"Five figures."

"Oh, this is really generous."

Even Mr. Augustus, who was behind and did not intend to participate in the conversation, couldn't help but sigh. Jenkins felt even more incredible:

"Where did you find the five-digit number of death row inmates? I know there must be this number across the country in Chesland, but I don't believe that you can move all the death row inmates across the country to the southern forests without leaving any traces. Exit. Neither Hampavo nor Fidictry has received any information. Are all those spies and secret agents invited to the banquet by you? "

"Those people, in addition to thousands of death row prisoners and death row prisoners, there are..."

He was obviously a spirit, but he acted like he couldn't breathe because Jenkins grabbed the other person's neck. The hand does not pass through the spirit body, but actually grasps it. After letting go, Jenkins noticed clear black grip marks on the other person's neck.

When a powerful evil spirit comes into contact with a living person, it will leave similar traces on the living person, and when a powerful living person comes into contact with an evil spirit, it will also leave similar traces on the evil spirit.

"In addition to thousands of death row prisoners, there are also a few tribes living in the virgin forest, and the army responsible for this matter..."

Seeing that Jenkins looked unhappy, Tarquin did not dare to continue talking.

"So the fire is really related to them? This explanation is reasonable, and a fire directly burned away all the traces. After the rainy season comes, it will be washed away again. When the next spring, nothing can be found. …What is the purpose of the sacrifice other than the fire? Don’t tell me, you don’t know anything.”

"I heard them talk about it, but I'm not very clear. It seems that the organization got the guidance of a very wise elder and wanted to use sacrifices to bring the main continent of the material world to the area where smoke is least likely to gather. , also covered with smog. You know, even the deserts in the middle of the continent have cities - because of the coal under the sand, but only the virgin rainforest in the south is an undeveloped area, which has the best quality air in the world. Tourism in Chesland in Southern Woods…”

He consciously closed his mouth.

"So the forest fires that burned in the southern forests of Chesland for months were the product of that sacrifice?"

Jenkins confirmed.


PS: 5K chapters, please vote for everything.

Chapter 1804 Chapter 1775 Self-Murder

"I really shouldn't have helped contact the church to save you a few days ago."

Seeing what Jenkins said, Tarquin didn't dare to speak anymore. He knew that no matter who heard this, he would be angry.

Tarquin's information is very valuable. Knowing that the fire in the southern forest is related to the tree house, it is not difficult to imagine that their purpose is to promote the arrival of the end of the world faster. Thick fog will eventually cover the world, so the most difficult place to be covered will be Artificially created dense fog is of immeasurable significance to the end of the world.

It's just that Jenkins still doesn't know what benefit this has to them. After all, except for the purple that represents destiny, all the savior emblems are basically in his hands. Even if the doomsday finally comes, saving the world has nothing to do with the tree house, and the doomsday will not wait for them because of the other party's help.

"Do you know anything else?"

"I don't know. In our cooperation, they are not required to tell me their purpose, and I am not interested in those things. I am just an ordinary person and don't want to see too much of those crazy things."

"Then as a price for providing tens of thousands of living people, what kind of help will the tree house give you? Don't tell me that with so many lives, you just used them to get a verbal promise that they would help you."

"Of course not... They promised to help the Arecio family for a hundred years. Within this hundred years, as long as there is even one Arecio alive, they will help him sit on the throne. We signed a contract for this purpose. Although they took out the contract, I can be sure that once signed, neither party can go back on it once I touch the parchment."

"But what if they actively killed all your descendants and relatives?"

Jenkins asked again. Tarquin was confused for a moment, and then explained:

"I understand what you mean, but the Arecio family is not like the Middleton family. The royal family of Chesland has spread far and wide. Even counting only those names that are eligible to be recorded in the family tree, the living There are hundreds of them. These people are scattered all over the world. If the other party is really not afraid of being discovered by the church and planning hundreds of murders, then I have nothing to say.”

So just now Tarquin wanted Jenkins to help, probably because he knew that even if he died, there would still be family members who could revitalize the family with the help of the tree house, so he didn't think Chesland would abandon the royal family just now.

"Before you died, did you know that in addition to helping you, the tree house was also helping those who opposed you?"

"Yes, I know. I even know that the last curse was also imposed by the people in the tree house."

"Doesn't this mean they betrayed cooperation?"

"No, I have no restrictions on them. They can help others, as long as it is Arecio who finally masters Cheslan."

Obviously all the previous words are true, but only the last sentence is a lie. Jenkins looked into the soul's eyes, and he saw that the soul was afraid, worried, and frightened, but the other party did not tell the truth.

"you are lying."

He lowered his voice, thinking it would be more powerful.

"No, I didn't lie. These are the truth."

Jenkins wanted to say something else, but Mr. Augustus came over and pointed at him. His originally lively expression immediately became dull:

"Now he just has to tell the truth."

said Mr. Augustus, and then added:

"It's actually against the rules, but it's not against the rules, so I guess it's okay."

Jenkins laughed, nodded to Mr. Augustus, and then asked again:

"Who planned to kill you?"

"It was the opposition and military leaders in Cheslan who planned to kill me."

The voice was slurred, as if there was a lump of phlegm stuck in the throat. This was a typical way of vocalizing by evil spirits. There was no rationality, only instinct.

"Is there something fishy behind this matter?"

"What's strange is that I asked Treehouse to use mental suggestion to urge my opponents to take action against me. Otherwise, they would not have chosen the time when the Three Kings were meeting. The time when they originally planned to assassinate me was the time I never promised. On the way back."

Jenkins covered his forehead. This is why he hates getting involved in political issues. Most of these things cannot find the truth, unless it is like now.

"Why did you let the other party kill you?"

"I need to pave the way for future generations. I am now dead in Nolan. In order to clear his suspicions, Fidictelli will definitely investigate the truth of the matter. In this way, the citizens of Chesland will know that my opponents are It cannot be trusted, and Arecio is the king of Cheslan. When I went to Fidictri, I took my second son with me. He is my chosen successor and he will announce his recognition soon. Fidictelli’s investigation results, and then borrow troops to return to the country. At that time, my back-up staff who stayed in the country will cooperate with him to eliminate all unrest within Chesland in one fell swoop.”

This was more complicated than Jenkins thought, and the plan was more complicated than Salshi II's plan and Queen Isabella's plan. But at least for now, the feasibility is pretty good. After all, in the past few days after his death, things developed exactly as he expected.

"This man is absolutely disgusting."

Jenkins said with some disgust and left Tarquin. These were probably the only things he wanted to ask. Once the cause and effect of this matter was clear, Tarquin meant nothing to him.

"let's go."

He said to Mr. Augustus. Mr. Augustus nodded, ignoring the soul that was frozen in place, and walked with Jenkins to the entrance on the side of the main hall:

"For politics, this kind of thing is actually normal. Even a noble like me, who has been bedridden since childhood, has heard and seen many similar things. But sacrificing tens of thousands of people at once is indeed too much. Yes, that king is really courageous."

Jenkins understood the sarcasm of the last sentence and asked again:

"Stop talking about that person. This kind of person is not worthy of being remembered by us. Mr. Augustus, I am actually very curious about what will happen next after these souls go to the immortal underworld?"

He very much hoped that this world would also have the process of judging sins in the myths and legends of the past world, but Mr. Augustus’s answer was simple:

"They're going to keep going."

His tone was serious.

"What's the meaning?"

"It just means the simplest thing, keep going."

Still in that serious tone.

Jenkins still didn't understand, but he also knew that he couldn't ask this question casually, so he changed the subject again.

Chapter 1805 Chapter 1,776 Channeling

"I really didn't expect that someone in this world would actually dare to do such a thing. Even if it was a sacrifice arranged by cultists, as far as I know, the largest one in the 18th century only involved a few thousand people. "

Jenkins once again brought the topic back to what he had just heard.

"That's because the cultists are not powerful enough. If they had the power of King Cheslan, they would do something like Tarquin. I have no doubt about this. Those who control power always need to be vigilant. Yes, because once human desires are amplified by power, all kinds of magical things will happen.”

Mr. Augustus also sighed. Just as he was about to enter the corridor with Jenkins, he saw Jenkins suddenly turned around.

Tarquin's soul, which was still there, was shrouded in a strange gray mist. In Jenkins' eyes, part of the soul and part of the messy consciousness disappeared.

"Someone is trying to channel his soul, but channeling cannot take away the complete soul. Therefore, most of the time, channeling can only summon unconscious soul fragments and scattered spirits stranded in the material world. If you are even more unlucky, It may also be an already formed evil spirit wandering around the material world.”

Mr. Augustus had seen a lot of this kind of thing, and the latter result he mentioned was also the fate of those young people who were daring but did not know how to fear in horror stories.

"Can you find out who is channeling him?"

Jenkins asked.

Mr. Augustus then returned to Tarquin and scratched the air twice with his hands:

"The other party is not using abilities or rituals to communicate with the spirit, they are using numbered items. This is... A-05-3-4231 [Soul Echo]. It's really interesting..."

He turned his head to look at Jenkins and asked:

"Jenkins, why don't you return to the real world directly from here? While the communication is not over yet, I can use some means to replace the king's soul with your body and soul. Ordinary rituals probably can't pull you, but since there is the power of the weird, I think as long as you don't resist, plus I push you, it will probably be enough to send you over."


In the small warehouse near the Nolan East District Mine, the warehouse door was closed, and the ventilation windows on the ceiling and the side windows were all covered with black opaque cloth. The huge warehouse was dark because it was night and no natural light could shine in. The light source in the warehouse was only six dim candles.

The warehouse area was large, but now there was not even a stack of paper stored. There was only a rectangular table under the central crossbeam, and six middle-aged men were sitting beside the table.

All six wore the same black robes, five of them holding hands, and the two at the two ends put their hands on the shoulders of the sixth man, who held a brass triangle in one hand and a delicate copper hammer in the other.

There was a candle at each person's feet, but there was no candle on the table, so no one could see each other's faces clearly. As the triangle was constantly struck, the candlelight shook subtly with each sound.

Everyone felt nauseous and wanted to vomit, and at the same time, a trace of inexplicable fear tried to make them let go of their hands, but because they knew in advance the taboos of using the strange object [Soul Echo], no one dared to move at all.

Suddenly, the wind blew in the closed warehouse, almost completely disappearing the already weak candlelight. At the same time, the table that the six people did not touch began to shake violently, and then the chairs also shook with them. Everyone gritted their teeth and didn't let go of their hands. The man who was still knocking on the triangle iron began to tremble.

The temperature dropped little by little until every breath they exhaled would form white mist in the air. With six consecutive puffs, the yellow candlelight turned into a faint blue, and the people at the table knew that the soul they were looking for had arrived.

Because they had to maintain the current posture, everyone had a blind spot in their vision. In addition, except for the area around the table, the entire warehouse was pitch black, so no one could see what was being channeled.

But even if they were using strange objects, they had already thought about what they would encounter, so although they were terrified, they were not panicked at all.

"Are you back?"

The man who kept knocking on the triangle iron spoke first, and his voice kept echoing in the empty warehouse. But no one answered him, so after waiting silently for half a minute, he suddenly knocked faster:

"Are you back?"


A small stone was thrown onto the table from a dark distance. After landing, the stone dripped and spun on the table, and when it stopped, it was exactly in the center of the table.

"Who are you?"

The man who got such an inexplicable but somewhat terrifying answer in the current atmosphere asked again, and the action of knocking the triangle iron did not stop. But this time he did not get any form of response, so he was silent for dozens of seconds and changed the question:

"We need your soul. We will offer a sacrifice at this time. Please accept the sacrifice and keep your soul."

Someone touched the mechanism under the table with his foot, and the tabletop of the square table turned over, revealing the sleeping woman tied under the tabletop. This is a middle-aged woman, and her identity characteristics cannot be seen, but from the slight breathing movement, she is still alive.

A light sound came from the darkness, and a stronger fear surged into everyone's heart. This is obviously the innate ability [Fear Aura] that most evil spirits have, so the six people resisted the throbbing in their hearts and waited for the thing in the dark to respond.

Suddenly, the man facing the man holding the triangle iron seemed to be strangled by an invisible rope and hung in the air. Because his companions did not let go, the buttocks of the two people around him almost left the chair surface.

The hung man twitched in the air, and then fell back to the chair with a loud bang. But he had completely lost consciousness. If he was not still held by his companions, he would probably slide under the table.

"Do you think this sacrifice is not enough?"

The man holding the triangle asked calmly, and then knocked it harder. I don't know why, but the sound made by this time actually left a buzzing sound in my ears for a long time:

"Do you really think this sacrifice is not enough? We just want a part of your soul to make a fake body that looks like you, and we don't need your entire soul."

The existence in the darkness was silent for a moment, and with the biting wind blowing from nowhere, another one of the six was hung up, and after the same twitch, he lost consciousness and fell down.

The man holding the triangle looked more serious, and he knocked the instrument in his hand again. Because of this sound, blood flowed from everyone's ears:

"Don't think I'm going to negotiate with you. If I wasn't afraid that your soul would dissipate after being beaten by us, do you think I would talk to you calmly?"

Another small stone was thrown from the darkness to the table, hitting the woman's belly and then bouncing under the table.

"You mean you want another living sacrifice?"

Still no answer, but another stone was thrown. Originally, the few people thought it was a stone, but when it bounced on the table, they saw that it was a black plant seed.

"What do you mean?"

The man's voice was a little irritable. He really couldn't stand the few people wasting time for a mortal soul. But for the organization's plan, they had to do this.

Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder, and then the coldness almost paralyzed the right side of his body. With the weak light of the candle under his feet, he saw the faces of the three companions who were still awake showed expressions of fear, and then he realized that it was the soul that appeared.

Because he was psychic by the weird thing [Soul Echo], Tarquin's soul would definitely fall into an evil spirit, so the man was not surprised by the expressions of his companions. I just don't know why they are blinking constantly, but this strange thing does not allow other living people involved to speak before it is used up, so he can't get an answer from his companions.

Soon, a hand was placed on his right shoulder, so he could imagine how the evil spirit behind him was touching him, but he was not nervous. As long as the communication was not over, the evil spirit could not really hurt him.

The cold feeling spread from the shoulder to the whole body, not only because the evil spirit's hand was as cold as ice, but also because the death aura was spreading along the whole body.

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