Therefore, he holds a three-foot sword to kill evil spirits.

. . . .

Then I get to know a beautiful woman and talk hand in hand under the green peak;

But let me ask: why does the beauty hold a blade?

The beauty replied: Of course she wants to divide the young master into four parts, hold his head in one hand, and go boating on the green grass without caring about the world.

? ? ? ?

What did you say? Listen to my explanation! I have a pure love relationship with those fox-eared girls, cat-eared girls, mountain ghost girls, dragon girls, clam girls, snail girls, and crane girls.

You are also one of them.

You are all my wings!

This book is also called--"The coquettish people in Liaozhai can't be so cute"

"The Youthful Love Story in Taiping Guangji Really Has Problems" "The War of Love Minds in Yuewei Thatched Cottage Notes"

Chapter 1696 Chapter 1669 Mr. Candle and Miss Stillwell

The antidote is not a panacea, and it is impossible for Queen Isabella to recover immediately after taking it. Moreover, even if the damage caused by toxins to the body is ignored, even a normal person cannot return to normal after undergoing severe vomiting and bloodletting.

Therefore, after confirming that Queen Isabella's life was not in danger, she dispersed everyone gathered in the house. She was going to have a good rest, so no one needed to disturb her here.

Only Duke Douglas Gerald, who was the butler, was left behind, and the Duke of Rochester, who behaved strangely in this matter, left with everyone.

"So you think what happened tonight was the Queen testing whether you are the Giver?"

The carriage rocked slightly, as if the wheels had crushed pebbles on the road. The street was dimly lit, and the lingering smoke made visibility extremely low. Even the dim street lights on both sides of the road did not provide much help, but made the street even more ambiguous.

The lights in the carriage were also dim, and there were three people in the carriage. Except for Jenkins and Miss Windsor sitting on both sides, there was also Miss Silver Flute as a bodyguard. She had been silent from the beginning. Miss Windsor made a special trip to wait for Jenkins and wanted to send him home, so she also saw the Dukes hurriedly entering the mansion half an hour ago.

"It's not that I think it is, it's that it's certain."

Jenkins corrected her statement, took the tea cup handed by Miss Windsor, and flicked it against the side wall of the cup. A layer of cold air spread along the liquid surface to all the liquid.

He tried to take a sip and felt that the frozen tea tasted a little weird. However, after putting down the tea cup, the cat immediately came over and pressed its furry face against the cup to enjoy the coolness.

"This makes sense. Whether you are the benefactor or not is very important to Queen Isabella's next arrangement, no matter what that arrangement is. But what I didn't expect is that she is actually willing to risk her life to test you. According to The toxin you described is definitely not fake, even if there is an antidote, it is very dangerous."

"They are usually not afraid of sacrifice for a higher purpose."

Jenkins replied that the "they" here also include Dolores's father Salhi II, who also sacrificed his life to accept the doppelgänger ceremony for the sake of domestic political situation and to create conditions for succession for the next generation.

"So is this the end of the matter?"

Miss Windsor asked again:

"I know there will definitely be bad rumors spreading tomorrow morning. Whether His Majesty will be able to attend the meeting tomorrow or even the day after tomorrow is also a mystery. What I want to say is, is this the end of such a temptation? Does she believe that you just An ordinary person?"

"I don't know either. We can only know this after learning about the queen's current plan. She has reached a deal with a group of great people, all of whom are benefactors, so don't investigate this matter, I will too Tell Dolores that she does not need to investigate this matter, the church will find out, after all..."

"After all, we are not the only ones supporting you to become king now."

Miss Windsor took over the words with a smile, and Miss Yindi on the side also nodded slightly. She knew that it was the right thing for her employer not to interfere in this matter.

Jenkins took a deep breath and stopped talking about the previous topic. He said again:

"Excuse me for waiting for me so late. I was planning to walk home."

"It's such a hot weather, and the air in Nolan is not good, how can I let you walk back?"

As she spoke, Miss Windsor looked into Jenkins' eyes. Jenkins thought he understood a certain emotion from it. This "understanding" was also due to the fact that on the night of the Dragon Game, he undoubtedly encountered Miss Windsor and Hathaway having a sword fight.

He thought of Miss Windsor's "Confession."

Subconsciously, he turned his eyes away and looked at the cat who was a little grumpy because of the hot weather. Miss Windsor laughed, knowing that Jenkins understood, but the way Jenkins looked away at least showed that he was not very resistant.

The carriage took Jenkins home. The girls at home received a message from Miss Windsor and knew that Jenkins would not come back for dinner, so they did not wait for him.

But Jenkins didn't rest at home for long before he went out to church again. The reason why Miss Windsor was not asked to send him to the church directly was because after the Queen was "assassinated", if he went straight to the church from the mansion where she stayed, people would definitely gossip about him.

In the church, I talked about tonight's events with Miss Bevanna, who was still asleep. She also agreed that Queen Isabella took the poison on her own initiative in an attempt to test Jenkins. This is actually easy to verify. Just ask Miss Audrey to do a divination. This type of divination only involves "yes" and "no" and is usually not complicated.

"Although the Tower Agreement does not prohibit the grantor from becoming a secular king, once your identity as a grantor is determined, it will definitely be related to the church. Although the nobles are not tired of and afraid of the grantor, they are tired of the grantor who is related to the church. ”

This is the intention of Queen Isabella that Miss Bevanna understands. She does not know that the Queen and the tree house are cooperating. Therefore, Miss Bevanna was particularly surprised when Jenkins told her this:

"How dare she?"

Now the organization called "Tree House" is the church's number one enemy. After all, believers in lies have the intention to cooperate and are not considered enemies of the church now.

"How dare she?"

Miss Bevanna repeated it again, reached out and patted the table unladylikely, then hurriedly said goodbye to Jenkins, taking this news to prepare for the next step of tracking the members of the tree house.

Jenkins' purpose of coming to the church was achieved. Looking at the time, he knew that Feini was probably asleep now, so he was ready to go home and rest. But before leaving, he observed through his true eyes that his senior sister, Miss Stillwell, was actually in the church. After thinking about it, I went to talk to Miss Stivell who was waiting in front of the Gate of All Things for a while, and I was sure that she would leave the church in half an hour, and then I left with satisfaction.

Half an hour later, the night became dark and there was no light in the alley. The woman who left the back door of the Church of the Sages was stopped by a man with a cat walking out of the alley as soon as she walked out of the neighborhood.

"Mr. Candle?"

she asked, looking at the white cat on the man's shoulder.

"Don't talk to my cat. I am Mr. Candle, and the cat is not my identity... It seems that Miss Bailing has talked about me to you, and you can actually recognize it just by relying on this cat. I."

"No, this is information I bought from the black market. Only after knowing that I know you are a believer in lies can Bai Ling be willing to say that you know each other."

Miss Stillwell denied that Hathaway had "betrayed" the man in front of her, and then subconsciously narrowed her eyes:

"How did you find me? Don't tell me, you just happened to be walking around here."

Chapter 1697 Chapter 1670 Strange Object in the Mist

Before meeting Mr. Candle on the street in Nolan, Miss Stillwell had just left the church not long ago, so she was very worried about being discovered by the lie believers in front of her as a lurker.

She looked at the ordinary-looking man in front of her through the mist in the air, wondering whether she should catch him immediately once he discovered her undercover identity.

"There is no one in this city that I can't find."

Jenkins said this in a contemptuous tone, which made Miss Stiver feel a little relieved. Then he and the woman walked to a nearby streetlight to continue talking. Instead of hiding in the alley, it would be better to stay on the street. There was no one around now anyway.

The man in front of the meeting refused to tell how to find someone, but it seemed that he really had not discovered his secret. Miss Stillwell stopped pursuing it, and kept the matter in mind and said:

"You finally came to me. I thought you had forgotten about it."

"How is this possible? So what's your answer? Do you want to cooperate?"

"I can promise to cooperate with you on behalf of my Lord's sect."

Miss Stillwell said, and then added:

"You also know that there are not many mortals who believe in music, and the number of gifters among them is even rarer. Moreover, we are loosely connected with each other and do not have a unified organization. I am the liaison person of the sect on the east coast of the mainland. Currently, Nolan There is also a lady in the area who is deeply trusted by my Lord. The two of us can promise your cooperation on behalf of the entire sect, but the specific content of the cooperation..."

She hesitated, motioning for Jenkins to speak.

"We have neither time nor interest to negotiate with you. Let me put it bluntly, we cooperate with each other. Although we are led by believers in lies, our status is equal. As for the specific content of the cooperation, that is simple. However, in the final meeting, I will ask the Orthodox Church and the secular kingship for the qualifications of the music sect to open a church in the material world and spread the faith, and you must support our people to become the true saviors at the end of the era and unify all. power to save the world.”

"The savior at the end of the era?"

Miss Stillwell asked deliberately.

"Don't pretend you don't know. I'm pretty sure you know this legend."

Jenkins snorted as a mockery of her poor acting skills:

"So we want to cooperate? If successful, the savior will be born among the believers of lies, and in the next thousand years, the believers of the God of Music will walk freely on the land beneath our feet."

Of course, Jenkins' real purpose was not to make everyone laugh. He jumped out at the end and laughed and said he was joking.

What he wants to do is unify all forces. Therefore, he needs to use the "believers of lies" as a target, first to unite the secular forces through the Three Kings Conference, and then to unite the Orthodox Church through the Joint Conference of the Twelve Churches.

In the final negotiation with the God of Lies, a comprehensive union of royal power and divine power was achieved, and the lie believers would withdraw after this negotiation, allowing "Williamt" of the Orthodox Church to become the true savior.

This requires finding a reasonable reason for the failure of negotiations between lie believers. Although lie believers, regardless of their real strength or false strength, cannot compare with the combined power of the Twelve Churches, after all, most of the savior candidates are now on the side of lies. , it is not easy to "lose to the Zhengshen Church" without any flaws.

Therefore, Jenkins needs to have reliable internal support from the Orthodox Church around him. Miss Stillwell and the believers in music are quite good choices from every aspect.

After listening to Jenkins' words, Miss Stillwell did not give a reply for a long time, looking like she was thinking. Jenkins was sure she would agree. After all, her real purpose was to ambush believers of lies, not to fight for the interests of the Music Church. He had already heard about this from Miss Bevanna.

So he said again:

"Of course, if you know other sects of good gods, you can introduce them to me and participate in our cooperation. I need more people to support us. As long as they are not followers of evil gods, we welcome any sect."

"If you do this, it will make me suspect that you are planning a big scam and want to play on all of us."

Miss Stillwell said jokingly, seeing her attitude, Jenkins understood that she was no longer pretentious and planned to agree - although Jenkins was indeed planning a shocking scam.

"Mr. Candle, I think I can agree to your request for cooperation on behalf of the friends behind me, but this only means that we currently trust you. I have to say that you have proposed a very tempting option, but we do not completely trust lies. Believers, regarding one thing, I think you also know that your reputation is not very good——"

The main reason is that the group of people created by Jenkins are believers in "lies". People believe that people who believe in lies are untrustworthy. Of course, this understanding is also extremely correct and rational.

"So, I hope to be able to contact you at any time and learn about your preparations for the final negotiations."

Miss Stillwell made her real terms.

"Of course there is no problem. Do you know the bar at the entrance to the black market? Put the letter there, and we will have someone check it every day. As for the plan and preparation - it is very simple. Now we are stealing the confidential negotiation records of the three kings' meeting. At the same time, there are Plan to infiltrate the Orthodox Church and obtain materials and information from the church and the residence of the gifted person.”

Miss Stillwell said nothing and looked at the man under the streetlight suspiciously, obviously not believing this.

"It's true. I can tell you now the names and genders of all the sons of the righteous God who are in Nolan now. Do you want to hear it? Why don't you learn from Jenkins Wei..."

"No, that's not necessary."

Miss Stillwell was startled and looked around nervously.

"Don't worry, I'm Miss Bailing's friend. I know the relationship between Miss Bailing and that William. I won't spread other people's information everywhere."

Jenkins pretended to be serious and tried hard not to laugh:

"If I really talk nonsense about Williamte, Miss Bai Ling will kill me next time we meet."

"Now I believe that you are really capable of infiltrating the is this done?"

"You don't have to worry about it."

Jenkins isn’t going to answer “just go into the church and listen to what people are saying.”

"It will probably be a long time before the meeting of the Three Kings and the joint meeting of the Orthodox Church ends. During this period, believers in lies will continue to collect information about the Orthodox Church and the secular kingship, and you need to contact more I will also offer conditions to the pseudo-god sects who are interested in cooperating, but they will not be as favorable as yours. Madam, I personally have a great impression of the believers of the God of Music, and my friends, I also think that they will be given conditions as good as yours. The highest level of trust is a very reasonable approach.”

Of course, Miss Stillwell did not believe that she had "deceived" this group of most deceitful guys, but the reality was that Mr. Candle, who was talking to her, really did not show any wariness or suspicion towards her.

He wanted to say something to test, but there was a light shaking in the distance, and at the same time there was the sound of hurried footsteps. Jenkins and Miss Stillwell immediately stood up straight and saw running from the depths of the thick fog at night. It was a young policeman in uniform holding an oil lamp. His face was sweating profusely from running violently.

The public security in the city has been poor recently. Not only has the Orthodox Church asked teams of granters from all over the country to participate in night patrols, but the Kingdom of Fidicli has also mobilized elite police forces from across the country to increase Nolan's security. This must not be allowed A major accident occurs at this time, so the probability of encountering the police at night is not small.

"What happened?"

Miss Stillwell meant to pretend not to see this person. She didn't want to get in touch with the police. After all, their current identities could not be exposed. Unexpectedly, the believer in lies actually stopped the running young policeman, who also looked surprised.

"A murder occurred in Nancheng District, and strange things appeared in the fog!"

The police officer spoke breathlessly in the common language of the Kingdom with Nolan's heavy accent. As he gasped for breath, the oil lamp he was holding was also shaking, causing the three people standing in the mist under the dim yellow street lamp to sometimes see in the shadows. in, sometimes under the light.

"I've heard about this. Many people have said that there are strange things in Nolan's fog!"

Jenkins nodded and said, putting his hand on the other person's shoulder:

"Is it Nancheng District? Why do I feel like the strange things in the fog are here?"

Miss Stillwell could clearly see that where the lie believer's hand came into contact with the police officer's shoulder, black smoke overflowed outwards. At the same time, black blood vessel-like lines appeared on the back of the lie believer's hand, but they quickly disappeared. .

The police officer knew he was discovered, and without waiting for the two to react, he exploded on the spot and turned into a ball of black mist. The explosion did not cause any harm, but the black mist condensed and did not disperse, constantly wandering around the two.

"Looking for death~"

He took out B-02-3-2526 [Air Bomb Ring] from his pocket, put it on his hand, and swung it in front of him. The strange black mist was targeted by the bomb ring. Because it was impossible to accurately cover all the black mist in a hurry, Jenkins expanded the target and detonated all the black mist and all the air around it.


The amazing explosion occurred almost at the moment when the palm fell. Miss Stiver, who reacted, hurriedly propped up the barrier to protect the two, so Jenkins and Miss Stiver were not injured.

"Thank you for your help, ma'am."

Dust and stones were flying everywhere, and there was a hissing sound of water leakage nearby, probably because the underground water pipe was burst. After the explosion, even the street lamp poles fell down, and the surroundings were dark, and the hazy fog further weakened the vision. But Miss Stiver could see the scene around her:


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