 1663 Chapter 1636 The Penultimate Confession

In order to prevent the secrets of the Night Manor from being leaked and give the beasts of disaster a chance to escape, the rules of the manor stipulate that people who leave the manor will lose most of their memories.

But those memories are all related to the terrain and rules of the manor, and other memories are not lacking, which means that Brienne still remembers what Jenkins did.

As the holder of the [World Tree Seedling] and the only savior candidate among the Twelve Orthodox Churches, he should solve the problem tonight with Miss Bevanna. But Miss Bevanna saw that Jenkins was nervous "friend" and asked him to go back first. As for the demigods of other churches, they are not willing to talk to the Son about the savior. After all, even pagans must give the Son of the Righteous God certain respect.

Therefore, the matter of [World Tree Seedlings] was once again left unsolved. After confirming that the Sage Church indeed hid a great trump card, the other eleven churches will make strategic changes in the subsequent negotiations.

It can be expected that the church's combat troops and demigods from all over the world will gather towards Nolan at a faster speed. After all, without the savior as a trump card, the church can only use its own strength as a bargaining chip.

This negotiation is like the [Tower Agreement] at the end of the last era, which will have an impact on the next few thousand years.

For Jenkins's sake, Hathaway and Britney's friends were not embarrassed, but because they were involved in such a big event, they had to sign a confidentiality agreement and accept the church's ceremony to ensure that they would not easily leak out what happened tonight. Although so many people died in the Lawrence manor, most of them were servants. The only real family member was Miss Lawrence here tonight, which made the follow-up work much easier.

Miss Lawrence and the others were forced to stay by the church and will be resettled in a unified manner. As for Hathaway and Britney, no one dared to embarrass them. Jenkins just said hello to the old nuns who were watching over them in the camp formed by carriages, and took the two away.

He looked up at the hills in the distance. Although he couldn't see them with his eyes, the light spots representing Dolores and Alexia were still there. He hesitated for a moment, waved his hand in the direction of his home, and he believed that Alexia would see it and rush over with Dolores.

"Let's go to my house first."

He said to the blonde and red-haired girls behind him, and they both nodded silently. Britney was worried, and Hathaway was pretending.

The church team still had to conduct a more thorough inspection of the Lawrence family's manor, but they would also send people to escort Jenkins and the other two back to St. George Street. The carriage stopped at the intersection, and the three walked towards Jenkins' house in silence. He took out the key to open the door and invited the two ladies in. After turning on the gas lamp on the wall, the quiet home seemed so warm, as if stepping into here was stepping into the most unbreakable shelter.

After sitting on the sofa, the three people let out a long breath at the same time, vomiting out all the boredom, sorrow and fear of the night. Taking out Alexia's lady's pocket watch and taking a look, it was already one o'clock in the morning. Knowing that Britney was not sleepy, Jenkins got up and went to the kitchen to make some hot tea and snacks, and also made some desserts for Chocolate.

"I will find you after the dance today."

He spoke at this time, and his voice was a little hoarse because of fatigue:

"Nolan has been a little messy recently. I think if it is not necessary in the future, don't run around. For safety reasons... Why don't you live in my house? My house is very big. Usually, it's just me and Chocolate, and it seems a little empty."

Hathaway thought of dozens of possible words that Jenkins might say, but she didn't think of this possibility. She looked up at the young writer in shock, suspecting that he had been replaced in the manor.

Jenkins looked at Britney. She was still wearing that thin pajamas, with her blonde hair hanging from her ears, looking unusually pitiful and lovely.


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