Chapter 1883 Chapter 1854 The God of Order

Miss Yindi is also very secretive about the gods she believes in. But he couldn't hold back Jenkins' persistence and selectively answered some of his questions. Mortals always avoid talking about gods. The gods in this world are not very powerful mortals, but real high-dimensional beings. Talk about Him and He will feel something; call His name and He will know it.

"The origin of our Lord, I can only answer you with religious myths. Mr. Candle, I know that the one you believe in originated from this era, so there is a very clear time and story of his appearance. But in fact, most gods The origins are very ancient, so religious myths do not have real historical significance. If you are interested, I can spend a day talking to you about the story of our Lord, but I think that is not what you want to know from me. this."

The two of them stood in a position deep in the woods where the moonlight could not cover them. The mist lingered in the forest on a summer night. This was indeed a suitable environment for talking about secrets.

Chocolate licked his paw.

"So when do you think your god first appeared?"

Jenkins asked.

"Like most religions, we believe that our gods were born in the most ancient times."

Miss Yindi replied. When she saw the man standing under the tree frowning, she knew that he was not satisfied with the answer, but Miss Yindi really couldn't answer.

"So, does your religion have legends about ancient times? I mean, extraordinary ones. It's hard to find legends with similar plots in ordinary religious myths?"

Jenkins tried to put it another way.

"Yes, there are some. But because they may conflict with the teachings and historical views of other churches, we do not talk about them with outsiders. Mr. Candle, I don't know what information you are looking for, but please note that there is no Evidence can prove that any historical record of the past is completely true, let alone the myths of ancient times... What exactly do you want to know?”

The woman also frowned.

"I would like to know......"

He believed in the information from the World Tree, so he believed that the [God of Nobles and Order] would not be an outsider like himself. Therefore, what he wanted to know was just the reason why the god proposed the "power of thunder and lightning". But he was not sure whether the myths told by the Mechanical Church were also spread among Miss Silver Flute's sect.

And even if that story is also circulated in the other party's sect, he is also convinced that modern mortals cannot guess the thoughts of the gods who walked in the material world in ancient times.

"I want to know, what is the weirdest myth in your sect?"

Jenkins ultimately settled on the question. Regarding the myth told by the Holy Son of the Mechanical Church, in fact, whether he knew the reason or not, it would not affect him. He also figured it out and no longer was so entangled.

"You have to promise me that only you and your cat can know what I say."

"Of course, I promise you, Miss Yindi."

He said holding the cat.

"The most bizarre myths are those about the creation of the world."

Miss Yindi, who was under the shadow of the dense leaves, said softly as if sighing. Jenkins was stunned. After he came to this world, he had a strong interest in the origin of this extraordinary and mysterious world. However, he had never found the so-called creation myth, or even found any self-proclaimed creation myth. The existence of gods in the world.

"Your god is..."

"No, it's not that. Don't talk nonsense."

Miss Yindi stopped Jenkins's random thoughts and carefully glanced at the sky before continuing to tell him the myth she had heard:

"When the world was created, there was duality. Therefore, if there is fire, there must be water; if there is good, there must be evil; if there is day, there must be night; if there is void, there must be the material world. Everything is Relatively created, relatively defined, and when the chaos gradually subsided and the order of the world was calmed down by the original gods, our Lord was the [God of Order] who existed when the world was born, symbolizing the stability of the world's rules."

This suddenly brought the status of the [God of Nobles and Order] to an unimaginable position. Jenkins was somewhat doubtful about the authenticity of this myth. After all, the core priesthood of the [God of Nobles and Order] seemed to be [Nobility]. Mortals always like to give more powerful origins and stories to the gods they believe in, but this seems to be a bit too much.

"In those first days, the first gods walked the earth, spreading life, dividing rules, and shaping the world. But in opposition to the gods and noble first souls who symbolized 'holiness', they came into being. Sins. These sins caused the original souls to fall and no longer have their original characteristics, thus giving birth to us mortal beings who can be both holy and sinful.

The gods tried to destroy those 'sins', but our Lord stopped them. Our Lord said that everything in the world has order, and sin itself is a part of the order of the world and cannot be missing. Sin makes the world real. Sin is part of the world cycle and constitutes the most primitive system of the world.

So the original gods allowed the existence of sin, thus forming the rules of the future world. And my Lord saw the impact of sin on the world, and because of his guilt for what he said, he voluntarily gave up control of order, and the current [Nobles and God of Order] was born. "

No matter how it sounds, it sounds like the believers of the noble god are bragging about the god they believe in, and the bragging method is not very clever. But this is also the most detailed creation myth of this world that Jenkins has ever heard, which makes him have to think more about its meaning.

"Mr. Candle, actually I don't even believe this story is true, so why do you have to think about it? In my opinion, it is just used to emphasize the importance of rules and... the greatness of our Lord, you You don’t have to dwell on the plot of the story, just understand the meaning.”

"What's the connotation?"

"Sin is also a part of the world and cannot be eliminated and should not be eliminated."

They were obviously very common words, but to Jenkins' ears, Miss Yindi seemed to have said the most profound essence of the world. Vaguely, he actually saw a silver-haired lady behind Miss Yindi in the shadow of the trees. But in just a blink of an eye, only shadows remained.

He suppressed the throbbing in his heart and looked at Miss Yindi hesitantly, doubting very much whether she had thought up the words just now.

"Any question?"

Miss Silver Flute asked, confused as to what Jenkins was thinking.

"No more, no more."

Jenkins shook his head quickly, fearing that he would see things that only he could see again.

But as the two of them walked back, he still asked an irrelevant question:

"Does your god have a specific image description?"

In fact, most of the images that mortals worship and believe in are holy symbols, not statues of gods. In religious customs, the status of holy symbols is much higher than that of gods. The reason, according to Jenkins, is that both the real gods and the false gods may give up their seats, so the gods use the holy emblem as their reflection in the mortal world.

"Appearance? This question is difficult to answer...according to our classics, he is probably female, with silver hair."

Miss Yindi said vaguely, so Jenkins did not dare to ask any more questions.

The cat continued to lick its paws on Jenkins' shoulder.

All seven of them knew that after this meeting, it was hard to say whether there would be another meeting. The coming of the end has disrupted most people's life plans, especially for those who have given gifts, so everyone cherishes this opportunity.

When they later talked about their plans for the future, none of them had any intention of hiding it.

Miss Magic and Miss Silver Flute plan to continue their current work, which is to protect the rich noble lady. They did not reveal the identity of Miss Windsor, but only hinted that the noble lady was deeply involved with the big shots of the Zhengshen Church, and they planned to use this line to face the future doomsday.

Continuing the employment relationship with Miss Windsor will not have much impact on their original lives, and it will help their careers and future. This is a good plan.

Hathaway herself is a noble lady, and she said that her marriage partner is a big shot in the Zhengshen Church, and she has nothing to worry about in her future life. Moreover, the music sect she belongs to has arrived in Nolan. She is busy negotiating with the False God Sect and the Orthodox Church. She also takes care of her family and has fulfilling and satisfactory plans for the near future.

Mr. Hood, Mr. Black Cat, and Mr. White Cat have decided to do business together. These three gentlemen do not have much ambition and just want to live a good life. They also have no intention of leaving Nolan. Just like Mr. Black Cat who just returned to Nolan said, no matter where you go, you can't escape the coming doomsday, so why not stay in the center of the world and wait to watch this era? The final grand finale.

They have their own ideas and are prepared for the possibility of misfortune for everyone.

When people asked Jenkins what he thought, Jenkins thought for a moment before answering his friends’ questions:

"I don't have many requirements for the future. As long as the people I know are safe. As for what to do after this, just take your time according to the plan. I believe everything will be fine."

Before the party ended, Jenkins asked Miss Magic to wait a moment. He would see her later and had something important to say to her. Then when he saw everyone saying goodbye to each other and preparing to leave, he took out the wrench and motioned to Mr. Hood to follow him to the side.

Miss Magic asked Miss Silver Flute to go first. Seeing that Mr. Candle and Mr. Hood had no objection, she followed them deep into the woods. She was very interested in the next treatment.

PS: There is no foreshadowing about the God of Order. Don’t think too much about it. The most important thing in this chapter is what Miss Silver Flute said: “Sin is also a part of the world. It cannot be eliminated and should not be eliminated.” This is related to the ending. Readers who have read my last book can think more about it, but the author will not express any opinions.

Ask for everything at the beginning of the month.

Chapter 1884 Chapter 1855 Repaired Arm

"Mr. Hood, I currently have three treatment options."

The three of them stood under the colorful moonlight in the woods. Jenkins didn't waste any more time and stretched out three fingers:

"First, I will use this to help you directly. This wrench is named [Mechanical Repairer] by the church. It can repair most machines, even ancient intelligent machines. But your arm is not purely mechanical. So I’m not sure if there will be any adverse consequences from using this.”

He took out the wrench he had kept in his waist all night and shook it. Mr. Hood nodded without comment.

"Second, we cut off your broken arm, and I will grow another one for you, or I will give you a portion of the holy spring water, which is obtained with a gift and can treat any physical injury. In short, , no matter what, this is equivalent to completely abandoning the mechanical arm and returning to a normal person."

In Jenkins' opinion, this was the best treatment plan, but Mr. Hood showed no sign of movement.

"Third, if you like mechanical arms, I can also cut off your arm and install a purely mechanical arm for you. I am not a member of the Mechanical Church, and I have no friends from the Mechanical Church. The technology of the mechanical arm comes from gears The craftsman knows, so I can’t guarantee that this technology is absolutely safe. Moreover, this arm lacks an auxiliary energy module. I may have to use tulip seeds to make some unique designs. In short, it is very dangerous.”

Jenkins said, Mr. Hood thought for a moment and looked at Miss Magic who was standing aside curiously:

"Which treatment do you think I should choose?"

"This depends on your plans for the future. I can't help you decide the future."

Miss Magic refused.

"I don't recommend the third option. I don't know how much you know about Nolan's current situation. In short, even if there is no auxiliary energy problem, I think there may be problems with the mechanized body."

Jenkins suggested.

"Then choose the first option."

Mr. Hood said sideways while holding on to the tree. There was no tangled expression on the middle-aged man's face.

"Oh? Are you sure?"

Jenkins thought he would choose the second method. After all, whether it is the [World Tree Seedling] or the treatment of the Holy Spring Water Bottle, it can perfectly grow an arm of human flesh and blood:

"I would like to emphasize again that the arms grown by the second method have no cost or side effects."

"I understand, but I want to keep my current arm. It will help me always remember what happened in the past."

Mr. Hood said firmly, which made Jenkins once again recall the story of the Kamel family curse, which was a long story. At the end of the story, Jenkins kills Mr. Hood's father.

He understood Mr. Hood's complicated feelings. The old Kamel cut off Mr. Hood's arm in the catacombs and buried him alive in the tunnel. If it weren't for the old elf, Mr. Hood would have died long ago.

Even if Mr. Hood dreamed about this scene every night, Jenkins wouldn't be surprised. He had no intention of changing Mr. Hood's mind, and he was not good at helping others to enlighten their minds, so he said nothing more and nodded:

"Since this arm has a past that you can't forget, then I respect your choice. You have decided for yourself, but you can't go back on it. Are you sure to choose the first way and let me repair it with a wrench, right?"


Mr. Hood nodded heavily, so Jenkins first took out the rotting tulip seed from his arm. Then he asked Mr. Hood to raise the arm as flat as possible to his side, take out the wrench and knock it.

Miss Magic waited for a while and saw that neither man made any next move:

"Is this the end?"

"I feel......"

Mr. Hood flexed his arm with a smile on his face:

"I can't seem to feel the pain anymore."

"You'd better make sure whether you can't feel the pain of the lesion or whether you can't feel all the pain."

Miss Magic reminded her kindly, so Mr. Hood pinched himself with his other hand and smiled even happier:

"I can feel, oh, my hands are really strong."

He waved his arms excitedly, and even waved it around with his bare hands to make sure that all the movements could be done:

"Mr. Candle, thank you so much this time. The feeling now seems to take me back to my youth. I originally thought that this arm would take me a long time to repair, but I didn't expect it to be so simple. I must repay you. , Mr. Candle, you can’t help me...Mr. Candle?”

While he was excited, he noticed something was wrong with his friend's face. The young man held the wrench and stood there in a daze, not even paying attention to the cat on his shoulder brushing his neck with its tail.

"Mr. Candle?"

"Huh? Oh, yes, I'm here. How does your arm feel?"

Jenkins seemed to have just come to his senses.

"It feels good, I think it's been fixed."

"I'll check again."

He put his fingers on Mr. Hood's arm and confirmed that the flesh and blood parts were completely normal.

"What happened to you just now?"

The magic lady on the side asked:

"The expression just now was like suddenly remembering that I forgot to turn off the gas light valve when I went out."

"It's nothing, it's just that the feeling of wanting to sneeze has become stronger. Mr. Hood, can you tell me who was the person who repaired your broken arm in the first place?"

The moment Jenkins was tapping, he once again "saw" the internal structure of the item being repaired. What he saw was a perfect fusion of the human body and machinery, with arms cooperating with each other. This had a completely different aesthetic from the technology of the gear craftsmen. Even though he was worried about the appearance of machinery in the human body, he firmly believed that the technology of Mr. Hood's arm would not go wrong.

The person who repaired the broken arm was definitely not a member of the Gear Craftsmen's Guild, and the arm did not look like the technology of the Mechanic Church. This also gave Jenkins a throbbing feeling. This time, there was really only one step left to "sneeze" and "push open the door", but he just couldn't find the steps to proceed.

"The muscles, bones and a few nerves of the arm were from one of my elders... It's not convenient to reveal the identity, sorry. He helped to repair it."

Mr. Hood said apologetically.

"The mechanical structure was made by an old friend of mine. He left Nolan a long time ago. The last time I received a letter was at the end of the year two years ago. This is a secretive and loner. I am also not convenient to reveal his identity information, but I can tell you that he is a believer of the false god [God of Fun and Toys]."

This is a relatively unknown false god, and because of the dangerous orientation of the [Fun] priesthood, there are many dangerous people among its believers. But when thinking of the [Toy] priesthood, Jenkins subconsciously thought of [Mr. Prankster]. Then he stopped thinking about it. Whether the two are related has nothing to do with him.

Chapter 1885 Chapter 1856 The Sound of Bells

"Okay, I roughly understand. The technology of this arm is quite amazing. I think you made the right choice to repair it."

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