"Are you trying to persuade the demigods of the Zhengshen Church to join an illegal evil organization?"

Jenkins asked sarcastically.

"Please listen to me. We can give you something that you can't get in the church. It's not just strength and longevity, but also knowledge. As a person who is walking on the road of machinery, don't you care about our Are you interested in the research results? Aren't you curious about those unknown technologies? We are not trying to persuade you to give up your identity, nor are we asking you to believe in our gods, we just want to unite with you."


"Yes, talented people, intelligent people, and people who can feel the power of machinery should unite together. Flesh and blood make mortals miserable and weak, and machinery is the path to human evolution."


Jenkins said:

"If you just want to say this, then..."

"Don't be so anxious. Maybe you can take a look at this first to see what we found? Joining together does not require you to obey our orders. Our leader is another miraculous existence. It really has Great wisdom."

A pamphlet flew to Jenkins' feet, with a deep black aura attached to it. Although he doesn't know what this thing records, Jenkins believes that it is something that controls the mind.

"Since you asked for union, before I pick it up, I want to know what this mystery lock is used for? Although the church didn't act until today, we know that this mystery lock has been there for at least two weeks. Where have all the missing people gone?”

"We are recruiting like-minded people. Those ordinary people who are called in dreams and come in a hurry are talented people. They have also passed their own tests and have now been sent to places where they can use their talents."

"Everyone passed the test?"

Jenkins asked sarcastically, and the man sitting on the left in the darkness said:

"Of course not everyone has the intelligence and talent to join us."

Jenkins did not ask where those who failed the test went, but changed the question:

"You may not know that the church has been monitoring this place for more than a week. Although it was not possible to figure out during this period, there was actually a mystery locked in this house, but we can confirm that all the missing ordinary people have never appeared again. . Maybe your secret lock is very powerful, but I don’t believe it can transport ordinary people underground out of thin air.”

"Yes, it does not have this effect."

The leading man said that because of his sitting position, he had to raise his head to look at Jenkins, which seemed a bit funny, especially since he had no eyebrows:

"Don't worry, you are different from them. If you agree and cooperate with us..."

"You still think I'll agree?"

"As long as you read the knowledge in that book and see the technology we have, it's impossible to disagree. I am convinced that every mechanic will not give up the opportunity to obtain this knowledge."

"Then why do you think I would open this book?"

Jenkins lowered his head and glanced at the book lying at his feet. It had a very ordinary brown cover, made of something like cowhide. The book is not too thick, but there is no title on the cover:

"Although I am not a member of the Sage Church, I also know that not all books should be opened. Especially, this book was provided by the enemy."

"So unsure of yourself?"

The man sitting on the right who had been silent laughed and laughed. Before Jenkins could ridicule that this was a very poor provocation, another thing fell out of the air. This time the things no longer have aura, they are ordinary items.

It was a cardboard box, looking no different from the ones stacked in the attic. When Jenkins opened it, he saw some metal parts inside and a folded blueprint.

After unfolding it, what was painted on it was an exquisite metal arm made of pure metal. The drawings indicate the size, shape, and dimensions of the metal parts that make up the arm, and include notes on the side of the paper explaining the precautions to be taken when assembling the arm and connecting it to the human body.

The arm is a complete metal structure, with gears, bearings, chains, levers, screws and nuts arranged in an extremely orderly manner, which together complete this drawing that is comparable to an art painting. Even Jenkins, who was wary, admitted that the opponent's skills were indeed amazing.

It's just that the drawing lacks the auxiliary energy part. In order for the metal arm to be controlled like a flesh and blood body, and to be able to make any movements when used, the arm needs to have auxiliary energy. The location where the energy module is placed is a metal block about the size of the four little claws of chocolate combined. This is the core technology of this arm.

"We know that the [Church of Creation and Mechanism] also has technology similar to metal organs, but you are too cautious and have not studied this technology in depth. Look at our technology, it is only a very backward technology, even if I show it to you It doesn’t matter.”

"It's indeed great, but I'm sorry, I think I still can't do it when it comes to cooperation."

After saying that, Jenkins didn't intend to talk nonsense with the other party, and the flames flew directly from his hands to the front. But at the same time, the book lying on the ground suddenly jumped into the air, almost hitting Jenkins' face.

It came to Jenkins from the wave of gifted fire. The edges of the pages were only blurred by the flames, but they were not ignited.

With a clattering sound, the book automatically opened in front of Jenkins, showing Jenkins the knowledge inside.

"This book was made by our facilitator, the great wisdom deep underground, and has a certain connection with this mystery. As long as anyone is near the book and comes into contact with information related to the machine, it will automatically appear in front of the contactor. Expansion can be regarded as one of Mysuo’s automatic defense methods.”

The man's voice seemed to come from far away, because Jenkins' consciousness was completely absorbed by the content on the page.

"Welcome, our fellow travelers."

Although only one page of the book was shown in front of Jenkins, what Jenkins saw was the entire book. He couldn't describe how to describe the manifestations that appeared in front of him. He only knew that at this moment, the knowledge was really displayed before his eyes.

What he saw was no longer the pages of a book, but pictures that flashed by quickly. At this moment, it feels like you are high in the sky, and the land under your feet is no longer green. Among the towering chimneys, a complete steel city spreads out from your feet to the horizon in an orderly manner.

PS: Why did evil suddenly become a sensitive word? I remember that it was not a sensitive word in the first few chapters.

Chapter 1879 Chapter 1850 Failed Escape

Everything is in motion, but everything also seems to be stationary. Time and space no longer have meaning, only those rotating gears have meaning.

He saw the entire world changing, and saw those gears infecting every corner of the material world inch by inch like a multiplying plague.

Hills were leveled, ravines were filled, roaring machines dug minerals from the deepest depths of the earth, and harvested resources from the highest reaches of the sky.

In a real sense, the world is controlled by a single force and moves forward in a rigid but absolute order.

A visceral sense of identity emerged in my heart. Jenkins identified with such a world. This was indeed a possibility, but...

"Is that all?"

he asked in his mind, looking away from the page in front of him, forcing his thoughts away from the illusion he had seen.

He looked at the three men sitting quietly behind the book:

"Is that all?"

he asked again.

"You finished reading it so quickly?"

The leading man was very surprised, which could be seen from his expression and tone of voice.

"Is this the future promised by that machine?"

Jenkins asked:

"Is this just the land of steel and the mechanical empire? Although I have only seen part of it, and my vision is only limited to one corner, the future you have shown..."

He reached out and lit the book in front of him, and the flames enveloped it. With a wailing sound, the book burned into ashes in the flames, and a layer of black ash fell on the ground:

"It's really not as fun as I thought."

He shook his head and looked at the three people in front of him seriously:

"The future you have shown is not what that machine really wants, otherwise I would be really disappointed. Use the power of machines to control the world, let machines spread to every corner of the world, move mountains and seas, and explore the abyss Holding the moon, even leaving nature without a place to stay...Sorry, I have seen this kind of future before..."

After a pause, his eyes were confused as he thought of his hometown:

"Yes, I have seen it in my dreams, but compared to the future you showed me, my dreams are much more interesting. Do you think you can recruit demigods from the Zhengshen Church just by relying on this?"

He threw out the explosive charm in his pocket, which accurately shattered the vase standing in the corner. As the mercury-like liquid in the vase flows to the ground, everything around him becomes illusory.

This is the ritual node of the Mystery Lock. Although it is hidden very secretly, it is no different to Jenkins than putting it under his eyes.

The voices and appearances of the three men were blurred in front of Jenkins' perception. Similarly, the appearance of the unfamiliar gifter of the Orthodox Church was also blurred in front of the three men.

They heard the last words left by the man as the Mystery Node was destroyed:

"Please wait a few minutes, I will appear in front of you soon."

In the attic on the third floor of a real apartment building, three men sitting on chairs suddenly opened their eyes. The only difference from the attic that Jenkins saw was that in addition to the traces of the ritual matrix, the ground here was also filled with porcelain vases of varying heights.

"Retreat immediately and put away the collected brains and brain specimens."

The leading man pressed his hands on the armrests of the chair and stood up. As it moved, the ritual matrix on the ground erupted with a flash of light. This was a sign that the Mystery Lock was unstable:

"Someone else is going to break into the attic too."

The man on the left warned, sitting in the armchair and trying his best to keep the lock stable.

"Don't worry about it, retreat immediately, and then reverse the effect of the mystery lock to create chaos."

So the three men all left their seats. The leading man dragged out the cardboard box in the corner and began to piece together the metal parts stacked inside. His hands were very dexterous. In less than half a minute, the tightly fitting metal parts were roughly assembled into a standard cube, but there were still a few parts that were not filled to the surface.

The thick-lipped man who was originally sitting on the left side stood up and immediately walked to the display cabinet hidden in the corner of the room. The cabinets are made of metal, but the windows are all glass.

He bent over and squinted his eyes, carefully checking and counting the boxes of all sizes and the number of delicate metal bottles placed inside, and then opened his mouth, opened his mouth, opened his mouth.

When a tiny red dot appeared in his mouth, he suddenly threw his head downward and "swallowed" the display cabinet directly into his stomach.

This is an extremely rare space-type ability. Of course, Jenkins would never learn this ability even if he had a spare bubble position. The old elf's [Virtual Tree Space] is more convenient and beautiful.

The third man with a bald head sitting on the right was not as busy as his companions. He walked directly to the trap door of the attic, and the index fingers of his left and right hands were hooked together in a peculiar way. As the sound of the chanting of the spell hummed in the not very spacious room, the color of the metal spread from under his feet, and soon the entire ground was covered with a layer of brass-colored metal film.

At the same time when the spell was almost effective, a violent vibration sound came from under the feet of the three people, as if a huge monster was knocking on the ceiling of the third floor.

"It doesn't matter. I can at least guarantee that no one will be able to come here within three minutes."

The man who used the spell said.

"We have also collected the cerebrospinal fluid and human brain specimens collected in the past half month."

The man who swallowed the cabinet also said.

"Okay, then we will leave immediately. What we have collected is enough."

The man holding the cube said, and the three of them gathered together quickly. As the cube fell from his hand and hit the ground, a door frame with the same color and material as the metal cube rose in front of them.

The man took out a matchbox, lit a match and threw it into the door frame. Amid the roar of the steam engine, a stream of hot gas spurted out of the door frame. The gas did not dissipate, but gathered inside the door frame, so that the three could no longer see the attic behind through the door frame.

"Every time I see the strange creations made by Mr. 'Great Wisdom', I can't help but want to admire the exquisite machinery. I think it is because of this that my Lord agreed to cooperate with Mr. 'Great Wisdom'."

"My Lord only acquiesced, not agreed. Don't speculate on the intentions of the great man at will."

The man who made the door scolded, but at the same time as his voice sounded, a clear "click" sound came from the trap door not far away.

The three people immediately turned around and saw that the door covered with metal film actually opened on its own, and then the man who had just talked to them, like an agile cat, jumped up from the third floor.

Chapter 1880 Chapter 1851 Warning to Miss Windsor

"Go quickly."

The three men did not want to fight with the terrifying opponent who moved quickly. The man at the splicing point of the cube door pulled his companions with his hands on the left and right, and wanted to enter the door frame covered with scorching white steam.

But something was faster than them. None of the three could see clearly where the white halo came from, and it followed the man who rushed to the third floor and silently slashed towards them.

When it touched the three people, the obvious sound of metal tearing could not help but make people ache. But even if the subsequent flames engulfed the three people, the [Sword Dance·Loop] triggered by the dagger still failed to destroy those special alloys.

But the white sword dance was not a point-to-point attack. Although it only slightly injured the three people, the white sword light directly destroyed the door frame beside them.

Jenkins also climbed to the third floor completely at this time. Seeing that the items they escaped were destroyed, he did not continue to attack, but stomped his feet, allowing the wood components under the metal film of the floor to grow, completely damaging the ritual base array on the ground.

There was a sound downstairs, and the demigods of the church trapped in various corners of the maze probably understood the nature of this maze. Jenkins took two quick steps, trying to control the three people, but when he got closer, he found that they were all dead.

"Committed suicide? To prevent the church from obtaining secrets? I don't think I've heard that gear craftsmen have this habit of training deadpools."

As he thought about it, he squatted down and wanted to check the specific cause of death. But the sense of crisis that suddenly flashed in his inspiration made him subconsciously turn back.


The sound of the corpse exploding resounded through the sky of half the city on this slightly peaceful Saturday morning.

(Chocolate running...)

"I emphasize again that I really have nothing wrong."

In the ward on the third floor of the white building in the back area of ​​the Sage Church courtyard, Jenkins couldn't help but repeat what he had repeated many times. But this sentence was not said to Hathaway who was sitting by the bed peeling apples, nor to Britney who was arranging the bedside vase with a smile on her face, nor to Sigrid who had just walked in. This sentence was said to his cat.

Although he was lying on the bed, the church had allowed him to walk around freely after the examination because he was not injured at all. But the cat didn't seem to think so. He kept jumping up and down beside Jenkins, as if he wanted to check if he was missing any parts.

Jenkins had to use both hands to successfully restrain the cat, and then looked at it seriously, emphasizing again that he was really fine.

"To be honest, I was really shocked when I received the notice at home."

Hathaway said, slicing the peeled apples and putting them on a plate on the bedside table:

"Britney and I were both scared and thought you were really in trouble."

"It's just a small explosion... Sigrid, good afternoon... Chocolate, why did you ignore me when you saw the apple?"

Sigrid also walked into the room at this time. Seeing Jenkins "reprimanding" the pet cat with great interest, she breathed a sigh of relief:

"I just came over after hearing about this. How are you?"

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