The third floor is indeed the VIP area of ​​the "Three Violins Club". Even the decoration is much better than that of the downstairs. The wooden floor of the corridor is covered with expensive red carpets. The wall on the side is decorated with beautiful light yellow wall tiles, and there are stylish modern art paintings on the wall.

The benefactors of the God of Music gathered in the concert hall on the left corner of the third floor. The door was closed, with only a faint golden light as a defensive measure.

If Jenkins guessed correctly, the people present should all be believers of the God of Music. Their strong hearing is enough for them to distinguish whether someone broke in.


He coughed twice deliberately, and then strode to the red solid wood door. After counting three seconds in his heart, the door was pushed open from the inside, almost hitting Jenkins standing in front of the door.

"Sorry... sir, it seems that you are not invited."

The person who opened the door was a young woman who Jenkins did not know. She was wearing a decent and beautiful blue gauze dress and a butterfly-shaped hairpin on her brown short hair. Behind her, dozens of women stood up at the same time and looked at the door. Just now, a group of people were sitting together and talking.

"Yes, I was not invited."

Jenkins tiptoed to look into the room, then slowly nodded to admit it, and then introduced himself:

"I am actually a believer of lies."

Normal people would not easily believe someone who said this rashly. But everyone in the room knew the reputation of the believers of lies in Nolan, so they were worried that if they didn't believe it, they would be the real "lie" of the believers of lies.

No one spoke for a while, because no one could tell who the man at the door was. In the end, Miss Stiver, who was the highest-ranking among these people, spoke up. She also disguised herself to a certain extent. Except for her height, Jenkins could hardly recognize her:

"Sorry, sir, whether you are a believer of lies or not, this is our private gathering. Can you please not disturb us?"

PS: Don't think wrongly about the ice mentioned in the previous chapter.

Chapter 1686 Chapter 1659 Cooperation of the False God Sect

Miss Stiver has been active in Turin, Southland, since she left Nolan many years ago. She has only heard of the believers of lies whose main activity is in Nolan, but she does not know them very well. So her attitude at this moment is very polite, and she does not want to rashly anger the other party.

"I am here to find you, believers of the God of Music, right?"

He said, and squeezed into the room from the door. The lady in the blue gauze dress who opened the door for him was angry at this impolite behavior. After Jenkins entered the door, she closed the door with a particularly loud sound.

"Don't make excuses to explain your identity, don't lie to me."

He deliberately said in a very frivolous tone, and then looked at everyone in the room one by one:

"I have something to do with you."

This sentence restored his usual seriousness.

"We don't seem to know you."

Hathaway said, and her status among this group of people seemed to be not low. Jenkins didn't know that Hathaway had used the gifted music box he had sent to lead the God of Music to the material world to deal with the Skeleton Sword, so he didn't know that Hathaway had gained a transcendent status within the sect because of this incident.

"You don't need to know me, I just came to discuss things with you."

He found a chair and sat down. Seeing him like this, the ladies could only sit down one after another to see what he wanted to say:

"The joint talks of the Twelve Orthodox Churches are about to begin. This is not just a matter for the Orthodox Church. As long as you have heard of the "Tower Agreement" of the 17th era, you will understand how important this meeting is. Now the secular kings have gathered here and are ready to participate in the formulation of the new order. I think a pseudo-god sect like us should not give up participating in it, right?"

"But the purpose of the Twelve Orthodox Churches uniting together is not to negotiate with you?"

Miss Stiver said sarcastically.

The fact that the believers of lies invited the church to Nolan was not kept secret. The church seemed to have deliberately spread the news, and all the well-informed gifters knew it.

"Yes, you want to negotiate with us and discuss important things together. But we are weak after all. We will suffer losses in the end if we negotiate with a giant like the Twelve Orthodox Churches. So I want to find some people to cooperate with, just like you. To be more precise, I want to cooperate with all the pseudo-god sects with good intentions... After all, we are all pseudo-god sects, with common interests."


"Yes, cooperation. If I remember correctly, Nolan's God of Music should not have so many believers, right?

Since you came here from all over the world, I think it's not just for tourism. Since you are trying to participate Regarding this matter, the original plan was probably to participate in the talks of the Orthodox Church, right? But what's the point? The Orthodox Church has always looked down on us, the false believers. Even if you really have a way to participate, you will only have a seat as an observer, and then, like in the last era, you will be forced to give up more interests in the final agreement.

But if you cooperate with me, you don't have to participate in the talks of the Orthodox Church at all, you can just accompany us and participate in the final negotiations with the Orthodox Church Alliance. In this way, you can bypass all the complicated ways and directly enter the main venue of the final negotiations. "

Although Jenkins is not good at words, what he said this time was quite true and quite tempting. He thought he had explained the stakes involved, so he hoped that the ladies around him would be more sensible and not reject him just because of his bad reputation as a believer in lies.

Jenkins' worries were unfounded. At this moment, except for Miss Stivell, who was a spy from the Sage Church to break into the Music Church, everyone else was moved. Of course, believers in lies do not have a very good reputation:

"But why should we believe you? Even now, you refuse to say your name."

Seeing that Miss Stillwell remained silent, Hathaway asked. She knows Mr. Candle, one of the "Lies' Believers", so she has a pretty good impression of this group of people.

"Even if I say my name, you won't think it's my real name."

Jenkins mocked and tapped the handle of the seat with his finger:

"I am here to cooperate sincerely. You should be able to understand that the following talks may determine the new order of the material world for thousands of years to come. Although we, as believers in lies, have temporarily grasped the Zhengshen Church, But that's only temporary. If we want to really gain an advantage at the negotiating table, it's not enough for us alone.

And aren’t you also here for this meeting? Instead of first taking the last seat in the joint negotiations of the Twelve Orthodox Churches, and then sitting on the sidelines during the negotiations with us, it would be better to sit at the negotiating table directly with us.

As for why you should trust me... What do you women deserve for me to lie to you? "

This last sentence is quite hurtful, but at least it shows that believers in lies will not deceive them. The sect of the God of Music, even among all the false god sects, is a rather weak one. They do not have powerful magical abilities, no convenient means of making money, and they do not have sufficiently attractive teachings.

All in all, even if believers in lies want to deceive others, they cannot deceive them.

"This matter can be considered, but I can't give you an answer now."

Miss Stillwell said in advance before Hathaway spoke that she would report the matter to the Sage Church and wait for the Vatican to make a decision. This is a good opportunity. If you can formulate a final negotiation strategy with the believers of the God of Lies as a believer of the God of Music, it will be much better than knowing nothing about the demands of the believers of lies.

Miss Stillwell believes that she is backed by the Church of the Sages and has the power of the Twelve Orthodox Churches as support. This idea is very feasible.

Jenkins guessed what Miss Stillwell was thinking, and he was happy about it. After all, if you think about it loosely, who among all the people present is not a believer in the sage?

Miss Stillwell thought she could gain information on the followers of the lie, but she didn't know that Jenkins would always know more than she did.

"So what exactly am I doing?"

After using [Real Phantom] to return to Brienne, Jenkins asked himself in his mind that he was not trying to sow conflict between either party:

"The end of the era is approaching. I will unite all forces that can be united and let as many believers of the Good God as possible participate in the final negotiations to jointly formulate a plan to face the catastrophe at the end of the era."

He gave himself the answer in his mind, with a serious expression on his face, knowing very well how important what he was doing now was.

"Unconsciously, I am really going to become 'Redan Putt'."

He laughed at himself in his heart, smiled and took the hand of the blonde girl who was listening to the concert seriously. Bryony turned to him and smiled softly. Jenkins understood that what he did was just to protect everything he cared about.

PS: To unite all forces that can be united, believers of false gods are naturally indispensable. In fact, the total number of these people is quite considerable.

Someone came to me to recommend a book: "One Sword Breaks the Path of Life and Death", author: Mysterious Xuan


In the first life, Su Che was very lucky. Once he traveled to another world, he assumed the identity of a prince, with money, power, and beauty in his arms. He easily lived a high-class life of drunkenness and dreams.

Hundreds of years passed by in a hurry for mortals. Looking back on this life, Su Che regretted the choices he made in his early years.

In the second life, Su Che grew up in an ordinary family and became a waiter in an inn. In this life, he chose to seek the Tao, but unfortunately he failed to achieve the Tao, so he died under the sword of the enemy, and his body and life disappeared.

In the third life, Su Che was born as a baby of a poor family. It was now seven hundred years later, and the enemy in the previous life had become the most powerful enemy in the world. The year Su Che was born, there was a heavy snow...

On the road to becoming an immortal, there are monsters and monsters blocking the road, thousands of beauties and beauties tempting your heart, I will break them with one sword!


PS: The author has completed four million-word novels in Hedgehog Cat, and his character is guaranteed~

Chapter 1687 Chapter 1660 Dull Summer

Nothing interesting happened during the day. In the evening, I met with Dolores and Miss Windsor. In addition to talking about the promises given by Earl Hesha and Marquis Michael, I also talked about the details of the meeting between the three kings next Wednesday. .

Miss Windsor wanted to arrange for one of her own to accompany Her Majesty to the negotiating table as Fidictle's representative. This is not an easy thing, but fortunately, everyone has sufficient funds now, so they have not encountered any big difficulties.

Jenkins was very confident in leaving the matter of becoming king to the two ladies, and he hardly asked about the details. But in arranging the tulip scam, he asked most of the details and made many suggestions with concern.

"Although I said to do it as soon as possible, don't be too anxious and let others see the clues."

He instructed, and then asked Miss Windsor curiously:

"Aren't you curious about what I want to do?"

"No matter what you do, I will support you."

Miss Windsor said to Jenkins, Dolores curled her lips and said nothing, and Julia looked at Miss Windsor's back. She believed that the words contained in this sentence were definitely not the feelings that ordinary allies should have.

The market of the flower market has been quite good recently, because more and more outsiders have flocked to Nolan from all over the world, causing the prices of Nolan to rise. The large number of nobles has caused some ordinary luxury goods to rise in price seriously. The flower girls have a good business. As long as they stand at the crossroads with developed traffic in the early morning and sunset, they can sell the stocks in their small flower baskets in half an hour.

Jenkins heard this information from Finnie in the church on Monday morning. He received an urgent call from the church that morning, and only had time to say hello to Julia who got up early to prepare breakfast, and then hurried to the church.

It turned out that it was not an important matter, but a troublesome strange thing was found last night, and the containment was out of control this morning. The church was worried about the subsequent danger, so it called Jenkins.

"That's all right."

Finnie stood beside Jenkins with other gifters of the church, watching Jenkins seal the black stone with six gold plates engraved with the holy emblem of the sage.

This is A-12-2-0322 [Stone of the Eyeless], which is commonly found in canyons or abysses at extremely low altitudes, and is only born in places without light. When a creature with vision looks at this stone for more than ten seconds in the presence of light, the creature will permanently lose its "vision" and cannot be restored in any way, and within half an hour to an hour, it has the ability to "all creatures whose eyes are aimed at the position will lose their vision (treatable)".

In the absence of light, seeing the stone in a similar way to [Dark Vision] will not trigger its properties.

Last night, the stone was dug out by miners in the mine in the east of Nolan. Originally, what happened there was not the responsibility of the Church of Sages, but the stone was buried in a pile of coal and sent to the city by carriage. In the next half an hour, it caused twelve workers in the boiler room of Henry Natural History Museum to become permanently blind. More than fifty people were affected by them during the medical treatment.

After being taken into the church, [The Stone of the Eyeless] was exposed to light for too long before it was identified, causing all-round vision-taking and no-dead-angle killing to the entire church complex.

Fortunately, the church was blessed by the power of the sages, so except for the two secret-keeper apprentices who were too close to the stone at the time, no one else was hurt.

"That's it."

Jenkins carefully confirmed for the last time that the six metal plates with mortise and tenon structures were completely tight, and then slowly injected his own spirit to let the holy emblem on the "holy gold" plate work.

His power was too strong, and after naturally resonating with the power of the church itself, the temperature in the room even rose a little. This is not a good thing. Although Nolan's summer did not come early, it came quickly. Even in late June, the morning was already very hot.

"I remember Dad and said that this kind of stone can only be found in a very low abyss. Is Nolan's coal mine that deep?"

After handling it, Jenkins still asked doubtfully, but no one could answer this question for the time being. Now the origin of this stone is still under further investigation.

There is no need to go home for dinner at this time. Hathaway and Britney are busy with the end of the summer semester recently, and they will not be at home during the day.

So Jenkins accompanied Finnie to eat breakfast in the church, and heard about selling flowers during the period. Finnie also said to Jenkins very excitedly that it is summer now. According to the tradition of the church, the children in the choir will be organized to work outside the church and experience life.

The children in the choir are usually the reserve of priests and nuns. The church is worried that they will be out of touch with the outside world if they live in the church all the time, so there will be similar collective activities every year.

"We're selling flowers this year!"

Finny was very excited. "This is my suggestion. I heard that we sold newspapers last year, worked as a helper in a bookshop the year before, and took care of ponies in a carriage in the suburbs the year before that!"

"Selling flowers, that's great."

Jenkins smiled and said to his believers:

"You've done this job before, it will definitely go smoothly this time, right?"

"Yes, yes, the nun said that we can keep the money we earn. Whether we become clergymen of the church in the future or leave the church to marry a pagan, the money will be very useful."

Jenkins smiled and nodded again, first winking at the little angel who was hugging Finny's neck behind her, and then said to Finny:

"Then, Fearne Faithful, I wish you a smooth career selling flowers."

He patted the girl's shoulder, the girl was startled, then raised her head and showed Jenkins a very bright smile.

Since Jenkins was fine today, Miss Bevanna didn't let him leave, but helped deal with some troublesome things in the church. More and more people poured into Nolan, making this city, which was already full of dangers, even more dangerous.

As the best local healer and part-time sage, Jenkins could help a lot by staying in the church.

Seeing that Jenkins didn't go to work all day and just sent a letter to explain the situation, the old man went to the church angrily in the evening to find Miss Bevanna to argue. He believed that Jenkins was still his apprentice, and how to arrange Jenkins' time should be decided by him.

Without listening to the conversation between the old man and Miss Bevanna, Jenkins sat in the courtyard behind the church and watched the sunset. Soon, Finnie came. She looked cheerful and seemed to be in a good mood.

"Sir, this is for you."

When selling flowers in the evening, Finnie left a very beautiful white carnation for Jenkins. Jenkins took it with a smile, and then asked:

"How was your day?"

"Very good, except that the weather was a little too hot, everything was fine."

He waved goodbye to Jenkins and ran to his friends. Jenkins twisted the flower in his hand, probably because the flower came from the [flower girl], so the power of the priesthood could trace its origin.

The vision transformed from touch allowed Jenkins to see the story of this flower and Finnie. Finnie had a really good day today, probably because of Jenkins' blessing, or because Finnie used to be a flower girl, so she sold a lot of flowers and didn't encounter customers who deliberately made things difficult for her.

However, Jenkins noticed that many people asked Finnie if she had tulips. Finnie said that recently all the tulips around Nolan had been bought by someone, and Nolan and the surrounding cities were not qualified production areas for tulips, so it was difficult to find this kind of flower in the market for a period of time.

"It's going well..."

He whispered, stood up and picked up the cat hiding in the shade of the tree, and then went to say goodbye to his father and Miss Bevanna.

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