"This is very simple. The Church of the Sun and Justice will probably help."

"You need an ancient hammer used by the gods. This is the tool for forging the King's Soul."

"In the first era, can the hammer created by the God of Nature by intercepting lightning be used?"

"Of course."

"That's good. I can borrow this one too."

"The last thing you need is a forging place. It doesn't have to be a platform, but it must be related to time. You need to forge the King's Soul in a place with abnormal time. Only in this way can the power of the King's Soul be perfect."

"Abnormal time?"

Jenkins was a little embarrassed about this. He thought:

"In the material world, the abnormal time places controlled by the church are usually extremely dangerous monsters, such as A-02-1-0307 [Loop Hunting Game] or A-12-1-0499 [Repeated Moments of Death]. I think forging the King's Soul in such a place will definitely go wrong. Can the astral realm be used? For the material world, the astral realm should be considered a place with abnormal time, right?"

"The astral realm is barely OK."

Lakul thought about it and nodded.


"Yes, the Star Realm and Shadow Realm are not complete alien spaces, but more like two reflections of the material world. To forge the King's Soul in the Star Realm, you need four additional helpers to stabilize the power of the King's Soul, and these helpers must correspond to the nature of the four King's Souls."

"I can ask Sigrid for the Tree Soul, Dolores for the Ice Soul, and the Dragon Soul... The Red Dragon should not mind helping me, but the Dark Soul..."

The most troublesome thing now is the Dark Soul, and the best candidate for the Dark Soul is of course Miss Windsor. But Miss Windsor is not a gifter, and ordinary people rashly entering the Star Realm and being driven crazy by the deepness and silence of the stars is a better result.

Although from the performance of the soul, Miss Windsor has the talent of a gifter, but the gifters who are quickly cultivated in a short period of time often have great hidden dangers. If from now on, like the church cultivates little Finnie, Miss Windsor will spend at least another year.

"There is indeed a way for mortals to quickly become gifters without side effects, but the strange world..."

Bringing an ordinary girl into the strange world is something Jenkins can never do. But if he really had to, he might also call enough people to accompany Miss Windsor into the strange world.

But these are still a bit far away, and the awakening of the dark soul is the top problem now.

The star spirit can't give more suggestions on the awakening of the dark soul, which is Jenkins' own difficulty. But Jenkins is still very grateful to Lakul, at least he knows that he needs to prepare the three conditions for the fusion of the four kings' souls in advance.

Another thing to come to the star realm is to ask Lakul about the ritual [Rebel]. This matter has nothing to do with the savior, nor with the secrets of the world, so Jenkins is sure that the star spirit can give an answer.

"I know this ritual. It's quite ancient."

She leaned over and looked at the sea of ​​stars below her feet, as if she was observing the material world through it:

"It's ridiculous that ordinary people always think they can defy fate, but they don't know that their defying fate is also part of fate. Under the premise that no one knows what the true fate is, fighting against fate is like a clown fighting the air alone on the stage."

"So the ritual of defying fate can't succeed?"

"No, from our records, this ritual has been successfully used in the past. Although there are only a few successful people, it is not completely impossible."

"So what is the purpose of the ritual?"

"Literally, understanding a must The fate that is bound to happen or has already happened, and then from the result to the cause, from the end to the beginning, let this fate be reversed. Although it sounds simple, the effect of the ritual is difficult to describe in words. I can describe it this way, different individuals launch rituals for different reasons, with completely different effects and completely different preparation conditions.

Only those who are truly determined to defy fate and have great wisdom can know what they should do. Rather than calling the "defier" a ritual, it is better to say that the defier is a challenge based on the whole world. "

Jenkins originally thought he would understand, but the more the star spirit talked, the more confused he became:

"Sorry, I don't understand a little bit."

He said honestly.

"Except for the person who uses this ritual, no one understands what it is and why it appears. But you have to remember that this is not a simple ritual. It manipulates and affects time, space, matter, information and destiny at the same time. Everything that existed in the past, everything that exists now, and everything that will exist in the future is affected by this ritual."

"So powerful?"

"But the requirements of the ritual are also very high, and the probability of successful use can almost be reduced to zero. Every successful use represents the occurrence of an important fate node. If the opponent you are facing wants to use this ritual and is about to succeed, then this is indeed a suitable opponent for you."

Lakul's words made Jenkins even more worried.

"Then can the ritual of the rebellious person be interrupted?"

"Just kill the host of the ritual, that is, the individual who intends to defy fate."

"If I can kill it, I won't worry about this ritual."

Chapter 1861 Chapter 1832 The Ice Soul that cannot be transferred

The worried Jenkins returned to his home from the astral world, and wrote down the information he got from the astral spirit carefully, intending to share it with the church when he went to pick up the two collection objects on Thursday the day after tomorrow.

He sighed, worried about the upcoming end. At the same time, he thought of the difference machine pushing the doomsday, which was in line with fate, and the rebellious person was against fate, and the other party occupied both the positive and negative sides at once.

"But the last savior qualification represents the qualification of fate. I don't know if this is a hint."

After that, he went out again at night and came to the apartment rented by the old elf. The elf had prepared drinks and waited for Jenkins. When Jenkins entered the door, the old elf saluted Jenkins respectfully, which made him a little embarrassed.

"You don't have to stop me. Now you have become a real world tree seedling. Even in the Evergreen Forest, you are qualified to be the leader of the next generation of the elves. In this world, except for my Lord, there is no one more noble than you in my heart. Praise the world tree! Praise the flowers!"

The old elf seemed a little excited, but he showed his true joy.

Jenkins was infected by him and temporarily forgot about the things that bothered him:

"On the way here just now, I was worried that after arriving here, I would see you leaving a suicide note and heading for death. Oh, I'm not cursing you, but your tone when we parted in the morning was as if you had no regrets after witnessing this."

"I really have no regrets, but I still want to return to my hometown and be buried there."

The old elf waved his hand and invited Jenkins to sit down and have a drink with him. Because the alcohol content of the prepared wine was very low and the taste was more like juice, Jenkins didn't mind.

"It is the greatest honor to be able to witness today's scene in my life. Watching the royal sacrificial elves accept the favor of the world tree, in the flower forest, only those upper-level high elves have this honor."

"Elves also have classes?"

Jenkins asked while sitting on the sofa and leaning his head.

"Of course, and it's worse than humans. Anyway, congratulations, Jenkins, please allow me to call you that. It's my great honor to know you and help you in the last part of my life."

"It's my luck to know you."

Jenkins said immediately, and then put his hand on the old elf's shoulder. The emerald light penetrated into the skin, and then the blood vessels suddenly bulged under the elf's aging and wrinkled skin. But what flows in the blood vessels is not blood, but a fluid with green fluorescence.

The elf sighed, and as the blood vessels in his body suddenly returned to their original state after a sudden burst, the tone of his sigh changed a little.

"In this way, you can live for at least 200 years. I think it should be no problem to return to the Flower Forest alive. Although I now have a key that can open the road to the outside world, I can't locate where that road can lead, so you'd better wait for the end of this era."

"200 years?"

The elf looked at his hands. Although his skin didn't change much, he could feel the vitality and vitality flowing in his body:

"I have another 200 years?"

He showed a helpless expression.

"Not happy?"

Jenkins raised his eyebrows.

"Of course I am happy, but I just didn't expect it. My last life is so wonderful. Maybe I should record what I have seen in my life while I am still alive and write it into a memoir or a chapter novel. But will it hurt you to let me live for another 200 years?"

"Some, but just take a break."

To be precise, the effects of the loss disappeared after two breaths. [World Tree Seedling] broke through the shackles of [Origin of Life]. Now he can modify the growth cycle of any mortal at will. It is not difficult to let the old elf return to the physical state of 200 years ago.

So he once again felt the power of the natural savior ability, and guessed from this that if the other savior abilities he mastered were also natural, then how powerful they would be.

After leaving the elves and returning home, he met a red-haired girl in pajamas in the bedroom. She came to ask about the strange phenomenon in the direction of Evergreen Forest today. Jenkins explained the situation without hiding it, and showed her his sublimated ability.

Although Hathaway was worried that Jenkins would become the target of public criticism, she was also happy that the person she chose would embark on a road that would carry the fate of the world.

As a celebration, she showed Jenkins something nice.

Although Jenkins did not move around the city that night, the changes in the whole world would not stop at all. On Wednesday morning, I saw in the newspaper that the fire in the South Country was spreading faster to the north, and then I learned from the church that a space-specific area had appeared around Nolan.

So far, a quarter of Cheslan has been engulfed by the fire, but under the suppression of the Cheslan army, the domestic order has not collapsed for the time being. It's just that more and more refugees are crossing the border and entering the Kingdom of Fidictli from the west of Cheslan, or entering the Kingdom of Hampavo from the north of Cheslan. The two countries are also actively accepting refugees and asking the church to find a way to put out the fire.

Judging from the current situation, the fire may ignite the entire southern region of the main continent of the material world before the cold air from the north moves south in winter.

When Jenkins went out that day, the gray fog in the sky made it impossible for him to see the sun. When he rushed to the Sage Church to attend today's meeting, he immediately told other churches that he had truly become a seedling of the World Tree, and hoped to connect everyone through the Sage Church.

This was also the first time since the meeting that someone took the initiative to express that his church should take the leading role in the cooperation. Although this sounds impossible to agree to, surprisingly, the other eleven churches did not explicitly express strong opposition.

At this point in time, everyone knows that this is no longer the time to consider self-interest. If the believers of lies are not counted, the Sage Church, as a savior with the Son of God, is indeed qualified to lead everyone.

On the slightly peaceful Wednesday, no strange things happened around Jenkins. In addition to participating in the meeting, he only visited the Red Dragon to explain that he might need it to go to the Star Realm in the next few weeks.

The Red Dragon naturally agreed, but it did not have the ability to take the initiative to go to the Star Realm, and Jenkins would have to open the door at that time.

The Ice Soul in Dolores's hand has also reached the time to be asked for. Although the tree house and the Artisan Guild's benefactors had not appeared around Jenkins for a week, Jenkins always suspected that they would come out when he let his guard down.

So he took the opportunity to visit the mansion where Salhi II stayed and had dinner with Stuart and others, and mentioned this matter to Dolores and Alexia in the study.

They also agreed, but when Jenkins repeated the steps of asking for the King's Soul from Sigrid last time, he did not see the King's Soul peeled off from Dolores' chest.

Even with a different rhetoric, the Ice Soul still did not move. Jenkins was a little confused, and Dolores was angry. She was angry with herself. In the princess's theory, the transfer of the King's Soul requires loyalty, that is, loyalty. Even Sigrid Capet, who was an "outsider", could do it, but she couldn't, so she was angry with herself.

Jenkins had no idea about this matter, so he discussed it with Alexia and went to the Star Realm to consult the Star Spirit again. The Star Spirit did give some opinions. She believed that the King's Soul represented the qualification to become a human leader. Sigrid Capet herself had no intention of becoming a king, so as long as she pledged allegiance to others, the King's Soul would naturally transfer.

But Dolores Stuart would definitely become the queen of the North Country. She was a qualified human leader. If she wanted to transfer the King's Soul, unless she was willing to give up the throne, Jenkins could only become a more qualified human leader than her.

"It is impossible for Dolores to give up the throne. We need all human kingdoms to be under our control. So, the transfer of the Ice Soul requires me to officially become the heir of the Fidicteli Kingdom?"

Lacour immediately corrected Jenkins' statement. The two human countries were equal in status. Even if he became the king, he was not more qualified to become a human leader than the current owner of the Ice Soul.

"So, I not only have to be the king, but also need the North Country to voluntarily "affiliate" with Fidicteli?"

Jenkins concluded after returning to the study from the Star Realm. Dolores, who was a little sad about what happened just now, felt better. Alexia sat on a small sofa beside the table with a teacup in hand, and she was amused by her student's attitude:

"It's difficult but not impossible to get Salhi II to agree to nominal annexation. Dolores and I can do it. But how are you going to become king, Jenkins? Continue to wait or act immediately?"

"I can't wait any longer."

Jenkins sat next to Alexia, leaned forward slightly, and expressed his thoughts:

"No matter how long you wait, you can never be fully prepared for usurping the throne. I plan to take action in the near future. Miss Windsor has contacted enough supporters. I will take advantage of the fact that the three kings' meeting has not ended. On the day of a major issue, I will bring people to the city hall to show my cards directly. In this way, Dolores' father can still support me, which can make up for some of the shortcomings."

"When do you plan to choose?"

Her Royal Highness asked with great interest.

"How about tomorrow?"

Jenkins asked jokingly, and he also understood that even if he was in a hurry, he needed time to arrange this major event.

Chapter 1862 Chapter 1833 Dangerous Nothingness

Jenkins used to be unhurried about becoming king, because he thought there was no need to rush, there was still plenty of time, and he also thought that he had already won the battle.

But now it is different. Knowing that this involves the king's soul and the qualification of the savior, he can't delay it no matter how much he thinks about it. He knows what is important.

"It's definitely not possible tomorrow. There are still four hours until midnight. Do you think Miss Windsor can be ready so quickly? And you need to inform the church, and the church will also respond to it. Jenkins, don't be too impatient."

The short lady moved to the right side of Jenkins with a teacup, and the cat lying on Jenkins' legs looked at her unhappily.

"Yes, you can't be too impatient, and there are important things to do tomorrow. The dark soul among the four king souls is still incubating, and the ceremony of fusing the king soul is not ready yet. Even if I get the ice soul now, it will be useless."

He nodded.

"You think too much... Have you been under too much pressure recently?"

Alexia asked with a frown.

"I heard from Julia that he always went out in a hurry after breakfast and didn't come back until late at night."

Dolores said immediately.

"It doesn't matter, I'm always like this. And I also have ways to relieve stress."

"By your cat?"

Alexia asked, and Chocolate immediately puffed up its chest proudly. Most of the front sides of its two front legs were black, which made the white hair on its chest look even more beautiful.

"Of course not, it depends on..."

Jenkins tilted his head and said in her ear. The short lady blushed, and then looked at her student with a warning look, telling her not to talk too much.

"That's not okay." I know you are facing a lot of things and have your own complicated plans, but don't tighten your spirits all the time, otherwise you will not be able to bear it sooner or later. If you want the throne of Fidictry, then put the matter until later next week. I think more than ten days will be enough for Windsor and the church to prepare, and Dolores's father can also give it to you. help.

Don't arrange anything this weekend, just take us for a walk in the countryside as a way to relax. "


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