In the penultimate round before dawn, the Stuarts who were discussing the retreat with the church in the palace were attracted by a voice. Everyone looked at the door of the conference room, where Salshi II was standing.

Nolan's Jenkins snorted and looked at the king lying unconscious on the chessboard opposite, without making any comment.

Chapter 1719 Chapter 1692 Black Stars

"Father, how could you..."

"I've had enough. What on earth are you guys playing?"

Runn, the demigod Mr. Rossier who was standing at the table looking at the map put down his pencil and interrupted the scene of the father and son meeting. He frowned and looked at Sarhi II at the door. He had just retreated from the frontal battlefield and came back to discuss a hasty retreat plan:

"You should explain to us, what exactly is the royal family doing? To be honest, I was surprised when I learned that the princes and princesses had returned to Loen in the middle of the night, but then because of the appearance of the Snowman Legion, I didn't bother to ask them. Origin. But now even your... clone?"

Mr. Rossier saw the current state of Sarhi II, and other benefactors present also slightly raised their heads to look at the king of this country:

"We need an explanation. Your Majesty, are the Snowman Legion related to you? Also, since the beginning of this war to defend Loen, I found that there seems to be something wrong with the people participating in the war. There are strange forces hovering over Loen. Don’t say this has nothing to do with you.”

The only person present who knew the truth in advance was Dolores. She wanted to speak up to defend her father, but Salsi II's clone, actually Salsi II, waved her children to be silent.

"The situation is urgent now, and I have to step forward to command the entire city to retreat. If the church has any questions about this matter, please wait patiently until the retreat is over, and I will tell you everything."

He looked at everyone in the room and saw that the church still looked at him, so he added:

"Of course, I can admit now that I did violate the requirements of the Tower Agreement."

As long as he is willing to admit this, the church will no longer be entangled in the reason why the Stuart family suddenly returned to Loen. The king's return will indeed be able to better assist in the Loen retreat. Salshi II has a high prestige in the country, and things will be much simpler with him.

From the perspective of the people around Nolan's chessboard, things became a little weird. The real Salsi II was sleeping in front of them, but the king of the North Kingdom in the city of Loen shown on the chessboard didn't look like a fake.

The two have not spoken at the same time. Once the king of Nolan speaks, the king of Luen will be in a state of trance and even unable to stand; and once the king of Luen takes action, the king of Nolan will also lose his soul. appearance.

"That's not okay, Your Majesty. Isn't it the same as quitting the game as a chess player?"

Taking advantage of Salhi II's "awakening" again, Nolan's Jenkins accused Salhi II, who shook his head:

"I never said I couldn't do it myself. In fact, if you have the means, you can do it yourself and I wouldn't mind."

Jenkins looked at the other party with a regretful look, but finally decided to take a look at the situation for the time being before deciding whether to take the risk and go to Loen.

Seeing that Jenkins didn't answer, Salshi II thought that he was choked by himself, so he returned his consciousness to Rune again. Therefore, although it seemed that there were five people on the chessboard, it actually became four people.

"Jenkins, do you think this game can still be decided?"

Seeing her father "leaving", the eldest princess asked Jenkins.

"Of course we can tell the winner. Since your father killed Loen in advance, he must have an artifact that represents the royal power in his hand. I think he probably made up his mind to show his best performance before dawn. Choose one of the good ones to bestow that artifact.”

"But in this situation, will father continue the duel?"

Yanni Stuart asked again.

"He doesn't want to continue the duel, he must continue the duel. After all, he doesn't have much time... Oh, I forgot that if no one wins, then you will be the queen... ..."

"No, I will not become the queen. My father has never considered this."

The eldest princess interrupted Jenkins, with no expression on her tense face. She looked at Jenkins calmly:

"I'm not Dolores. I learned early on that I had no chance from the beginning."

The situation in Loen was just as Jenkins expected. Alexia had no intention of letting the Yeti Legion occupy Loen, so after occupying most of the land in the northern city, the speed of the attack slowed down significantly.

This gave the human side an opportunity to arrange an evacuation. With the king personally mobilizing, although most citizens still did not understand why they had to abandon the capital, due to their trust in the royal family and the strange sight of the snow falling in the north and the heat rising in the south, The scene still made people finally make up their minds.

Large crowds of people carrying packages and suitcases scurried down the streets to the south as police shouted, and in the predawn hour, during the final two rounds of the showdown, Salshi II Spending part of the time in Loen, returning to Nolan is just to direct the next move before the round starts, and use props to increase the hope of survival for the people in Loen.

This was a good opportunity for Jenkins to make trouble, but Jenkins was very tactful and followed the actions of Salhi II, as if he also cared about the people of the capital of the Northern Kingdom.

"I do care about those innocent people. Although almost no one has died since early morning, I want to ensure that there will be no major casualties in the disaster."

Jenkins explained to the eldest princess, who naturally did not believe it. But the other two princesses who were still inexperienced in the world seemed to believe it, and they looked at Jenkins with a different look, but then Yanni Stuart, who discovered this, scolded:

"You still have problems with your vision of men, too immature, don't be deceived by this person's appearance and words."

She still cares about her sisters who have no conflict of interest with her.

"Don't say that to me. Not long ago, your father praised Dolores for her good judgment of people... Oh, they are finally here. I thought they were going to be late."

"What is coming?"

The princesses asked in confusion, and then saw Jenkins raise his hand that was stroking the chocolate and point it to the chessboard. In the center of the chessboard, three black stars suddenly appeared at the royal palace.

This represents the other camp, and no matter in which culture, black is not a friendly color.

In the small meeting room of the palace, everyone was still busy in summer clothes. Away from the battlefield in the northern city, the temperature suddenly rose to the normal summer level.

Frowning, Salshi II put the signed documents on the table and took a towel to wipe the sweat off his face. Although this clone is healthy, the weakness of his soul still makes it difficult for him to persist in such a long action.

Suddenly, his face froze, and the king of the north covered his heart in pain, and fell to the ground without calling for help.

PS: There must be a real villain in this matter, otherwise what's the point of letting Jenkins fight the Snowman Legion? So the tool man is online again. In addition, Salshi II is not dead, he just fainted, don't get me wrong.

Chapter 1720 Chapter 1693 The Escape of the Stuarts

Seeing Salshi II fall to the ground, Mr. Rossier of the Sage Church immediately helped him up, and as his golden fingers were placed on Salshi II's head, a wisp of black smoke overflowed from the king's temple.


Mr. Rossier simply said:

"Sure enough, the people who helped him didn't have any good intentions."

People looked over, but Mr. Rossier signaled them not to panic and just do their own things.

He asked people to invite doctors from the Church of Nature to come over, and asked Sallot and Dolores to temporarily look after the king who had widened his eyes and seemed unable to close them, and then stretched out his hand and gently twisted it in the air. With this action, a black mist line appeared from the center of Salshi II's eyebrows, connecting to the outside of the meeting room.

One of the chessboard images then followed Mr. Rossier. He did not ask anyone to follow him, but followed the line alone. Finally, in the back garden of the palace, he saw the three black stars representing the characters.

They were two men and one woman, dressed in traditional black formal suits, brown hunting suits, and black gauze skirts. The three people were obviously waiting for Mr. Rossier. The moment Mr. Rossier stepped into the garden, the red flesh buried deep in the garden gushed out of the soil like a fountain, and fell to the ground like rain.

"Three demigods..."

Jenkins pondered, not thinking that this was a big deal, but thinking that only three demigods were a little too few. After all, this was a conspiracy about an entire country, and it was related to the fate of one-third of the human beings in the material world. In the end, there were only three demigods, which was really inconsistent with the importance of this matter.

Without any surprise, Mr. Rossier accused the people in front of him of attempting to murder Salshi II and summoned the Snowman Legion to destroy Rune. But the three strangers had no intention of paying any attention to Mr. Rossier, let alone making excuses, but directly took action.

There are currently four demigods in Loen, three of whom are on the front line dealing with the Snowman Legion. Mr. Rossier is no match for the three demigods in a hurry.

The explosions produced when they fought and the strange lights and shadows that followed quickly attracted the attention of other people in the palace. The people of the Orthodox Church knew what this meant, so they hurried to get people out of here quickly.

The people in the meeting room and other parts of the palace left separately. With Stuart and others were a team of night watchmen on standby in the rear, as well as some clergy and royal guards in charge of clerical record work.

They got a stretcher from somewhere, and Stuart and others personally carried their father on the stretcher. Under the protection of the church's benefactors and ordinary servants, they went around the back garden and prepared to leave through the front door. Of course, neither Dolores nor Sallotte carried the stretcher. The former was a very young princess, and the latter's left arm was simply a prosthesis, so it was impossible for them to carry the stretcher.

It was hot in the meeting room just now, but the further north we went, the cooler it got. When the group finally arrived at the main gate of the palace, the temperature dropped to the point where the people in single clothes were shivering.

Suddenly, there was a sharp whistle, and the night watchmen of the Dark Night and Secret Church who were protecting the group immediately raised their hands. The invisible spirits gathered into an indescribable lightless round celestial body, blocking the red flesh and blood coming from behind.

The flesh and blood fell to the ground and still did not lose its vitality. It squirmed towards the crowd. The shape of a human face appeared in the invisible flesh and blood, but before it could speak, it was burned into black coals by the nearby benefactor.

Everyone looked towards the location where the mass of flesh and blood flew. That direction was the back garden of the royal palace. At this moment, a strange golden light exploded, and then with the sound of gears clicking and turning that seemed to sound deep in the heart, a chill gave everyone goosebumps.

Black smoke burst out from the golden light and crashed towards everyone. As the black smoke exploded, a demigod wearing a brown hunting suit appeared in front of everyone.

"You go first."

The bearded captain of the night watchman who was responsible for guarding the group said, leading his team members and rushing over.

"Go quickly."

Sarlotte Stuart repeated it loudly, knowing that ordinary people were of no use in such a battle. They could only watch the church's benefactors being implicated, and the group of them crossed the gate and fled down the hill.

In addition to the Stuarts, there were also civilian officers from the army and ordinary clergy sent by the Orthodox Church to collaborate on the retreat plan.

Although the largest luggage was Salhi II, and most of the others were just holding documents, their speed was not fast. Although the predicament here would be easily solved as long as one of the demigods who were dealing with the snowmen on the front lines could be transferred, at least the group of people had to avoid danger before reinforcements arrived.

But things tend to develop in the worst direction. Almost everyone had just left the main entrance of the palace. Before they had time to comment on the extremely cold temperature at the northern foot of the hill, another burst of black smoke broke through the golden light and flew out. , and then fell accurately in front of everyone.

The black smoke dispersed in all directions the moment it hit the ground, and then the man in black formal clothing gradually became clear in the smoke. The smoke did not leave and be dispersed. On the contrary, the black mist wrapped around the man, and the invisible smoke and dust swayed around him, looking extremely weird.


Even though he knew it was useless, Salote still asked the people around him to fight back immediately. Now there is this weird black mist man in front, and behind him are the royal palaces that have just escaped. It seems that there is really no way to escape. After all, the group of people are ordinary people...

He looked at his sister.

Dolores took a deep breath and then raised her hand. With the sound of crackling water condensing in the air, close to her back, boots appeared first, and then the entire ice swordsman holding an ice sword was summoned. come out.

Perhaps the Snowman Corps' attack unilaterally changed the nearby environment, or perhaps Dolores has made progress recently. The ice swordsman who appeared this time has a more concrete image, and the decoration on his body is more detailed. At the same time, the armor and weapons are The attached ancient runes are also more diverse.

Although it is not as good as what it looked like in the hands of Jenkins, at least it is no longer a simple sword-wielding thug.

After the swordsman appeared, he opened his eyes and looked forward, then stepped away from Dolores and rushed towards the man carrying the black mist. Every time its feet hit the ground, it would leave a smooth ice footprint on the ground. When the swordsman approached the man, even the black mist dancing in the air was frozen by the low temperature.

The swordsman jumped up from the ground, holding the sword in both hands and slashing hard. With the force of its fall, this strike was so swift and violent that even the people behind it could hear the sound of the ice blade breaking through the air.

The unstoppable blow went straight to the man's head, but was easily stopped by a hand. The demigod held the sword blade with one hand, and the other hand wrapped in the black mist dug directly into the swordsman's heart, piercing through the ice armor and then penetrated the entire body. As the fist clenched in the swordsman's body, the sword wrapped around the fist The black mist exploded directly in the ice, blasting the Ice Swordsman into scattered ice cubes, and even fell on Salsi II who was on the stretcher in the distance.

Dolores turned pale, and the sisters behind her immediately supported her. She coughed violently and blood oozed from her nostrils and eyes.

"So, you are the only benefactor of the Stuart family in this generation?"

The man asked, slowly putting down his hand, using a very stiff Hampavo Common language, and an obvious southern accent could be heard.

Seeing Dolores covering her mouth with a handkerchief to prevent blood from flowing out, he looked at all the Stuarts in front of him:

"So the ice soul must be in one of you."

This sentence is quite correct. Now, except for the children who are too young to participate in government affairs, all the Stuarts have gathered in front of him, even King Sarlot Stuart. If the Ice Soul is in the Stuart family, then it must belong to the person in front of him, and his judgment is quite accurate.

"Who is it then?"

As he spoke, the black mist surrounding him spread forward, as if it wanted to swallow everyone in front of him. But at this moment, golden light emitted from Dolores's chest, and the power of the pendant engraved with Jenkins' real name forced the black mist back.

"Are you a member of the Scent Appreciation Committee?"

The pale Dolores seemed to have recovered due to the power of the pendant, but her tone was still very weak.

"No, I'm a Treehouse guy, but I was on the committee for a while and now I'm just back to my original organization."

The man said, adjusting his formal collar and looking at the golden light with interest:

"Which god's power is this? No, it doesn't matter. If you are a clergyman and have such an extraordinary item close to a holy object on you, I am afraid I really can't take you away for a while. But unfortunately, you don't believe in the god who helps you."

The black mist seemed to come out of every pore of his body, and the demigod in the tree house was instantly submerged by the black mist. The gushing mist corroded the golden light of the pendant on Dolores' chest, forcing the group to retreat, but everyone knew that the pendant would not last long.

"Are you still not going to take action?"

Beside the chessboard, the eldest princess in Nolan asked Jenkins. Jenkins stroked the cat on his lap with one hand and leaned over with his head on the other hand to look at what was happening on the chessboard.

"You don't need me now."

The voice was very flat, and the cat who was familiar with him knew that Jenkins was angry.

After speaking, Jenkins stood up and walked around the table to the sleeping Salshi II under the vigilant eyes of the three princesses. He was severely injured in Rune because of his clone. Although his consciousness and soul have returned to Nolan, he still hasn't woken up.

Jenkins put his hand on the old king's drooping wrist and slowly detected his physical condition. He soon let go of his hand and let the index finger of his right hand, which was full of emerald green light, point at the forehead of Salhi II.

Chapter 1721 Chapter 1694 Falling from the sky

As if a gust of wind blew, the moment Jenkins' fingertips touched his head, Salhi II's hair and clothes all danced backwards. But it was only for this moment. When Jenkins withdrew his fingers, nothing changed except that his Majesty's hair was a little messy.

"Your father is fine, at least he won't die this month."

He said softly, then sat back in his seat and continued to look at the situation in Rune.

"The Tower Agreement is not a rule..."

The eldest princess asked with a complicated expression. She was of course happy that Jenkins was willing to help her father, but she didn't understand why he suddenly changed his mind. Yanni Stuart knew that her sister would definitely think of asking this man for help, but he had never taken any action to help Salhi II.

"In the past few hours, your father has violated enough clauses, and he doesn't care about one more. And I can't change his death, I just delayed it a little."

As soon as Jenkins finished speaking, Rune on the chessboard had a new change. The pendant on Dolores' chest finally extinguished its light. Facing the black fog that was about to engulf everyone, Her Royal Highness found the right time and threw out a strangely shaped metal object in her pocket.

The metal object was in the shape of a triangle, with three corners attached to round metal pieces of the same dark gold color. The three circles were connected to each other with metal crossbars outside the circumference, forming a larger equilateral triangle outside the triangle.

As soon as it was released, the dark gold concave lines on the surface of the object flashed. After contacting the black fog, the dark gold light directly penetrated the fog.

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