He thought to himself, then saw his cat walking from the edge of the glade.

"Your cat is back."

Sigrid reminded that just now Chocolate was annoyed by a rabbit that always wanted to run towards Jenkins' feet, and chased the rabbit into the forest. Now looking at it leisurely coming back, it is obvious that it has won the battle with the rabbit.

Jenkins was in a good mood and wanted to play a joke with his cat. While Chocolate was still walking towards this side, he turned around and took three fruit bowls, placed them on the table, and then took another grape.

"Look at the chocolate."

After the cat came over, Jenkins picked up the soft cat, made it look at the three upside-down bowls on the table, and then placed an attractive grape under one of them in front of the cat.

When Sigrid covered her mouth and laughed, Jenkins changed the order of the three bowls with his hand, and then said to the cat:

"Guess which bowl has fruit under it? If you guess it right, I'll give it to you."

The cat felt insulted by Jenkins, but the grapes were still delicious. It stretched out its paw to give the answer, and Jenkins immediately opened the bowl. Sure enough, there was a grape. After all, his hand speed was not very fast just now.

"This is yours."

He rubbed Chocolate's little head happily, and then even more happily opened the bowl on the left. Underneath was a whole bunch of grapes, which Chocolate had put in before he came over.


The satisfied smile on the cat's face froze, and then Jenkins protected his face and started "fighting" with the cat that jumped up and wanted to slap him with its tail.

The matter of [World Tree Seedling] has been known to other churches through Night Manor, but on this night, no one mentioned it to Jenkins.

Most of the conversations between the Holy Sons were related to the legend of Nolan and local security. Although these people had not known Jenkins before, they could find some common topics. As for the other clergy who came to visit, they only talked about religion and not legends.

Sigrid looked happy as she wore one-third of her World Tree seeds around her neck tonight, and did not notice Jenkins looking at her neck repeatedly.

"When she comes home as a guest, I will take away another third of the seeds."

Jenkins said in his heart, looking away quietly. But then he thought of something very important, and while Sigrid turned her head, he put on his monocle and looked at her chest.

A cluster of green flames burned quietly in her chest.


Because he observed other heirs to the throne and even Queen Isabella at the banquet, but did not see the [Tree Soul], Jenkins was prepared for such a result in advance. Sigrid Cape is both a descendant of the royal family and a benefactor of the Natural Church. She is the true owner of the tree soul, which is not beyond Jenkins' expectations.

"But this is troublesome. I actually want to take two important things from her at once."

Jenkins secretly thought, but he had nothing to compensate the blonde girl, and he didn't like to take advantage of others.

"Furthermore, some of the royal members of the Kingdom of Hampavo and the Kingdom of Fidicli carry king souls. The dragon soul is outside the world, and I obtained it after being brought by the dragon. The dark soul is still in Windsor. She was conceived there, so there must be no royal soul among the royal family of Chesland Kingdom... Is this what fate is hinting at..."

PS: It’s been an excessive chapter recently. Judging from the posts, it seems that some people feel bored. But these are necessary preparations and details, and I can’t jump directly to the end. Please forgive me.

Chapter 1684 Chapter 1657 Leisurely Weekend

The evening breeze blows in the evergreen forest. Although it is still a bit hot, it is at least much better than in the city. The evening wind blew through the treetops, making the forest rustle. Jenkins liked this sound, which brought peace to Jenkins' heart.

Thinking of the ownership of the souls of the four kings, Jenkins then thought of the newspaper he saw in the "Peeping into the Future Incident". The suffix for Fidicli on it was "Empire" instead of "Kingdom", and he also saw "many The portrait of "Queen Loris" appears in exhibition halls in this country. This shows that although both the Kingdom of Fidictelli and the Kingdom of Hampavo will change in the future, they will at least still exist in some form, but the Kingdom of Chesland...

"It's really fun."

He commented, and then continued to hold the juice and enjoy this rare forest banquet with Sigrid.

What I gained from this banquet was not only being scratched twice by the chocolate without any pain, but also gaining some useful knowledge from the conversations with the other saints.

Prior to this, Jenkins had always regarded the so-called Son as an honorary status, and did not attach much importance to the power brought by the status of the Son. When he uses the power of the Son of God, he usually does not appreciate the nature of that power, but directly uses it as a source to drive his own abilities to solve his opponents.

But in fact, the power of the Sons comes from the gods. The nature of this power given by the gods is not just "a huge number of spirits".

The Holy Son of the Mechanical Church told Jenkins during a chat that after becoming the Holy Son, he could easily "feel the pulse of machinery", while the Holy Son of the Natural Church said that he was "integrating into nature step by step."

These are very abstract statements, but they also reminded Jenkins that within the scope of the sage's priesthood, as the Son of God, he should have certain special abilities.

Of course, there will be no results from a short taste. If he had more time, Jenkins might be able to go further on the road of knowledge. If he was not the God of Lies, this would undoubtedly be the best way for him to be promoted as a mortal, but now he didn't care whether he could be promoted to the eighth-level demigod.

It's better to be promoted, but it won't have any impact if you can't be promoted. The key now is whether you can once again gather divinity on your own. This is the key to fighting against the final day.

Although he did not drink alcohol at the banquet, the exhaustion and work of the past few days still made Jenkins fall asleep after returning home. When I woke up, it was almost noon on Sunday, which was something that had never happened before.


He woke up in a daze and fumbled on the bedside for a long time before he found Alexia's pocket watch. When he looked at the time, he immediately woke up completely.

"Why didn't Chocolate call me to make breakfast for it? Chocolate wouldn't be angry and leave, would it?"

His heart was beating violently, and even his breathing was a little unsteady, but as his consciousness became completely clear, he thought again:

"Julia is now responsible for the housework at home, and the servants she hired before will also help. Maybe Chocolate didn't wake me up when he saw someone cooking."

Then he felt relieved, put on his slippers and walked outside the bedroom. He happened to see the cat jumping up the stairs leisurely, and Jenkins smiled comfortably.

Today is Sunday, Hathaway and Britney have nothing to do and stay at home. When Jenkins woke up, both women were packing their clothes, their luggage gradually being brought in these days.

Although you are not married yet and it is impossible to move everything here, you should at least bring your commonly used clothes here. The number of clothes a noble girl wears is beyond what Jenkins can imagine.

Seeing that Jenkins was awake, they first cared about Jenkins' health, then commented that he seemed to have lost a lot of weight recently, and finally went out together.

First, we went to Dad’s antique store and saw Jenkins coming with Hathaway and Britney. Of course Dad would not let Jenkins stay and work. It just so happens that my father has something to do today. The Sage Church has recently received many church members from all over the world, and he is going to the church today to help.

"It's a day off today."

Dad said very understandingly, and smiled at Hathaway and Britney:

"You young people, just go out and play together. The weather has been nice recently, and many tourists and performance teams from all over the world have come to Nolan. I heard that there will be a circus performance in the Civic Square today. I think that will be very interesting. ”

The church also knew that Jenkins had been under a lot of pressure recently, so after the forest party on Saturday, it did not give him any other tasks. Miss Windsor and Dolores are still arranging the tulip matter. Jenkins plans to ask again at night, so he will have time throughout the day and will spend it with Hathaway and Britney.

Jenkins, for his part, is not the kind of person who is very good at planning travel. Originally, he wanted to suggest going to the circus that his father mentioned, but it was so hot in summer now, and he knew that girls didn't like to get in the crowd. Not to mention, when it comes to the circus, Jenkins will think of accidents, so forget about the circus.

"How about going to the theater? Nolan has been visiting several famous theater groups recently."

He then suggested sitting in the carriage and asking the driver to slow down. They had not yet decided on their next plan.

"Do you always go to the theater?"

Britney complained slightly and fanned herself with a small paper fan. Jenkins stretched out his hand a little when he saw this, and a layer of frost slowly appeared on the inner side wall of the carriage. There was very little moisture in the air, so he could only do this. But the blond girl was already very satisfied. She held Jenkins' hand and smiled, making Hathaway curl her lips.

"Then go to the church and take a look? The Sage Church is very big and very nice."

he said again.

"Forget it for heretics like us."

Hathaway shook her head and refused.

"Do you know that forest in the valley on the outskirts of the city? Oh, it's great there. I can take you in. You will like the squirrels and rabbits there... You probably won't see any rabbits today. Last night For some reason, all the rabbits in the forest were injured (note), but don’t worry, it’s just a minor injury.”

He said in a joking tone. The cat lying on his lap had his eyes closed and was asleep. When he heard this, he opened one eye, but quickly closed it again.

This was a good idea. Not only was it cooler in the forest, but the air was also quite good. But the Evergreen Forest is a bit far away, and if you come back before night, you won't be able to stay in the forest for a long time.

Seeing that Jenkins couldn't think of anything else, Hathaway finally suggested going to the concert. It's not the kind of concert that you have to wear formal attire to attend, but a small concert organized by some unknown musicians themselves. This wouldn't involve an instrument that would harm Chocolate's hearing, so the trio ultimately settled on Hathaway's suggestion.

PS: Regarding the "annihilation" of rabbits, it is related to the behavior of chocolate in the previous chapter. If you don't understand, you can read it forward.

Chapter 1685 Chapter 1658 Gathering of Music Believers

The concert was held at Hathaway's familiar "Three Violins" club, a professional music lovers club, and Hathaway's membership card allowed Jenkins and Britney to follow them in.

The club is located in a neighborhood in the eastern part of the city. The economic situation in the eastern part of Nolan is generally better than that in the western part of Noland. After all, the western part is close to the dock, and most of the people living there are poor people who come from other places to make a living, or sailors who travel all day long.

After getting off the car in front of the club, the driver keenly observed the suspicious water stains dripping from the inside of the car (note), but said nothing.

After entering, Jenkins and Britney sat down on the sofa in the front hall to wait, while Hathaway asked if there was a concert now.

The environment here is quite good, and the men and women who come and go occasionally are calm and elegant. When the two of them sat down, there was even a little girl carrying a flower basket trotting over from the corridor. Judging from her clothes, this teenage girl is not a flower girl on the street, but a full-time flower girl inside the club.

"Sir, would you like to buy flowers?"

There are all kinds of flowers in the girl's basket. It's summer, so there are more varieties to choose from. Seeing Bryony smiling and saying nothing, Jenkins knew he should buy flowers.

He stopped the cat who was looking at the flower basket curiously, then reached out and took out a fiery red rose from the flower basket. In an instant, the tactile sensation transmitted from the fingertips to the brain, and through the transformation of the strange priesthood in the soul, the entire process of picking this flower from the flower field outside the city and appearing here after changing hands three times was presented to Jenkins.

He nodded, sighing at the fertility of the flower gardens in the outskirts of Nolan, and then took out an orange tulip from the basket. The far ends of the petals are similar to gold, and the closer they are to the stamens, the darker the color becomes. This gradient tulip was traced back to where Jenkins saw himself.

He smiled at the girl:

"How much?"

"This is a bit expensive."

The girl pointed at the tulip and said timidly, looking like she was a little afraid of Jenkins.

"This was given to me this morning by the uncle who delivered flowers to us in a horse-drawn wagon. He said he must set this price, but if he can sell it, he can give me half of the money. This is 15 pounds. ”

Bryony on the side was shocked. An ordinary family of four with two adult workers might not be able to save so much money in a year. Although she comes from a noble family, she has no concept of money.

Pulling Jenkins' sleeve, he shook his head to signal Jenkins not to buy it, but Jenkins still took out the money from his pocket:

"Here you go, no change needed."

After saying that, he gave the girl two 10-pound notes. The girl didn't dare to accept them at first, but as Jenkins watched her, she gradually began to feel that he was not so scary. Like a frightened little animal, he took the money from Jenkins' hand, bowed suddenly and almost poured out the flowers in the basket, and then left with a red face.

"I know you are rich, but this is not how you spend it."

When the girl left the corner, Blainey scolded softly, and then said:

"And the man who delivered the flowers in the carriage was also very weird. He couldn't be a bad guy, right?"

She knew a lot of Jenkins' "legendary stories" from Hathaway these days, so it was easy to think that this was another weird thing that Jenkins encountered.

"They shouldn't be bad people. I heard that yesterday at the Kimberqiao Auction House, someone auctioned two pots of tulips at very high prices. Maybe this kind of flower is really that valuable."

"I've also heard Hedwig talk about it, but didn't those two pots of flowers fail to sell... Maybe the tulips this season are really precious."

Brienne hesitated.

There were two flowers in total, Jenkins gave the tulip to Britney and the red rose to Hathaway. Bryony said somewhat angrily that she liked the flowers, not the price, meaning she blamed Jenkins for not giving her the rose, but Jenkins immediately said that the color of the tulip matched the color of her beautiful blonde hair very well... ....

So when Hathaway walked back, she saw Britney looking at Jenkins with a very disgusting look. She looked at the two of them in confusion, and then received a red rose from Jenkins.

Jenkins had never been interested in opera and had little interest in concerts. So after sitting on the edge of the room with wooden floors that looked like a dance practice room, I absentmindedly listened to the music played by the stylishly dressed young people surrounded by a circle of seats, while gently stroking the cat on my lap. .

Summer is coming, and chocolate with beautiful hair occasionally feels hot. But it didn't stay away from Jenkins because it wanted to escape the heat. Instead, it followed him closely like winter. Jenkins sometimes felt that not only was he afraid of losing the cat one day, but the cat he found seemed to be afraid of losing him as well.

He didn't understand where this feeling came from, but he just hoped that the cat could accompany him for a longer time. He has already made a decision. When he ascends to godhood, the girls around him will naturally transform into angels or holy spirits, and cats will also have the opportunity to gain eternal life and always be by the God of Lies.

During the intermission of the concert, Hathaway stood up and left temporarily. Jenkins was a little confused as to where she was going, and she didn't even say hello. Then the blushing Bryony patted him gently, and Jenkins suddenly realized.

"I really don't know if you really don't understand or if you are just pretending to be confused."

The blonde girl complained in a low voice. The relationship between the two is already the closest, so some things that would make people blush can be said in private:

"You are already in your twenties, and you are the same as us...how can you not even understand this."

Jenkins was speechless and kept silent with a straight face. This childish behavior made Britney laugh. She liked Jenkins like this.

But Jenkins was actually staring at Hathaway's aura with his eyes, and then he saw that she did not go to the bathroom on the same floor, but went to the third floor to meet Miss Stiver who had been waiting there. There were not only the two of them there, but also some gifted people that Jenkins had never seen.

"Is this a gathering of believers of the God of Music? For the subsequent alliance talks of the Twelve Orthodox Churches? I didn't expect that the God of Music's sect would have so many gifted people locally. I thought it was only Hathaway."

He thought in his heart, but he also knew that these people might have come to Nolan recently.

He was very curious about what the people on the floor above were talking about, but Britney was beside him, so he couldn't leave.

"I can ask Miss Stiver later, she will definitely tell me."

He thought in his heart, but his curiosity was still strong. At this time, the intermission was over and the performance began again. Britney stared at the long-haired girl playing the violin, and was very focused on the concert.

Jenkins quietly scanned the surroundings to make sure no one was looking directly at this place, so he reached into his pocket and touched a metal charm.

"This is it."

He rubbed the surface of the charm with his fingertips and identified the type by the engravings. It was not easy to find the "light deflection charm". Taking advantage of the moment when the three saxophones sounded at the same time, the charm was activated and the [real phantom] and the black robe were activated at the same time.

If someone was looking at this at this moment, they would only see Jenkins' figure shaking, closing his eyes and pretending to sleep, and then there was an extra person on the back row of seats.

Fortunately, no one saw this scene, so Jenkins could leave temporarily. Chocolate also wanted to follow, but it had to stay to cover for Jenkins' phantom who was pretending to sleep, so the sensible cat could only sulk.

Walking up the stairs to the third floor, there was a man and a woman standing at the entrance of the stairs, as if they were guarding the floor. Seeing Jenkins appear from the corner of the stairs, he politely said that the third floor was only open to special members.

"I am a special member."

He announced, and was allowed to enter.

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