At the same time, the black coat, pants and shoes that were illuminated by the light began to deform. It was not that they suddenly became intelligent and wanted to strangle Jenkins, but only that the material and style changed.

Jenkins himself could not see his full appearance, but the colorful dressing style was obviously not suitable for him, and the strange texture of the clothes did not seem to be made by people in this era.

But he himself was not affected by the white light. The warm and comfortable feeling just now was indeed very good, but it only lasted for a few seconds and ended, and did not bring permanent changes to Jenkins.

As for Chocolate, Jenkins just dodged to the right, and the cat was standing on the right shoulder, so it was not illuminated by the light.

"Who is it?"

He just froze for a moment to feel his own changes, and then hurriedly chased out. In the corridor, he saw a short, fairy-like, long-eared green figure, which began to run away before Jenkins chased out. He quickly got into the bathroom on the left, and when Jenkins also pushed open the door of the bathroom, the figure had disappeared.

"Isn't it that the key is out of control?"

The Silver Dragon Lord didn't mention that the key could also turn into a short and ugly goblin, but the white light just now was most likely caused by the goblin.

"It's good that it's not the key. I can't deal with a curse of that level."

He thought to himself, looked around the bathroom, and then smashed the mirror with a punch. There was a solid wall behind the mirror, but Jenkins' fist went directly into a space without any light, and then pulled out the goblin hiding inside.

The front of the thing was uglier than he thought. The head was almost as big as the body, and the eyes occupied almost one-third of the face. The whole body was covered with white hair that was difficult to observe but very prickly. The skin had a greasy touch like a layer of oil, but it was like mud that made fingers sink deep.

The right hand pinched its neck, and the place where the skin of both sides touched made a hissing sound as if the skin was burning. This weird thing was stronger than Jenkins thought, and it didn't seem to be affected much by the passive effect of [Hero]. Even though the twisting of its facial features showed its discomfort, it still had enough strength to struggle in Jenkins' hands.

"Do you want to introduce yourself yourself, or do you want me to force you to do it?"

He asked, exerting more force with his right hand. But when the neck was reduced to a certain extent, Jenkins did not notice any tissue structures such as bones or cartilage trachea. The neck of this thing seemed to be filled with a ball of cotton.


The ugly goblin made a hissing sound, and only by listening carefully could you hear the words spoken in the poor common language. Jenkins frowned and looked at the goblin:

"I know you are related to evolution, but I want to know what you are?"

The "goblin" suddenly stopped struggling, and its huge eyes suddenly lit up with a stronger black aura. There was no change in its left eye, but the black pupil of the right eye expanded to the entire eye, turning the entire right eye black.

As Jenkins summoned the flame to burn it, the black light bloomed from the right eye, covering the entire area in front of the eye without dead angles.

Chapter 1812 Chapter 1783 Evolution and Degeneration

The moment he was enveloped by the black light, his whole body seemed to be pierced by fine needles. Jenkins' body softened and he subconsciously relaxed his hands, and the goblin escaped from his hands like a slippery loach.

"Profane production!"

His body was limp but his mind was still very clear. In the dark light that still stayed on him, Jenkins pointed to the place where the goblin landed and called the vines. The vines appeared smoothly, but the goblin ran very fast. After landing, it drilled directly into the floor, as if the floor was made of water. The vines angrily knocked on the solid floor tiles, and it took a while before they reluctantly left the space hole.

"Damn it!"

He lay on the floor and complained in a low voice. His mental state was not affected by the black light, but his body was as weak as after an extreme long-distance run. This brought a very strong sense of separation between the body and the soul. This feeling was the first time Jenkins felt it.

At the same time, his colorful and exaggerated clothes slowly faded like stains washed away by rain. The comfortable fabric gradually turned yellow and brittle, and finally all the clothes turned into bundles of straw, and even the red silk thread hanging two parts of the world tree seeds on the neck turned into straw ropes.

Fortunately, two-thirds and one-third of the seeds were covered by clothes, so they were not affected by the black light. But Jenkins was more worried about his cat. The black light just now shone on him almost without dead angles, and the cat on his shoulder was certainly not spared.

"If the white light is the light of evolution, then the black light is the light of degeneration?"

Thinking of the "rat giant baby" just found in the warehouse, Jenkins couldn't help but be a little terrified:

"Chocolate won't degenerate into a creature like a cat, cat, or bug?"

As if hearing his thoughts, the figure of the cat appeared in front of Jenkins who was still recovering on the floor. It cried pitifully, and staggered when walking, as if it couldn't control its movements.

Then it fell in front of Jenkins with a very abrupt sound of "pop", and its little head leaned against the floor and looked pitifully at Jenkins who was also lying on the ground in front of it.

"Oh, my chocolate~"

He couldn't bear to see this cruel scene. The inexplicable power supported him to sit up with difficulty, then picked up the cat and put it in his pocket... His clothes turned into a circle of straw, and now there were no pockets.

Once he recovered a little bit of strength, this force would guide his body to recover quickly like a seed. The flame in his soul and the holy spring water bottle also helped him with the moisturizing power. About five minutes later, Jenkins, who felt that he was completely fine, stood up and helped Chocolate massage while looking at everything around him with the Eye of Truth.

"If I hadn't been worried about not being able to open the door, I would have used 'blasphemous production' directly, and I wouldn't have said that nonsense."

He complained about his stupidity just now, but he also knew that next time, even if he caught the other party, he would not dare to use blasphemous production directly. If Dad, Old Jack and Miss Stiver really couldn't come back, he would definitely regret it for the rest of his life.

The fairy with blue skin and big eyes disappeared. She was very good at hiding. If she was invisible, Jenkins's true eye could still see her, but the ability like [Shadow Realm Shuttle] was to go to another space, and Jenkins was really powerless.

After leaving the bathroom, he first found a few clothes in the guest room, changed the straw, and then returned to the door of his father's bedroom that could not be opened. He took out the [Door Key] and poked the door like Miss Stiver did.


The key still could not touch the door and was directly bounced away, but at that moment, the true eye observed the wonderful ripples generated by the spirit in the air at a close distance. To bounce away a key with great power held tightly by Jenkins, it is not enough with a little strength, so the observed fluctuations of the spirit are quite strong, just like a huge stone thrown into the lake, and the "ripples" refused to dissipate for a long time.

Now the whole antique shop is covered by the black and yellow mixed spiritual light, and the ripples generated nearby also affect the surroundings. If Alexia and Miss Magic were here, Jenkins even believed that they could find the weakness of the confined space and find a way to break through through such a phenomenon.

Unfortunately, Jenkins did not have such outstanding knowledge as them, so even if he saw it, he could do nothing. But at least such fluctuations were enough for him to observe that the black aura was not uniform, and thus found some points where the power of the weird things was the strongest, and these points were exactly the same symbols as those behind the bed board in the guest room.

But this was not someone arranging a large-scale ceremony based on the overall structure of the antique shop. Although Jenkins had been involved in the mystery of this world for less than a year, he was still good at ritual studies and could see that this was not a trace of a ceremony.

The characteristics of the weird things caused hidden symbols to appear throughout the building, which should have been brought by the blue-skinned fairy just now.

The symbols were hidden in places that were not easy to find in various parts of the building, such as the back of the bed board just now. The symbol closest to the door of Dad's bedroom was behind the gas lamp on the wall. Jenkins pressed his finger on the symbol and immediately felt like someone was poking his fingertips with a toothpick.

After retracting his finger, the wall still did not change. He thought about it and let his finger attach the gift of fire, and then stood on tiptoe and pressed on the symbol again.

The floor under his feet shook violently, as if there was something alive crawling under the floor. But there was a first floor under the floor, and there could not be a large living thing in the middle. He frowned but still pressed his finger on the strange symbol. As the vibration became stronger and stronger, the whole house began to shake.

The floor, ceiling and wall, like flowing ripples, appeared superimposed "waves", and the up and down swaying made Jenkins almost unstable. Just then, the black light shone from the distance of the corridor again. Jenkins, who had been prepared for a long time, drew a mirror out of thin air to block it in the air.

But it was not light at all, but a manifestation of some kind of power in the material world. The mirror "degenerated" into stone and fell to the ground, and Jenkins was unfortunately hit by the black light again.

He thought it would be the same as before, but it would make him collapse to the ground with powerlessness. He even thought of pretending to be unconscious, luring the enemy to appear in front of him and then perform a thunderbolt.

But the blue-skinned goblin was well prepared. When the black light appeared, the white light of evolution also shone out from its left eye.

The two beams of light hit Jenkins one after the other. The stinging sensation and the comfort of a warm shower acted on his body together. The strange feeling made his whole body hot, and he soon reached a critical point of endurance.

Section 1813 Chapter 1784 The Mouse Transformation (II)

As the feeling of melting became more and more intense, the bones and muscles began to wriggle and contract, and the clothes automatically switched back and forth between the withered straw and high-grade silk.

Jenkins was not afraid of evolution and degeneration. Although this body was not as good as the soul, because of repeated contact with divinity and the continuous improvement of the level, Jenkins' physical state was now difficult to be forcibly changed by external forces.

But he had briefly experienced an alternative, low-end life form, and that was a real transformation into another form. Although this form had been erased with the help of the sage, under the interweaving of the concepts of "evolution" and "degeneration", the posture in the body's "memory" was read out again.


Jenkins disappeared from the spot. In the black and white flickering light, the pile of clothes on the shaking floor continued to shift back and forth.

The black and white kitten stood in the middle of the clothes, stepping on two parts of the World Tree seeds with one foot and a gray little mouse with the other. It raised its head:


Chocolate made such a rare cry, as if he was making a threatening sound to the blue-skinned goblin in the distance. There was no longer Jenkins touching the symbol on the wall, and the vibration on the floor also disappeared. When the goblin saw that Jenkins had turned into a mouse, he immediately ran towards this side with his two short legs.

It didn't care about the cat at first, but when it quickly ran closer and heard the cat's meow, it immediately turned on the spot without stopping, then ran back along the original path with its short legs, jumped into the floor with a big jump, and hurriedly left the second floor.

James Mouse, whose vision was blocked by his clothes, could only see the strange black and white light disappear, but could not see the ridiculous performance of the goblin. He screamed, trying to get Chocolate to let go of him, and he was going to touch the [Ancient Amber Stone] in his pocket.

But Chocolate even gave up the World Tree seeds, and instead used two paws to hold Jenkins down, stretched out his hands and licked him with his tongue. Even if the little gray mouse occasionally catches the opportunity to escape, the cat can also use its paws very sensitively to press the tail of the escaped mouse again, and it never tires of playing this way.

Fortunately, Jenkins' action of touching the wall symbol was not completely useless. Soon there was another muffled bang in the corridor. The door of Dad's bedroom that could not be opened opened automatically, but there was a black thing between the door and the crack. Thin threads, like the darkness inside the door that refuses to open.

After a golden ray of light, Miss Stillwell squeezed out of the room in embarrassment. The door closed with a sound, and the woman gasped and held on to the wall, looking around nervously to guard against attack. But all she saw was Jenkins' cat playing with a little gray mouse in a pile of straw. Surrounding the mouse were pocket watches, charms, banknotes, handkerchiefs, plant seeds, ritual materials, etc. that had survived because they were in his pockets. And the seeds of the World Tree that cannot be affected by light.


It's good to have a smart person as a companion, but without Jenkins, who was constantly being humiliated by the cat, using [Reading and Writing] to remind her, Miss Stillwell understood the truth about the mouse on her own.

She knew how much Jenkins cherished his pet cat Chocolate, and how the cat wouldn't even let strangers touch him. Therefore, the mouse that can be "fancy" must be related to Jenkins. Combined with those scattered items, the situation in front of you can be inferred at a glance.

"Jenkins, how did you..."


Seeing that the gray mouse was so pitiful, Miss Stillwell wanted to rescue Jenkins from the cat's paws, but Chocolate immediately held the mouse tightly with her paws, then raised her head and bared her teeth, and said to Miss Stillwell A threatening cry was made.

The voice was so soft, but Miss Stiver was stunned in place as if she was frightened. After she calmed down, she didn't understand what had happened to her.

"Chocolate, I am the master who wants to save you."

The inexplicable inspiration made her give up the idea of ​​snatching the gray mouse directly by force, and instead explained her behavior to the cat. But the cat shook its head and stepped on the mouse, staring at Miss Stillwell, as if she was afraid that she might suddenly steal the mouse. Occasionally, he would suddenly lower his head and lick the mouse, while still staring closely at Miss Stillwell. In the past, Jenkins had only seen such a scene when he was protecting the chocolate.

"can you understand what I am saying?"

Seeing the cat shake its head, Miss Stillwell knew that its intelligence was higher than she thought. Chocolate didn't care what the human woman would think. While staring at the woman with wide amber eyes, he licked the little mouse again.

"Jenkins, please listen, the current situation is like this..."

Maybe she thought it was strange to talk to a cat and a mouse with her head down, so she walked downstairs with the cat and mouse while talking. Before Chocolat took action, he picked up the mouse in his mouth and swung it onto his back.

Jenkins didn't want to leave like this. His hope of turning back into a human was still in the pile of straw. While the cat got the mouse onto his back, he quickly wrote at Miss Stillwell's feet the explanation of the mouse turning into a human.

Miss Stiver also noticed the line of words, was slightly startled, turned around and picked up the [Ancient Amber Stone].

Although chocolate can prevent others from touching the mouse, the cat will become suspicious if Miss Stillwell is prevented from picking up the amber stone when she already knows the truth. So he jumped around with his mouse on his back with a stinking face, and finally put the mouse down.

The gray little mouse crawled into Miss Stillwell's palm and put its head on the amber stone that the silver dragon girl had carried close to her body for tens of thousands of years. As the astonishing heat came from the mouse, the little mouse jumped upwards and turned into a rotating ball of purple-gold light in the air, which continued to grow in size as it rotated.

Miss Stillwell immediately took two steps back, then turned her back to the direction she had just taken, so that Jenkins, who emerged from the light, would not be too embarrassed. After all, he had no clothes on him.

But the first thing Jenkins did after appearing was not to run into the guest room to find a change of clothes. Instead, he waved to the cat who ran up to the stairs at some point and said seriously:

"Chocolate, come here, I have something to tell you."

The black and white kitten shook its head and squatted obediently at the foot of the stairs, as if it was about to grow on the floor.

Being irradiated by the evolution light and degeneration light of the cyan goblin and turning into a mouse is a permanent transformation, similar to the last time Jenkins ate the candy that turned into a mouse. It is a permanent and irreversible transformation. Relying on the [Ancient Amber Stone] to transform back into the appearance of Jenkins Willamette is a temporary transformation method. Once the stone leaves Jenkins, he will return to the state of a mouse again.

After all, the current mouse state is his original state.

But it is not impossible to solve. After leaving the antique store, go to the church and pray to the sage. You may be able to ask the sage to help solve this permanent deformation like last time. If it doesn't work, then wait for the Silver Dragon Lord to come back and ask her for advice on how to permanently obtain a human body. In short, this is not a big problem.

Jenkins carefully put the amber stone and the two parts of the World Tree seeds together, hid them close to his body, and then showed a kind expression to the cat who was following behind but unwilling to get close. Chocolate immediately retreated some distance away, with such a well-behaved look that Jenkins had not seen for a long time.

As for Miss Stillwell, she just met her father with Old Jack and learned the ins and outs of this matter.

"Did Dad look for you a few days ago?"

Miss Stillwell asked.

"Yes, but because of Tarquin's sudden death, I didn't have time to see my father."

The two returned to the first floor together, and Jenkins showed her the rat baby and the elaborate mechanical umbrella on the counter.

"Dad came to see you a few days ago because he wanted to talk to you about the curse on him."

"Dad, are you willing to talk to me?"

Jenkins was surprised. After all, Miss Stiver's father had never mentioned anything about the curse since she was an apprentice to her apprenticeship. Even though Jenkins had all the best plans, he only studied with his father for less than a year, and the relationship he accumulated was not as good as the first three apprentices.

"I was forced to talk to you out of desperation. He must be prepared. It is the end of the era, and riots of all kinds of monsters are happening out of control. It seems that at this time, the power of the monsters has also been strengthened."

"Is there something wrong with that key too?"

Jenkins then realized.

"Yes, the key itself is an extremely powerful monster, and it was even more affected at the end of the era. Dad felt that he could no longer suppress it, and it might have major problems at any time, so he thought I confess this to you so that someone can understand what happened when the key is really out of control."

Her expression and tone were a little sad, mostly because of her father's move, which was similar to explaining the funeral arrangements, and partly because her father chose Jenkins instead of her.

The key's message is inherently cursed and therefore cannot be told to most people. Only the Holy Son and a few demigods can listen, or super-standard beings like Silver Dragon Lord Anastasia. The most trusted person that Dad could find was, of course, his apprentice Jenkins. So Miss Stillwell can understand it rationally, but she is still sad emotionally.

"How is dad doing now? And, where is old Mr. Jack?"

"They are fine. They are together now. What did you do outside just now? There was a crack in the sealed door for a short time. Dad and Old Jack took this opportunity to send me out."

Miss Stiver asked, and Jenkins talked about his discovery about the runes, focusing on the ugly cyan goblin.

PS: The amber stone was for James Rat at that time. The last time I turned into a rat was Chapter 829.

Chapter 1814 Chapter 1785 Temporary Detachment

I originally thought that what happened today was a problem with Dad's key. Dad might not be able to suppress the power of the key to evolution. But from now on, it was the goblin who caused all this.

Miss Stillwell brought news about Dad. Although Dad tried to tell Jenkins about the curse of the key, the trouble this time was indeed not that the key was completely out of control:

"Part of the key's power was out of control, allowing monsters with similar power to detect traces of the key. Dad should have told you about the principle of like-devouring. The goblin you mentioned wanted to take away the key. Although it was taken away With the key, Dad can get rid of the curse, but it will also give birth to a more terrifying monster. Before we arrived, Dad had been fighting with each other. The place was blocked and there was no way to enter or exit. In fact, it was Dad and the goblin working together. means used.”

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