Today is Monday, and the Three Kings meeting will be held the day after tomorrow, that is, Wednesday. Although this has nothing to do with the church, as a member of the royal family, Jenkins will definitely appear. The Church was certainly interested in the meetings of secular kings, but had no intention of intervening.

Just when Jenkins was about to leave the church, Bishop Parrod asked him to come to the church tomorrow:

"There are some important documents that you need to look at. Although Queen Isabella probably won't let you speak at the meeting, but just in case, there are some things you can understand. At least you won't be embarrassed when talking to people the day after tomorrow. do not know what to say."

The last ray of sunlight in the western sky was about to disappear. Leaving the church, Jenkins yawned and thought about what Julia would make for dinner. The maid's craftsmanship is quite good, at least it is more delicious than the ordinary meals "drawn" by Jenkins, and even the cat, who has always been picky about food, is satisfied.

He had just left the church. Before he could walk through the block and reach the intersection to look for the carriage, he saw the carriage coming from behind pass by quickly and then stop not far in front of Jenkins, apparently waiting for him.

Jenkins thought it was Miss Windsor again, after all she often did this. But when I walked to the carriage, what I saw through the window was Dolores's father, the king of the North.

"Looking for me?"

He asked knowingly, and the man in the car window nodded and lowered the curtain. Jenkins thought doubtfully for a moment, then bent down and got into the carriage under the gaze of the coachman.

This is just an ordinary carriage. Judging from the interior decoration, it should be rented from a car rental agency.

"This kind of carriage is not worthy of your status."

After sitting down, Jenkins spoke without hesitation or hesitation, as if he was talking to a familiar neighbor.

"After all, I came out without telling everyone. Of course, I can't make a big deal about it. I came here specifically to see you, William."

Salhi II said, even though it was a sultry summer evening, he was still wearing a bright red coat in the carriage. Jenkins felt hot looking at it, and wondered whether Salsi II was really dying.

PS: Ask for everything at the beginning of the month. If there are no accidents, according to the current plan, the book will be finished before the end of this month...

Chapter 1688 Chapter 1661 Oath

"Looking for me? It's my pleasure...but it seems like we have nothing worth talking about, right?"

Jenkins in the carriage was confused. He didn't think he and Dolores' father had something to talk about. He leaned back slightly on the seat in the car and observed the other person's expression without revealing anything.

"My daughter has already given you her personal maid. Do we really have nothing worth talking about?"

The king looked up and asked.

"It's not a gift..."

Jenkins tried to argue, but stopped talking after only a few words. The other party was right, the relationship between the two was not just that of a king of a foreign country and an heir to a foreign country.

"Actually, Dolores and I..."

He also wanted to say something to show that he had not done anything bad, but Salhi II raised his hand and interrupted Jenkins:

"I am not an unenlightened father. I will not object to the love and marriage of the next generation as long as their choices are wise. Jenkins Willamt, you are a good marriage partner, Dolores I have no objection to Si’s choice. What I want to talk to you about today is not about your marriage.”

The carriage moved forward slowly, not very fast, which probably indicated that this conversation would take a long time. Judging from the direction, the carriage was carrying the two people towards Jenkins' home, which was St. George Street. Salhi II obviously knew Jenkins' address.

"So what do you want to talk about?"

"What I'm talking about is, do you want to be King of Fidictle?"

he asked bluntly.

"This doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, does it?"

Jenkins asked, but Salhi II did not answer directly:

"Before I set out for this country, I summoned my children and asked them to report on the recent government affairs. At that time, it seemed that the person following Dolores was one of yours? I asked him to pass on some words. Thought you should know."


Jenkins nodded, that adjutant was him.

"Now is a major change that is rare in a millennium. The next meeting in Nolan will affect the direction of the world for millennia. If this city is a theater, then this interesting story always needs an appropriate protagonist. ..."

He looked at Jenkins:

"I have never believed in fate, but judging from the current situation, Jenkins Willamt, there is no one more like Nolan's protagonist than you."

"Sorry, so what exactly did you want to say?"

"If you become the king of Fidictle and marry my daughter, it will be equivalent to a marriage between the two countries."

"Is such that."

Both of them spoke faster.

"But now Dolores also wants to sit in my position."

When saying this, Salhi II was carefully observing Jenkins' expression:

"For the Kingdom of Hampavo, I can give up my life without hesitation, but I will never allow the country to fall into the hands of others after my death."

This "other person" is Jenkins.

"Sorry, I think you may have misunderstood. I like Dolores, but I don't want to rely on her...

"Of course I know you don't have that purpose, but it's precisely because of this that I came to talk to you. Otherwise, there's no need to go to all this trouble just to tell Dolores that she can't marry you."

He looked a little excited, but he also knew that he was not in good health, so he quickly adjusted his mood:

"Jenkins Willamt, I am a very open-minded person, and I appreciate a talented young man like you. But I will never allow my daughter to give you the country left by her ancestors as a dowry, you understand. ?"

Salshi II looked directly into Jenkins' eyes. Jenkins, who had a clear conscience and had no intention of eating soft food, also looked at him without fear:

"I'm afraid this idea is a bit bold. The premise for its establishment is obviously that Dolores and I both become kings. But regardless of Queen Isabella's thoughts, can't you just decide who will give your crown to? ?”

"Queen Isabella? She thinks she is a smart person, but if you live too long, you will inevitably become a little confused."

Salshi II did not hide the contempt in his tone:

"That old lady has obviously lived too long, so she has some unrealistic ideas. She thinks she is in control of everything, but she is definitely no match for you."

Jenkins smiled:

"You think so highly of me?"

"I'm almost certain that no one is your opponent. I don't know what your trump card is, the church? Or the two admirals? Or the girl from the Windsor family? I can see that the one who married Middleton is The queen is not particularly fond of you, but you don't seem to have much respect for her. She is too old. Although time brings wisdom to mortals, it also weakens mortal intuition. She cannot feel it. It’s connected to almost everything that happens here. What a terrible fact? But I can feel that you are probably winning now, right?”

Jenkins still kept smiling, and his vigilance towards the king in front of him almost reached the extreme. Dad is right, anyone who can sit on the throne and hold that power for a long time is easy to deal with.

"As for who I want to pass on the throne to... Dolores may not be a bad choice among my children."

Jenkins didn't know if Salshi II meant that or if it was really what he thought. He was calm on the surface, with a lot of thoughts in his mind, but he did not comment on this sentence.

"So what is the purpose of our conversation tonight? You didn't come all the way in a carriage to praise me, right?"

"I want you to swear that no matter what happens in the future, the Kingdom of Fidictri will not annex Hampavo, or any form of annexation."

Jenkins smiled when he heard this, turned to look out the window and ignored it. Salhi II did not speak for a long time and just looked at Jenkins. Jenkins had no objection to the proposal itself. He had never had the idea of ​​seeking land from other countries in the past. He just didn't like Salhi II's approach.

Although neither of them spoke, the atmosphere in the car was not awkward at all. Jenkins looked at the smoky night scene outside for a while before speaking:

"This sounds ridiculous. If you came to me in the car so late just to say this, then I'm sorry..."

The seriously ill middle-aged man was not surprised by this answer:

"So, you really have thoughts about Hampavo?"

"No, I have no idea about your country at all. I just think it's ridiculous that you came to me specifically to say such a thing, as if I can annex it if I want. And why should I swear? Your Majesty , I don’t have any reason to do this.”

Chapter 1689 Chapter 1662 Tarquin the Proud

"Reason? No, you have a reason to swear."

The carriage moved forward slowly in the fog of Nolan, and the regular sound of wheels rolling over the stone road added some life to this quiet night. The conversation in the carriage continued. Salshi II’s face became serious as he spoke:

"If you are willing to swear, then I can also swear that I will never interfere with the freedom of marriage between you and Dolores, and I can also tell you what your Majesty the Queen wants to do now. If I don't say , you would never guess."

Jenkins frowned. Neither Dolores' intelligence network nor the information collected by Miss Windsor from home showed that Queen Isabella was doing something strange. She behaved very normally, working hard every day on domestic government affairs and meeting with nobles who came to Nolan from all over the world.

"I know that you are a person of high moral character, and you can handle all the things entrusted by your friends before they die. You are a person who keeps your promises. As long as you swear, you will definitely abide by it. I believe you, so until I My promise tonight will be valid until you die. If you figure it out, you can come to me at any time, and you can use Dolores as an excuse to come to me."

The street scene outside was approaching St. George Street, and Jenkins was about to arrive home. King Salhi II saw that Jenkins was still thinking, so he suggested this, and he did not forget to remind:

"Of course, you'd better hurry up. I can't guarantee when your queen will do something unexpected."

He seemed to be pointing out something, but he didn't seem to want to make it clear.

Although the person in front of him is a king, he is just an ordinary person. As long as Jenkins wants to, he can get the other person to tell the truth immediately, and the other person will not remember those bad memories at all. But the conditions offered by Salhi II were actually not harsh, and Jenkins himself really had no interest in the territory of other countries. Jenkins did not want to use the power of lies now.

As long as the country is in his hands in the future and can be at his disposal to deal with the coming disaster, he will not annex other countries. This is what Jenkins thinks at this time, so he does not reject the oath proposed by Salhi II. .

"I'll go home and think about it and give you an answer as soon as possible."

But after all, he still didn't give the answer on the carriage. This matter was a bit strange. Jenkins wanted to think about it and discuss it with Alexia. After all, personal wisdom has its limits, and Jenkins doesn't think he is a very smart person.

He just happens to be somewhat wise.

Salhi II suddenly came to Jenkins for a secret talk, something no one could have imagined. Jenkins and Dolores told the truth, stating that they really had no interest in the land of the Hampavo Kingdom, and that if possible in the future, they would even want to sell Fei The throne of the Dictry Kingdom was also given to her. Jenkins was very afraid of such trouble.

Although in the future he observed, the Kingdom of Fidictri seemed to have swallowed up all the surrounding land and turned into an empire that unified the material world. But if Jenkins gives up the throne of the empire to the Stuart girl, it means that the Kingdom of Hampavo really continues to exist, and it exists quite well.

He expressed his thoughts, Dolores blushed, and Alexia thought that Jenkins could agree to Salshi II's proposal:

"But not only do you need to know what Queen Isabella wants to do, you can propose that Salsi II use the power of the Hampavo Kingdom to help you become king."

Alexia thought Dolores' father would agree.

Of course, Jenkins also told Hathaway and Britney about this matter, but these two girls didn't care at all. Anyway, the one who controls the two kingdoms in the end must be Jenkins. They don't care at all whether the kingdoms merge or who will become the apparent king.

"But maybe my father will care."

Blainey said softly that it was the two choices given by Marquis Michael that made the relationship between the three people become what it is now. Of course, Britney is also very satisfied with this ending.

"I will talk to the Marquis. You don't have to worry about this. Besides, it's hard to say what will happen in the future. Plans can never keep up with changes. You have to trust my arrangements."

Jenkins comforted him by saying that he would find an ending that everyone could accept, which would not be difficult.

At this time, the three of them were sitting on the sofa talking, and Julia was in the kitchen, seemingly preparing a chocolate supper.

"It's very late. Go get some rest. Don't you have to go back to school for exams tomorrow?"

He asked, stood up and greeted the cat who was standing on the back of the sofa, looking at the kitchen eagerly, and wanted to go back to rest:

"Don't worry about matters related to the throne. I will take care of it. You just need to wait for me to marry you at the same time... Speaking of which, isn't it my birthday in a few days? I plan to arrange for Ya Lixia and Dolores are coming together to celebrate my birthday, so we can all meet together."

He suggested that meeting the two ladies from the North had already been arranged, so Hathaway and Britney both nodded in agreement.

"That's good. I'll take you home later. I mean home on Privet Drive. Mary will be very unhappy. I don't think she is ready to entertain so many people at once."

As he spoke, he yawned and thought about when to meet Salshi II tomorrow. But before he could catch the cat, which was unwilling to go back because it was waiting for its midnight snack, Hathaway called him.

"There's something I must say."

She glanced at Britney, who hadn't realized what Hathaway was trying to say.

"Although we are all living in your home now, and our relationship...can you be more reserved?"

Her voice was soft when she spoke, but her eyes when she looked at Britney were a little stern. Brienne immediately understood the meaning, and her cheeks turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"In the week since I moved here, I haven't looked for Jenkins once, but what about you?"

Hathaway was actually blushing, but not obviously. Jenkins, who knew her very well, saw that her earlobes were already redder than Bryony's face.

"I know it's a weird relationship, but there's always something that needs to be said."

The red-haired girl said in a very soft voice.


Hathaway has always been weak in front of Britney. Even after Britney knew everything, the relationship between the two of them still remained like this. But this time Hathaway was a little more forceful, and the blonde girl actually found it a bit exciting.

"We're not married yet. Even if we move in, we have to pay attention to some things. I'm not against's just..."

Hathaway finally blushed and didn't say anything further, but Britney understood, so she whispered "Hmm~" in reply.

Hathaway looked at Jenkins again. As expected, he lowered his head and pretended to check the cat's belly, not letting her see his expression at all. The man's performance was exactly what Hathaway expected.

"I'll go to your room tonight."

Hathaway said to Jenkins, and then, regardless of the expressions of the two people behind him, and regardless of what Julia, who heard the conversation in the kitchen, would think, she took the lead and walked towards the stairs.

"Oh, Hevi~"

All you can hear is Britney complaining quietly.

The next day is Tuesday, and there is only one day left before the Three Kings' Meeting. Considering that the three kings will definitely reach some agreements during the Three Kings' Meeting, Jenkins plans to give an answer to Salhi II today to see what Queen Isabella is doing.

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