Chapter 1761 Chapter 1733 Regret

Then the three of them talked about Queen Isabella and the throne. The development of this matter is still unexpected. Jenkins knew that the Queen had a plan, but he didn't expect it to be revealed so easily.

Although this was related to his superb mobility, suddenly not knowing what cards his opponent had in hand made Jenkins feel a little uncomfortable.

Miss Windsor actually believed that Queen Isabella had no options left. Although she recently felt that she did not understand the old man as well as she thought, Miss Windsor was confident that she would not make any mistakes this time.

Now that this matter was mentioned, Miss Windsor talked about the cause and process of yesterday's incident intentionally or unintentionally. She once again expressed to Jenkins that she was now wholeheartedly helping Jenkins become king and would never go back on the oath she had made.

Jenkins believed her.

Today is his birthday, and because the whole world seems to know this, Miss Windsor and Sigrid have already prepared gifts. The two did not expect to meet him at Queen Isabella's, so they did not bring the gift with them.

Miss Windsor then tentatively asked how many people would attend the birthday party held at Jenkins' home tonight. Of course Jenkins understood the meaning and gave the answer frankly.

"Oh, that's how it is."

Miss Windsor really understood, and her face became darker. However, because she had asked similar questions before, she was not surprised to receive such a reply.

Her answer was quite bland, and her emotions didn't fluctuate much. This is the girl that Jenkins admires the most. Her emotions and anger are not easily expressed externally, but she has her own independent thoughts, pursuits and efforts.

Because of this question, no one in the room suddenly spoke, and a somewhat awkward atmosphere enveloped the room for a moment. Jenkins felt regretful about the wrong direction of conversation he had chosen, and also felt guilty for rejecting the lady's kindness. Of course, he did not regret doing so. If he really invited Miss Windsor, not to mention what the ladies at home would think, he himself would think that he is not who he is now.

The three of them were silent for a while, and it was Miss Windsor who found the topic again. She apologized to Sigrid with some sadness, because the misfortune that Sigrid almost suffered seemed to be caused by her. The considerate nun said it didn't matter and she wouldn't attribute fault to unsuspecting people.

To lighten the mood, Jenkins also thought of another topic. He pretended to be calm and talked about the choice that Queen Isabella proposed before the two entered the study. Sigrid was not interested and therefore did not comment, but advised Jenkins to see the path he was going to take.

Miss Windsor opened her mouth to say something, but the sentence paused in her mouth for at least dozens of seconds before she thought of a suitable way to express it:

"You'd better discuss this matter with Princess Stuart or that Miss Miller. As a client, I shouldn't express my views on such a sensitive topic."

She brushed her hair in front of her ears and tucked it behind her ears. Alexia often does this kind of action, which Jenkins thinks is a very seductive action.


The squinting cat wagged its tail.

"I trust you, that's for sure."

As long as she doesn't talk about emotional issues, Jenkins is confident that she can handle everything.

"It is precisely because of your trust that I cannot express any opinions on this matter."

She emphasized again, her tone quite serious:

"I'm not the kind of person who doesn't understand what's important and what's not important. I don't give you my opinion, not because you refused to invite me, but really because I shouldn't express my opinion on this matter. This is quite serious. Question...Of course, I don’t really care if you refuse to invite me.”

When Miss Windsor said the last half of her sentence, she deliberately turned her face away.

Jenkins was very impressed by her ability to mention her thoughts without hesitation. Sigrid on the side also looked at Miss Windsor with surprised eyes.

But at the same time, Jenkins was uncomfortable with the situation. Obviously, the last deliberate turn of her head was to tell him that she actually cared about her very much. Jenkins could understand this now.

In this way, the three of them talked in the club until five o'clock in the afternoon. Because the days are longer in summer, there is still no sign of the sunset outside even at this time. But Jenkins had to go. He had to pick up Dolores and Alexia first, and make arrangements for the church to arrange a birthday dinner at home.

After expressing their desire to leave, the two ladies did not stop them. They politely sent Jenkins downstairs, and then watched him and the cat walk away down the street.

"Are you feeling very sorry?"

After seeing Jenkins off, the two turned around and returned to the room they were in. In fact, Sigrid and Miss Windsor were not very familiar with each other before this, but after this incident, the two can be called friends.

The question was asked by Miss Windsor to Sigrid.

"What a pity? It was you who wanted to be invited, not me, and..."

A smile actually appeared on the corner of the blonde girl's mouth, and she shook her head quietly:

"Why do you regret it? This shows that he is not a playboy, but a very principled person... I am not you, why should I regret it? I am just his cousin, and you don't just want to be Jenkins Followers, it’s me who should ask this question. Miss Windsor, do you feel sorry?”

"Just call my name Jessica...It's a pity..."

Miss Windsor did not deny her thoughts about Jenkins, nor would she deny it:

"He is indeed better than I thought. He is indeed not a playboy."

As he spoke, he nodded thoughtfully.

"So what did you give Jenkins?"

This time it was Sigrid who asked the question, and she spoke in advance without waiting for the other party to answer:

"I sent a very interesting leaf that I thought he would like."

"The gift I chose is a pen. To be honest, Jenkins is a very strange person. If you investigate his life in detail, you can find that he has almost no desires. This is really a very strange person. I can't choose a better gift. ”

"No desires or desires?"

The topic shifted to the topic of gifts, as if the conversation at the beginning did not exist at all.

Sigrid repeated Miss Windsor's comments about Jenkins, and the two of them walked from the corner of the stairs to the third floor. Their steps were very slow, because they had nothing to do in the rest of the night, so they didn't care to talk. Speed ​​up.

PS: Again, if you are dissatisfied with Miss Windsor’s arrangements but want to know the follow-up plot, you can directly message me privately to ask for spoilers. In short, after writing such a long story, will I create something unpleasant for everyone at the end?

Chapter 1762 Chapter 1734 The Secret of the Agreement

The girls walked slowly, crossed the stairs and turned into the corridor. The conversation continued:

"Yes, I never expected to meet such a person. He has no desire for money, and he is disdainful of power, lest he be burdened with more responsibilities. For beautiful girls, oh, to be honest, I once asked Ya Miss Lexia Miller has inquired about it, and it seems that the people around him now take the initiative to get close to him, rather than him pursuing them. For such a person, the adjective "no desire and no desire" is not the best. Adjective?"

Miss Windsor said words of praise to Jenkins which she had never said to him.

"No, people must have desires when they are alive, otherwise the whole person will be very empty. Jenkins is in a very good mental state. He is not like an ascetic monk. He must have his own pursuit. And it is precisely because that pursuit is extremely important that he Dismissive of other things in life.”

Sigrid said, which surprised Miss Windsor:

"The Church of Nature will still teach you these things? Moreover, Jenkins' pursuit...could it be his cat?"

She suggested what seemed like the most likely answer at the moment, and both women laughed at it.

Nodding to the two aristocratic ladies passing by, Miss Windsor raised her head again and happened to see the church landscape oil painting hanging in the corridor. She hesitated for a moment and asked Sigrid hesitantly:

"Actually, I have always had a question. I don't understand. Sorry, after all, I am not from the church, and I am not very familiar with the gifter... But judging from what His Majesty did this time, the secular king , seems to know very little about the mysterious world like me. In other words, I discovered that it turns out that His Majesty really does not have the protection of the Giver.

I originally thought that I hired two women of unknown origin as occult consultants because my power was too small and I had to settle for the second best. But I didn’t expect that Your Majesty, like me, has no contact with the Giver at all. "

"Yes, the "Tower Agreement" stipulates that the royal power and nobles cannot use the extraordinary at will."

Sigrid answered naturally, this was a common sense question to her.

"But isn't this strange? The world is so dangerous, but as a king, he has no means of self-protection. It seems that just a random benefactor can subvert the entire country..."

Miss Windsor frowned, this matter was absolutely unreasonable.

"The church must ensure the safety of the royal family, which is also the content of the Tower Agreement."

Sigrid continued, then became even more confused when she saw Miss Windsor's expression. The two of them stopped together in front of an oil painting of a knight slaying a demon. Miss Windsor asked in a more puzzled tone:

"Relying on the church to protect the royal family? Sorry, I heard Jenkins talk about what happened in Loon a few days ago. If he and Miss Miller hadn't arrived, the Stuart royal family would have almost become history."

"In fact, if Jenkins did not appear in the end, the church would mobilize some people from the front line against the Snowman Legion to rescue them. In fact, this has already happened, but the way Miss Miller and Jenkins appeared was too sudden, so the church The arrangement is of no use...haven't you ever thought that in this era, it has been more than 1,800 years, but there has never been a case of a member of the royal family being murdered by a benefactor, or the benefactor Interfering with the secular government. At least it didn’t happen in the history books, even in the chaotic years of war when the ancient Hikali Empire was divided.”

Miss Windsor was stunned by this question. She only thought about the serious separation between royal power and ecclesiastical power, the royal family's lack of extraordinary power, and the comedy of the fact that the queen did not understand the benefactor, but ignored the most intuitive content.


She asked Sigrid, and the nun smiled at her:

"Actually, you should ask the Princess of the Stuart family, or Miss Miller, or Jenkins...well, Jenkins may not know, he rarely cares about such issues. And he has become a benefactor. I only have one year and I am very lacking in basic common sense questions. I should ask Dad Oliver... You are an ally of Jenkins. If you are willing to ask many things, you can get a very simple answer to your doubts. Answer, because of B-03-5-9999 [Tower Protocol].”


Miss Windsor was stunned for a moment, and then she realized. She had also learned some basic common sense during this period, so she was not completely ignorant. She knew what the numbered items meant.

"The Tower Agreement is a Category B Extraordinary Destiny. It is not just an agreement. Although there have been many revised versions before the content was finalized, it is indeed notarized by the gods, and it is certain in the sense of destiny and reality. Sex. From the first year of the Eighteenth Century Universal Calendar to the year 1865 of the Eighteenth Century Universal Calendar, this agreement guaranteed history, the separation of religious power and royal power, their respective independence, and the security of the mortal royal family. .....But starting from 1865, that is, last year, the power of the agreement is weakening, because the effective date of the agreement notarized by the gods ends with the blinking of the purple star of destiny.”

Sigrid suddenly shook her head and looked at Miss Windsor seriously:

"God returns to God, and man returns to man. The basic rule of this century is that the mysterious world cannot interfere with the secular order, and the secular world cannot get involved in the extraordinary. This is a rule, so what you think is unreasonable appears. But it is actually very reasonable. , isn’t it?”

"So, the recent events related to the royal family are all because the Tower Agreement is gradually disintegrating?"

Miss Windsor understood, raised her right hand, and unconsciously entangled her hair with her fingers.

"Yes, otherwise neither Treehouse nor Jenkins nor the Church would dare to associate the mysterious power with the royal family."

The two continued to walk towards the room, Sigrid in front and Miss Windsor lagging slightly behind because of her deep thoughts. She thought for a while, smoothed out the logic, and then said:

"This is really... an almost perfect order. Gods return to gods, people return to people. Mysteries are rampant in the city, but they are incompatible with the common world. Royal power rules the country, but it has nothing to do with the extraordinary things that are close at hand. It is obviously unreasonable. , but almost perfect.”

She sighed like this from her own perspective, from the perspective of a noble noble.

"Yes, our world really has God, God in the true sense, that's why it becomes like this. Praise God, praise the spirit of nature, all things return to nature..."

Sigrid said, then while praying quietly, she drew the holy symbol of the True God [Spirit of Nature] on her chest. Finally, someone sighed:

"If it weren't for the arrival of the end of the era, the order between the mortal and the extraordinary would have been maintained very well. But the end of the era means the collapse of all order, so what happened recently can actually be seen as the coming of the era. Omen and symbol of the end. I have read some history and from past records, every time an era is about to end, there will be something similar... May all be well.”

Miss Windsor nodded, feeling that she had a deeper understanding of the world. There was a sense of transparency, as if a layer of water had penetrated through it, which made her feel a little disappointed. She felt that after listening to what she just said, she seemed to have gained some indescribable gains and changes. But she didn't understand this feeling or what was happening to her.

After all, the transformation from an ordinary person to a gifted person never happens overnight. Listening to the secrets of the world is just a small hole barely opened in a thick brick wall.

Because I just sent Jenkins downstairs, the door was not locked when I went out. When the two of them finished their conversation and opened the door again to return to the spacious room, they found that there was an extra person in front of the closed curtains.

Because she was walking in front, she subconsciously left Miss Windsor behind. Sigrid looked at the strange man:

"Sorry sir, who are you?"

He was a bit short, and he was wearing a wide-brimmed hat in a dimly lit room, so his face couldn't be clearly seen.

"Miss Sigrid Cape, I would like to invite you to go somewhere with me."

"Are you from the treehouse?"

Sigrid immediately became alert, and the other party praised in surprise:

"Very smart. So we are already so famous?"

"Her Majesty the Queen no longer wants to cooperate with you. Are you still targeting her now?"

Miss Windsor pulled her thoughts out of the previous question and asked.

"Do we want to invite this girl just because of our cooperation with His Majesty? No, of course not... But now is not the right place to talk. Those damn believers in lies may come from me at any time. Jump out of nowhere. Then leave with me, Miss Cape, but you know, there are over 100 people in this house, and I don't mind letting you know that I have sex. The ability to kill everyone."

Sigrid pursed her lips and said nothing, while Miss Windsor behind her held her clothes tightly to prevent her from leaving.

"We don't have much time now, so I'll give you five seconds to think about it."

The stranger in the room said that he was really worried that the believer of lies would suddenly appear, so he didn't say anything and started counting down directly:


"Meow~" A cat's cry came from somewhere, but there was a street outside the room, so it was normal to have such a sound.


There was a loud noise on the street outside, and the man who was counting down immediately turned his head nervously, fearing that a stranger would suddenly appear behind him. But fortunately, there was no one behind him, and the imagined believer of lies did not appear.


But he was still worried, so he walked quickly to the curtain and used his fingers to pick a gap to look out. This would of course expose his back to the two ladies, but he was not worried about their strength.


From the gap in the curtain, you can see that under the towering street lamp pole, two middle-aged women carrying vegetable baskets are arguing, surrounded by a circle of idle people watching the excitement, and the newspaper boy behind the crowd even kicked stones in anger because he couldn't see this wonderful scene. This is obviously not a sign of the believers of lies, so he breathed a sigh of relief.


He turned around, but the first thing he saw was not the woman, but a fist smaller than a sandbag that rushed straight to his face. This was too sudden, and the attack happened to be launched at the moment when he just relaxed his vigilance. The man was caught off guard and hit directly by this punch. He staggered back two steps, feeling that his nose must be broken.

"You... are so despicable."

The blood flowed down his nostrils. While trying to block the blood flow with the back of his hand, he raised his head and saw Jenkins who had returned. Jenkins could actually smash his skull directly with his fist, but considering that there were Miss Windsor and Sigrid behind him, he did not do such a bloody thing.

"Where am I despicable?"

He asked in confusion while rubbing his fist.

The man who covered his nose with the back of his hand wanted to speak, but found that he could not open his mouth. Only then did he feel the coldness on his face, and even the back of his hand was "stuck" to his nose. This was because the cold air when the fist touched just now froze his skin.

"You don't have to speak."

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