"Other than being frightened, I have nothing else. Unfortunately, the attic was almost blown to pieces, and most of the information was not left intact. The value of solving this incident is not as high as we expected."

"I heard about this incident. What happened in the end?"

Hathaway made way for Sigrid to sit on the edge of the bed. She walked up to Britney with the half apple, tilted her head and whispered something into her ear. The blonde girl covered her mouth and chuckled.

"It is indeed the Gear Craftsmen's Guild. We dug up the bodies of the missing people under the apartment building where the explosion occurred, but all the bodies had no heads. This incident was characterized as those cultists collecting human brains. According to the missing persons The characteristics of the victims are related to the machinery manufacturing industry. The church believes that they are performing some kind of ritual or collecting materials for making evil mechanical creations. This can also explain why the characteristics of the mysterious lock are not murderous, but murderous. Selectively screening the arrivals... I originally wanted to personally release the murdered family of three, but now it seems that it is no longer necessary. After destroying the ceremony, their souls will be released. "

He picked up a slice of the apple that Hathaway had cut and put it in front of the cat. Chocolate sniffed it, then stretched his head and took the apple slice away from Jenkins' hand.

"The church immediately conducted a channeling at the scene and reluctantly asked that what they collected was the brain and brain stem. This was requested by the machine in the underground, and the mystery lock was also provided by it. The gear craftsman would only help in the execution, then The three executors don’t know what this is about, but a chief priest of the Gear Craftsmen Guild speculates that perhaps certain parts of human beings are needed as materials to create intelligent metal machines.”

Upon hearing this, Sigrid immediately showed a disgusted expression.

In addition to this information, there are other important takeaways for the church. The drawing of the mechanical arm that Jenkins saw and fully memorized can only be regarded as an unimportant part. The important part is the remaining traces of the mechanical door frame that the three of them planned to use when escaping after the explosion.

Even if the explosion erases most of the clues, the chaos in the space cannot be erased by ordinary explosions. The Traveler Church is good at tracking traces of space movement. Based on the special spatial fluctuations left at the scene and the subsequent recovery of the remains of the door frame that was torn apart by Jenkins, the Traveler Church stated that it is completely impossible to trace the other end of the door frame that was once connected. feasible.

This will provide the most effective clues to continue tracking the Gear Craftsmen Guild. The church was worried that the other side of the doorframe would get the news and leave early, so it took action immediately after the explosion.

Jenkins did not continue to participate in the operation because he was a "wounded officer." He was forced to return to the church for a physical examination. After the examination, it was confirmed that he did not have any injuries. He only needed to take a shower and change clothes before the church allowed him to move around as he pleased.

While the girls at home and Sigrid came to see Jenkins, the next step had already begun. Jenkins had no reason to join the operation midway, so he stayed at the church and waited for the latest news.

Hathaway and Sigrid are both gifters and understand that things like today are not actually the most dangerous situation. But Bryony is just human, and she's very worried about what happened to Jenkins today.

In the past, I also knew that Jenkins faced danger all the time, and knew that when he came into contact with mysterious and extraordinary people, he might encounter accidents at any time. But the fact that a steam bomb (official story) exploded next to Jenkins and even brought down a building was beyond her imagination.

Bryony did not persuade Jenkins to stay away from such dangerous things, but only expressed her worries in a very vague way. Jenkins comforted her with a hug, which made the other girls in the room, as well as the cat, feel weird.

Jenkins did not faint after the explosion, but was buried under the collapsed house and took some effort to get out on his own. Therefore, it was only three o'clock in the afternoon when we arrived at the church for inspection.

Seeing that the next step of the incident did not require his participation, he stayed in the church and prepared to attend the last meeting held here in the afternoon. Seeing that Jenkins had nothing to do, Sigrid left, and Hathaway and Britney also left together.

However, Queen Isabella heard about Jenkins' "injury" from somewhere and asked Miss Windsor to come see Jenkins with her greetings and gifts.

Miss Windsor was also a little nervous, but she felt relieved when she saw that Jenkins was still energetic and playing with his cat.

"Speaking of which, don't you have any guards around you tonight?"

Jenkins suddenly asked before Miss Windsor left.

"Huh? How could it be? My guard is always by my side."

"No, I mean Miss Magic and Miss Silver Flute."

Jenkins said, and Miss Windsor nodded hesitantly:

"Yes, they said they were going to meet their friends, so they asked me for temporary leave... Is there any problem?"

Actually it was because of Mr. Hood's party.

"Well, since they are not with you, you will stay at the Sage Church for the time being tonight. I also have some things to do. When I am done, I will send you back to your residence and wait for those two to come back before leaving."

Miss Windsor nodded and still asked Jenkins in a hesitant tone:

"Although it is indeed dangerous recently, and our plan has reached the final stage... but is it really necessary? I am not belittling the danger, but you specifically proposed to do this, which makes me a little confused."

Her doubts were correct. Jenkins was not worried that Queen Isabelle would murder Miss Windsor. He was worried about the cultists. Now the Ice Soul of the Four Kings is with Dolores. Not only is Alexia by her side, but the church has also sent three complete teams to protect the Stuart royal family and prevent tragedies like Tarquin the Proud.

But Miss Windsor, the host of the Dark Soul, has only ordinary people as guards beside her, except for Jenkins' two friends. According to Jenkins' experience, even if everyone has a gun, they will not be a match for the cultists.

He didn't know if the tree house had a way to detect the whereabouts of the Dark Soul that had not yet been conceived, but he was unwilling to take any risks.

Hearing Miss Windsor's question, Jenkins hesitated for less than a second before deciding to tell her the truth. Hiding this from her might lead to unexpected consequences:

"It is really necessary to do this. You have a very important thing on you now. Everyone wants this thing, including the cultists, so before I can find a way to take it out, you'd better ensure that there are benefactors protecting you at all times. The two ladies you hired are very capable, and I believe in them."

PS: I ask for everything at the end of the month.

Chapter 1881 Chapter 1852 Respective Marriages (Part 1)

"What is that? Do you want it too?"

Hearing Jenkins say this, Miss Windsor became interested. She tilted her head slightly to look at Jenkins, her mouth curled up, and her long golden hair fluttered around her ears.

"Yes, I want it too. It is... I won't mention the name. Although you have been involved, don't know too much. Just know that it is very important. That thing is in your heart now."


Miss Windsor nodded, then reached out and pressed her heart. Jenkins' eyes followed her hand subconsciously, and when he saw the action that made him blush, he immediately moved away and pretended to check his cat.

"Yes, in your heart. It's not the position of the heart, but... it's related to the soul. I can't take this thing out now. According to my speculation, I can only take it out after I become king."

He didn't mention that the dark soul needed to be awakened, because he didn't want Miss Windsor to experience any painful accidents that could stimulate the awakening of the king's soul. He wanted to do this himself, and he already had a general idea.

"Is that so?"

Miss Windsor still didn't put her hand down. Even if there was no one in this remote corridor, this action was a bit too bold. Jenkins pretended that he didn't see anything, tilted his head and looked at the cat standing on the windowsill, so he didn't see Miss Windsor's smirking expression:

"Okay, I know, I will stay in the church tonight. I have always wanted to talk to Bishop Palod, but I didn't have the chance."

"I'll arrange it. Today is Saturday, and the bishop should be fine."

Jenkins said, and then took out a silver pendant from his pocket, the main body of which was the style of an open book. The pendant, whether the pendant or the chain, is made of silver. It has been blessed by Jenkins and is considered "holy silver". Moreover, he engraved his real name on the back of the pendant, which is integrated with the miniature ritual array engraved on the back. People who don't know Chinese characters can't tell that this is a name.

This pendant was processed using the ritual "holy prayer". With Jenkins' blessing and real name, it can maximize the wearer's ability to "ward off evil spirits":

"You carry this with you at all times. It doesn't have much effect, but at least it can ensure that you will not be harmed by evil spirits or a small number of curses."

He handed the pendant to Miss Windsor, who casually took it and hung it around her neck, then smiled and said to Jenkins:

"I heard Princess Dolores talk about the story of the set of ruby ​​jewelry, and I thought you would never give jewelry to ladies casually after that."

"This is for your safety, not a joke. Wear the pendant well, and don't take it off even when taking a bath."

Jenkins said very seriously, and then asked again:

"How did Dolores tell you this?"

"That day I saw her maid Miss Minnewick wearing a very beautiful ruby ​​hairpin."

The ruby ​​provided by father Robert was actually made into two sets of jewelry by the craftsman. One set was given to Julia who accompanied Jenkins to the family gathering, and the other set was hidden in his room in the church with B-11-05-9421 [Inverted Blessing Bracelet·Love] to prevent himself from doing something inappropriate when his head was hot.

When Miss Windsor mentioned this, Jenkins remembered the set of jewelry and the bracelet. He would not let anyone know the existence of these things, after all, there was only one set of jewelry and bracelets, but he was facing more than one lady.

"This is my sin."

He confessed quietly in his heart.

After dinner in the church, he calculated the time to attend Mr. Hood's party.

At this time, it had been two months since the last party. A lot of time had happened during this period, and Nolan was no longer the peaceful Nolan.

Just as Mr. Hood said, after this party, it was really hard to say when the next party would be held, so Jenkins cherished such an opportunity.

Because accidents occur frequently in the city, and the church also arranges many patrol teams at night. In order to prevent the group of people from being involved in some weird accidents, Mr. Hood chose to hold the party in a cemetery on the outskirts of the city.

The city's citizen cemeteries are also divided into many parks. Depending on the location and scenery, citizens will spend varying amounts of gold pounds to place the bodies or ashes of their relatives. The party was held at the park where Mr. Birchwood was buried, and as usual, Jenkins and Mr. Hood were the first to arrive.

Under the dim moonlight, Mr. Hood stood alone among the misty tombstones, wearing that familiar black robe. He put his hands behind his back and looked at the ordinary tombstone in front of him. The swaying shadow stretched out and spread on the grass behind him. As Jenkins got closer, he saw Mr. Birch's real name written on the tombstone.

"Good evening, Mr. Candle."

Mr. Hood guessed who had arrived early without turning his head.

"Good evening, Mr. Hood."

Jenkins looked at the small tombstone:

"Speaking of which, do you know that Birch's mother, Mrs. Wood, is actually Chesland's spy?"

"Spy? No, I don't know. I don't know much about the reality of Mr. Birchwood. I just met Mrs. Wood after that and gave her some money... I really can't see it. Come on, that old lady is actually a spy."

"Yes, that was a long time ago, and Mr. Shirazuki seemed to know nothing about it. If Mr. Shiraki could survive until now, things would definitely be interesting..."

At this point, the two of them sighed at the same time and stared at the tombstone together. After a moment of silence, Mr. Hood said:

"Actually, I have always been worried that people around me will die, especially at this time, when anyone may suddenly be gone."

"At least you are married. Even if you are really unfortunate and encounter an accident, someone will make arrangements for your funeral."

Jenkins comforted him, feeling that this was very unlucky, so he changed the topic:

"Speaking of which, you should be the only one among us who is married, right?"

"No, Mr. Black Cat is also married. His wife is also a benefactor, but they had a conflict, and the lady went to Shire in anger. But the two did not divorce because of this. This is just a common quarrel between couples, and it will definitely happen Compound; Mr. White Cat was married. This is what I heard from Mr. Black Cat, but Mr. White Cat’s wife passed away more than ten years ago. It was not an accident, it was a disease, a very difficult brain disease, you know It’s a disease that even the best doctors in the Church of Nature would find difficult. Mr. White Cat has been single since then.”

Chapter 1882 Chapter 1853: Their respective marriages (Part 2) (Additional updates)

After talking about the marital status of his two friends, Mr. Hood couldn't help but shook his head, not knowing what emotion he wanted to express. He looked at Mr. Birch's tombstone melancholy, and seemed to want to take out a cigarette from his pocket, but finally held back:

"You also know the true identity of Mr. Magic. Although she claims to be Mr. Howard's widow, she has never been married. I have known her a long time ago. She calls herself a widow just to prevent some things when opening a detective agency. Trouble, she always protects herself like this. I am not familiar with Mr. Yindi, but I heard from Miss Magic that her husband passed away due to an accident a long time ago. As for Bai Ling..."


Jenkins said.

Mr. Hood raised his eyelids and glanced at him unexpectedly, then nodded:

"Yes, but I accidentally met her in the black market a few days ago. She told me that she is now engaged, and she and her fiancé have agreed on a wedding time. Speaking of which, Mr. Candle, I don't know if you are married yet. But you don’t look like you are married. A married man is not like you.”

"Yes, I'm not married yet."

He admitted without hesitation.

"You see, I said last time that there is a clear difference between married men and unmarried men."

Mr. Black Cat and Mr. White Cat walked together. Mr. White Cat himself was introduced to the party by Mr. Black Cat. The two are very good friends.

"Why are you talking about such a topic in the cemetery? However, judging from the conversation, although Mr. Candle is very young, he should have reached the age of marriage. Has he not met the girl he likes? Oh, Mr. Candle, now Ladies, you value appearance and family background, so I think you should have an advantage."

Mr. Black Cat said jokingly, and Jenkins shook his head:

"Actually, I have already found my marriage partner, but... I accidentally made the problem very complicated. Although I have basically sorted out the clues now, there are still many problems in the future. Getting married is really not a trivial matter. ”

Regarding this, the three married men nodded in agreement.

"Why are you talking about getting married in the cemetery in the middle of the night?"

Miss Lark Hathaway also appeared in the cemetery, she chuckled and joked.

Mr. Hood called her over, repeated what he had said to Jenkins, and then said with a smile:

"When you get married in the future, you must invite us to the wedding banquet. We all know that you are a noble lady, and it will be very lively then."

"I will definitely invite you."

Hathaway smiled and nodded. She glanced at the idle cat on Mr. Candle's shoulder with her peripheral vision and saw that the moonlight didn't happen to shine on it.

Miss Magic and Miss Silver Flute were the last to arrive. After all seven people arrived, they moved to the grove outside the cemetery for a gathering, leaving a peaceful night for Mr. Birchwood who was sleeping in the graveyard.

A gathering of seven people seemed to have too many people. But Jenkins attended Mr. Corpse's gathering, which had more people, so he did not feel uncomfortable with it.

At the beginning of the gathering, Mr. Hood spoke first. On behalf of everyone, he welcomed Mr. Black Cat back to Nolan from Turin in the east, and then expressed his relief that everyone was able to appear safely two months after the last gathering.

The arrival of the end of the era and the impending catastrophe are now known to almost all the gifters. People born and active in this era have to face all of this and are also facing the danger of dying at any time. So Mr. Hood's sigh touched everyone deeply.

After this gathering, not only is the time of the next gathering undecided, but even the people may not be gathered together. Mr. Hood's initial sigh was because of this incident.

The two-month gap in the gathering allowed everyone to accumulate a lot of information. In order to get other people's news and for their friends to appear at the next gathering, the seven people took out the news they thought was the most important.

Of course, for Jenkins, there was no news that he didn't know. He is now a level 7 gifter in the church's opinion, and the church will hardly hide anything from him. He knows most of the news that Mr. Hood and others know.

Only Miss Magic's news about the metal black tower surprised him a little. Without knowing the "Defier" ritual, Miss Magic and her friends actually deduced that the tower was the core part of a large ritual. Although they could not rely solely on the tower to analyze the content of the ritual, they actually said that the ritual might be related to the disaster.

This gave Jenkins a new idea. Although the Orthodox Church is very strong, in some research fields, it may not be as good as those false god believers who specialize in this. So in addition to the church and [A4 type arithmetic auxiliary external machinery], the "Defier" ritual may also be helped by the believers of the God of Ritual.

In addition, Hathaway also promoted the alliance for the believers of lies. Unfortunately, Miss Magic's friends have already agreed to help the believers of lies, and the others have no unified organization. After all, not all false god believers and gift givers are willing to act with the cult.

Miss Silver Flute has contact with the cult of [God of Nobility and Order], but that group of people are unwilling to come to Nolan, but continue to live their own lives around the world. The cohesion of this cult is very poor, because there are too many believers, and the demands of all parties are not completely consistent, so a unified organization cannot be formed. Although there are cults, they are more inclined to mundane things such as missionary work, and they hardly manage the gift givers.

The information Jenkins brought out explained the progress of the church joint meeting and talked about the unimportant agreements that have not been announced yet. At the same time, he also listed the dangerous places that have been found by the church in and outside Nolan. Now that strange things are rampant, accidents have occurred in every corner of the city. Most of them can be solved, and those that cannot be solved will be accommodated on the spot. He hopes that friends can stay away from those dangerous places and try to ensure their own safety.

After this transaction, Jenkins deliberately went to a secluded place with Miss Silver Flute to talk about things. He used a portion of the extract of the scorpion grass to ask Miss Silver Flute about the god she believed in, the [God of Nobility and Order].

After hearing from the Mechanicus that this god had discussed the power of thunder and lightning with the God of Nature in the first era, Jenkins had always been suspicious. Even though he knew from the World Tree that he was the only outsider in this world so far, he still doubted the reason why the ancient false god brought up the "power of thunder and lightning".

PS: One more chapter, pray for everything at the end of the month. If not, then pray for everything at the beginning of the month.

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