"So what is my essence?"

"You have to find this yourself. Maybe someone once told you that your essence is your original posture."

The two continued walking towards the lake, and Jenkins thought about the meaning of "original". The most inexplicable power he has had since he came to this world is the "eyes of truth", which allow him to see auras and are his biggest support for being able to get to where he is today.

"Could it be that my essence is...truth...that I am actually the 'God of Lies and Truth'?"

He was thinking in his mind, but he also believed that fate might also be his own essence. After all, the original ability corresponding to the body is life, and the soul corresponds to fate. This is also in line with the meaning of outsiders stirring up the fate of this world.

"Don't worry about this problem. Sooner or later you will understand your position in this world and why I think you are the real World Tree seedling. You just need to keep going and witness everything that happens next."

Jenkins nodded and stopped asking the question. He thought that after the [World Tree Seedling] truly belonged to him, only the yellow spell [The Uncrowned King] and the unknown purple destiny were left to compete, and time was getting increasingly urgent.

"So do you have anything else to ask, Jenkins?"

The woman walking in front asked again.

"I still have many questions I want to ask, but I feel like I'm about to wake up. So let's just ask one question. I want to know why there is no legend of a creation god in this world? The World Tree was born in the first era. You should be familiar with it. Is there an answer to this question?”

"I'm surprised you chose this question. This question involves the truth of the world. I can't tell you now. I will give you the answer when you successfully complete your mission. Let's change the question, Jenkins."

"So, do you know who I am?"

he asked again.

"Of course I know, you are an outsider."

Jenkins was not surprised. In fact, both the Lord of Death and the Lord of Life showed that they understood who he was. What he really wants to ask is:

"So from the beginning of this world to now, am I the only outsider?"

He was still confused about the legend he heard yesterday and doubted the identity of the [God of Nobles and Order].

"You are the only outsider. There is no need to doubt this. This is absolutely impossible to happen a second time. Your appearance is like a meteor that does not stop across the night sky. It is enough for this world to witness it once. ”

The woman answered.

Ahead was the shoal where the island in the middle of the lake came into contact with the lake water. The woman stopped there, and Jenkins walked to her side. He lowered his head and looked at the reflection in the lake water. It was Jenkins with black hair and black eyes.

He stared at the water for a long time and smiled to himself:

"I think I'm about to wake up. Thank you very much for answering my questions."

"It's okay, Jenkins, keep going, your doubts will definitely be answered. I also heard what you said in that strange situation. I'm very sorry that you can't abandon your own essence and choose the way of nature. In my opinion, It seems that you have the qualifications to take a different path."

"Forget it about the road of nature, many people have already walked on it, but it's not the last moment yet, and nothing is certain... Then after I become the seedling of the World Tree, and you, World Tree, is there any substantial connection?”

Jenkins finally asked.

"There is no connection. We are both World Trees, but I am older than you."

After saying that, she gave a gentle push and Jenkins fell to the shallows. But instead of touching solid ground, he sank directly into the water. The awareness of the surroundings gradually disappears. Although the body sinks, the consciousness is rising.

There was a faint sound of breathing in his ears. The young man lying under the giant tree in the evergreen forest opened his eyes, and the sound of breathing turned into the soft sound of the grass being stepped on.

When he opened his eyes, dappled light shone down from the branches and leaves and fell on Jenkins' face. The cat with its head stretched out under the canopy suddenly came into view.

"Hello, chocolate."

It was later learned that after the seeds were closed, the erupting spirit of life almost instantly broke through the ceremony arranged by the church in the open space under the tree, and swept across the entire west coast of the continent like a shock wave with the evergreen forest as the center.

Subsequent investigations found that the harvests in farmland, pastures and fisheries near Nolan were very gratifying this year.

The emerald green brilliance stung people so much that they could hardly open their eyes at that moment, and at the same time, the wild grasses that grew wantonly soon engulfed Jenkins. The giant trees in the evergreen forest resonated with the entire forest. The forest area expanded outwards again, not only occupying the entire valley, but also spreading to the grasslands and low hills surrounding the valley.

Like a green beam of light connecting heaven and earth rising from under the tree, in that skylight, the phantom of the giant tree, just like the phantom created when Jenkins swallowed the seeds in the night manor, appeared in the sky.

Although this phantom is not very tall, in every corner of the material world, as long as people look in the direction of Nolan, they can see this scene like a mirage.

The clouds and fog above the forest were completely dispersed, and the huge spirit of life washed away all the people in the forest like the scorching sun, but surprisingly did not cause any harm to anyone.

The whole process lasted for 20 minutes before it gradually ended. During this period, no one could find out what happened in the center of the crazy spirit.

As the light converged inward, the crazy weeds like octopus tentacles also returned to their original appearance. The phantom faded little by little, and the majestic spirit of life naturally integrated into the world.

When everything returned to calm, only Jenkins was left lying flat on the grass under the tree with his eyes closed. The lush tree canopy that grew due to the outbreak of the spirit of life allowed the mottled sunlight to shine down, but there was a whole vacancy above Jenkins, so he was just covered by the sunlight.

People were hesitating whether to wake up the young man in the light, only Chocolate did not hesitate. It rushed to Jenkins first, and then he woke up.

"What's the matter?"

Miss Bevanna walked over nervously, and behind her, people looked at the young man sitting on the grass with expectation. Sigrid crossed over Miss Befanna and supported Jenkins. Jenkins then noticed that his hands and feet were a little weak, as if he had been soaking in hot water for too long and his body was too comfortable.

PS: How could it be possible that another traveler suddenly appeared at the end of the story? Jenkins is the only traveler in this world.

Chapter 1859 Chapter 1830 The Seventh Slate

"It succeeded, and I have been promoted to a level 7 gifter."

Jenkins covered his forehead and said for a long time. Then he raised his cat high with one hand, and put the cat back on his shoulder while the latter opened its four claws and "roared" loudly.

He smiled at Sigrid who was supporting him, and said to Miss Befanna:

"Although there are some unexpected things, there is no big problem this time. It succeeded. I think we can try to find out if there is the next doomsday document nearby."

Miss Befanna's face showed a relaxed expression and suppressed joy, and the people behind her also smiled. Alexia came over and hugged Jenkins. The old man nodded to Jenkins, as if to encourage and also as if to be relieved:

"That's right, how can there always be accidents?"

Jenkins said to Mr. Yasen, the "Left Hand of the Temple":

"Including the matter that you came to Nolan from Beldiran specially, it was also successful."

The demigod knew that Jenkins was talking about the soul of the tree, closed his eyes and smiled with relief, and then drew the holy emblem of the sage on his chest very solemnly.

Just as Jenkins said, although he himself was surprised that such an important matter did not encounter any accidents or any troubles, the world tree was right, everything had come to fruition, maybe this was normal.

The closed world tree seed disappeared as Jenkins officially became the world tree seedling. In fact, the word "disappeared" was not correct, because Jenkins could feel that the seed was completely integrated with himself. The essence of the world tree contained in the seed, including the divinity of the world tree and some rules that he could not understand, all merged with Jenkins.

These powers acted on his body and soul, allowing him to grow like a sublime. His flesh was no longer a mortal body. Although his soul had grown to a limited extent, Jenkins knew that it had also changed slightly.

Any savior qualification required the recipient to be qualified. The difference between the flesh and the soul, as well as their common extraordinaryness, met the conditions of [Twin Demons]; the immortality of the gods met the conditions of [Immortals]; the lies of the believers and the deception met the conditions of [Real Illusions]; the special fate that combined all causes and fates and stood at the center of the end of the eighteenth century met the conditions of [Fate Stage]; the lonely stranger met the conditions of [Stranger]; the determination, courage and action to save the world met the conditions of [Hero].

Just now, the World Tree Seed merged with the descendants of the World Tree Priest, which upgraded the priest. The merged World Tree Seed was also affected by the noble soul essence and obtained the same upgrade, thus breaking away from the shackles of the seed form. This is a similar process to "germination", except that the seeds disappear after germination, leaving only Jenkins who has obtained the essence of the World Tree.

At this moment, he is the seedling grown from the World Tree seed, so he has obtained the qualification of [World Tree Seedling].

"There are two left."

He whispered in his heart, kissing Alexia on the side of her face to express his inner joy.

"It's almost there, it's almost the end."

This voice kept whispering in his heart, making him feel a little stuffy in his chest. Naturally, he walked to the side with Alexia and Sigrid, and made room for the doomsday slab buried in the soil under his feet.

He came to his father, who smiled with satisfaction and patted him on the shoulder twice:

"Congratulations, Jenkins, for everything. Now, you are the only one qualified to compete with the believers of lies. This place has made such a big noise, I think both the believers of lies and other cultists will understand what is happening here, but don't feel pressured, although you may not be as strong as them, but the Twelve Orthodox Churches are your backing."

"Dad, I don't feel pressured."

He said, and then heard the exclamation from the people behind him. It turned out that the stone slab buried in the shallow surface had been discovered. This is the seventh stone slab symbolizing the coming of the end of the world, corresponding to the savior qualification [World Tree Seedling]:

[The stories in myths and epics are staged again,]

[Those legends, those stories;]

[The ancients are watching here,]

[Looking forward to the ancient tree sprouting again. ]

[The spiral of life and death,]

[Together cast the eighteenth disaster. ]

[In the reciprocating fate,]

[The ancient tree still witnesses everything. ]

[The fallen seeds symbolize the end of everything,]

[The gray fog of disaster has hovered in the sky. ]

[When the seeds sprout,]

[It means rebirth,]

[When the disaster sprouts,]

[It symbolizes the end of the world. ]

Jenkins had originally planned to spend the entire Tuesday in the Evergreen Forest, but he didn't expect that it would be over in just half an hour.

He watched the Doomsday Documents being carefully packed and shipped away by the church, then accepted everyone's congratulations, listened to the somewhat excited Miss Befanna telling about the advantages that the church might gain at tomorrow's meeting, and then stopped his cat from chasing those squirrels that appeared out of nowhere with a headache.

"Speaking of squirrels..."

Jenkins looked at his right hand, holding a pine cone in his palm. This had existed since he woke up, and it seemed to be a gift from the kind-hearted big-tailed squirrel when he met the World Tree.

"But didn't you say that it was just an illusion in my mind?"

He was puzzled by this, and the pine cone was just an ordinary pine cone, so Jenkins threw it to his cat. The cat sniffed it and kicked it aside with his hind paws in disdain, which might be cheap to a squirrel passing by.

[World Tree Seedling] is a natural savior ability, and after evolving from [Origin of Life], it has gained a more powerful improvement. In the past, Jenkins didn't know how powerful the "born savior's ability is extremely powerful" recorded in the data could be, but he only saw some details from the "Son of Disaster" of the Mad Poet.

Only when he really mastered the ability did he understand that the power of the savior's ability was not only powerful because of the unique ability itself, but also because the end of the era gave these abilities new power. This extra power will accompany the savior, and only accompany the savior, and will be spent at the end of the era. After the savior disappears, other people who gain abilities will not be as powerful as the savior.

[World Tree Seedling] retains all the functions of [Origin of Life] while allowing Jenkins to perform large-scale treatment. In the past, he spread the spirit of life around, which was also considered a range treatment, but the efficiency was very low. But now, he only needs to reveal the emblem of [World Tree Seedling], and he can treat multiple individuals selected within a certain radius according to the amount of his own spirit and control, just like unfolding the ritual base array.

At the same time, Jenkins has the ability to give life from now on. It's not that he can create life - after all, the definition of life in this world includes the soul, nor is it simply to make the fried melon seeds grow again, nor is it to turn stones into life.

What he can do is to create something out of nothing. Without any seeds, he can create any simple life out of thin air. For plants, this is equivalent to filling the gap that the [Creation Pencil] can only draw dead things; and for animals, it is equivalent to Jenkins being able to shape the body of any animal anytime and anywhere, including a complete life system, but without a soul.

Although this sounds useless, it is already close to the authority of gods in religious scriptures. Jenkins has no other innate savior abilities, and I don't know if other abilities are so powerful, or if the [World Tree Seedling] is so powerful because it absorbs the complete World Tree Seed.

But in any case, the ability obtained since the beginning of coming to this world has finally completed the final evolution.

At the same time, the essence of the World Tree contained in the World Tree Seed has also settled in Jenkins' soul. Most of them have not been digested by Jenkins, and are sleeping with his god characteristics. But as long as Jenkins can live, sooner or later he will gain all the power of the World Tree, which is something that no [World Tree Seedling] could do in the past.

After all, Jenkins realized after gaining the ability that the normal sublimation process only requires a young leaf of the World Tree, and not all bodies and souls are enough to accommodate the power of the World Tree Seed.

Although the vitality burst brought by the closing of the seeds is full of light and shadow effects, the impact on the surroundings is only to expand the area of ​​the Evergreen Forest by three times. In addition, even the people watching nearby did not feel any changes in themselves. The shadow of the saint hanging upside down under the tree closer to Jenkins at the time and the [Universal Potion] in the pool were still the same.

It seems that all the power has been absorbed by Jenkins and this forest. But this is also a good thing, at least it has become easier to explain today's abnormal work to the public.

Before today, Jenkins had decided to spend the whole day on the World Tree Seedling. The matter was resolved so quickly that he didn't know what to do today.

He was eligible to attend both meetings being held in Nolan, but after weighing the pros and cons, he chose to go to the City Hall to attend the Three Kings Talks, after all, he had not been there for a long time.

After returning to the city, he barely caught up with the afternoon meeting. Although people were a little surprised by Jenkins' appearance, thinking that there were important topics to be discussed today. But he really just went to listen and expressed some of his own opinions during the speech stage.

After the meeting, Miss Windsor curiously asked Jenkins why he showed up today. Jenkins just said that he had time today.

Now the Tree Soul and Dragon Soul have belonged to him, the Ice Soul is at his fingertips, and the Dark Soul is still in the making, but Jenkins believes that it won't be long.

Chapter 1860 Chapter 1831 Star Spirit and the Rebel

That evening, after having dinner with the ladies at home, Jenkins came to the Star Realm again. The first thing the Star Spirit said after seeing Jenkins was congratulations, congratulating him on obtaining the [World Tree Seedling]:

"This will be a very important step for you, indicating that your mortal body has also broken away from the shackles of mortals and crossed the gap that is almost insurmountable for mortals."

The Star Spirit explained that Jenkins accepted the congratulations and wanted to learn more about the origin of the World Tree from the Star Spirit. But the Star Spirit refused to answer, that was a question about the origin of the world.

The most important thing about coming to the Star Realm tonight is to ask about the details of the fusion of the four king souls. The silver dragon Anastasia said that the king soul will not fuse actively, but to obtain the ability related to the king soul [Uncrowned King], the four souls need to be united.

Lakul once again told the story of the human forging race myth. After confirming that Jenkins knew the details, he talked about the fusion of the four king souls:

"You need fire, you need a hammer, and you need a forging table."

"Is this a metaphor, or do I really need the entity you mentioned?"

"This is not a metaphor. You need the divine fire to allow the completely different power properties to merge and sublimate; you need the miracle hammer to forge destiny and create legends; you need the forging table of years to give the king soul the weight of history."

Jenkins thought for a while:

"Can you put it another way? I don't understand it."

The Star Spirit with a translucent female body smiled:

"Of course, you need to find the power of fire given to mortals by the gods related to the [Sun] [Fire] priesthood as fuel for forging the king soul."

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