Jenkins comforted, and then added:

"I can swear on my own name that there will be no big trouble in this matter. Miss Magic, in fact, we don't have to be afraid of the power of the king. We all know William. If he succeeds in sitting on the throne in a few months, Then everyone will become a hero in helping him. By then, you will probably be awarded the title of 'Royal Occult Advisor'."

"Forget it, he is a scribe of the Sage Church, so why would he ask me to be a royal advisor?"

The woman muttered, leading Jenkins through the alley and towards another block diagonally ahead.

Mr. Hood is a very successful big businessman. As for how successful he is, Jenkins only heard a few words from the people at the party and from the old elf. Even though he met Mr. Hood last time in Beldiland, he still had no idea. Not much of an idea of ​​how successful he actually was.

It wasn't until this time that Miss Magic took him into the magnificent marble building located at the corner of the five-way intersection of Nolan City's East District Commercial Street that he had a clear understanding of his friend's financial resources.

"Is this a bank?"

Jenkins asked nervously while walking on the neat and almost reflective smooth ground. Walking up the steps, passing by the marble columns, I entered the front hall and found that it was unusually empty. There were only a few middle-aged men in uniforms sitting behind a row of counters against the wall. What you see when you look up is the majestic dome, above which is an exquisite oil painting drawn by the artist's brush.

"Have you never been here?"

"Why do you think I've been here?"

Jenkins asked quietly.

"The Kamel Psychological Counseling Center is very famous here. It is the largest psychological counseling firm in Nolan and the largest chain of psychological counseling centers in the Kingdom of Fidictry. It even has a cooperative relationship with the Kingdom's Medical College."

Miss Magic introduced, before reaching into her pockets to rummage through something.

"Psychological counseling office?"

He looked again at the neat ground around him that no one dared to step on, at the expensive oil paintings on the walls, and at the antique sword-holding armor standing on both sides of the open door:

"Is this business so profitable?"

Both he and the cat, who had never seen the world, were amazed by this. One person and one cat looked around, thinking about how much the buildings here were worth.

"Of course, I have known Mr. Hood for a long time. I heard him say three years ago that his net income after tax for a year is almost this amount."

As he spoke, he stretched out his finger and gestured to Jenkins. Jenkins interpreted the sign language according to the rules of black market transactions, and the shocked expression on his face became even more intense:

"This should be the so-called top big capitalist, right?"

"Yes, no matter which rule is used, Mr. Hood can be called a big capitalist... But don't look at his good life now. In fact, he was also very depressed a long time ago. I remember Mr. Black Cat and Mr. Hood were the first to know each other after leaving Nolan. Mr. Black Cat told me that Mr. Hood's life was very bad more than 20 years ago, and he only became rich in the past ten years. Ordinary people who make a fortune through hard work, hard work and a little bit of luck deserve this industry...Don’t talk to me about capital squeeze, I don’t understand that.”

After saying that, he finally found the business card in his pocket and handed it to the young woman with a business smile who came towards him. The latter immediately led the two of them deep into the building. Walking along the corridor through the diagnosis and treatment area, in front of the second door, I greeted the uniformed guards before entering the office area at the back.

Mr. Hood's office was at the very back. Jenkins heard voices inside before knocking on the door. The conversation stopped abruptly after knocking on the door.

Chapter 1745 Chapter 1718 The Returned Black Cat

"who is it?"

The conversation inside the door was small, and Mr. Hood's voice came after a few seconds. Jenkins also took this opportunity to look behind the door with his true eyes, and saw two familiar people.

"Sir, the lady is here to see you, and she's bringing a guest...and a cat."

The woman who led the two people over said.


Mr. Hood said in surprise, and then the footsteps gradually approached the door. When the door was opened, he saw the familiar cat and recognized the familiar friend:

"Oh, I really didn't expect you to come to see me. Please come in."

He greeted the two of them in with surprise. At this time, another guest in the room had stood up and looked outside. Jenkins was the first to say hello:

"Welcome back to Nolan, Mr. Black Cat."

The person inside the door was Mr. Black Cat, another friend who had gone to a party in the southern city of Turin last year.

The four of them are all familiar with each other and are very good friends. In addition, everyone had not seen Mr. Black Cat for a long time, so they eagerly sat down and asked Mr. Black Cat why he came back.

In fact, Mr. Black Cat had just gotten off the train and came to greet Mr. Hood first and take back the property he had left to help take care of him. As for the reason for coming back——

"Nowhere is safe now. You will never imagine what I encountered in Turin recently - no, Mr. Candle, this has nothing to do with you. Although your commission has caused some trouble to me, it is not dangerous."

He looked dusty, and his black suitcase was leaning against the wall. It was obvious that Mr. Black Hair had just arrived. After taking the wine glass handed by Mr. Hood and taking a long sip, Mr. Black Cat seemed to be frightened by the memory again:

"Starting a month ago, I have been dreaming about something that cannot be said out loud, otherwise everyone may have mental problems. That nightmare left me with nowhere to escape, even leaving Turin. Mr. Candle's last commission My incident led me to meet a woman whose identity is a mystery. She introduced me to purchase a sacred object from the Sage Church at a very high price, and then I completely lost the memory of that night.”

His expression was a little frightened, but also a little lucky:

"But that's okay. I haven't dreamed about that terrible thing since then, but I also understand that if a person is unlucky, it is not safe even if he runs outside the material world. It just so happens that Nolan is so busy recently , so I came back. To be honest, I’m quite reluctant to leave here.”

As he spoke, he laughed and added:

"Nowhere is safe now. Have you heard that the fires in the primeval forests in the south have been burning for half a month? It is the rainy season now, and there are also the obsidian ruins in the desert, the resurgent Snowman Legion in the north, and overseas The indescribable things that appear frequently in the deep sea... Now that I'm back in Nolan, it's no different from staying anywhere else."

He looked at the three of them, and the smile on his face was sincere:

"I'm so happy to see that you are all okay. I wonder how Mr. Bailing is? When I was in Turin, I heard a lot of rumors about Nolan. You have not been involved in any dangerous things in the past six months. It's really Very good."

Hearing this, the other three laughed awkwardly at the same time. Their lives in Nolan were not all smooth sailing.

Jenkins has not forgotten the purpose of coming here, and Miss Magic quickly described the two people's experiences today. Mr. Hood and Miss Magic were also in awe of the idea of ​​"kidnapping" Queen Isabella, but could not withstand Jenkins' persuasion and finally reluctantly agreed to go, but he would not hurt anyone.

Mr. Black Cat also wanted to go along, but was persuaded by the three of them. He had just returned to Nolan, so there was no reason for him to be involved in something dangerous right away. It's better to tidy up your own place and solve life problems before the day passes. As for the queen's affairs, the other three can take care of them.

Although Jenkins' plan seems very hasty, it seems that there are no loopholes when you think about it carefully. Therefore, although everyone felt that Mr. Candle was joking, they finally adopted his plan.

After the three people disguised themselves, they approached the city hall from the east of the city. After bypassing the blocked block of Civic Square, I quickly noticed that there were more police patrolling nearby, and there were also some people who looked like benefactors mixed in with the police.

"Don't worry, in order to ensure the smooth progress of the Three Kings' meeting, the city hall and the church have strengthened security. Today's strict inspection is a special case. I heard that the main topic discussed recently is the regular restriction of exhaust gas emissions from steam plants, so I came here The more nobles there are, the more security there will be."

Jenkins said softly, and then led the two people behind him forward. He was always able to avoid patrolling police officers at reasonable locations, and even completely avoided the patrol team of gifted people on the road.

It would have been excusable if it was only once or twice, but when they saw the main entrance of the city hall from a distance, they were not even interrogated once. This made Mr. Hood, who had never guessed the identity of Mr. Candle, very puzzled.

"Do you know their patrol routes?"

Mr. Hood asked as he thought about it.

"You probably know something...come here!"

After saying that, he walked quickly to the alley, and first put the white cat Vanilla on his shoulder on the ground. The cat meowed obediently, and then trotted to the light pole not far away. For the meeting of the three kings, the nearby blocks are cleaned every day, and the street light poles are scrubbed every day, which is even brighter than the doorknob of Jenkins' house.

The cat stood there for a while. Seeing that no one was paying attention to it, it happily ran further away and disappeared around the corner after a while. Jenkins looked at his pocket watch and counted a few times silently. The carriage with the Middleton family crest passed in front of him. When it passed the alley behind the lamppost, Vanilla jumped up, as if flying. He got in directly through the carriage window.

Jenkins waited for a while and saw that the cat was not thrown out of the window, so he reassured the person behind him and said:

"The plan went smoothly. Only the coachman was driving and there was no one in the carriage. Sure enough, she asked the servant to wait inside the city hall instead of leaving first with the carriage."

"How do you know there is no one in the carriage? Maybe the people inside liked your cat very much, so they kept it."

Miss Magic guessed.

"No, no, Qiao, Vanilla only recognizes me as its master, and it will never be trapped by others. And..."

He raised his head quite proudly:

"My cat is not an ordinary cat. Not only did I feed it the animal wisdom enlightenment potion, but it also rescued me from the lake when I almost drowned a few days ago. This is a very powerful cat."

Neither Miss Magic nor Mr. Hood understood what there was to be proud of having their lives saved by their pets. But seeing Mr. Candle’s weird look, he didn’t question him.

But Miss Magic once again remembered that during a certain chat, her employer, Miss Windsor, complained in a complaining tone about the strange relationship between Williamte and the kitten Chocolate. She remained silent about this again. After all, it was known that Williamte was a scribe of the church and was suspected to be the Holy Son of the Sage; Mr. Candle was known to be a believer in lies and was suspected to be a demigod-level false believer. If these two people are the same person, then no matter who she tells this matter, it will probably not end well.

The next development was just as planned by Jenkins, and both Miss Magic and Mr. Hood mistakenly thought that Mr. Candle had actually arranged all this.

The three of them had already boarded Queen Isabella's luxurious private carriage, and each huddled in a corner of the carriage under the protection of the spell. It was both the first time for Miss Magic and Mr. Hood to come to such a place, and their soft conversations revealed their admiration for the royal carriage.

Jenkins was stroking his cat on the side, waiting patiently and thinking about things.

"You said..."

He suddenly spoke:

"What should I do after I get the truth out of her later?"

The "she" here refers to Queen Isabella. Miss Magic has long noticed that Mr. Candle has never used the word "Your Majesty" to address the most prestigious woman in the country.

"What else can I do? Of course I leave immediately."

Before Mr. Hood could comment, Miss Magic said. She spoke quickly, as if she was afraid that Mr. Hood would steal her words:

"Since it is a task assigned to you by Prince William, of course you should report the matter to him after completing it instead of making the decision yourself. After all, he is the most suitable person to handle this matter. "

"Don't use the title prince."

Jenkins reminded, looking at Miss Magic thoughtfully and then nodded:

"You are right, William should indeed be used to handle this matter."

Mr. Hood felt that the grammar of this sentence was a bit strange, and there seemed to be some hidden meanings in the conversation between the two of them that only the two of them understood. This made him a little confused, but since they didn't want to kill anyone, Mr. Hood had no problem with it. He was happy to see this situation.

"Speaking of which, Mr. Hood, are your arms feeling better? I noticed that the tulip seeds I planted in your arms are still working."

Jenkins was concerned again.

"Much better. Although the mechanic from the Church of Creation and Mechanics couldn't completely repair this arm. But with his help, and your flower seeds helping the flesh and blood of my arm heal at all times, I want to use It won't take long for the arm to recover naturally. Look, now it's no problem to bend and stretch, it's just that I can't lift heavy objects."

He said happily, and Jenkins and Miss Magic were also happy that their friend's injuries would heal quickly.

Miss Magic even made fun of the tulip seed that Jenkins buried in Mr. Hood's right arm, jokingly saying that the arm might be worth several hundred pounds now, and might be even more valuable in the next few days.

Chapter 1746 Chapter 1719 Eternal Purity

Due to the emergence of the Black Tower, Nolan's clock tower is now destroyed, and the city temporarily has no bells to remind people of time, which is very uncomfortable. Mr. Hood in the carriage frequently checked his pocket watch to determine the time. Although he didn't say anything, he looked very nervous.

The other two gradually lost their interest in talking. Even Jenkins, who was most confident in the plan, was infected by the nervousness of his companions and began to wonder if today was a little too bold.

But no matter what, they had already sneaked into the carriage and could not give up anymore, so they could only wait quietly.

When the time on the three people's pocket watches finally came to five o'clock in the afternoon, the noise gradually started to sound outside the carriage, and all three people understood that the meeting was over.

They each clung to the side wall of the carriage. After double-checking that the spell was still working, they shut up and stopped talking or even moving. In order to prevent his cat from meowing suddenly, Jenkins even stuffed the white cat Vanilla into his pocket despite the hot weather. But the cat didn't look angry, but seemed a little happy.

According to usual practice, Queen Isabella will not come out with the rest of the meeting. She still needs to participate in a simple Q\u0026A with reporters after the daily meeting with the other two kings, which can be regarded as informing the public of the daily meeting process. And use it as an important part of the next day's newspaper.

Now the news that the war is about to end has been known to almost everyone. The latest big news is that the king of the North Kingdom has chosen his heir, which means that the first queen will appear in the Kingdom of Hampavo. Therefore, Queen Isabella does not need to stay long after daily meetings. Although the recent bill on limiting exhaust emissions is important, it is still not as attractive as the succession of the Northern Royal Family in people's minds.

At about half past five, the carriage that had stopped for a long time began to move forward slowly. When it stopped again, the three people in the carriage heard the coachman's voice. Then a man in uniform entered the carriage first. After looking around, he got out of the car and spoke to the people outside the carriage. Then the servants helped Queen Isabella into the carriage.

She wore a red and white dress today, and because she was too old, she couldn't be considered beautiful. The old man's face was full of fatigue. After sitting down, he talked about tomorrow's meeting arrangements with another mustached man in a black suit who got into the carriage. After he left, he ordered the carriage to set off.

It was very strange that Queen Isabella did not leave any servants in the carriage. Although this was beneficial to the three of them, it was an abnormal situation, so Jenkins used very complicated gestures to signal his companions not to act rashly. But Miss Magic and Mr. Hood obviously couldn't read Jenkins' untrained sign language, but they probably guessed the meaning from his expression, so they remained quiet.

As the carriage drove away from the door of the city hall and headed along the street towards the mansion where the queen was staying, the old man sitting alone in the carriage did not relax his demeanor, but sat upright with a serious expression.

About ten minutes later, the carriage suddenly slowed down, and then returned to normal and continued to move forward. From the perspective of pedestrians outside, it was just that the heavily guarded carriage slowed down at the alley, probably to prevent someone from rushing out; but from the perspective of the four people in the carriage, someone took the opportunity of the carriage slowing down to enter the carriage.

This was a woman who was still wearing an elegant black plush long-hemmed top in summer, wearing a velvet hat with a blue bow on the side, and the mole at the corner of her mouth looked like an ink spot on soft parchment to Jenkins.

"Level 4 Gifter."

He said in his heart, and then found that Queen Isabella was not surprised by her appearance.

"Are you ready?"

The woman sat opposite the king, with a calm expression and elegant manners, and she also looked like she was from a noble family.

The old man opposite her kept silent, and the trembling of her mouth made everyone present have no doubt that she must be thinking about a lot at this moment.

"The man has been killed, and the potion has been prepared. We only need the last ritual core object to perform the final ritual and completely activate the power in the blood of the 'lucky' lady... This is a proven method. You probably don't know that earlier this year, the user of a terrible weapon used the same method to allow an ordinary woman with the blood of an alien mantis to contact the real mysterious world."

"The core object... must it be that?"

The old man's voice was more tired than Jenkins thought.

"Yes, it must be the life of the owner of the elf bloodline that has already appeared. After all, everything has a price. I think this is difficult, but not very difficult to find, right? William..."

"No, although I don't choose him to inherit everything from me, I absolutely cannot let the legitimate male descendants of the Middleton family be harmed."

Hearing this, the young woman smiled, as if she had expected it long ago:

"Then let's do as we agreed, and then find an opportunity to kidnap the girl named Cape. Although she is a reserve nun of the Church of Nature, I think there will always be an opportunity. We have made a plan. She now sells flowers on the street with ordinary people in the church every week. That's a good opportunity... But have you made up your mind?"

"Yes, it must be the Middleton bloodline that inherits the throne."

The old man's voice was low, but very powerful.

"But you don't want to give the country you have run for half a century to that civilian boy who jumped out of nowhere."

The young woman said, and this sentence made Queen Isabella's expression even uglier, as if every letter in this sentence jumped up and punched her.

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