
The blonde girl smiled and said:

“I don’t believe that when the counter-insurgency is over, the national border will still be what it is now.”

"This has nothing to do with me, and since the two countries borrow troops, it will naturally not be free. In addition to the convenience on the negotiation table, how much you can reasonably take depends on your own ability. Of course, they will not be too It’s too much. Although the church has acquiesced in this happening, it is only because the church does not want to see civil strife in the material world at this time, but the church certainly does not want to see Chesland being annexed.”

Chapter 1810 Chapter 1781 The Closed Antique Shop

"Why? Why doesn't the church want to see Chesland annexed?"

Julia asked as she brought hot tea for Britney.

"Because the church is the righteous party."

Jenkins said, turning the newspaper to the next page:

"Of course, this matter has nothing to do with me."

As if he was afraid that the girls wouldn't believe it, he emphasized:

"It has nothing to do with me at all. I heard that the followers of the lie reported Luther, the person who was originally qualified to compete for the throne, and then got clues about Tarquin from him. But that unlucky Luther is also dead. , was killed by a group of cultists. Don’t ask more about this matter, because it is very involved and the church is still investigating.”

“Are believers of lies good people?”

Blaney, who had no idea about this, asked, and it was Hathaway who gave the answer:

"They are neither good people nor bad people, but in short, just don't provoke them. Those people have very weird tempers."

She took another look at Jenkins who was hiding behind the newspaper:

“And they love having cats, too.”

Today is Thursday, and we are getting closer to the joint meeting of the Twelve Churches. The plan to invite the girls and Sigrid home a few days ago was disrupted, and they were very busy these days, so the matter could only be postponed to next week. But there is another thing that cannot be postponed, and that is that Dad has something to talk to Jenkins about. This was originally supposed to be on Tuesday, but it was delayed because of Tarquin's sudden death. Because Luther's death and the report of the believers of lies had nothing to do with Jenkins, his plan today was to find his father.

After breakfast, Jenkins said goodbye to the girls at home. He didn't know what his father would do to him. He only knew that his father had been in a bad mood recently. He guessed that maybe his father happened to see Miss Stillwell in Nolan.

Shopkeepers on Fifth Queen's Avenue opened their stores very early. Although they didn't expect to have customers so early, they at least tried to show that they were working diligently. It was very rare that Dad didn't open the door. Jenkins knocked on the door but got no response. He was about to go around to the front door and open the back door to see if Dad was not there. Unexpectedly, someone called out to him in the thick fog. name.

Turning around, it was old Jack, who was dusty and tired, walking over with a suitcase. Blinking his eyes, he was indeed my father's friend in Turin, the old man who was good at mixing potions. The last time I met my dad in Evergreen Forest, I mentioned that Old Jack was coming to Nolan, but I didn’t expect him to show up so soon:

"Jenkins, I knew it was you."

He threw the suitcase at the door and leaned against the door to catch his breath:

"This is really tiring me. I searched for a long time and couldn't find the carriage, so I had to walk here by myself. Didn't Oliver say he was going to pick me up with you? Haven't you set off yet?"

"Huh? Is it today?"

Jenkins wondered:

"Dad said he would go with me to pick you up at the station when you come, but he didn't write me a specific date. Is it today?"

"I know you've been very busy recently, so you don't have to pick me up."

Old Jack was considerate, but looked at the antique shop:

"But what happened to Oliver? I even wrote to him specifically to tell him the train number I took. Is he too old to have forgotten this?"

"I haven't seen Dad yet either."

Jenkins knocked on the door again, but still no answer. So he walked to the souvenir shop nearby and asked the owner, Aunt Sally. Dad opened the store as normal yesterday and should be in the store now.

When the store was closed at night, the store was locked from the inside, so the two of them could only enter through the back door. Jenkins picked up the suitcase for Old Jack, but before he could take a few steps, someone stopped Jenkins again.

This time it was Miss Stillwell, who was, of course, a real person. She came suspiciously from the carriage that stopped in the distance, wearing a blue summer dress and a wide-brimmed white hat.

"Oh, Lena, it's been so long."

Old Jack also saw her. After being stunned for a moment, he immediately recognized who she was:

"The last time I saw you was ten years ago."

He smiled enthusiastically, and even Jenkins was infected by the joy from the heart.

"Old Mr. Jack?"

Sure enough, everyone would call him Old Jack.

Miss Stillwell also recognized who this was. She walked over quickly and hugged the old man:

"Old Uncle Jack, long time no see, really long time no see."

When Miss Stillwell was an apprentice at Dad's place, Old Jack was not yet the pharmacy owner in Turin City, and he often walked around Dad's place, so Old Jack was very familiar with Dad's apprentices.

"How will you be here?"

Old Jack asked again after the greetings were over, he straightened his collar with a smile, and then carried his suitcase regardless of Jenkins's insistence.

"Jenkins asked me to come."


Jenkins pointed to himself:

"No, I definitely haven't written to you. The last time we met, you said that you had an important mission in Nolan, so I didn't want to contact you easily. I abided by this instruction."

As he said that, he looked at the cat on his shoulder:

"Chocolate, have I written to this lady?"

The cat immediately shook his head.

"You see."

Jenkins said.

"Who could that be?"

Miss Stillwell frowned. She now has a sensitive identity and is undertaking the important task of being an undercover agent next to believers in lies. No matter who sent her the letter, it meant that person knew her identity.

Of course, she and Jenkins both believed that it was most likely written by Dad. Dad noticed that Miss Stillwell had returned to Nolan, so he invited her back to the antique shop in Jenkins' name.

"Go and see dad first."

Jenkins said, seeing Miss Stillwell hesitating, he added:

"You will see dad sooner or later. Are you going to never see him again? Even though it was a bit unpleasant when we separated, and it is inconvenient to see him because of your work, I think it will be okay this time."

When I was in front of the antique store, I observed the aura upstairs and roughly confirmed that my father was in his room. But when Jenkins opened the back door with the key and let Miss Stillwell and Jack Sr. come to the backyard together, Dad's aura disappeared.

Jenkins did not point out the strange thing he saw, but followed the two men along the stairs to the second floor. After stopping at the door of Dad's bedroom, he turned the handle but the door wouldn't open.

"It can't be that Oliver locked the room and left, right? I don't remember him having the habit of locking the door to his room."

With that said, Old Jack knocked on the door, but still got no response. Jenkins frowned and looked at the yellow magic light on the door. After asking Old Jack and Miss Stillwell to take a step back, he put the chocolate on the floor, took a sharp breath and slammed the door with his shoulder. .

The loud banging sound startled the two of them, but the door didn't move at all. Jenkins rubbed his shoulders and stood up straight, looked back, and wanted to say that he had a solution, but Miss Stiver came up, took out a hairpin from her hair, and poked it toward the keyhole, as if from her ear. The clicking sound at the side made Jenkins look behind him nervously. When he looked forward again, the door had been pushed open.

The crack in the door continued to grow larger with Miss Stivell's movements, but no light came out of the door, and there was only thick, solid darkness inside.

Jenkins was shocked and wanted to speak to stop the door from opening, but he couldn't.

Just as he was about to reach out, he didn't expect that the old Jack behind him was actually faster than him. But instead of stopping Miss Stillwell, Old Jack jerked Jenkins away from the door.

Before the two parties even came to remember and communicate, the door was completely pushed open. It was as if a strong suction force came from the darkness at the mouth of the abyss. Miss Stillwell, who was holding the door handle stiffly, was the first to be sucked in like a shadow. Then Old Jack pushed Jenkins aside with force again, He was also drawn into the darkness inside the door.

Jenkins, with his eyes widened, didn't have time to think too much. He picked up the cat that had been sucked up and jumped towards the other side of the corridor.

I obviously felt the suction when I took off, but nothing happened when I landed. When I looked back, my father's bedroom door was closed, but Miss Stillwell and Old Jack were no longer in front of the door.

"What's going on?"

Since returning to Nolan, these strange things have rarely visited Jenkins suddenly. What just happened once again reminded him of how thrilling his life in Nolan was, but he did not recklessly open the door again. Instead, he used a dagger to carve out the Holy Emblem of the Sage on the floor of the second floor. Wrapped in ritual base array.

Simply write down the situation on the triangular paper charm, and then put it into the ritual matrix. But the triangular paper package did not burn, as if it was simply thrown to the ground.


Thinking doubtfully, he pushed back the curious cat that showed its head from his arms and quickly went downstairs. Sure enough, neither the front door nor the back door could be opened at this time, and the door seemed to be integrated with the wall.

Take out the key that Jenkins privately named [Key to the Door]. This is a key-type gift that can open barriers and mysterious locks found through Miss Magic's clues. Pushing towards the door, a huge repulsive force directly flew the key out of Jenkins' hand, spinning towards the counter and making a clanging sound when it landed on the counter.

It's not that the [Door Key] failed, it's that it didn't touch the door at all, so it couldn't function. Jenkins turned around to pick up his keys and looked around suspiciously.

The first floor of the antique store was so quiet that Jenkins could almost hear the heartbeat of the cat next to him. He put the cylindrical key tooth [Door Key] and another silver exquisite [Silver Key] together, wanting to try the effect together, but the two immediately trembled at the same time, and actually merged. signs.

Chapter 1811 Chapter 1782 The Evolved Fairy (Additional update)

As soon as the two keys showed a tendency to merge, Jenkins separated them without hesitation. He just wanted to try to open the door with both keys, but if he lost part of the gift characteristics, it would be too worthless. Whether it was opening the door to the outside world or breaking the seal and the puzzle lock, he didn't want to lose these two characteristics.


The disobedient cat came out of Jenkins's collar again and looked behind him. Jenkins turned around with its gaze and saw a short human figure disappearing from the back door.

He didn't chase after it, but blinked his eyes, but saw nothing:


Jenkins guessed and took out the small silver bottle given in the strange world from his pocket. According to "Sigrid", the potion in this bottle can make Jenkins the strongest mortal in the material world within an hour.

"No, it's not the time yet."

He hesitated and didn't use the potion immediately.

Looking at the counter beside him, besides the small mat for chocolate, there were also several upside-down papers on the counter. Jenkins picked them up and saw that they were the church's investigation on Luther's death. Because it involved the Gear Craftsmen's Guild, the efficiency this time was very high. In addition to the part that Jenkins already knew, the strange curse of Luther's body and mechanical fusion mentioned above was not the first time in Nolan. Even within a week, such things happened in other places, but they were just treated as individual cases.

"Where did so many gear germs come from? Or is my judgment wrong? Is this really a naturally formed weird curse?"

He thought, and then looked at the documents again:

"Since these documents are on the counter, it means that Dad received news from the church before dawn, and when he was reading these materials on the first floor..."

He glanced at the wall, and the faint gas lamp was still on.

"I heard a sound upstairs, so I put down the paper in my hand temporarily, and then I never came back."

He speculated, raised his head and put on his monocle, and looked into the room again with the Eye of Truth. A careful observation could see a faint black aura flowing on the wall. It was very little and very slight, but it did cover the entire antique shop.

Just as he was about to go upstairs again to see the source of the aura on the door, he suddenly heard a loud baby crying. He followed the sound to the warehouse in the backyard of the antique shop and saw an ugly baby-like thing in an empty cardboard box in the corner.

But it was definitely not a human baby, but more like an oversized mouse cub. It was pink and tender all over, without any hair, with a short tail on its buttocks, and its body kept twitching in the cardboard box. The howling sound made Jenkins extremely uncomfortable, and when he saw the appearance of the little monster, he shuddered.

"What is this?"

The other party was not an illusion but a real entity. Although there was a flow of life spirit in the body, there was more of the power of death. Rather than saying that this was a living thing, it was better to say that this was an unknown type of undead alien. Jenkins was sure that this was definitely not something that should be in Daddy's antique shop, and its appearance was related to what happened today.

"Chocolate, is this a mouse?"

He asked his cat, who was very unhappy to see such an ugly thing, so he ignored Jenkins. Jenkins knew that his cat had never been interested in mice, but when he saw that it couldn't even tell whether it was a mouse or not, he was immediately disappointed with the cat.

He picked up the cardboard box and returned to the antique shop, and put it on the counter, and there was no change. Jenkins didn't understand, but at this time he found another anomaly. He and Chocolate had been away from the front of the antique shop for no more than ten minutes, but the umbrella standing behind the counter had been replaced.

Originally, it was an ordinary black canvas umbrella, which was a little worn out because it had been used for a long time. It was placed in the store by Daddy for use at any time. But now the umbrella placed in that position has turned into a new umbrella, or more accurately, a new umbrella with a golden umbrella and a red wooden handle.

After taking a look and confirming that it was an ordinary umbrella, Jenkins held it and opened it directly in the store. There was no obstruction in the opening process. Unlike the old umbrella, it required force. He just pressed the obvious button, and the umbrella opened with a bang. Jenkins was vaguely reminded of the umbrella in his previous world.

The handle was genuine mahogany, and the golden umbrella was a bit hard, like metal and plastic, but there was no plastic in this world. These were not the key points. As the umbrella opened "smoothly", Jenkins vaguely heard a slight sound of gears turning in the handle of the umbrella, and at the same time he felt the regular vibration of the umbrella pole, which showed that there was a very sophisticated mechanical mechanism inside.

"Strange, why is there such a thing in the store?"

He closed the umbrella and put it next to the cardboard box containing the "rat cubs". Looking at these two things, he was suspicious:

"Could it be that Dad's strange key got out of control?"

The key had the power of "evolution", and if the two things in front of him were the little mouse and the ordinary umbrella that originally existed in the store, it was very likely that they had accepted the power of "evolution".

But Jenkins didn't understand why the entire store couldn't go out now. This might be the power of the key, but it was too coincidental that the key happened to be out of control today. Whether it was in Miss Stiver's memory or in the year that Jenkins and Dad had known each other, they had never even seen Dad use the key.

Thinking in his heart, he took another look at the "rat man" cub in the cardboard box, picked up the cat squatting on his mat and went upstairs again. This time there were still strange sounds coming from the corner of the first floor, but Jenkins didn't care and still went into the second floor without looking back.

The corridor was still the same. Except for Dad's bedroom that couldn't be opened, Jenkins searched all the other rooms. There are quite a few rooms on the second floor. Except for the study, reception room, Dad's bedroom and bathroom, the others are daily spare guest rooms.

Finally, relying on Chocolate's reminder, Jenkins turned over the bed board in the room at the end of the sunny side on the left and saw a huge rune engraved on the back of the bed board.

He couldn't recognize what it was, so he could only memorize the rune with his heart. When he turned around and wanted to leave the room, he suddenly felt a sign of extreme danger in his heart.

He jumped to the side, and a soft white light instantly shot out from the half-open door. Almost the entire door frame was filled with light. Jenkins's movements were of course not faster than the speed of light, so he was illuminated by the light.

A warm feeling filled every corner of his body, and the extreme comfort made him want to moan.

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