"You see, in addition to trapping Dolores on the hill, Sallot did not forget to ask his brothers and sisters to look for possible clues."

Not all Stuarts gathered near the palace. Some of the chess pieces in Sallot's hands were away from the "battlefield" and now scattered in the city.

"Yes, but once they really find the symbol of power you left behind, will they really give it to Sallot? If I remember correctly, the way to win is for one camp to get three pieces, not one person to get three pieces. What I can think of, I think His Royal Highness the Grand Prince can also think of it. He can't help but guard against his brothers and sisters. After all, there is a certain degree of competition between them."

"Then let's wait and see."

The king said.

The second round started after midnight. Sallot knew that Jenkins was unwilling to speak first, so he prepared to speak as before. But he was stunned, and then looked at the edge of the chessboard, which was the outskirts of the city.

An ice-blue snowflake pattern without any pattern suddenly appeared there, and quickly approached the city from the outskirts of the city under the gaze of Nolan and others. According to the appearance of the Northern Guard Corps just now, this means that another army has appeared around Loen and joined the duel tonight.

But this army is obviously different. Where the ice-blue snowflakes pass, the normal land color is all dyed white. The few people overlooking Loen can clearly see that snow is falling under the cloudless night sky.

Salhi II suddenly let go of the hand holding the chessboard and stood up suddenly as if he was scalded. Jenkins picked up the cat who tried to get on the table, lowered his head slightly and looked at the metal on the edge of the chessboard. With the sound of rustling, a thin layer of frost covered the surface, even covering the props that had been placed on the blank space on the edge of the chessboard.

The cold air from the chessboard rushed to Nolan's small room like a gushing spring, making everyone shiver. This was the first time since the duel began that Loen was actually affecting Nolan through the chessboard.

"What did you do?"

Salhi II looked at his hand that was almost frostbitten, and then suddenly raised his head and asked Jenkins with a somewhat stern tone.

"I didn't do anything. It seems that something went wrong with your plan. Now I should ask you, what did you do? Something seems to be wrong... So, should we stop our duel?"

Chapter 1717 Chapter 1690 Human Coalition

Salhi II knew about the existence of the Snowman Corps since last winter, but he definitely didn't know that this army was in the snowy mountains around Loen. This was the biggest variable since the start of the game. Although Salhi II was surprised, he quickly sat back in his chair, at least he didn't look panicked.

"I don't have much time."

He didn't pause the duel.

The frost only spread to the edge of the chessboard and stopped, without affecting other items in the room. In the second round, Salhi II still commanded his children. He followed Sallot's plan and made a very strict arrangement to besiege Dolores. As for the children who were scattered in Loen City looking for clues, Salhi II did not give them any guidance.

After the king used a handkerchief as a prop that could help the injured recover quickly, he went to Jenkins to speak. He looked at the snowman army outside the city, which was stopped there. The white was spreading on the chessboard with the snowflake as the center, so he knew that Alexia had her own ideas.

So he felt relieved and gave instructions for the next round:

"Dolores will leave the palace through the secret passage with a few trusted followers and temporarily hand over the command to Duke Rodbyer. After leaving the palace, she will go to the Sage Church in the city for help."

Salhi II looked at Jenkins, but said nothing. Instead, Princess Angelina Stuart, who had been silent, asked in a low voice:

"Will the church help her? We returned to Loen by this means. We can't show up in front of the church easily, right?"

After listening to her words, Jenkins turned his head and smiled at the princess:

"Don't worry, Dolores can't ask the church, but I still have a little face in the church."

Her Royal Highness's face flushed slightly because of the man's smile, and her father sighed again.

Jenkins continued to arrange:

"Dolores will reveal her identity and, in the name of Jenkins William's fiancée, ask the church to help suppress the actions of the Northern Army that will enter the city tonight. At the same time, the Sage Church..."

"You can't command the church, you can only command your pawns."

Salhi II said.

"I didn't command, I just guessed the church's actions. The Sage Church is limited to the Tower Agreement. Although it will not send extraordinary people to directly confront the Northern Guard Corps, the church can send some of the gifted people to help Dolores and the people in the palace without participating in the frontal battlefield.

At the same time, the Sage Church will unite with other churches in Rune City to put pressure on the Northern Army that entered the city, requiring them to act according to the instructions of His Majesty the King tonight, but not to kill too many people and let the city flow with blood."

"Is this your kindness?"

"No, this is not kindness, this is just my bottom line as an ordinary person."

Jenkins did not use props in this round, but his identity could have a greater effect on Dolores than any props in this duel.

As Dolores entered the church, the golden star symbolizing the power of the church and the blue star on Jenkins' side merged and rushed toward the city. The situation was changing rapidly, and the church's entry stabilized the city once again on the edge of war.

The clergy were running around everywhere, and the Northern Guard Corps was under the high-pressure attitude of the church for unknown reasons, and they also suspended further actions.

At the same time, Sarlotte Stuart's steam cannon was finally transported from the city wall to the foot of the hill. But before he could order the first fatal shell to be fired, there was a screeching sound from the north of the city.

The princesses and princes of Loen didn't know what was going on, but the king, princess and writer of Nolan could see a group of fat people wearing black cloaks appearing on the outskirts of the city.

They moved forward in unison, ignoring the warnings from the guarding troops outside the city, and together they raised their thick right arms that were tightly bound by their sleeves.

As the huge spirit resonated with nature, the sounds of water vapor crystallizing in the air gathered together. Then, as the huge snowball appeared in the sky and formed a shadow to cover the two moons, everyone who saw this scene knew Something is wrong.

The snowmen disguised as normal humans finally let the huge snowball hit the ground directly, creating a huge gap in the ancient city wall that had stood on this land 500 years ago.

The harsh sound that people in the city heard just now was the sound made by Snowball when he broke through the city wall. The soldiers who witnessed this scene were completely confused.

"I swear this has nothing to do with me."

There was no need for Salshi II to question Jenkins and he immediately said, stroking the cat and adding:

"Look, I've always been here."

Sarhi II snorted and did not speak, but continued to watch as the fragile defense line outside the city could not stop the attack of the snowmen. Both the northern garrison and the city defense troops put their main forces inside the city.

The snowmen entering the city raised their right arms high. With the resonance of the spirits, the temperature dropped rapidly on the originally hot summer night, and they were trying to change the environment.

At the same time, the church noticed the strange movement outside the city. After a simple observation, it immediately understood that this was the reappearance of the Snowman Legion. Without enough time to explore where these snowmen came from, the church's team of benefactors were dispatched. The snowmen entered the city, which may cause everyone in the city to be transformed into terrifying alien monsters.

As the royal capital of the Northern Kingdom, once it falls, the entire Hampavo Kingdom may be invaded by this powerful monster.

The news of the Snowman Legion's entry into the city reached the ears of the Stuarts more than ten minutes later. Most of these people knew what it was. After all, children who grew up in the North had heard of this horror that spread in the North when they were young. legend. After a slight comparison of priorities, the army immediately turned outside the city. The steam cannons that had just been transported to the city were also disassembled and prepared to be transported to the new battlefield that was about to be opened.

In just half an hour, the originally complicated situation in the city became simpler. Now, everyone's goal is to protect this city, this pearl of the North.

"What is Alexia going to do?"

Nolan's Jenkins thought, as he and Salshi II saw the city fall. First the snowmen poured into the city, and then the human army arrived, and they cooperated with the church's bestowers to forcefully push up.

This scene is quite epic. It is an effort by mankind to unite to fight against the disaster. It indirectly proves that Jenkins's attempt to unite all forces to fight against the catastrophe at the end of the era is completely feasible.

It's just that Jenkins, who knew the whole story about Luen, couldn't guess what the short lady was thinking.

PS: So what is Alexia going to do...

Chapter 1718 Chapter 1691 The Great Evacuation

Luen's night was completely "ignited". Of course, "ignited" was just Jenkins' description. In fact, "frozen" was more appropriate.

Without the hints of Jenkins and Salsi II, Dolores and Sarlotte Stuart took the initiative to reconcile and temporarily reached an agreement to cooperate after learning about the appearance of the Snowman Legion. They brought their armies together to assist the Northern Legion in facing those terrifying snowmen.

The church's team of benefactors also gathered together and headed towards the direction where the snowmen entered the city with the determination to die.

At this moment, many of the props used by Jenkins and Salshi II in the first half of the night came into real effect. Because all the human forces in the city are now unified, the effects of the continuous props they use can all cover the army and extraordinary beings.

Healing, dark vision, unity, spying on weaknesses... Although the counterattack was hasty, with the Yeti Legion deliberately keeping their hands and the influence of those chessboard props, humanity's first attack actually drove the Yetis out of the city. outside.

This is what happened in the third and fourth rounds after midnight. In these two rounds, Jenkins and Salhi II were sitting in Nolan, commanding the chess pieces to help the army and the church resist the Snowman Legion, without doing anything extra. This is really like a war chess game, except that the two players belong to the same camp.

His Majesty the King is worried about his own country, and Jenkins is of course just pretending. After all, the Snowman Army belongs to him.

Dolores and Sallotte won a chance together because of their outstanding performance in cooperating to resist the Snowman Legion.

In the north of Loen City, Lauderdale Avenue, the originally prosperous commercial pedestrian street, became the rear of the human army on this night full of surprises. In addition to the temporary command of the church, the Northern Legion and Stuart, this is also the center for transporting the wounded and allocating supplies.

Dolores and her sisters stood on the roof of the three-story apartment facing the street and looked at the battlefield in the north of the city. She certainly understood where the snowmen came from, so she was not worried about the outcome of this "war".

The temperature tonight has dropped by nearly ten degrees, so although it is summer, the princesses are still wearing white fluffy shawls, and these clothes are also found in a hurry.

Soon a servant brought a message that the queen of Hampavo, who has lived in the palace for a long time and rarely shows up, also came here and asked to meet Dolores and Sallotte.

Dolores on the roof smiled, and then jumped directly from the roof to the street below in the worried eyes of her sister.

When in the air, the ice crystals in the air briefly formed ice plates, allowing her to unload force step by step, so the whole process was like Dolores constantly jumping down in the air, and every time she paused, ice flowers would bloom under her feet, but in the end she landed safely on the ground.

The queen met the princess and the prince in a tobacco shop that was temporarily requisitioned at the end of the street. Dolores and Salote were not the daughters of the queen in front of her, and their relationship was relatively indifferent. Therefore, after seeing her, they did not even greet her politely, but directly asked tacitly:

"Where is the thing that my father gave you to keep?"

The violent explosion sounded in the distance, and the wind that quickly passed through the street a few seconds later caused the tobacco shop with the door open to be disturbed by the wind. In the whistling wind and the swaying flame of the kerosene lamp, the two Stuarts dressed in military uniforms looked at the stepmother seriously, and the beautiful woman looked at the scene somewhat at a loss, and said softly after a while:

"Your father requires that only the most suitable person can get that..."

This is an extremely beautiful and elegant woman, but she does not have enough ability and courage to try to let the two children understand who is the elder.

"I want to bribe you."

Salot took out the coin with a tone of impatience.

"I want to bribe you too."

Dolores was also not interested in listening to the next words of her stepmother, but took out the symbol of the [Seed of Blasphemy].

They all opened their palms to the queen, and the two coins shone brightly in the gradually stable firelight.

The woman's hand was raised uncontrollably, and she closed her eyes to avoid watching her next move, but this could not stop the hand from finally choosing Dolores's coin.

"This is your father's..."

The blood-red seal had just been taken out, and Dolores snatched it away. Then he took a step back and looked at his eldest brother warily.

Sarlot had an unexpected expression on his face. After taking back his coin, he raised his head slightly and looked at his sister:

"Dolores, you don't think I will forcibly rob others of their things? I, as the prince of this country, the eldest son of the glorious Stuart family, can't do that kind of thing."

He turned and left. Dolores on the other side rubbed the seal in her hand, a smile appeared on her face, and then turned and left here.

From beginning to end, neither of them paid attention to the other woman in the store.

"I thought the atmosphere in your family was very good. Although it was not particularly harmonious, I didn't expect it to be like this..."

Jenkins at Nolan's table hesitated with his arm on the chessboard and his head supported. He rarely heard Dolores talk about his stepmother, and he didn't know the relationship between the Stuarts and the queen before.

Salhi II didn't speak, and the eldest princess behind him shook her head to signal Jenkins not to talk about this topic.

With the private seal of Salhi II and the ring representing the family heritage, Dolores immediately obtained two artifacts that symbolized the power of the Kingdom of Hampavo.

She was very close to victory, but in the next few rounds, because Jenkins's side had only three princesses, her actions were restricted. Salhi II's side had a large number of chess pieces. In the two hours before dawn, he also found the small and luxurious silver queen's crown by searching his mother's original family.

This ornament was made when the original queen married Salhi II. After the queen died of illness, the crown was collected by Salhi II and not handed over to the next queen for continued use.

"It turns out that my father has kept it."

Dolores soon learned about her eldest brother's progress. Because she heard about the crown here, she muttered a little lost. But she quickly adjusted her state and actively looked for the last artifact.

Jenkins didn't know what Alexia did tonight, but it was certain that this small-scale war in Rune was planned by her. After being driven back outside the city wall after midnight, the Snowman Legion burst out with even stronger fighting power, and no matter how the human army attacked, they would not retreat even a single step.

They advanced slowly, and finally forced the humans to abandon the northern part of Loen and move the residents to a safe place. When Nolan's clock struck the fourth time in a row, the Snowman Legion had occupied one-fifth of the entire Loen city.

This is a terrible progress. If Alexia really wants to occupy the entire Loen, then the humans who are still resisting will definitely not be able to survive the arrival of reinforcements.

In ordinary times, this kind of thing would not happen, but now at the end of the era, disasters are happening everywhere, and the demigods who were supposed to be stationed in the city have set out to "put out fires" everywhere. There were only three demigods left in Loen tonight, but the commander of the Snowman Legion, strengthened by Alexia, could barely stop them temporarily.

By four o'clock before dawn, the headquarters of the human coalition had already moved from the commercial street to the royal palace on the commanding heights of the city. Now the entire northern city of Loen is on fire. This is a fire deliberately lit by humans in order to prevent the Yeti's attack.

Just like Salshi II said, if there is no Loen, it can be rebuilt, and people can clearly distinguish what is important and what is important.

The flames soaring into the sky lit up the entire west side of the palace. The young prince hurriedly ran up from the hill and handed a black iron pendant to his elder brother.

"what is that?"

Jenkins asked.

"It is a token of freedom to enter and leave the palace at night. After the Ice and Snow Festival, my father did not allow anyone to do so, so all these hangings were put away. Since it represents the right to enter the palace, it can also be used as a symbol of power. "

The eldest princess replied.

Jenkins nodded and asked his opponent:

"The last item is your crown, isn't it?"

The way things have developed to this point is beyond Salshi II's expectations. From a few rounds ago, he stopped saying a word during the rounds. Maybe it's because of physical reasons, maybe it's because of mental reasons, but seeing his country being invaded by alien monsters, even a king with a normal body may not be in a good mental state.

Dawn was getting closer and closer, and just as Jenkins was thinking hard about what Alexia wanted to do, it was Salhi II's turn again and he made a surprising decision:

"Abandon Loen and lead the local residents to retreat to the southern plains. Our army is very strong and we have sufficient firearms. If we leave now, we can save at least half of the people's lives."

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Viscount Williamt, I don't see any hope that they can defeat those monsters. It's Loen there, not Nolan, and there aren't that many extraordinary beings from the church who can help ordinary people."

From Salhi II's perspective, this decision, although painful, definitely makes sense. Jenkins also had to admit the king's decisiveness, but he knew that Alexia's purpose was definitely not to occupy the capital of the Northern Kingdom.

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