"What's going on...It's terrible!"

He suddenly stood up and ran around the table towards the old man, shouting at the same time:

"Come quickly, Her Majesty the Queen has been poisoned!"

The servants standing outside the door hesitated at first when they heard the sound, but after hearing the sound of the porcelain plate falling to the ground and being broken, they immediately rushed in carrying candlesticks. They arrived near Queen Isabella at about the same time as Jenkins. At this time, Her Majesty was already lying on the table in pain. Jenkins carefully raised her head in the dim light. Amidst the painful groan of the old man, He took a breath and then felt the pulse on his neck.

"What are you doing standing still? Don't tell me there's no doctor here!"

he shouted to the servants nearby, who immediately ran out to call the doctor. During this period, Jenkins directed the servants to induce vomiting for Queen Isabella, and at the same time asked people to seal up all the food on site, and then ordered to keep an eye on the chef who was responsible for cooking tonight and the servant who bought the food.

At the same time, Queen Isabella's personal attendant was ordered to ask Duke Douglas Gerald to come over as soon as possible, and then asked the captain of the royal guard in the courtyard of the mansion to come and ask him to seal the entire mansion and not allow anyone to enter or leave without permission.

"Should Carfax Field be notified?"

asked the stoic-looking former Army officer, standing straight in front of Jenkins with a serious expression on his face.

"First go to the six dukes who are currently in Nolan, and then go to the mayor, Mr. Saxe Ruto, and ask them to call the police. Remember, this matter is not allowed to be spread, at least until His Majesty wakes up."

Jenkins ordered.

While Jenkins was arranging these things, the doctor who came from Belduran with the Queen and her entourage also arrived with his own diagnosis and treatment box. He first asked people to move Her Majesty the Queen to the bedroom, then made a simple diagnosis, and finally concluded We reached the same conclusion as Jenkins’ naked eye observation:

"It's poisoning."

Dr. Larald is a middle-aged man in his forties with a square face who looks elegant and handsome. He is the kind of person who looks very reliable. Although his professional skills were very strong, he was limited by the tools and methods of this era and could not immediately diagnose what kind of toxin it was. Therefore, he could only continue to induce vomiting as Jenkins had just done according to traditional methods, and also used bloodletting in an attempt to let the toxins flowing in the blood flow out. Of course, he did not forget to ask the servants to prepare milk. Although Dr. Larald did not know about heavy metals, he also knew that some poisonings could be relieved with milk.

I don't know whether it was the small amount of toxin or the timely inducing vomiting that had the effect. Before the Dukes, the Mayor and the police arrived, Her Majesty managed to revive once. But her face was still blue, obviously not okay. This recovery doesn't look like it will last long, and the old man is in bad shape.

"It's nine forty-five and you've been unconscious for twenty-one minutes."

Seeing her wake up, Jenkins, holding his pocket watch, said immediately.

"These are typical symptoms of poisoning, but don't worry, you'll be fine."

Dr. Larald, who was sweating profusely, then added.

Queen Isabella, who had just woken up, looked around the bed, then listened to Jenkins' arrangement just now, with a forced smile on her face:

"Your arrangement is very good."

She said softly, the wrinkles on her face stacked up like hills. Normally, she could hardly see such wrinkles on her face.

"Come closer, everyone, come closer."

She suddenly shouted into the house again, and then there was the sound of anxious walking at the door. Turning around, it was the Duke of Rochester, the youngest existing duke in the country.

"Am I the first to arrive?"

He was sweating profusely as he spoke, his whole face turned red, as if he had just run in.

"Come here quickly, Your Majesty has something to say."

Jenkins greeted.

Everyone, including the doctor, the servant, the Duke, Jenkins and the cat, gathered around the bed, and the frail old man lying on the bed said:

"In order to prevent accidents, as witnesses, please hear me now make my will: I, Isabella Jane Middleton, hereby declare that this evening has nothing to do with Jenkins Willamt, who was invited by me guest, there is no chance of poisoning me. If I am unfortunate enough to meet Death for this despicable act, then my throne will be inherited by Jenkins Redemption Willamt, a descendant of the glorious Middleton family... ..."

After this, there was a bit of verbosity about the distribution of personal property. Jenkins did not listen carefully. He touched the cat on his shoulder while feeling suspicious in his heart.

First of all, there is no need to doubt that the old man in front of him has no intention to pass the throne to Jenkins in the past and now. Today's poisoning incident is particularly strange, and if the Duke of Rochester was not present when the will was made, there would not be enough witnesses here, but the Duke of Rochester was the first to arrive.

Although Jenkins didn't know where the Duke lived, he had only met the young Duke on the dock welcoming the visiting delegation from Southland. However, there was indeed something suspicious about him arriving so quickly, but it seemed reasonable to insist on an explanation. .

At this moment, Jenkins listened to the somewhat verbose will, looked at the dying old man, and thought of the assassination on the dock not long ago.

Now that I think about it, it was particularly suspicious that Queen Isabella insisted on holding the welcoming ceremony as planned before Miss Windsor began to persuade her, and it happened to be the Duke of Rochester who supported her at the time. As for the assassination, there is now enough evidence to prove that it had nothing to do with other people present. Therefore, if you think about it carefully, on the dock that day, except for Jenkins, the gunman in the dark, and the kind pigeons in the sky, no one should know that the gunman's real target was Jenkins.

After all, the person who was shot was the dead Victorm. It was obvious that he was innocently injured because of the brief chaos caused by the cat.

"So, Queen Isabella did not follow common sense and kept everyone behind, not because she wanted to kill me by this means, she did not know that the gunman's target was me. And without knowing the gunman's real target, her target was..."

According to the position and common sense at the time, once a gunman appeared, the gunman's real target should be the most valuable person on the dock at the time, which was of course Queen Isabella herself. It just so happens that Jenkins was standing next to Her Majesty the Queen that day. Victor, who was shot, could have "unfortunately" blocked the gun for Jenkins or for the Queen.

The shooting was not arranged by Queen Isabella. It is also very likely that she subconsciously thought that she was the target.

"So...she wanted to be shot?"

If it weren't for what happened today, Jenkins would not have come to this conclusion. Although the "poisoning" incident that happened now seems reasonable, it is more suspicious than the Queen's action of maintaining the status quo when the shooting occurred on the dock.

Although "poisoning" is common in various court novels, it is actually not common to use this method to assassinate. Not to mention, the security around Queen Isabella has always been very good. From the time she took the throne to the present, according to the history that Jenkins got from the original owner's memory, there has never been a poisoning incident around her.

Now she came to Nolan and happened to be poisoned when she took the initiative to invite Jenkins to dinner, so there is reason to suspect that this was arranged by her. The Duke of Rochester, who happened to arrive, seemed to have learned the news in advance and came to listen to the "will" as a witness. As for how to prove this...

"Duke, you didn't run here, did you? I see your face is full of sweat, do you need ice water? Be careful not to get heatstroke."

At this time, the old man had finished reciting the will and fell into a coma again. People in the room were in panic. The doctor checked the situation again. Jenkins whispered to the young Duke beside him.

"Yes, I rushed here directly after hearing the news. This is..."

The latter words are not important, because the first sentence is a lie. Therefore, the Duke's identity as the "witness to the will tool" in this incident was confirmed. Although it is also possible that the Duke poisoned him, it is obvious that this is of no benefit to him. As far as Jenkins knows from Miss Windsor, the Duke is loyal to Queen Isabella. Unless he is crazy, it is only possible that he colluded in advance to know about this matter, so that he can appear so coincidentally.

"So, although the first time was not a deliberate arrangement, the Queen intended to 'encounter life-threatening' in front of me twice in a row. The first time, the Duke of Rochester spoke for her, which means that the two had already arranged the second time, or had a rough plan, so they did it that way. The second time started smoothly, but what was the purpose? He was seriously injured in front of me, and he made a will... The will was to gain my trust, which is certain, but what was the reason for doing so..."

PS: This chapter is only used to commemorate the book's 8,000 average subscriptions (those who jumped to this data this morning, and now update this chapter, it is estimated that it will be more than 7,000).

When this book was put on the shelves, the first subscription was more than 1,000, and the average subscription was more than 900. As of today, it is the 672nd day after it was put on the shelves. After two years, although it has never been in the top ten of any list, it has finally reached an average subscription of 8,000. It is close to completion and there is no possibility of further progress. This is probably the highest achievement that this book can have. Although it is far inferior to those big guys who have been on the shelves with 10,000 subscriptions and appear on various lists, this result is also very satisfying.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to thank everyone who can see this for their support. In this final volume, the author will try his best to give Jenkins' story a perfect ending.

Chapter 1695 Chapter 1668 The Shadow of Power

In Queen Isabella's bedroom, as the old man fell into a coma again, the atmosphere became more tense.

Beside the bed, Jenkins didn't care that the servants were secretly looking at him because of the "will" just now. He continued to think about the situation in front of him, and soon guessed the ins and outs of the matter, which was easy to think of.

So he looked at the duke who was taking the towel handed by the servant to wipe his face. The young duke looked better now. Although he was no longer sweating, he still looked panicked:

"Viscount William, if His Majesty dies like this... In the current environment, this is really too bad."

Anyone who is slightly sensitive to politics knows how important the current meeting of the three kings is. Once the queen dies, the country will inevitably be in turmoil due to the lack of a unified leader. Even if the successor Jenkins can restore order as soon as possible with the help of others, he will definitely be at a disadvantage in the Three Kings' Talks because he does not have the overall leadership of the country, causing Fidectile to lose the upper hand in this once-in-a-millennium negotiation.

"Yes, Your Majesty cannot die like this, otherwise it would be too bad."

Jenkins nodded and followed what he said, thinking in his mind that if he was not worried about harming the interests of the kingdom and killed Queen Isabella now, then he would not need to bother more now that he had the "legal" inheritance rights. Norris and Miss Windsor.

Of course, this is just an idea. Jenkins believes that although he is not a standard good person, he will not kill the old man lying in bed.

"We must find a way to cure His Majesty, otherwise it will be unimaginable~"

he exclaimed, to the approval of the Duke of Rochester.

The Duke paced nervously in the room, constantly whispering about the terrible things that would happen if the Queen passed away. What he did was not beneficial to the current situation at all. It had no effect other than making the nervous doctor even more nervous.

Suddenly, Duke Rochester seemed to have thought of something. He turned to look at Jenkins and narrowed his eyes.

"coming soon."

Jenkins thought, and then saw the Duke walking quickly and whispered beside him:

"Let's find a quieter place to talk about something."

So he told the servants and doctors to take good care of Queen Isabella, and the two walked into the empty guest room. The Duke of Rochester looked very nervous. After closing the door, he took a deep breath and made up his mind, and then asked:

"Viscount Williamt, the current situation is special. I have to ask you a question - are you the so-called benefactor?"

"it is as expected."

Jenkins said in his heart that everything was just a trap designed by Queen Isabella to confirm whether Jenkins was the benefactor. It's a pity that they shouldn't lie in front of him, and the Duke of Rochester asked this question a little too hastily. He should ask the question after the doctor confirms that the Queen's health is really in danger... The Duke probably doesn't want to bear the responsibility of the Queen's true death. risk.

Without giving Jenkins a chance to answer, the Duke of Rochester spoke quickly:

"You are the heir to the royal family, and you should know how tense the situation is right now. Your Majesty must not have anything happen to you, and you cannot even miss tomorrow's second meeting because of poisoning. If you are the benefactor, then please help your Majesty, I Knowing that you have a high status in the Sage Church, does this mean..."

"I did hear about that group of extraordinary beings from the church."

Jenkins interrupted him loudly, with a very stern tone:

"But I'm not."

"You must think of a way. Now that His Majesty has confirmed that you are the heir, why is there any need to hide it?"

The Duke said anxiously.

"But I really am not."

Jenkins also showed appropriate anxiety, but his face remained serious, as if he was being framed as a liar.

"Oh, Viscount William, your majesty is your relative, and if she is unfortunate..."

"But, I'm really not the giver."

Jenkins emphasized again. Seeing the Duke of Rochester standing in front of him blushing, he suggested:

"Why don't we go to the church to ask for help? Since you think those gifted people with extraordinary power and weird abilities have a way, why not send someone to the church now? I can go there myself."

"No, no."

The Duke of Rochester shook his head quickly. He knew the "Tower Agreement". But then I thought about Jenkins' proposal, which seemed to be someone who didn't know about the "Tower Agreement", and the bestowers should all know about the chapters and clauses of this agreement regarding the church's extraordinary power.

After considering a variety of situations, the only one that did not expect was that the Queen would be personally involved in the danger, and they were unable to let Jenkins reveal his flaws. At the beginning of the plan, they regarded "Jenkins Willamt" as an extremely kind and benevolent good man based on the investigation. Otherwise, they would not have been able to boldly declare Jenkins as the heir without protection - if Jenkins started killing everyone here, and he was legally the king.

Now Jenkins did not have bad intentions, but he still refused to help his relatives, and did not even make any move. This was something that neither of the two people who arranged the plan had expected.

"But, now if..."

"But I'm really not super."

Jenkins once again emphasized that his acting skills were even more superb than the Duke of Rochester, and the surprise, anger and helplessness on his face were perfectly expressed.

"Since you refuse to bow to the church, then there will always be some benefactors under you, Duke, right?"

Jenkins said again, not giving the Duke a chance to ask him for "help" again:

"Although I am not a benefactor of the church, I have heard some things from the local Bishop Parode. A nobleman like you should have a benefactor around him, right? Why not find them to help His Majesty heal?"

"No, no, I don't have that kind of scary person around me."

Duke Rochester's face became even more ugly, although his face was very red just now. Seeing that Jenkins refused to let go, he began to pace around the room in a small area with his hands behind his back, his leather shoes tapping on the floor with an annoying rhythm:

"Viscount William, I know that His Majesty's death now is also beneficial to you, but you have to take the overall situation into consideration. In the current situation of the Three Kings' Talks, we cannot live without..."

"Oh, Duke, this is an insult to me, what do you mean!"

Jenkins said loudly, and he believed that people outside could hear the sound:

"If you were ten years younger, I would definitely challenge you to an honorable duel!"

Perhaps because he had heard about the fate of those who had duelled with Jenkins, the Duke of Rochester's mouth trembled and he immediately explained:

"No, sorry, I was probably confused because of anxiety just now, and I didn't mean to offend you. But now your majesty is still in a coma, and we always have to come up with a solution. Although other doctors will be here soon, I don't think they can cure your majesty immediately, or at least let your majesty go to the meeting tomorrow morning."

"Yes, the current situation is very bad, but please don't think of me as a very dark person. I won't I can guarantee that I will not have any bad thoughts about the will just now, but I am really not a gifter. "

The two of them talked in the room about the topic of "whether Jenkins is a gifter". Time passed by minute by minute. When Jenkins estimated that the other dukes and the mayor were about to arrive, the door was knocked and the doctor brought good news:

"The servants caught the bad guy who poisoned and found the antidote for the poison! This is so lucky!"

When the Duke of Rochester heard the news, he didn't look at Jenkins' face and strode out of the room to visit Queen Isabella, as if the conversation just now had never happened. Jenkins followed him, trying not to laugh:

"This is too bad. I thought it would take at least tomorrow morning to "find" the antidote. Since you are willing to poison yourself, why don't you hold on for a longer time? "

In fact, the antidote must be taken out now, because not too many people can know about tonight's "farce". After the antidote was confirmed to be real and the white-haired old man on the bed took it, the dukes who were arranged by Jenkins to find servants also arrived one after another.

Because they didn't want to leak the matter, they didn't know what happened before they came here. After entering the bedroom, they heard the story from the queen who woke up again, and then they all broke out in a cold sweat for the thrill of tonight.

Of course, none of the people present were young people who had just taken over the title, and everyone could see that the matter was strange, after all, there were too many loopholes. But the dukes were also very sure that the confusing truth and bizarre events tonight must be related to the throne.

Some of them had witnessed the last change of the throne when they were young, but no one had participated in it personally, but they also knew that if they easily participated in such things, they might cause themselves and their families to suffer disasters. Therefore, even if they knew that something was wrong, no one easily expressed their thoughts.

Just standing aside and watching the backs of Jenkins Williamite and Queen Isabella talking by the bed, the silent dukes were all wondering who was the one who did it tonight, and who in this room was the final beneficiary.

The woman who married Middleton and the descendants of Middleton were holding hands with concern at this moment. The warm family atmosphere was completely different from what had just happened in this room. People who saw this scene felt a little cold in their hearts. The two most important members of the royal family were showing the most terrifying scene in the vortex of politics and power.

Everyone is suspected, but it seems that the participants don't want to go into it. From the perspective of those standing by, this matter can never be guessed.

PS: Someone asked me to recommend a chapter: "Chinese Monsters Are So Cute", author: Apostle Planet.


A scroll of picture album, traveling through the world of monsters.

The world is about to fall, and monsters and demons are born to eat people.

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