Jenkins picked up the dust and observed it:

"It seems to be flour."

"It doesn't matter. The warehouse itself is closed, and not many people seem to have entered it since then. This is enough to preserve some traces that are invisible to the naked eye and the spirit formed by the ritual itself. As long as it is mysterious, it will leave traces. The situation It’s more optimistic than I thought.”

Miss Magic said before driving Jenkins out. It's not that she wants him to look out, but Miss Magic thinks that Jenkins is like a giant shaking body in an endless ocean. His presence will interfere with the performance of some rituals that require strict conditions and precise operations.

Jenkins, who was driven outside the warehouse, looked at his cat with an innocent expression. Chocolate, who was unusually well-behaved today, was yawning. When Jenkins looked at it, he called out "meow~" and then rubbed his furry face. Rubbed Jenkins' face.

"You rescued me from the lake, and I haven't even thanked you yet."

Jenkins stood in the shadow under the eaves of the warehouse to enjoy the cool air. He raised his right index finger and slightly bent it, scratching Chocolate's chin. The cat immediately squinted its eyes and let out a softer meow.

"Since it's my birthday tomorrow, prepare some of your favorite food."

He said with a smile, and then took the initiative to reveal his secret, his voice was very soft:

"Actually, I don't care much about that birthday, but since they want to celebrate me, I have to take it seriously. I don't know what gifts they will give me. I don't lack anything now..."


Chocolate wagged its tail, wondering whether to give Jenkins a gift as well.

Outside the warehouse is a yard used for temporary storage of goods. Outside the yard is a gravel road, with other warehouses on both sides.

Jenkins was muttering to the cat when he suddenly looked up and noticed a man in a hat approaching at the other end of the road.

His footsteps were very soft, and his walking posture seemed to be tilted to the right, but every step was accurately in a straight line, as if he was suffering from severe obsessive-compulsive disorder.

He was wearing black boots, his right hand was in his pocket, his face was heavy, and his eyes were looking directly at the stranger standing at the door of the warehouse.


Jenkins thought in his mind, and slowly lifted the cat off his shoulders and put it on the ground. Then he changed from leaning on the wall to standing up straight and walking towards the door of the yard.

The man walking from the gravel road at the door was at the highest level of vigilance at this moment. He didn't slow down his pace, but the right hand he put in his pocket tightened his grip on the item, almost holding his breath as he moved forward step by step.

"Who are you? Where is the guard here?"

The man who came from a distance asked first, standing not far from the entrance of the warehouse compound and stopped moving. He spoke in a neutral voice, but strong and deep.

"I'm the guard here."

Jenkins said, then looked at the man's right hand:

"What's there?"

Seeing Jenkins ask this, the man actually took the initiative to stretch out his clenched fist:

"Do you really want to know what this is?"

Jenkins didn't let go of his hand, so he couldn't see what was in his palm, but the black aura couldn't be faked. The stranger in front of me is only level 3, not a high level, but if you look carefully, you can see that there is a very fine and difficult-to-detect aura in his body.

"Another reformer from the Gear Craftsmen's Guild? But what does this matter have to do with you?"

Before he finished speaking, the strange man had already thrown the object in his hand towards him.

It was impossible for Jenkins to take it hard. He waved his hand forward and condensed a layer of ice in the mist. His original intention was to change the flight trajectory of the black aura object, but he did not expect that the object actually penetrated the ice and flew towards Jenkins' chest.

His eyes narrowed, and his dynamic vision captured the swirling brass-colored gears. Flicking his fingertips, while dodging sideways, stones flew out from his fingertips and flew sideways towards the gear. In order to ensure the hardness, Jenkins even added some metal to it when "drawing" it.

It worked this time, but the gear was knocked crooked by a stone in the air. But before falling to the ground, it suddenly flew up again, flying towards Jenkins again like a fly chasing dirt.

PS: Add an update, please give me everything. There seems to be some activity on the website recently, and there is no upper limit for monthly tickets.

Chapter 1743 Chapter 1716 Sacrifice in Exchange for Potion

The speed of the flying object was very fast. If it weren't for the physical fitness of the seventh-level benefactor and the reaction speed of [Cat's Elegance], Jenkins might not even be able to see its flight path clearly.

But it doesn't matter. I captured the moment when it was flying in the air again. The Holy Bone Sword was pulled out from the air and then swung down suddenly. As the sword light with an ambiguous gray color flashed, a white streak The line divided the road in front of the yard into two parts along the central axis of the road. It also divided the strange gear and the man standing in the middle of the road into two parts.

"Is it that simple?"

He stood still with his weapon in hand, looking around and, prompted by inspiration, lowered his head to look down. I saw a few ant-like things that were much smaller than rice grains, trying to climb up his shoes. Looking further into the distance, I saw more small brass-colored things crawling towards this side in a straight line, like Ants are marching.

Jenkins was startled. In his real eyes, all these things had a black aura. He wanted to take a step back, but he didn't expect that the "ants" would "fly" faster and pounce on Jenkins' face like locusts.

He instinctively waved his palm forward, and the flames were swung out like a wall, almost igniting the air in the explosion. By the time a few "ants" flew out of the wall of fire and pounced on Jenkins, Jenkins had already put the air bomb ring on his hand.

"I didn't mean to blow up the street. I hope Miss Magic can be faster."

He thought to himself and waved forward again like before. Miss Magic, who was reciting ancient texts with her eyes closed in the warehouse, felt the ground shake violently when she heard the explosion.

The corner of her mouth twitched, but she still stood there without moving, fully believing that Mr. Candle outside could solve all the problems.

This time, Jenkins did not blow up half of the street like last time, but only blew up the small street at the door of the warehouse yard. The resulting explosion was enough to alarm the entire block. Although there were empty warehouses all around, he had to solve the problem in front of him before the police were attracted.

After the explosion, his ears still caught the rustling sound in the dust.

"Vanilla, back off!"

Jenkins shouted loudly at his cat, who had just crawled forward with his belly pressed against the ground, like a tiger about to hunt. Unfortunately, Chocolate was too small, so it only felt funny to do so.

The wall of fire and the explosion just now still worked. Only a few brass-colored "metal ants" were able to crawl out of the messy road after the explosion, and their forward speed became slower, enough for Jenkins to see clearly what it was.

"Metal... gears?"

The things he mistakenly thought were the size of ants were metal creations that resembled ants and were made up of very small gears. They were simple in shape, with large gears as the body, small gears and bearings together forming antennae and feet, and they could even merge and split each other during crawling.

This made Jenkins think of his own [Mechanical Light] for no reason, because the objects decomposed by [Mechanical Light] also scattered into gears of similar size, shape and color, but they could not be pieced together to become ants.


He stretched his right hand forward and made a lifting motion. As he chanted the unique spell softly, the light representing the color of the Star Spirit was already in his hand.

He did not use the lamp immediately, but continued to drive the gear ants together with the flame. When the fire circle almost gathered them together, it actually vaguely formed the shape of the complete gear that he had just seen.

What the strange man threw just now was not a gear at all, but a metal ball gathered by these metal ants.

"Mechanical Light!"

The blue-purple light shot out from the center of the mining lamp, covering the "gear" on the ground. The surface of the "gear" originally had uneven undulations due to the surge of the mechanical structure, flowing like ripples, but as soon as it came into contact with the light, the "gear" itself stopped, and all the metal ants that pieced it together seemed to be dead.

As the light continued to shine, the gear finally lost its shape and scattered into a pool of metal on the ground. Jenkins watched with his eyes, not worrying, until the last tiny black light disappeared, and then he used flames to burn all the metals that did not have extraordinary power.

The burnt metal exuded an abnormal stench in the air, and even in the empty streets, the smell lasted for a long time until Miss Magic finished dealing with the things in the warehouse and came out, and she could smell the abnormal smell.

"What happened just now? When you were fighting, did you penetrate the underground septic tank?"

The woman came out with her nose covered, holding a small paper bag in her hand.

"It's the Gear Craftsmen's Association. Have you heard of the weird things made up of small gear creations?"

"No, what is that?"

"Probably a new trick made by the underground things."

Jenkins said, and then motioned Miss Magic to follow him and leave quickly, the police were almost here.

This incident attracted the Gear Craftsmen's Association, which Jenkins really didn't expect. But during the short retreat, he also thought of the Gear Craftsmen and the Tree House, which had now joined forces. So it seemed reasonable for the Tree House to let the low-level benefactors of the Craftsmen take the strange objects to destroy the ritual site.

In this way, the cooperation between Queen Isabella and the Tree House was not as comprehensive as Jenkins expected. Obviously, she did not completely trust the Tree House, so except for the necessary parts involving the ritual, the rest were done by ordinary people under her.

Therefore, this matter itself is anti-divination and anti-tracking, but if you start from the details to avoid divination, just like what Jenkins did today, it is not impossible to trace anything.

Miss Magic also gained something in the warehouse. According to her, the traces of the ritual left at the scene were very obvious. Although it was a sacrificial ritual that she was not good at, judging from the placement of the ritual array, the time of the ceremony, and the runes on the ritual array that could be "seen", the purpose of this ritual was "sacrifice" and "gain".

"My foundation in ritual studies is not very good, so can you change it to a more normal statement."

The two of them had now left the warehouse in the east mining area of ​​the city and were walking along the street towards the city center. It was still afternoon, even though it was Saturday, but because of the hot weather, there were very few pedestrians on the street. Through the lingering smoke, the two of them walked forward.

"Your foundation in ritual studies is not good?"

Of course Miss Magic didn't believe this, but she didn't bother to question it, but patiently explained:

"Sacrifice something in exchange for something. Although it is still a sacrifice in essence, there is a difference between the two. The prototype of the ritual in the warehouse is very ancient, and I can't even trace it back to its original appearance. But similar rituals I have seen it, and I have to say that this is your luck, Mr. Candle... In short, if we talk about the actual effect of this time, then it should be 'sacrificing seven transmitters of a foreign bloodline and obtaining a share of A potion that enhances your bloodline'.

"So detailed?"

"Don't you still believe in my ritual knowledge?"

The woman said very arrogantly that when it comes to her professional skills, Miss Magic will behave like this.

Jenkins remembered the "Projection Ceremony" that he spent eight thousand pounds to buy, and immediately nodded with a sullen face:

"I have full confidence in your knowledge, Miss Magic."

"So is all this revealed? Her Majesty's true purpose is to obtain the blood of elves so that she can rule the Kingdom of Fidictry with a longer lifespan?"

Her tone became lighter. After all, this matter was coming to an end. Although there were accidents, overall it went smoothly. Being able to participate in royal disputes without danger is also a novel thing for Miss Magic. As for the victims who appeared because of this, she neither knew nor had anything to do with her, so this would not affect her mood.

"Enhance your own bloodline? This is impossible.

In fact, Queen Isabella has no blood relationship with the Middleton family. If the thing summoned by the ritual is really what you said, then the potion should have no effect on Queen Isabella. "

"I know that Your Majesty is not a real member of the Middleton family, but just married into the royal family, but don't nobles have the habit of intermarriage? Maybe she is also a distant relative of Middleton."

Miss Magic guessed again and turned the corner with Jenkins. As they walked, they looked at the beautiful white building on the side with him. The steam pipes are attached to the surface of the wall, and the brass-colored brilliance seems to have drawn elegant lines on the wall.

"But she is an exception. Because she has been on the throne for too long, many people have probably forgotten it, but Queen Isabella is from a commoner."


Miss Magic looked back at her companion and realized that the expression was not a joke:

"Then why did she spend so much effort? It can't be that she has forgotten her bloodline, right?"

"Of course it's impossible. Salshi II said that although Queen Isabella is a little confused, she is still very clear at least now... It may not be for herself. Maybe she has chosen I want to have my own heir, but I don’t want to let Middleton’s bloodline decline from now on..."

Jenkins slowed down and looked in the direction of the city center. His gaze rose upwards from the streets that seemed to be gradually widening on both sides. Finally, he saw a black metal tower standing shadowy in the depths of the thick fog. The feeling of depression came from what he saw. The black tower appeared at the beginning.

Suddenly stopped:

"I think I probably understand. I didn't expect that this was her plan."

Chapter 1744 Chapter 1717 Mr. Hood, the Rich Businessman

"What do you unserstand?"

On the street shrouded in gray fog, Miss Magic asked in surprise.

"I understand some obvious things. We'll talk about this later. I have a plan now. Do you want to go together?"

Next, Jenkins' plan is to go straight to Queen Isabella, who immediately thinks he's crazy.

The woman was actually shocked by his bold and direct idea. Although she was the benefactor, she still retained respect and a certain degree of awe for the queen of secular kingship. She was not in awe of human beings per se, but in awe of the power that came from power. Therefore, Miss Magic never thought that one day she would rush directly in front of the Queen.

"I think it's better for you to think carefully and make a foolproof plan instead of using simple sentences like 'let's lurk over there and ask for the truth behind this matter when others are not paying attention'" to describe the next steps ”

"Oh well......"

Jenkins thought for a while and said again:

"My plan is to wait at the door of the city hall, sneak into her carriage in advance, and then use a spell to silence our voices and figures. After she gets in the carriage, we will question her again."

Jenkins said, nodding, thinking this was a pretty good plan.

"Are you kidding, Mr. Candle? Is your plan as simple as going to kidnap and interrogate the queen of a country?"

"Of course, do you still need to write a detailed plan? I have never had such a habit."

He asked in surprise, but Miss Magic still thought this was too reckless:

"So what do you think it should be?"

He then stopped and asked, and Miss Magic also stopped and stood with Jenkins in front of the mailbox at the entrance of the alley, as if they were stopping to chat.

"First of all, we have too few people. Secondly, this plan was just thought up by you, but you actually know nothing about the current situation in the city hall and around the queen. Finally, since she is cooperating with illegal organizations, she must have means to protect the gifted. Shouldn't we take precautions in advance?"

Miss Magic is a very cautious person. In fact, Jenkins is also very cautious, but he thinks that at least there is no need to worry about too many details in this matter. If it succeeds, it will be better. If it fails, the Orthodox Church will not embarrass the two of them for the sake of cooperation, not to mention that what they did this time is completely just.

"What you said makes sense, but now the sun is about to set, and the night is long and dreams are many. We'd better deal with this matter today. After all, a person just died, and the tree house will definitely find out."

"In this case..."

Miss Magic gritted her teeth:

"Then go find Mr. Hood. He is steady and I know he is nearby. We call him to participate in the operation. Even if it fails in the end, I believe there will be no way to escape."

"Don't worry about failure, it will definitely succeed."

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