"Don't worry, I know this."

"In fact, people in the material world have long been aware of the existence of the 'Soul Transfer Station'. If you can check the records of the [Church of Night and Secrets] or the [Church of Death and the End], you can find the item numbered B-12-1-0038, named [Soul Transfer Station]. It's just that mortals have a very superficial understanding of this place. Only some souls who occasionally have the experience of resurrection from the dead bring vague memories back to the material world. Mortals seem to think that this is some kind of weird space, a weird existence outside the material world, and a 'fishing net' placed in the material world, specifically used to capture unlucky souls."

Mr. Augustus smiled and did not mock this wrong record:

"But this statement is very wrong, because this is not even an independent space, otherwise it would have been discovered by those powerful beings and used as a passage in and out of the material world."

At least the Silver Dragon Lord Anastasia did not discover it, otherwise he would not have to wait for Jenkins to summon him to return again.

"Since it's not a space, what is this place?"

Chapter 1803 Chapter 1774 The Truth

Seeing that Jenkins was still curious about this place, Mr. Augustus patiently continued to explain:

"It's hard to say what this place is. Maybe it's someone's memory, maybe it's a blank time fragment in the cracks of time, maybe it's an alienated space, or even maybe it's just a huge city under the material world. But it doesn't matter..."

He shook his head:

"It's just that it's a bit troublesome to leave here. Although I can find the door for entering and exiting, that door requires a key."

"It doesn't matter, just take me to find the door, and I can solve the key problem myself."

Jenkins said immediately. He believed that one of the two keys in his hand, [Door Key] and [Silver Key], would be able to play a role.

"That's good, but how did you get in? You are not in a soul state now. As far as I know, there shouldn't be many ways for a living person to enter the soul transfer station."

This time it was Mr. Augustus' turn to question.

Jenkins didn't know how he got here. He suspected that it was related to the old woman, so when he explained, he started from the appearance of the old woman.

Mr. Augustus listened quietly and finally nodded:

"That's right, I think the Sage Church can't find any information about her. The old woman you mentioned was numbered B-12-1-6213 [Unintentional Soul Guide]. In fact, I think only the Church of Death and the End can find her detailed information. The birth of this humanoid numbered object has a very deep relationship with the [Undead Underworld]. You can think of this as a very old love story and some ignorant young people, entangled together and causing the wrong result. I'm not in a position to say the specific things, but she didn't Malice. As for the fact that the light will be stronger when approaching her, it is because she has devoured a Class B supernatural creature similar to her image... It sounds a bit disgusting, so I won't describe it to you.

The characteristics of the soul guide are very simple. Once you keep looking at the old woman for more than 74 seconds, you must have a conversation with her before the distance exceeds 2,000 feet (about 609 meters), otherwise you will have the ability to see the spirit directly within 12 hours after the distance exceeds the limit; with a small probability, you can see the death messenger like me; with a very small probability, the soul and the body will be separated and cannot be restored, which is actually death; in very rare cases, they will disappear directly in the material world and never appear again.

Now you should understand that the last characteristic means that this person has been sent to the soul transfer station. "

"So I'm having bad luck?"

Jenkins shook his head and smiled, but he was not upset:

"I know that my luck has been too good recently, and something should happen to make me unlucky. "

"This is not bad luck, at least you found me directly. Are you leaving now? I remember there should be a locked door nearby. "

Mr. Augustus asked, and then He added:

"This kind of place is not suitable for living people to stay for a long time. Even if you are very strong, it is best not to explore such a strange place casually."

"That's right."

Jenkins nodded and was about to follow Mr. Augustus to find the door, but then he thought of something:

"But before leaving, I want to find a soul to ask something, is that okay?"

"Yes, as long as it doesn't take too long. But there are too many souls wandering in the soul transfer station, and I can only find nearby souls."

Mr. Augustus replied, and left the office with Jenkins and entered the corridor. The gas lamp with a blue flame went out after the two left the room, but at the same time, the gas lamp on the wall at the door of the office was ignited with a bang, and the gloomy blue light illuminated a small area in front of the door.

As they moved, only one light was always on, but it was enough for the two to see the road ahead clearly.

The soul of Tarquin the Proud was indeed nearby. The topographical location of the soul transfer station was determined by the subjective consciousness of the observer with the strongest soul among those who observed this place, so the nearby area was still the internal structure of the church. Jenkins and Mr. Augustus finally found him in the main hall of the church. Tarquin was sitting on a bench at that time, looking at the hanging holy emblem.

Where the Holy Emblem of the Sage should have been, in the transfer station was the Holy Emblem of the End of Death. This is also the only difference between the transit station and the real church so far.

"The transfer station is full of souls that have no consciousness and can only act instinctively. They will subconsciously fear those more powerful souls, so if you want to contact them, you must first awaken their sleeping consciousness."

Mr. Augustus introduced, and then walked over first. Before Tarquin's soul tried to escape, he quickly stretched out his hand in his robe and drew a symbol similar to an eye in the air.

The symbol shone in the air, shrinking and finally entered the brow of the Southern King's soul. He froze in place for a long time before showing an expression as if he had just woken up from a dream.

"The effective time is only about twenty minutes."

Mr. Augustus said softly, and then quickly left Tarquin.

"Plenty of time, I don't have many questions."

Jenkins replied, taking a few steps forward. The consciousness of the proud Tarquin was almost awake. He did not have time to observe his surroundings, but instead saw Jenkins first:

"Are you dead too?"

This was his first sentence, and the face of the pale green soul showed an expression of extreme surprise.

"No, I'm not dead."

Jenkins immediately denied it.

"So, I'm not dead either?"

Tarquin expressed his gratitude again and immediately touched his left arm with his right hand, but the perception in the spirit state was completely different from that in life.

"No, you are indeed dead... I just came here to take a look and will leave soon."

"That's it..."

Tarquin's original expression of surprise gradually solidified. This was a very dynamic process, clearly showing his thoughts:

"Yes, you are the Giver, so you can find me even after I die."

"No, this gifter has nothing to do with it, it's just luck... I'm sorry, I think you are really dead, and there should be no way to resurrect... I am looking for you now because I want to ask you something. ”

"go ahead."

His tone gradually became calmer, and the green light on his body became a little weaker. The violent mood swings quickly disappeared, as if the exploding crater had returned to deathly silence.

"The autopsy results showed that you died from tetrodotoxin, so do you know who killed you?"

"So that's how he died."

Tarquin's expression became darker, but this was not obvious in the spirit body:

"It was probably someone from China who took action. If I'm not wrong, Turin has announced that it will 'revenge' me now, right? It's such a pity. It seems that my plan to stay in Turin and arrange it has failed. They He realized that I wanted to take advantage of the meeting of the three kings to borrow troops from your queen and Salshi II of the North Kingdom to solve the domestic problems once and for all, so he killed me in advance. "

This was the first time Jenkins had heard of this, and it sounded reasonable, but it was a lie:

"what are you planning to do?"

He really wanted to see why the other party would lie even to the point of death.

"Pay some territory and tariffs, and borrow the power of the other two countries to suppress the chaotic domestic politics in one fell swoop..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the expression on Jenkins' face and "mistakenly thought" it was because the other party didn't believe it, so he asked instead:

"You think this is a bad idea?"

"Yes, even if you can succeed, it also means that among the three major kingdoms of mankind, Chesland will be controlled by the other two for at least a hundred years."

"But if I don't do this, it will be hard to say whether Chesland will still exist and belong to our Arecio family a hundred years later. I also know that this decision is quite stupid. I even guessed that even if I succeeded, The history books of later generations will also use titles like 'traitor' to ridicule me. But so what? This is all for the sake of the country and for his continued existence."

If he hadn't known that the other party was lying, Jenkins would probably have thought that Tarquin had accepted the fact of death, so he said some thoughts that he would never tell others. Jenkins actually didn't care what the other party thought. After all, he had little to do with this matter. He specifically asked Mr. Augustus to help, not to understand the thoughts of Tarquin the Arrogant.

"So the person who poisoned you this time is the same group as the person who used the curse to murder you last time?"

This time he asked in a different direction.

"I think so. Although I wasn't very successful as a king, I didn't make any mistakes that caused more people to kill me."

"In other words, do you know about the cooperation between Chesland's military leaders and the Giver?"

Jenkins finally asked the key question.

Tarquin glanced at him and nodded slowly:


This is the truth.

"Then do you know the origins of those who gave gifts?"

"I know, but if you want me to tell you, then do me a favor."

This is also true, and Jenkins frowned slightly:

"Is this a threat?"

"No, that's a deal."

Tarquin's tone was calm.

"Last time I helped you contact the church, but you died before you could do this favor. So as a deal, you should take the initiative to tell me the information you have, so that we don't owe each other anything."

Without asking, Jenkins guessed that Tarquin wanted him to help deliver some news so that those who still supported him could continue their actions after his death. But Jenkins does not want to get involved in the politics of other countries, let alone get involved in trouble that does not belong to him. He's in enough trouble now, there's no need to get into more trouble.

"I thought you were an upright gentleman."

The miserable green light on Tarquin's spiritual body flickered.

"Yeah, it's just because I'm fairly upright that I can talk to you here calmly now. Tarquin Wellman Arecio, please remember that I never take advantage of others easily, but I never take advantage of others easily either. Interfere in other people's affairs. You are dead. Stop thinking about the affairs of living people. Now answer my questions honestly and tell me the truth. Seeing as we were acquaintances while you were still alive, I don't It will make things difficult for you.”

Jenkins tried not to show impatience.

"Even if you are the Giver, you can't hurt me easily. This is not the material world. I know that the souls here are protected."

These are probably some of the basic rules about the transfer station that Tarquin acquired when he regained consciousness.

But Jenkins didn't care. He turned to look at Mr. Augustus standing in the distance. The messenger of death in black robe said wisely:

"There are indeed similar rules... but that rule is used to restrict the people in the rules, that is, you mortal souls and some malicious interlopers. Viscount Williamt is not restricted by the rules, because this No need, he has touched the essence of death, he is a welcome person here."

So Jenkins shrugged:

"I don't like to hurt others casually, so tell me now, who is cooperating with the Chesland military and the nobles who oppose you?"

He took a step forward again, getting closer to Tarquin. [Origin of Life] and [Aura of Fear] only exerted some effect, and the fragile human soul in front of him began to tremble subconsciously:

"The other party calls himself a tree house."

"As expected, it's them. I thought there would be enemies who haven't shown up yet."

Jenkins muttered quietly, and then asked suspiciously:

"But why did Treehouse choose to cooperate with them instead of you? From a rational point of view, wouldn't it be easier to get Cheslan's support by cooperating with you and promising to help you consolidate your power?"

Prior to this, in the process of infiltrating Hampavo and Fidicli, Treehouse had contact with both kings and reached varying degrees of cooperation with both kings. There was no reason for Treehouse not to contact Tarquin the Arrogant, and he didn't seem like the kind of person who would decisively refuse to cooperate with Treehouse.

"They came to see me."

The spirit said, trying to keep his voice normal. But because Jenkins did not stop the effect of [Fear Aura], this was not an easy matter for Tarquin.

"You refused?"

Tarquin struggled not to answer, but the mortal soul has its limits, and now he had no choice but not to say:

"No, I didn't refuse. After that group of people showed me their power, they agreed on a cooperation plan with me at the cost of getting Cheslan's national support to help me."

"What's the plan?"

Jenkins asked, but unexpectedly, even under the pressure of [Aura of Fear], Tarquin did not tell the secret immediately. This time he showed an even stronger struggle.

Jenkins was happy about this, because it meant that he might really be discovering a big secret.

"What's the plan?"

Seeing that the other party was silent, Jenkins took another step closer. Tarquin's soul wanted to retreat, but was blocked by a bench. Jenkins narrowed his eyes:

"I'm not a bad person in the strict sense, but you have to understand that I never think of myself as a good person."

The light in the soul is flashing, this time not because of changes in emotions, but because of the power of Jenkins suppressing the soul of this ordinary person:

"I'm only asking once."

He feels like he really looks like a villain now:

"For the last time, what is your cooperation plan?"

Some golden light penetrated from his body surface, and these lights gave Tarquin a more dangerous feeling, even more dangerous than before. A moment of inspiration made him say involuntarily:

"I promised to provide... some death row prisoners for secret sacrifice in the primeval forests of the south!"

"how many people?"

Jenkins' voice dropped slightly.

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