"You are not the gifters yet. In fact, even most of the gifters do not understand the meaning of the so-called 'essence'. Now you can regard it as a gift. Only in the future can you truly start to explore the unpredictable destiny. I understand. Now go up the mountain and follow your heart to the sacrificial site on the top of the mountain. You will see the sacred object."

As she said this, she gave way to the road and seemed to have no intention of accompanying the others up the mountain. Jenkins hesitated. In his eyes, the entire mountain had a strong purple aura. In other words, the mountain itself was a numbered object.

He looked at Miss Audrey on the side. Miss Audrey obviously knew the origin of this mountain, but there were so many people there now that it was not convenient for her to explain.

Since there was no requirement to set off immediately, most people stayed where they were and rested for a while before getting up and heading towards the bare white gray stone mountain in front.

Jenkins and Miss Audrey mingled with the crowd and walked forward with them. There is more than one road up the mountain. In fact, there is no so-called road on this mountain. What people need to do is to walk and climb as high as possible toward the "higher place" they think, so after a while the people around them almost disappear.

After making sure there was no one else nearby, Miss Audrey began to explain the place to Jenkins. In front of the two people was a high stone ridge. As a temporary break, they stood in the shadow of the stone ridge to enjoy the cool air:

"What we have under our feet is not a mountain, but the [All Things Impermanence Card - Mountain]. Jenkins, please tell me all the meanings of 'mountain' in the divination cards."

Jenkins thought for a moment:

"Sublimation, difficulty."

"It also means that even though the paths are different, the destination is the same."

Miss Audrey said, seeing that Jenkins wanted to ask about the Wanxiang Impermanence Card, she added:

"The Impermanence Card is one of the most mysterious gifts scattered in the material world. The same card will play different roles even in the hands of different controllers. The current user is the oldest divination in our church Home, she rarely does this anymore. According to my memories and the information I got from the teacher, I am afraid that there is more than one holy object on the top of the mountain. Destiny will lead us to see different things. What I saw back then, It seems like...a mirror?"

She said uncertainly.

"Then what is the nature of the so-called gifter?"

This is not the first time that Jenkins has come into contact with this term. Salshi II also said it two days ago, and even longer ago, the suspected existence of the God of Death also mentioned it.

"This is difficult to explain. For those who understand, explaining the meaning of this word is as difficult as explaining why one plus one equals two. We will wait until we leave here to discuss this matter. I have a hunch that I am afraid that when we reach the top of the mountain, we will Can find a way out of this point in time.”

After a short rest, the two of them continued to set off. Although the journey was difficult and dangerous, there were no man-eating creatures on the mountain and there were no malicious traps, so the journey was not dangerous. Surrounded by bare land and ash accumulated on the ground, only a few birds occasionally fly across the sky to make the scenery a little different, but generally speaking, this kind of adventure is very boring.

The mountain was not high, and even with Miss Audrey's body at this time, after resting several times, they quickly reached what they thought was the mountainside. The scenery around them was still unchanged, and the two of them couldn't see anyone else setting off together.

"Let's not walk the rest of the way together."

When she stopped to rest, Miss Audrey said seriously. She was panting heavily. This amount of exercise was really not suitable for her young body.

Jenkins remembered that Miss Audrey seemed to have mentioned that before she became a fortune teller, she was just an ordinary girl from a noble family, not some Valkyrie who could break a ten-inch-thick copper plate with a punch in a state of extreme anger.

"Although I don't know why fate arranged for us to come here, the opportunity to witness our own essence is quite rare. We each have a different path to take. In my memory, the last half of the journey is very clear. I am Go by yourself. As for you, Jenkins, seize this opportunity. If this is indeed the past time, you will get an opportunity that is difficult to encounter even at our time. "

Jenkins knew nothing about the situation at this time, but since his teacher asked so, he could only do it.

Watching Miss Audrey walk towards the upward ramp on the left, Jenkins stood there and looked around. He did not use the Eye of Truth to search for possible "holy objects", but looked up at the sky for a while, thinking about his cat. After Miss Audrey's figure completely disappeared, he then moved forward in the direction she left.

During the rest of the boring journey, Jenkins saw no one else. Because without the drag of the young version of Miss Audrey, he could choose a high position as much as possible and ignore the weird terrain, so his speed was faster.

The further you head towards the top of the mountain, the duller the surrounding environment becomes. The occasional extreme road environment is no problem at all due to Jenkins's super high physical fitness. The most troublesome place he encountered was a suddenly broken road surface. There was actually a bottomless canyon between the road ahead and the foot, as if the mountain had been split in half.

But even so, he just took a run and then jumped suddenly, forming a fragile ice plate in the air to use his strength, and he successfully passed the "difficulty".

Chapter 1734 Chapter 1707 The Epic of Time

When the sun was almost over his head, Jenkins, who was climbing up the slope, rested with his legs on his legs. When he looked up, he finally saw a vague low building in the distance, which seemed to be the woman who led everyone down the mountain. The so-called "sacrifice site".

He quickened his pace and found that there seemed to be no way up around him. Taking a few steps forward, the entire white-gray sacrificial site, which seems to be made entirely of boulders, comes into view.

Those boulders have not been polished in any way, and their surfaces are uneven due to weathering. The crooked building makes people doubt its safety, but after walking in, I saw that the long boulders are almost integrated with the mountain, and I feel that this sacrificial site should be here.

Believers of destiny like stone buildings. They believe that trees and metal have destiny, but stone does not, so it will not interfere with their ability to touch destiny.

The sacrificial site has a roof made of giant stones, and the whole place has an inexplicable sense of simplicity and vicissitudes of life. After stepping on the crooked and uneven stone bricks to enter, Jenkins couldn't help but let out a long sigh because the sun was blocked from the outside and the cold coolness made him sigh.

There is no light source inside, and there are no gaps in the stone building to allow sunlight to shine in. So he could only take out his own candle and hold it in his hand, while looking at the giant stone statue standing on the edge inside the sacrificial site, while moving deeper.

The size of the space here is much larger than what is seen from the outside. When we finally reach the end, looking towards the back, the light shining in from the door has become smaller than a grain of rice.

At the end of the sacrificial site is a high platform, which, viewed in the dim light of candles, is also made of stone. On the high platform is a simple stand, with a giant closed book placed on the top. The length and width of the book alone are as long as more than ten chocolate tails.

"Sure enough, it's not the mirror Miss Audrey mentioned."

He whispered, because the surface of the stone slabs that formed the walls of the sacrificial site was uneven enough to absorb sound waves, so there was no echo.

Go around the front of the high platform and find the steps on the side. Stand in front of the stone support holding a candle and want to open the book. But before his hand touched the book, he stopped again. He tilted his head and looked at the cover of the huge book without any text in the warm yellow flame of the candle. For some reason, an inexplicable feeling told Jenkins that he must not open it. it.


He retracted his hand and took two steps back, all kinds of speculations emerging in his mind. Suddenly, it was like a thunder struck over his head, and the most unlikely guess appeared in Jenkins' mind:

"This won't be [Epic of Time], right?"

It's a very illogical speculation, but after thinking about this possibility, I feel that there will be no other answer.

His hand suddenly shook and moved behind his back, as if to move away from the book on the shelf.

Jenkins had heard about the name of "The Epic of Time" from many people through various channels, but without exception, most of those who had talked about this book and died thought that they could glimpse traces of fate through "The Epic of Time" , is to let yourself be controlled by fate.

The most obvious one is the puppet sealed under the Snow Mountain Villa. It tried its best to escape its fate, but in the end it self-destructed and left Jenkins with important puppet legs, allowing him to synthesize the puppet in the battle of Evergreen Forest. sword.

"No, I can't open it. Although the probability of it being "The Epic of Time" is very low, I can't take such a risk, and I don't want to read this book either."

He said to himself in his mind, staring at the book and then stepping back step by step, as if if he didn't do this, the book would suddenly jump up and bite him.

But before retreating to the high platform, another sigh came from behind. Jenkins felt goosebumps on the back of his neck, and he almost jumped.

It was so quiet here, so quiet that even his slight footsteps were particularly noticeable, so the sudden sigh really startled him.

Before he could look back, he felt a pair of cold hands holding his head. He was stunned and wanted to break free, but those hands seemed to have indescribable power, making him freeze in place. The biggest action he could do at this moment was to blink, and the cold hands on both sides of his head, while he was unable to move, were sliding forward little by little along his face until the two hands came together. Blindfolded him.

My hands were cold, but I couldn't feel the calluses. They were as smooth as silk.

Jenkins' real eye can see through the entity and see the aura behind it, but this does not mean that his eyes can see the back of his head, so he has no way of knowing what it is.

What appeared behind him at this moment was definitely an extremely terrifying creature, and it wasn't even certain whether it was a creature or not. It had been a long time since Jenkins had encountered such a situation where he was completely unable to control his body.

He heard a soft breathing, very soft, just behind his head. The sound of breathing gradually came closer, until it stopped in his ears, and then the voice sounded, like a whisper in a dream, neither male nor female, without emotion, and even the tone did not fluctuate:

"Guess who I am?"

"Do you have any disease~"

This was what Jenkins was thinking, but because he couldn't control his mouth, he couldn't say it at all.

"Don't open that book."

The voice said again, still unable to distinguish the characteristics of the voice's owner:

"You can't watch the epic of years yet, even if your essence is already attracting it, but you can't now..."

The tone was very light, and there was air flowing past Jenkins' ears when he spoke, making his ears a little itchy. He didn't know the purpose of the man behind him, nor could he think of who he would meet in this era.

"But you must remember that your essence is not life, not death, don't be confused by appearances, your essence is your original posture"

The first half of the sentence shocked Jenkins, and the second half directly reminded him of Salshi II, who had said similar words not long ago. The difference was that it was the King of the North who relayed the content for a great man outside the world.


The power of the soul eventually affected the body, and it took all his strength to finally make a word appear in his mouth. But then the hand covering Jenkins' eyes moved again, one of which covered his eyes, and the other gently and slowly stroked his face down, across his nose, and finally covered his mouth with the palm of his hand.

"Don't talk to me, don't think about my existence, and don't feel my form."

Chapter 1735 Chapter 1708 Swimming Cat

The voice behind him was as soft as a whisper and murmur. Jenkins tried to feel the body shape of the speaker behind him with his back, but unfortunately, although he covered his eyes and mouth in an almost intimate way, the other party did not stick to his back.

The voice said again, this time saying his name:

"Jenkins, there is no coincidence in this world, only countless inevitabilities piled up to form other inevitabilities. Time travel never changes time, it only completes time..."

Jenkins, who experienced the Blacktown incident, agreed with this sentence.

"And the reason you are standing here at this moment is not to read the epic of the years, but to meet me."

This seems to imply that it was the woman behind him who brought Jenkins and Miss Audrey here.

"Huh? Why do I think there is a woman behind me?"

Jenkins thought puzzledly, and then Benny felt a heavy object on his shoulder, and then realized that it was the head of the person behind him. Instead of taking the head off and putting it back up in a horrifying way, she rested her chin against Jenkins' right shoulder, like an intimate couple talking.

He felt hair brushing against his neck, so he was sure that the person behind him had long hair. But he still couldn't determine the other person's gender because no one stipulated that only women in this world could have long hair.

"No, I didn't ask you to come here."

As if seeing through Jenkins's doubts, the voice continued.

"It is the epic of the years that invites you to come here, invites you to open it, and invites you to leave your own content. And I just help it do this."

The originally soft language is now as difficult to distinguish as the mumbling in a dream.

"But it's not the time yet, don't touch it, don't open it. Jenkins, treat it as a scenery you encounter on the road, don't care, keep moving forward, the way back is ahead... and I will wait for you at the end."

After saying that, the cold hands let him go. When both hands left Jenkins' skin, Jenkins, who had regained his mobility, turned around and looked back, but behind him was the darkness of the sacrificial field. Even with a monocle and the real eye, he could not see any strange light.

He was stunned there for a long time before turning around, with an inexplicable sense of loss in his heart. But after a moment of stunned, he knew that some things were destined to be unclear now, so he firmly engraved this matter in his mind, shook his head to adjust his mood, then glanced at the big book on the shelf, and walked around the shelf to the stone wall behind according to the reminder of the voice just now.

He walked forward without any hesitation, as if he could not see the obstacles ahead. When he was about to hit, Jenkins instinctively closed his eyes, but his steps kept moving forward, and then he stepped into the air as if he fell into the abyss...

When his consciousness returned again, he immediately felt surrounded by water. The spirit of life around him made him understand that he had returned to the lake in Evergreen Forest, and at the same time he felt that his hands were tightly clasped with Miss Audrey, just like before he fainted.

"It doesn't seem like much time has passed."

He thought to himself, and his body kept moving to pull his teacher to the surface. But the suspected time travel seemed to have brought some sequelae. When he moved, Jenkins felt weak all over, and even almost let go of Miss Audrey's hand.

"What's going on?"

Miss Audrey obviously didn't wake up. Under the premise that Jenkins couldn't swim up, the two sank to the bottom of the lake again.

Jenkins was shocked. He was thinking that the frozen lake water would freeze into ice, and at least the buoyancy would lift the two upwards, but at this time he felt that the lake water above his head had abnormal fluctuations, and something was swimming down.

He tried to open his eyes in the water, and at the same time, he looked up with the convenience of the [Eye of Truth], and saw that it was his cat swimming here.


The cat moved very fast in the water, and in a blink of an eye it rushed to Jenkins' side. The small cat opened its mouth and bit the clothes on Jenkins' shoulders, and then let its four small paws flutter back and forth in the water. Although the cat is small in size, its paddling movements were actually enough to move two adults.

Chocolate bit Jenkins's clothes and brought the two people closer to the water. When the cat and the two people floated to the surface, it was still biting Jenkins' clothes, trying to drag them to the shore.

The cat's strength was enough in the water, but once it reached the shore, its body was bound by the mud under its feet, and Chocolate was not enough to move the two people in this situation.

But fortunately, a pair of hands grabbed Jenkins's empty left hand at this time, and people holding oil lamps approached the strange ritual site by the lake from the forest, and then brought Jenkins and Miss Audrey to the grass on the shore.

After leaving the lake, his physical strength recovered quickly. When he lay on his back on the grass, Jenkins even felt that he had fully recovered. He panted heavily, sat up and handed the soaked Miss Audrey to Miss Befanna who pulled the two people ashore, and then carefully took off the cat that was still biting his clothes with his mouth, as if hanging on his shoulder.

The flames quickly dried the man and the cat. Jenkins picked up his cat and looked at the innocence and curiosity in the big amber eyes. He didn't know what to say.


"What are you playing?"

On the side, after leaving the lake, Miss Audrey also woke up. Because she was wearing thin clothes, Miss Befanna asked people to stand farther away so that the light wouldn't shine on them. At the same time, she asked the nuns of the Church of Destiny who had been at the edge of the field to find some clothes. They quickly brought an ordinary nun's uniform for Miss Audrey to wear.

"I didn't expect you to like playing such a game with your students."

Seeing that Jenkins and Miss Audrey were fine, Miss Befanna watched the female fortune teller put on her clothes and take care of her hair, so she started to tease. Of course, although the situation just now looked a little strange, Miss Befanna knew that the "water fortune-telling" ceremony was being held here just now, otherwise she wouldn't have brought people here so quickly.

Miss Audrey glanced at her, obviously not ready to respond to this sentence. And the situation just now was really embarrassing. She was pulled out of the lake with Jenkins in her soaked summer clothes. If she told others about this, people would misunderstand her.

Thinking of this, she looked at the young writer beside her. Jenkins was holding his cat and looking at it with a thoughtful look. The cat was held by Jenkins very well, and his amber eyes looked at the writer's face.

"Since you can swim... why did you object so desperately when you took a bath before?"

Jenkins knew that cats could swim, and he also knew that his cat could swim, but he never thought that it could swim so skillfully in a deep lake. Although he was saved by the cat just now, he shouldn't blame it too much, but when he thought of the hardship of bathing the cat every time, Jenkins couldn't help asking.


This was probably the answer, but Jenkins didn't understand Chocolate's cat's meow at all, so he could only look at it with a sad face. He couldn't do too much after being saved by his own cat. He wouldn't ask this question again.

The water divination ceremony could not proceed at this point. After taking a rest by the lake, Miss Audrey directed the nuns of her church to collect the candles by the lake. Then she invited the two demigods of the [Church of All Things and Nature] who were resting here tonight to mobilize the spirit of life with Jenkins to dispel the fluctuations of the strange spirits that were still surging in the ceremony venue and the lake.

After doing this, all possible sequelae were eliminated. Miss Audrey seemed to have gotten rid of the influence of the previous incident, but Jenkins still had many questions.

"Have you advanced to demigod?"

When everyone left the lake together, Miss Befanna suddenly asked. Jenkins, the two demigods of the Church of Nature, and everyone from the Church of Sages and the Church of Destiny were all stunned, and Miss Audrey smiled reservedly:

"Yes, you actually found it out."

What happened tonight was extremely strange. Although it probably had nothing to do with the end of the era, it also needed to be reported. Jenkins just mentioned what happened just now to Miss Bevana, and then promised to submit a report tomorrow. Then he found Miss Audrey and asked to talk about what happened just now. Of course, she would not refuse.

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