"Don't try to delay, Jenkins. Don't I know that the girls from the Michael family and the Hesha family have moved into your home a long time ago? Could it be that those two navy generals would allow their daughters to be your mistresses?" ? You have already thought about what to do, am I right? Don't use Stuart to prevaricate me, this is meaningless. "

Sure enough, she seemed to be able to see through Jenkins' thoughts. Jenkins suspected that this was some special item that the other party had that the church had not searched, but in fact he knew in his heart that this was the intuition of an old man who had lived too long.

"I can't give you any answer now, and I'm not willing to negotiate with you who did that kind of thing."

He pretended to be calm, but feeling the different touches, the cat knew that Jenkins was not calm.

"Because you think I'm despicable, agreeing to my conditions is equivalent to compromising a very despicable person. Your self-esteem cannot accept this kind of thing... Oh, Jenkins, it's come to this point, Are you still acting like a child?"

She said this with a smile, then suddenly closed the book in her hand with a snap and placed it on the sofa cushion next to her.

Chapter 1759 Chapter 1731 The so-called inheritance

The old man laughed at Jenkins' naivety. The book was placed safely in the gap between her and the sofa. Seeing that Jenkins wanted to say something else, he added:

"Don't worry, you can discuss this with your friends or even Jessica. You can come to me at any time and give me your answer as long as you think it's appropriate. Of course, if you really want I don’t have any problem with sitting on the throne, fighting with me and making the country a mess, and then taking over the Middleton family’s inheritance openly.”


Bang bang bang~

An unexpected knock on the door interrupted their words. Jenkins closed his mouth and looked down at his cat. Queen Isabella picked up the book again, and then heard the maid outside the door say:

"Your Majesty, Miss Windsor wants to see you, and she brings her friends with her."

Judging from the voice, this was the maid who had just left after pouring tea for the two of them.

"How did Jessica get in?"

The old man muttered, and then let the people outside the door come in. Then Jenkins and Isabella understood why Miss Windsor was able to get permission from the church to enter under such circumstances, because the friend following her turned out to be Jenkins' distant cousin Sigrid.

The two women were not expecting Jenkins to be here, and their arrival seemed to interrupt their conversation.

Jenkins picked up the chocolate and stood up, greeting the two ladies. They all nodded to Jenkins cautiously and did not show too much intimacy to Jenkins in front of Queen Isabella.

"Come and sit."

Queen Isabella seemed to have no intention of continuing to discuss that topic with Jenkins. She asked Miss Windsor and Sigrid to sit down. In a set of sofas here, the old man sat on the long sofa in the middle, and there were two more seats on the right side. personal.

Miss Windsor hesitated and looked at Jenkins. Sigrid had no intention of sitting next to her. After all, Jenkins' distant cousin already knew about the unsuccessful plan.

No one moved in sight, and the atmosphere in the study was a bit awkward. Jenkins coughed and left the single sofa, and then said to the maid outside the door:

"Find someone to bring two chairs, softer seats."

Although Jenkins is not the owner here, his words are still valid. Soon, two male servants came in from the door carrying a red-upholstered armchair. They put the chair down in accordance with Jenkins' request, then closed the door and left.

So Jenkins sat in the middle chair, Miss Windsor sat on the little sofa on his left, and Sigrid sat on the chair on his right.

"So, what do you want to see me for?"

Only then did the old man ask again. She continued to hold the book, but this time she was not really reading it, it was just a decoration in her hand.

Sigrid said nothing and looked a little sad. Miss Windsor sighed and looked at Jenkins, as if this would give her the courage to speak. It turned out that Jenkins was also looking at her, so somehow, he boldly said the rude words he had prepared:

"I told Sigrid everything about yesterday, and she wanted to come to see you, so I brought her here. In fact, I shouldn't have an opinion on this, but this time... this time What you did is really too much, Your Majesty, what you did was wrong.”

Queen Isabella looked at her but said nothing, and then looked at Sigrid Capet. The girl with a somewhat sad expression said:

"I think this is probably the last time I come to see you. I thought I really found a relative..."

Jenkins suddenly took her hand, indicating that the Williamsots were her real relatives. Encouraged by his actions, Sigrid bravely raised her head and looked at the old man in front of her:

"Sorry, I don't think I care whether I am related to the royal family. In fact, this reputation is a burden to me. If you want to murder me, someone will naturally seek justice for me, but from now on , please do not invite me to any public events, and please do not treat me as your descendant or relative in public.”

She didn't say anything about not thinking of her as a member of the Middleton family, after all she still considered the Willamettes to be relatives, so not everything had to be drawn.

"Okay, I know."

The Queen said, lowering her eyelids to look at the book in her hand, but she was obviously absent-minded. Although she did not take the book down, Jenkins noticed that she had not turned a new page for a long time.

"As an apology, I will put in my will..."

"Sorry, I don't want anything."

Sigrid said, a statement that impressed Jenkins greatly. If it were him, he would definitely want it. Even if it were all donated to fund the orphanage, that would be a good idea.

"If you don't want it, then leave it to Jessica, I think..."

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty, I don't want anything from you either."

Miss Windsor's eye circles were already a little red, not sure whether it was because of the other party's attitude or because she mentioned her own death.

The old man did not continue to talk about leaving her property to Jenkins. She sighed, put the book that she couldn't stand on the table, looked at the three of them, and then asked:

"Jenkins, how are your talks with the Royal Army going?"

Another unexpected question, but this one Jenkins really couldn't answer. He has no time to pay attention to such trivial matters recently. Miss Windsor has always been dealing with this.

"As long as you have patience, it is easy to persuade the old die-hards in the Army, but those young and energetic officers will not be inclined to you because of their blood. What they care about is honor, money and power. Today's young people, But it is much more realistic than when I was young. At that time, just shouting "for the motherland" and "for justice" could always attract a few stupid people. "

There seemed to be some sarcasm in this sentence that Jenkins didn't understand, but unfortunately Jenkins couldn't catch it. Of course, the above words should not have been told to them by Queen Isabella. After all, the two sides can be considered to be on opposite sides.

"Jenkins, you can't let Jessica do everything, otherwise will it be your job to be the king or hers? I heard that after she swore to help you, besides meeting important people, you , basically does not interfere in anything, not even as involved as the Princess of the Stuart family, this is not acceptable. "

"Jenkins wants to be a king, not a hands-on bureaucrat. It is normal for him to appropriately arrange for people he trusts to handle those tedious things."

Miss Windsor said immediately.

"Do you really think so?"

the old man asked.


Miss Windsor raised her neck and said proudly. She had to admit that her neck was really beautiful.

Chapter 1760 Chapter 1732 Cat Seal

The conversation in the study continued, and the tail of chocolate unconsciously slapped the back of Jenkins' hand. Queen Isabella questioned Miss Windsor's view that "Jenkins is a king, not a bureaucrat":

"So is this answer based on your emotions or your rationality?"

"Of course it's rational."

Miss Windsor gave the answer naturally.

"That's a lie...huh?"

Jenkins thought to himself, then realized what this meant. His face tightened, and he felt a little overwhelmed, and then he realized that he was still holding Sigrid's hand. The latter also held his hand tightly, not giving Jenkins a chance to withdraw his hand.

"Since you think it's rational, then go ahead and do this. Jessica, although you haven't grown up around me all the time, I know you better than you think, but sometimes... No If you put in the effort, you will definitely get something.”

Jenkins believed he understood what he said, and he noticed that everyone seemed to be observing his expression. He had no experience in this situation and had no idea what he should do, so he took the initiative and said:

"You don't need to worry about this matter, and in your current position, you are not qualified to say this to us."

He didn't understand why the other party could calmly give them "guidance" as an elder even though they had done bad things and thus affected the lives of innocent people. He didn't understand that Queen Isabella didn't feel even a little bit guilty about the three people in front of her. In Jenkins' view, this kind of guilt was common to normal people.

"That's all for today. Although the church will certainly not let you sacrifice your life, please remember that seven innocent people died because of you, and Sigrid almost lost her life because of you."

When he said this, he looked into the eyes of Queen Isabella, but the old man still looked calm, because there was no trace of emotion in his old and cloudy eyes.

Sensing the intention to say goodbye in Jenkins' words, Miss Windsor and Sigrid also stood up and prepared to leave with Jenkins, but before he picked up the cat on the back of the chair, the old man spoke again:

"Almost forgot...Jenkins, happy birthday to you."

A sudden anger welled up in his heart, but Jenkins couldn't explain the cause of the emotion. He could only nod to show that he heard it, but he didn't expect that the other party took out a slender wooden box from under the coffee table.

The blood-red wooden box was made of exquisite materials and exquisite craftsmanship. Jenkins could see brass-colored metal buckles from its eight long sides. At the same time, on the upward side of the wooden box, craftsmen with superb craftsmanship were specially used to carve the appearance of a lifelike kitten, which indeed looks somewhat similar to chocolate.

The wooden box was tied with colorful ribbons, and you could tell at a glance that it was intended to be given as a gift. Considering that neither of the two ladies was willing to accept the inheritance that the old man intended to give, Jenkins thought that he could not lose face, so he did not reach out to receive it at this moment. But unexpectedly, Miss Windsor pushed him gently, and at the same time Sigrid took his hand and squeezed it hard, which seemed to indicate that he should not stand still.

The corner of Jenkins' mouth trembled, understanding that no matter how dissatisfied he was, some things still had to be accepted. The other party is the country's most popular queen, loved by the people, and has been in charge of Fidicli for nearly fifty years. How the next important transfer of power will be carried out has a lot to do with the other party. Even if he is the Son of God and has the support of the church, if he really wants to have complete peace and take over power without any chaos, relying solely on the coercion of the church and his power is not enough.

The church and he can suppress a country by force, but what's the point, especially since Jenkins just heard about an interesting deal.

And even if you tell Queen Elizabeth all your identities now and have a so-called showdown, it will not be enough to intimidate the other party, because this world is not a world where theocracy is supreme. At this moment, Jenkins suddenly thought that there was nothing wrong with the supremacy of divine authority. Then he realized that this was just because he was standing in this perspective now. The current magical system of peaceful coexistence of divine authority and royal authority was the best choice at the moment.

"So, I want to accept this gift, which means that although I am angry with her, I don't want to completely break up with her."

He thought to himself and took the box with a straight face, but did not say thank you.

The three of them turned around to leave, but at this moment they heard Queen Isabella calling Sigrid Capet's name.

"I am really sorry."

The old man said again. Jenkins seemed to have heard the girl next to him snort coldly. No one ignored the words and left the study together.

According to the information that Jenkins received, the church does not intend to deal with Queen Isabella's contact and cooperation with the tree house strictly. Tomorrow, the first day of July, she can return to participate in the talks of the three kings.

This is quite unfair. If an ordinary person without power collaborated with an illegal organization and murdered seven innocent people, his fate would never be so simple.

But Queen Isabella is right, the world is always unfair. Even though most people think that Queen Isabella's punishment did not match the crimes she committed, she did not get the end she deserved.

At least many people remember this incident, which may lead to more changes in the future.

The three of them were in a bad mood when they left the house. It was half past three in the afternoon. Jenkins had finally solved the main task of the day. Apart from picking up Alexia and Dolores in the evening, there was nothing else left.

Seeing that his companions were not very happy, he took the initiative to invite them to visit the city. But Jenkins overestimated his skills in choosing entertainment activities, and when Miss Windsor and Sigrid agreed, he didn't know where to go.

It happened that I had to book tickets for the family to go to the theater that night, so I asked the carriage to take them to the theater together. I bought tickets for the evening, but the theater was closed during the day today.

So he thought with a sad face that he had been invited to a concert by Hathaway, but he had to be a member to enter that club, and he could not invite others in alone.

"I have a familiar club in Nolan, so why not go and have a seat? The weather is hot now, and there is no need to do outdoor activities."

Miss Windsor took the initiative and Jenkins glanced at Sigrid. She had no objection and agreed.

Before getting acquainted with Jenkins, Miss Windsor's active area of ​​activity was the city of Belduran, which was, after all, the center of power and politics of the Kingdom of Fidictry. As for Nolan, she only comes occasionally, so the club she calls "familiar" is actually the club under her own name.

The club whose name means "Golden Rose" was opened by Miss Windsor herself to provide a gathering and meeting place for Nolan's aristocratic ladies. Compared to the ladies' clubs that Jenkins had visited many times with Hathaway and Britney, Miss Windsor's club was more like a high-end social venue than a relaxing entertainment venue.

Taking Jenkins and Sigrid into the room prepared for him, the entire wall directly opposite the door was actually a complete glass curtain wall. Jenkins had never thought that he would be able to see this architectural style in this era.

The interior decoration is also simple. The walls are painted in a very gentle warm yellow, and then simple landscape oil paintings are hung as embellishments. On the left side of the room is a semi-circular solid wood desk that is larger than a single bed. On the table are neat books, ink bottles, pen holders and other stationery.

The doorway was covered with red floor mats, followed by an expensive knitted rug. On the right side of the room is a set of sofas and matching coffee tables. Looking up, there is a crystal chandelier overhead and a brass gas lamp fixed high on the wall.

"You don't seem surprised by this."

Miss Windsor asked after seeing Jenkins glance at the glass curtain wall with a calm expression and then turn to look at the oil paintings with interest.

"Surprised? Oh, yes, surprised. This is the first time I have seen this kind of wall... But outside is the street, and this is only the third floor. Aren't you worried about being seen from the outside?"

If not counting extraordinary power, there is no truly practical single-sided glass in this era.

"Usually, the curtains are drawn here. It felt good when I spent money on it, but it was only after it was built that I discovered the problems."

Miss Windsor frowned slightly and said, then asked the servants outside the door to come in, close the curtains, and told them not to disturb the three people.

After closing the curtains, the room immediately became dark. Because the curtains were made of yellow printed fabrics, the sunlight that finally penetrated the fog and entered the urban area became even more dimmer.

The three of them were sitting on the sofa, and the gas lamp on the wall had been turned on, so the light was pretty good. Jenkins opened the gift box he just received in front of them. Inside was a very delicate seal. The main body of the seal was a squatting kitten. Under the base was the style of the family crest that Jenkins received when he received the title of Viscount. .

Of course, this seal is an ordinary item and has no extraordinary power, but it is made of pure silver. Completely integrated, no traces of connection or welding can be seen. It is just regarded as a work of art, which is also priceless.

"It seems you don't have a personal seal yet, right?"

Sigrid on the side asked, and Jenkins immediately understood and stuffed the seal back into the box:

"I won't use this as a seal. Besides, I don't need to use a seal anywhere. I think it's more formal to sign it by hand."

This action obviously won the approval of the two ladies.

PS: Some posts expressed dissatisfaction with Jenkins’ “compromise” with Queen Isabella. But all he wants is a peaceful transfer of power and for him to really gain power. Although he is very strong, should he use the power of the Holy Son to kill the entire city to force the other party to abdicate? With power, can it be used without fear or reverence? Or, as the plot says, a complete break-up, with both sides fighting for the throne to make the world turbulent before the end of the era, and the country's civil strife using war to complete the transfer of power?

It's not about compromising, it's about choosing the best path based on the facts.

With the support of the Church and Hampavo, he could pay the price and gain the throne, leaving the Queen alone. But it is simply impossible to achieve peace and gain the throne in a short period of time. There will be no bloodless change, especially when the other party is really loved by the people.

I just don’t want the world to be in chaos again, I don’t want innocent people to sacrifice, and I don’t want to lose more power before the final decisive battle at the end of the era.

As for telling the end of the era, first of all, things involving the secrets of the world in this world view are beyond the reach of ordinary people. Even if it can be said, if telling the truth can make others obey, wouldn't it be better to just print newspapers and tell the whole world about the end of the era? What is the purpose of trying to get the Three Kings' Conference and the Joint Conference of the Twelve Churches to proceed now?

At this stage, apart from being slightly looked down upon by the Queen and his cousin being verbally plotted, Jenkins has nothing to lose. Is this plot unacceptable?

Could anyone expect it? Jenkins grinned and everyone shouted for the return of the Holy Son.

In the end, the queen will definitely know that she made the wrong decision.

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