"Is this person a cybernetic? No, it doesn't look like it."

This is not the case for mechanically transforming human flesh-and-blood hybrid organisms. The former looked downright disgusting, and now Mr. Luthor just looks scary.

"It's not what you are talking about. We have checked, at least before his death, he was completely and undoubtedly pure human. It seems to be a curse, similar to the undead plague, which can resurrect the dead. , but the resurrected corpse is not an undead corpse, but looks like this."

Chapter 1808 Chapter 1,779 The Liar Who Deceives People (3K more updates)

Miss Silver Flute explained what the three of them had discovered. Seeing Jenkins wanting to walk over to check on the howling corpse, Mr. Black Cat hurriedly stopped him:

"Don't get close to this thing. Within the spread range of his curse, normal people will almost certainly be affected. Fortunately, the spread range is very small, and we found that as long as his feet are off the ground, the range can be further reduced."

As he spoke, Mr. Black Cat pointed to the circle drawn with chalk on the ground:

"This is the range we tested. Never step into it."

"How did you test it?"

Jenkins asked curiously, and Miss Magic walked past him to the window, used her fingers to open a slit between the closed curtains and looked downstairs. She was responsible for keeping watch.

"I accidentally experimented with it."

Mr. Hood gestured with a frown to Jenkins to look at his arm, his right arm to be precise:

"The right side of my body entered the area of ​​influence of the curse first. Fortunately, it was the right side. This arm is not a complete flesh and blood structure, so the impact is not great. If I had walked over head-on, I'm afraid it would be like this now. ”

Jenkins blinked, then put his hand on Mr. Hood's arm. After frowning, he asked him to lift the sleeves up. Then he saw that on this somewhat blackened arm, some metal burrs replaced the hairs. , the arm itself also radiates amazing heat.

Because the tulip seeds buried last time are still there, Jenkins still relies on that seed to convey vitality:

"Your arm itself is not well-conditioned, and you were hit hard this time..."

His eyes roamed around Mr. Hood's body, and he continued after making sure that he himself was not contaminated with the same black aura as the corpse:

"The injury this time is even more troublesome than last time."

He suddenly grabbed Mr. Hood's arm with his hand, and with a strong force, black smoke came out from where the palm of his hand touched the skin. Mr. Hood immediately groaned in pain. The other three people all looked over.

"I'm fine."

After a while, when the black smoke stopped coming out, he said the hood. But the way he frowned and gritted his teeth didn’t look like he was fine:

"I feel much better. Just now I kept feeling that there were small insects swimming in this arm, but now I just feel that there are insect corpses in my arm."

"It's the power of a curse, similar to the power of a monster, but very weak. I suggest you go to the mechanic from the Church of Creation and Mechanism last time for treatment. My seed buried in your arm won't last long. This time it's even worse."

Jenkins warned as he let go.

"Well, I will contact my friends tomorrow. Mr. Candle, thank you very much this time."

Mr. Hood said as he carefully pulled down his sleeves.

It was not that they had no clues about this inexplicable curse. In fact, Luther was not completely dead when Mr. Hood and Mr. Black Cat broke in here. But because neither of them is a benefactor who is good at healing, this time they just want to ask for their own money. There is no way that there is a healing spell that Jenkins has not heard of yet. When there is no time to arrange the ceremony, he can only watch helplessly. Luther dies.

Later, his body inexplicably merged with the steam engine in the corner.

"What did you say?"

Jenkins thought he heard wrongly, the cat ears on his shoulders moved, and he also looked at Mr. Hood.

"After he was completely dead, his body fell over there uncontrollably and lay on the steam engine in the corner."

Mr. Black Cat pointed to the northwest corner of the room.

This hotel is a very high-standard hotel located in the city center, and the house Luther rented is the most expensive high-end room in the hotel. Therefore, not only is the area quite large, the hotel has also been decorated with a lot of thought. The steam engine in the corner should be a decoration used to fill the space, and can be regarded as an antique.

There is nothing there now, but if you look closely you can still see traces of heavy objects once placed on the wooden floor.

"That's an old Mark I two-valve steam engine. It's probably worthy of being placed in an antique store or exhibition hall. I don't want to describe what I saw a few hours ago. In short, the fusion of flesh and blood and steel machinery was abrupt. We got together. Mr. Hood wanted to check the situation, and unfortunately he noticed the curse. We spent a lot of effort to restrain this thing, but fortunately he was not very strong. "

Mr. Black Cat said, and the hung body once again spurted out a stream of hot white steam.

"Speaking of which, the fusion of corpses and machines, have we seen similar situations before?"

Jenkins asked again, and Mr. Hood nodded:

"I also thought about it. When I met you last night with Mr. White Cat, the textile machine we chased and the monster fused with flesh and blood seemed to be like this. But that time the thing was dominated by mechanical appearance, this time It’s dominated by human form, and the last one didn’t have the ability to spread the curse. When we were chasing it, we touched its body many times, but nothing happened.”

"If this is really a curse, does that mean the curse evolved?"

asked Miss Silver Flute, who now controlled the rope that bound the body. As a believer in the [God of Nobles and Order], she has strange abilities, and like Jenkins, there is no specific system.

"It's possible. If you give me a little time, my friends and I can study it in depth. Many people have arrived in Nolan now."

Miss Magic said, looking at the body curiously, but Jenkins shook his head:

"Let's leave this matter to the church. If it's a man-made curse, that would be great. But if it's a naturally formed curse, I'm afraid things will be very troublesome."

"You mean this is also one of the effects of the apocalypse?"

Miss Magic frowned and asked, and then asked and answered herself:

"It is indeed possible...the dead human corpse will spontaneously fuse with the machine, and then this fused form will be transmitted to more living people. If this curse cannot be cured, and the power of the corpse and the fused machine "

Others also realized how terrible this was, especially the "factory ghost" tracked down by Mr. Hood and Mr. White Cat last time. There was no trace of the involvement of the Giver, and it was obviously a natural phenomenon.

And if Luther's death mutation is also a natural phenomenon, it means that Miss Magic's speculation is correct. From this point of view, the political impact of Luther's death is not a big problem. It is definitely the best choice for Miss Magic to find Jenkins Willamt instead of Jessica Windsor to handle the matter.

The acquaintance between Luther and Mr. Hood is actually very strange. According to Jenkins, this distant relative of the Middleton royal family is not very rich. Although not abject, living in a luxury hotel room of this standard is simply impossible.

Not to mention doing business with Mr. Hood. Jenkins inquired about the amount of money his two friends planned to invest, and was shocked by the number. It was clear that such a level of transaction was not something Luther could participate in.

There are no tulip producing areas near Nolan, and the flowers that Jenkins puts into the city are rare varieties that he has "cultivated" for several generations. Even if you go to other places to find them, it will be difficult to hit the local market at once. Mr. Hood and Mr. Black Cat's money may indeed go to waste, but what they need is a big dealer, not a foreign aristocrat with a certain background like Luther.

"He was very personable and explained his channels to us. More importantly, he only wanted us to pay a deposit of 3,000 pounds, so we didn't doubt him at first."

Mr. Black Cat said with a sad face. He didn't expect that he would encounter such an unfortunate thing when he came back.

"Did you find anything else?"

"Some letters indicate that this person completely believes that he has no chance of being the throne of Fidictry, so he wants to make a fortune and then return to the country and never have contact with Nolan again. In addition, there is also a diary."

Miss Yindi threw the diary on the bed over, the pages clattered in the air, and then Jenkins caught it:

"This is a liar. He not only deceived Mr. Hood and Mr. Black Cat. This person also had accomplices who wanted to make a profit, so they focused on Nolan's Tulip 'Pomp and Circumstances'. I think it should be true, The man hid the diary and the plan in the safe over there."

Jenkins squinted and saw the safe that looked like it had been blown open from the side by a steam bomb, and nodded slightly.

"Do you have any accomplices?"

"Yes, this group of people is a liar organization. They use Luther's identity to obtain certain conveniences. They pretend to be local businessmen who have cooperated with Luther and out-of-town farmers who have supplies. If they don't know the lies, there will be very few believers. In public, I would almost think they were Miss Fabry's accomplices."

Mr. Hood said, not seeing Miss Magic trying to prevent herself from laughing.

"Do you know where his companions are? If you know, this matter will be easy to handle. I tried to find a way to blame this man's death on his accomplices. My friends in the church could help, so I said they were donations. Absconding. Today the church has discovered new clues about Tarquin's death. Luther is no longer a key figure. The church will not notice you. The focus should be on the curse... Speaking of which, you find your own. Got the money?”

After Jenkins said this, Mr. Hood and Mr. Black Cat remembered their original purpose. But long before Jenkins and Miss Magic arrived, several people had thoroughly searched the room. Except for three large 10-pound notes in the wallet and some coins in the coat pocket hanging on the chair, they were not in the room at all. Find even a penny.

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Chapter 1809 Chapter 1,780 The Germs Reappear

"You see, in this case, maybe the murderer is really his companion."

After listening to the introduction from his friends, Jenkins had an idea. He had already thought about how to report what happened here to the church.

I also wanted to ask some of them if they had tried channeling just now, but the magic lady at the window suddenly signaled them to be silent.

"Someone is coming! Something is wrong, there is something wrong with these people."

Mr. Hood and Mr. Black Cat immediately walked to the door, and Miss Silver Flute listened to the movement outside while controlling the rope. Jenkins came to Miss Magic and looked down:

"They are all ordinary people... something is indeed wrong."

Although it is almost late at night, there is no need to wear a heavy coat when going out in summer. Black can hide their overly bloated figures very well, but for Jenkins, the night cannot stop him from observing at all.

"Looks like our luck has come."

He said and walked towards the door, standing on the left side of the wall with Mr. Hood. Instructing Miss Yindi to lead Luther's body to the corner first, and then open the door a crack.

Sure enough, the three men who went upstairs went straight to this room. After seeing that the door was unlocked, they hesitated for a moment, then opened the door and walked in. The door creaked shut after they entered the room, and then the corridor fell into silence again, with no sound coming from behind the door.

After interrogation, it was found that the three people were indeed Luther's associates and a group of liars. Mr. Luther's diary was full of truth, so Jenkins flipped back and saw that there was a mention in the diary that Luther had a conversation with a certain chef, which should be true. However, the two had no interaction and were just chatting in the shopping street. Therefore, Tarquin's "suicide" had nothing to do with him.

As for Luther's death, the other three had no knowledge of it. They came here late at night to divide up the stolen money at this stage and then transfer it as soon as possible. The four scammers realize that there are victims who have noticed that something is wrong, and therefore do not plan to stay in Nolan.

Inside the black coats the three of them were wearing were bundles of banknotes, which made them look too bloated.

"It's all true."

After the interrogation, Jenkins nodded, and then looked at the corpse in confusion:

"So how did he die... Speaking of which, did you see the wounds on the body?"

After the body was fused with the steam engine, the wounds naturally disappeared, so we could only ask Mr. Hood and Mr. Black Cat who came here first.

"It was probably poisoning. We only saw him lying on the floor with a livid face and convulsing all over, and then he died."

"Did you vomit anything out?"

Miss Magic also asked.

"I checked the carpet and found nothing."

Miss Yindi said regretfully.

"That's strange. It can't be suicide, right?"

Jenkins said, and together with Mr. Black Cat, he piled the three unconscious people into the corner, and then walked back to Mr. Luther in the air, looking at the screw rod pierced on the back of his hand, and then into his bulging eyes. The spring that emerges:

"When you fused with the steam engine, did your clothes also fuse?"

"No, the clothes I wear now are the same as before."

Mr. Black Cat thought for a while and said.

So Jenkins took the risk to grow vines from seeds, and obtained his coat at the cost of three vines being completely infected by the curse, turning into metal tentacles and fused with Luther's body.

Then he wore glasses and scanned the clothes with his Real Eyes, and found a very weak black aura. If Jenkins hadn't almost pressed his face to his clothes, he would never have noticed such a subtle light.

"What's this?"

The area with the aura was like a water stain. Of course, because Luther's body was so hot, the area of ​​​​clothes had long since dried.

Jenkins thought for a while, cut out the small piece of fabric, then found a cup of water from the bathroom and soaked the piece of cloth in it. After waiting for a few minutes, he put his finger into the cup and dipped it in, twirling his thumb and index finger, and there was a slight burning sensation:

"You can't even detect such traces, can you?"

Miss Magic asked in surprise.

"Of course I can't notice it. I just want to give it a try, because the really useful method is really disgusting."

He said, putting his wet fingers in his mouth. He groaned as if he was hurt, then his mouth twitched, he took a towel and wiped his hands, and then said calmly:

"Don't worry, it's not naturally occurring. It's [Gear Bacteria]... At least this time it's [Gear Bacteria]."

(Chocolate Run...)

Thursday morning on St. George Street was as calm as ever. On the smoke-filled street, Mr. Goodman was kissing his wife goodbye at the door of his home as he prepared to go to work. After saying goodbye to his family, he covered his mouth, coughed twice, and cursed the poor air quality in a low voice. As he walked, he looked up at the neighbor's house next door. At this time, the letters in the mailbox at Jenkins' door and the milk in the fence gate had been taken away, but the house was still quiet. It seemed that the owner hadn't gotten up yet.

But because of the chocolate, Jenkins was already up. He and his family sat around the dining table to eat together. On the newspaper unfolded in his hand, the photo of the last time the proud Tarquin attended the meeting was on the front page today.

Chocolate stood on the table calmly and ate breakfast with his head down. He claimed that he wanted to lose weight so Hathaway ate very little. At this time, he supported his head with his hands and looked at Jenkins' cat:

"So, the church and Fidicelli don't intend to reveal that Tarquin committed suicide?"

She suddenly asked mindlessly,

"Of course not. What's the point of exposing this?"

Jenkins' voice came from behind the newspaper. He seemed lazy. He went home very late last night, so he didn't get enough sleep:

"Since we know that Tarquin chose the second prince, Brill Aresio, who is currently staying in Nolan, as his heir, then wouldn't it be a better idea to threaten him directly and let Cheslan continue to participate in the Three Kings' Talks?"


Brianne's voice came from the direction of the stairs. She was yawning in her nightgown. Julia, who was sitting on Jenkins' right, immediately got up and prepared a plate for her.

"Who are you going to threaten again?"

"I'm not going to threaten others. The church has made up its mind not to let the war spread. I received a note from the church this morning. Fidictelli and Hampavo will take the initiative to send troops to help Brill Aresio "calm down" the rebellion in the country, so he can be at ease in Nolan to represent the country in the talks and not worry about domestic affairs."

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