Demigod-level diviners are more precious than demigods with most other professions and skills. Miss Audrey, who originally had a transcendent status in the church because of her teacher, is now considered to have a high status in the Church of Destiny in the Nolan region. One of the tallest people.

After becoming a demigod, she should have immediately contacted the Holy See of the Church of Destiny, but Miss Audrey obviously believed that the conversation with Jenkins was more important.

"You really traveled through time and space just now? But how is that possible?"

The two of them walked in the forest, talking as they walked. The sky is cloudless tonight, and the moonlight shines on the quiet and peaceful forest. It is a good weather for walking the cat. It's a pity that Chocolate only wants to be on Jenkins' shoulders and refuses to walk on its own.

"It's probably like traveling through time and space."

Miss Audrey did not give a very definite answer, but since she said so, the possibility is really high.

"The ritual just arranged is a very versatile ritual array. In principle, there should be no problem. I think the situation just now is most likely related to divination."

Only then did Jenkins remember the purpose of Shui Zhan tonight.

"No, I don't see the answer."

The female fortune teller said directly, turning along the forest path with Jenkins. The deer parked in front of the path was lowering its head to gnaw on the bracken beside it. Hearing the sound, he immediately hid in the bushes, but then poked his head out and looked at Jenkins quietly.

PS: There was a major bug in the previous article. The left arm of the eldest prince Sarlotte Stuart was severed by a guard in the Ice and Snow Festival accident. I forgot about this matter.

I spent the whole night last night revising the previous numbers 1589, 1591, 1681, 1693, 1696, 1697, 1698, and 1700. Sarlotte Stuart's left arm was still broken, but when the Northland delegation arrived at Belduran, Jenkins discovered that he had been fitted with a wooden prosthesis.

The direction of the subsequent story has not changed, except that the details of the board game and the snowy night fight to the death have been modified, and at the same time, Jenkins has been informed of the origin of Salote's left arm prosthesis when the eldest princess cooperates.

Generally speaking, it's just a matter of details. You can read the previous article and refresh the chapter to view it.

To express my apologies, I will add an additional chapter.

Chapter 1736 Chapter 1709 The Meaning of the Blue Moon (Additional update)

"Is there something wrong with the heir being killed?"

Jenkins, who was walking in the forest, made a conjecture, and his divination teacher admitted:

"At least it is certain that someone performed counter-divination, otherwise there would be no problem with our ritual."

In fact, the problem is mainly related to the epic of time and the mysterious man who appeared at the end.

Miss Audrey couldn't read Jenkins' thoughts. She raised her head again and looked at the moon in the sky through the gaps between the lush branches:

"You probably know that the twin moons in the material world are not the original moon of this world. It is said that the original moon was yellow, but was swallowed up by disaster during a certain era change in the past."

The cat squinted and nodded, looking very proud.

"There are three moons in the sky of the material world now. The colorless and lightless moon represents the power of the righteous god. The red moon is a disaster. It is said that a terrible creature is sealed inside, but at the same time, it hangs in the sky and also has the power of God. The role of anchoring time and stabilizing the reproduction of populations in the material world, but do you know what the blue moon does?”

Miss Audrey asked, causing Jenkins to look up to the sky. Today's moon phase is a red moon with a complete blue moon. According to this world's monthly calendar, this moon phase only occurs twice a year, appearing in late winter and mid-summer.

“The blue moon represents time, and truly represents the power of time.”

This is the answer I got from the "Astronomical Knowledge Gift Pack" given by the Star Spirit. Although the moon is not strictly a star in the definition of this world, after all, they are not the projection of the star realm, they are at least part of the starry sky.

"Yes, the blue moon is time. It symbolizes time, stable time, orderly time. There are very few time-related rituals in existence, such as the extremely secretive ritual [Contact Time Paradoxist], which requires blue The moon serves as the central symbol of the ceremony.”

"The blue moon is a symbol of the Lord [Closed Circle] when he was still a god."

Jenkins automatically translated and then summarized what Miss Audrey just said:

"So what happened tonight was partly because the water divination ceremony was interfered with by anti-divination, and partly because of the unintentional communication with the Blue Moon?"

"Yes. If I hadn't initiated the subsequent ritual by mistake, I might have been severely injured due to the failure of divination. The anti-divination method used by the other party was not any common method. During the period of coma, I seemed to see an indescribable thing. , huge, disordered, metal-like things..."

As for being promoted to demigod, it is what Miss Audrey gained in the past time and space. Repeatedly walking the path of witnessing the essence in the past and present, and then completing the missing memories of her youth. When she stood in front of the shining silver mirror again, she saw the answer she had been seeking for a long time.

"What did you see? Oh, sorry, I shouldn't have asked."

He smiled and shook his head, knowing that Miss Audrey wouldn't mind.

"It doesn't matter, it's not a secret. I see the path I'm taking. Although I don't have Alexia's talent and luck, at least my choice is right."

At this point, his tone became much lighter, and he seemed to be in a good mood. She walked side by side with Jenkins, turned her head slightly to look at Jenkins' profile, and was a little surprised that she could really lead the child of destiny to this point.

Originally it was just an attempt, but she didn't expect to have walked so far.

"What about you? Jenkins, what did you encounter at the end of the mountaintop?"


He hesitated for a moment, but did not hide what he encountered. Not only the book that seemed to be an epic of the years, but also the story of the stranger who blindfolded him.

Miss Audrey listened quietly, frowning occasionally, but did not interrupt Jenkins during his narration. After he finished speaking, he asked softly:

"Don't tell anyone about this, including the Sage Church. It's best not to tell anyone. I mean the stranger's story. The Epic of Years can be said, and that should be the book you guessed. I once read that book with my teacher and saw the prophecy about the savior written on it. Remember, never let a third person know that you met someone else at the mountaintop sacrifice site."

"Then do you know who that is?"

Jenkins asked his teacher curiously.

"No, I don't know."

Miss Audrey answered almost without hesitation, and this sentence was also true.

"In the hundreds of years since the beginning of this ceremony, no one has ever met anyone other than themselves on the top of the mountain. No matter who it is, it is not something that mortals can touch. Since He has no ill intentions and just said that he is waiting for you at the end, then just wait with peace of mind, Jenkins, there will never be meaningless accidents in this world, and in fact, even so-called accidents do not exist.

If fate is related to so-called accidents, then you will definitely meet again."

That night, I stayed in the Evergreen Forest until late before returning home. It was almost dawn when I got home. The girls at home had already gone to bed, so Jenkins quietly washed up and returned to his bedroom.

He maintained a good work and rest habit, and opened his eyes on time at six o'clock the next morning, Saturday. Just as Jenkins opened his eyes, the cat, who had woken up because it was time for breakfast, also opened his eyes, stood up beside the pillow with sleepy eyes, kicked the bed sheet with his front paws, slightly pressed down his waist but raised his buttocks and stretched, and made a long "meow~" sound.

He still had a lot of things to do today. He was not going to attend the Three Kings Talks or go to the church to help prepare for the joint meeting to be held next month. He planned to personally investigate the truth of the heir's death today.

At the breakfast table, he told the ladies at home about his plan for today. Everyone knew his ability, so they were not worried that he would encounter an accident, but the three of them reminded Jenkins that tomorrow was the last day of this month, which was his 21st birthday. According to the agreed plan, Jenkins promised to take Alexia and Dolores home and hold a birthday dinner for the whole family.

"What? Tomorrow?"

Jenkins, who was looking at the newspaper, stuck his head out from the left side of the newspaper in surprise.

"You didn't prepare anything, did you?"

The blonde girl said with some dissatisfaction, and then added:

"For your birthday party tomorrow, Hathaway and I spent a long time preparing clothes and gifts."

"Your Highness and Miss Miller also prepared carefully. No matter what happens tomorrow, they will come here."

The maid also said on the side, smiling and waiting for Jenkins' response.

PS: Someone asked me to recommend a book: "I, Hikigaya, the Containment of the Evil God", author: Baipao Anzai

Introduction: I, Hikigaya, a legendary agent, a big brother of the association, the founder of SCP, a mysterious giant, the Five Emperors of the Ocean, and a weird nemesis. "

"I have five cousins, a sister, a childhood sweetheart, two ex-girlfriends, a cute junior, and a beautiful girl colleague, but no one likes me. I am a complete loser. "

Daily life and mystery gradually intertwine, even if we are hesitant, we still move forward.

Cthulhu lands in New York, legendary agent Altria disappears... This era needs heroes.

"...Keep your sanity and follow me into madness."

Hikigaya lit a cigarette expressionlessly, put on sunglasses, and showed his ID.

"Agent Hikigaya, intervene in the investigation."

Ps: Daily high sugar, mysterious world suspense, high blood sugar and high blood pressure please enter

I have completed the book, the outline is complete, and there are 50,000 manuscripts in stock! Please give me more advice~

Chapter 1737 Chapter 1,710 Tree in the Mist

"In fact, you don't need to prepare any special gifts."

Looking at the ladies' expectations, Jenkins said slowly, and then looked back at the news in the newspaper. Recently, there are many advertisements for the purchase of precious tulip bulbs and finished flowers in the advertising area, and the auction house has also posted a notice to auction tulips in the newspaper. The plan is going smoothly.

"I will prepare the banquet, sumptuous dishes, gorgeous table decorations, all of which I understand. "

In fact, he didn't understand at all. Jenkins had never attended anyone's birthday party in this world, so naturally he didn't know how to hold a party at home. But he could ask Bishop Palod to help prepare everything and send it to his home. Although the church's scribes were very busy recently, the ordinary clergy who gathered from all over the world had nothing to do.

"Then it's settled, I'll celebrate your birthday at home tomorrow night. Jenkins, I think you will definitely not miss the time, right?"

"Yes, I definitely won't. "

He assured Hathaway, and then asked quietly:

"Then can you tell me what gifts you have prepared? I'm very curious about this."

"Then just wait for the birthday party tomorrow."

Hathaway smiled and brought the small plate of chocolates to the cat.

Breaking into the early morning mist and walking out of the house, Nolan's summer is already foggy, so even if there is no haze, the city is still foggy at this time.

After Miss Audrey's divination failed yesterday, Jenkins can actually entrust the investigation regarding the death of the heir to the church. With the efficiency of the church, even if divination is not possible, it can start the investigation from other directions, and it will take at most half a week to give Jenkins an answer.

But Jenkins can't wait such a long time. Now everything seems to him to be related to the catastrophe at the end of the era, so he might as well investigate by himself. As long as there is progress, he can find out the culprit hidden in the fog of Nolan in at most one day. Arrested and brought to justice.

The first stop was still the morgue at Carfax Field, and the bodies still had not been transported out of the city. Because this time I was investigating privately, I didn’t have to ask anyone to open the door. Jenkins chose to put on a black robe and break through the empty door. Fortunately, today was Saturday, and the janitor at the morgue of the Police Department was also a little undisciplined. He was still immersed in his early morning nap and did not notice the intruder.

There are no benefactors in the police department, and the liaison officers installed here by the church usually do not show up at the morgue, so Jenkins successfully contacted the seven corpses.

The door to the morgue could not be locked, so Jenkins could only throw a silencing charm on the ground, then pull out the corpses, and try to use the necromancy ritual with the skull sword one by one, and then all failed without any accident.

"Even counter-divination is ready, and counter-channelling must also be handled."

Jenkins thought about letting the cat stay in the corner so as not to dirty its fur, so he put on a white coat, gloves and a mask, and then extracted hair, teeth and pieces of flesh from the seven corpses one by one.

He put these disgusting things into the bag, whispered sorry to the corpses, and then put them back to their original positions. After leaving Carfax Field by the same route, Jenkins maintained his current appearance all the way to the public cemetery outside the city.

Now Nolan's fog zone is not only expanding inward, but also expanding outward. The public cemetery on the edge of the city was still shrouded in fog around nine in the morning.

But this was convenient for Jenkins. He climbed over the fence into the cemetery, avoided the gravekeepers of the Giver in the cemetery, and carefully came to the tree of the dead that he destroyed on the night of the Dragon Game.

Probably because it was stimulated by Jenkins's spirit of life that night, the original small tree actually grew at least one head taller in half a month. Its lush appearance was completely opposite to the scary dead tree appearance that night.

While no one was paying attention, Jenkins quickly took out the pieces of meat, hair, and teeth and prepared to arrange the ceremony based on the tree. But before he was ready, he noticed someone coming over.

He narrowed his eyes, and what he saw with his right eye through the thick fog was Miss Magic. He hesitated for a moment, put away his glasses, and then turned the cat crouching aside to watch the fun into white, before continuing with his arrangement.

"Mr. Candle?"

Sure enough, the elegant woman walking along the path in the cemetery through the gray fog immediately recognized "Mr. Candle" from the cat next to her.

"Oh, good morning, Miss Magic."

Jenkins said hello while continuing the work at hand. Now he had placed the seven biological materials from different corpses at equal intervals around the tree. Then he knelt on the ground and used a silver dagger to leave inscriptions on the ground. mark.

"What are you doing? Oh, it looks familiar."

As the woman spoke, she walked next to him. Seeing that he didn't object, she bent down to observe the carvings. At the same time, she did not forget to explain her purpose here:

"Last month I found a nice undead tree here, but it suddenly disappeared for some reason. I thought that since it can disappear, it will probably appear again, so I happened to have time today and came over to take a look. It seems that the tree Is the tree really disappearing? Is this rune in Rite language? I didn’t expect you to understand this kind of text.”

She carefully studied the outlined runes, and after receiving a positive answer, she said:

"Mr. Candle, since I happened to meet you, I want to ask you something. Are you cooperating with the believers of the God of Music recently and asking them to find more Good God Sects to unite with them? Someone contacted us recently, The believers who said it was a lie promised that a false god sect like ours would gain the power to walk on the earth in the next thousand years. I am worried that these stupid women were deceived by other liars, so I want to ask you."

"It's not a liar...I mean, it's a liar, but we are a bunch of know what I mean. This thing is true, you may have heard of it, We plan to negotiate with the Zhengshen Church in the near future, and we will need some supporters then."

Jenkins turned his head and said, and then reminded:

"Of course, followers of the Lady of Mysteries and Ritual can also remain neutral. This is totally fine and we won't mind."

"In this era, who can remain neutral?"

Miss Magic sighed, straightened up and looked at Jenkins' cat, thinking about the last time she met William Mutt, but she knew very well that she couldn't mention it, so she turned to:

"Whether to support you or not, we still need to think about this matter. Our sect is loosely organized, and we usually gather once a year to exchange our knowledge and discuss the inheritance of the sect. Now many people are rushing here... to join in the fun. I have to wait until most people are here and ask for their opinions before making a decision."

PS: Please vote for everything.

Chapter 1738 Chapter 1711 Tulips and Meatballs

As if she was embarrassed for not being able to give an immediate answer, the lady standing in the fog had some apology in her tone.

Jenkins, who was half-kneeling in front of the tree to handle the ceremony, said hurriedly:

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