Jenkins said, putting the finished wrench away in his waist again.

Mr. Hood also wanted to discuss payment with Jenkins, but Jenkins did not want to receive payment. It didn't cost him a penny to help Mr. Hood, there was no cost at all.

Mr. Hood insisted on repaying the favor. Finally, Mr. Hood was willing to leave after Jenkins claimed that he had important things to discuss with Miss Magic and that the remuneration could be discussed later.

"You definitely didn't mean to sneeze just now."

After Mr. Hood walked away, Miss Magic said. She looked in the direction where Mr. Hood disappeared and felt grateful for her friend's good fortune.

"Of course not, I haven't been sick for a long time. I just have a strong premonition that I will get new powers soon. This feeling is very strong, but I don't know what to do next, which is very frustrating Crazy feeling.”

He held his fist in the colorful moonlight shadow.

"Oh? I know this feeling. According to my experience, generally speaking, you need to complete some ritual behaviors to promote your deepening of this feeling. This is very useful, but you need to figure it out yourself. What exactly is missing?”

"I lack experience in repairing things."

Jenkins said, then shook his head:

"I specifically asked you to stay here, not to talk about this matter. There are two things."

"you say."

Jenkins held up a finger:

"First of all, during this period, probably from now to the weekend of next week, please stay with Miss Windsor at all times. During this period, Miss Windsor may encounter dangerous things."

"Danger from ordinary people, or danger from gifted ones?"

"The benefactor, and most likely the lunatic in the organization called [Tree House]. I will be around Miss Windsor a lot recently, but please be careful at night or when I am away."

Miss Magic heard this and thought about it for a moment before nodding:

"I understand, but I can't guarantee that only Miss Yindi and I can stop the madman you call."

"It doesn't matter, I have other methods. In fact, her safety is very high. I only tell you this to prevent accidents. There is no need to be nervous. As for the second thing, I want to entrust you to investigate an ancient ritual."

"You've found the right person for this."

A confident smile appeared on the woman's face. In front of Jenkins, she temporarily removed the distortion of her facial features caused by the spell. The magical lady under the moonlight smiled beautifully:

"I am quite confident about the ceremony."

"Have you ever heard of the 'Rebel'?"

"never heard of that."

Miss Magic shook her head without thinking:

"But it doesn't matter, as long as the name is correct, give me at most a month, I will definitely be able to find clues. Now that most of the people in the sect I belong to have come to Nolan, I can ask people to help, so the time is shortened After half a month, I think it will be no problem.”

"No, time is urgent. I hope to get the answer tomorrow."

"Be realistic, Mr. Candle. Just like your cat won't grow into a cat overnight, if you want to entrust me with an investigation, give me enough time. I am not a fortune teller and cannot see directly in the mirror. to the answer..."

"In fact, fortune tellers can't see the answers in the mirror. They usually use crystal balls or flat water."

"Okay, but no matter what, tomorrow is absolutely impossible. I still have the job of protecting Miss Windsor, and I can't check the documents 24 hours a day. I can only promise you that I will give you the answer as soon as possible."

Miss Magic did not say anything about collecting payment from Jenkins. Even before they separated, Jenkins offered to give her money, but she refused. She emphasized that she was only doing this to help her friends, as if he would not charge Mr. Hood for payment. Her actions were the same as Jenkins's more than ten minutes ago.

By the time Jenkins got home, Hathaway was already back, after all, he'd been delayed for quite some time after the party.

The red-haired girl on the sofa greeted Jenkins who was changing shoes in the foyer, and then watched the black and white kitten run to the sofa and lie on the small cushion:

"It's so late, where have you been?"

Hathaway asked pretending to be casual.

"Going to see Miss Windsor. We parted at the door of the church."

Jenkins replied without changing his expression, and then asked:

"Where are Britney and Julia? Why didn't you see them?"

While these conversations were taking place, there was nothing unusual in Jenkins' tone. Hathaway murmured to herself, then asked Jenkins to sit next to her and help her choose what to wear when she went to Evergreen Forest tomorrow.

The ladies in the family are excited about tomorrow's trip, and Jenkins is happy to advise them on what to wear. But he was soon excluded from the topic. After all, the advice provided by someone like him who only chooses stain-resistant black coats does not have much reference value.

So he asked the three ladies to discuss tomorrow's attire in the living room. He took the cat to the small study room on the first floor to read for a while, completing the reading task that Miss Audrey had left not long ago.

Around ten o'clock, he stood in front of the window looking at the street outside, playing with the metal wrench in his hand.

The problem is not whether he can find the final insight, but that he only has one blank bubble left. Even if the Dark Soul is still incubating, he has to leave the last gap for the corresponding ability of the King Soul.

"Chocolate, what do you think I should do? Should I accept the strange insight generated when repairing the machine?"

He asked his cat. Chocolate stood on the windowsill and meowed. Jenkins did not understand the meaning. But he knew that he could not rely on his cat. He just asked casually.

He put his hand into his pocket and took out a [Seed of Blasphemy]:

"Accept it if it's positive, and postpone it until the [Uncrowned King] arrives if it's negative."

He threw the coin into the air, then caught it with a snap, and showed the result with his palm facing up:

"Speaking of which side is positive?"

He was silent for a while, put away the sin coin and slapped his head twice.

He sat on the chair in the study and thought for a long time before opening the second drawer on the left side of the desk and holding out a red wooden box. After opening it, there was a broken pocket watch inside. To be more precise, it was a gift from John William, the younger brother of the three William brothers, to Jenkins for his father's antique shop job.

This pocket watch was damaged by an accident, and Jenkins did not try to repair it because he got Alexia's lady's pocket watch, but kept it at home.

He picked it up by the pocket watch chain, looked at it in front of his eyes, stood up and came to the window again.

This pocket watch is just an ordinary product of this era. Whether it is the ancient intelligent machine repaired by Jenkins or the clever right hand of Mr. Hood, they are far more mysterious and valuable than it.

But now Jenkins lacks only the last step. He can feel that no matter what he repairs, he can achieve the perfect state of the feeling that is about to come out.

The reason why he chose this pocket watch was that the words of Miss Magic gave him inspiration. Since you can repair anything, why not choose a memorable one. Although Jenkins would not use this pocket watch again even if it was repaired, the value of this pocket watch was not in recording time, but in that it was the first gift from his family after Jenkins became Jenkins. It was an important anchor point for him in this world and in this era, which meant that he accepted that he had replaced the lives of others and lived seriously.

He held the pocket watch chain high in his left hand, so that the pocket watch was almost at the chest position, and held the wrench in his right hand. He took a light breath, and then knocked on the closed watch cover with the wrench:


It was a very light sound. In the reverberation of the sound waves, he "saw" the internal structure of the pocket watch that should not be seen again, and saw the damaged part. The crisp echo kept reverberating in his heart, and every sound that only he could "hear" intensified the throbbing from the bottom of his heart.

He opened the window and looked at the metal black tower in the distance. His senses were extremely sharp at this moment. I don't know if it was because of the wind that broke into the room or the throbbing, even a layer of fine goose bumps appeared on his arms.

The metal black tower became the only object in his eyes at this moment. The turning of gears and the roar of steam seemed to fall into his ears from a high altitude.


He murmured, thinking of the world of his first half of life, and the road of civilization that humans were heading for under the completely different rules of the world.

He saw light, fire, and power. His feet stepped on the ground, but he felt the tentacles spreading from the depths of the ground to the surroundings. He held the windowsill with one hand, but he could realize the arrangement of the winding steam pipes in the room.


He heard the bell and squinted his eyes to look at the metal black tower in the distance.

"Yes, the bell."

This was not an auditory hallucination, but the metal black tower really began to play. After replacing Nolan's clock tower, it played the same role as the clock tower for the first time. I don't know whether this is a joke of fate or a simple coincidence. As the earth shook violently, the fourth floor of the black tower slowly stretched out of the ground at this moment.

And in the bell echoing over the city, Jenkins closed his eyes and raised his head. All the feelings finally subsided. It didn't matter whether it was machinery, energy, steam or electricity, the same basic rules at the bottom of the world made the knowledge he learned in the first half of his life finally work.

When the knowledge that was far beyond the imagination of people in this world merged with the throbbing from the extraordinary, in the roaring bells, it seemed as if thousands of people were congratulating, and the luster of metal appeared on Jenkins' body and slowly faded away.

He opened his eyes, and the shadow of a huge gear rotating flashed in his pupils.

PS: Ask for everything at the beginning of the month.

Chapter 1886 Chapter 1857 Mechanic

"Not enough."

He whispered, without condensing the deep feeling of this moment into a new ability.

Put the pocket watch on the windowsill and look at the dense black dots flying into the sky from the direction of the metal black tower.

Bring the cat to the yard, maintain a strange calm state of mind, and fly into the night sky on the unicorn. In the night sky of the city center, he saw countless mechanical birds made of skeletons and brass-colored machinery flying into the sky from deep underground as the earthquake, the tower rose, and the sound of the bells spread.

The fierce appearance and disgusting ingredients represent their relationship with disaster. Scorching steam spewed out from the gap between the tower and the civic square, and as the steam gushed out, locust-like machines flew into the night sky of the city from the gap in the collapsed ground.

Like a black umbrella covering the sky and the earth, in a blink of an eye, thousands of metal birds had already arrived under the night sky.

Jenkins saw the people on the ground trying to fill the gap, and also saw the demigods of the Orthodox Church constantly rising into the sky.

He flew towards the moonlight, without taking out his cane or the holy sword of bones. With his right hand, he grabbed the mechanical bird that was trying to attack nearby. The burning flames selectively burned the bones, leaving only the metal components.

He held the metal in his palm like kneading dough, and in the bell that sounded like a funeral, the metallic color on his body surface became more obvious.

[Read and Write] + [Light of Machinery], a blue light flashed in his palm. As Jenkins opened his palm, a brass-colored, exquisite, purely mechanical bird flew out of his palm.

The cat and Jenkins looked at the bird flying into the sky, and Jenkins pointed his finger to the sky:

[Call the wind and rain]!

Lightning struck from the depths of the starry sky and hit the mechanical bird directly. At the same time, the metallic luster on Jenkins' body reached its peak.

The bells roared below him, and the bird struck by lightning spread its wings and flew in the arc.

A huge, indescribable, and even incomprehensible behemoth flashed behind Jenkins. Then the iron-black rusty light, with him as the center, spread into the sky as the bird flew.

The people on the ground only noticed the figure riding the unicorn when the lightning streaked through the night sky. Before the church could react, the bird and the strange iron-black rusty light swept across the sky.

All the skeleton gear birds affected by the light stopped in the air, and fell to the ground after an interval of one to two seconds. It was like a rain of metal in the night sky.

Jenkins took a deep breath, the earth surged, the bells rang, and everything returned to one. He raised his hand to catch his bird that flew back, and watched it transform in his hand, and finally turned into a book with an iron-gray cover, with electric arcs constantly surging on the surface of the book.

He held the book in his right hand and covered the pages with his left hand. After slowly removing his left hand, all the throbbing returned to calm. He felt the deep and calm power emerging from his body, which was a new power that was different from all the previous powers:

[Mechanic (White Basic)]

To be honest, Jenkins did not expect that his throbbing for machinery would evolve into such an ability. Miss Magic and Alexia both mentioned that all abilities that can produce "symbols" during use are mysterious and extraordinary abilities with extraordinary potential.

After the lamp of the mechanical light, the second ability symbol Jenkins obtained was still related to machinery. Although he had never heard of the ability of the [Mechanic], he understood the function of the ability at once.

When using the ability, he called out the book in his hand and unfolded it, and controlled and manipulated the objects around him that could be called mechanical creations within the limit of his own tolerance. The degree of control is determined by factors such as distance, quantity, mystery, and complexity.

So the moment he gained the ability just now, he swept away the skeletons and metal birds in the sky, relying on this function.

In addition, Jenkins can sense the machinery around him, and can perform simple repairs and modifications on the machinery with his bare hands without any tools, relying only on the power of his mind.

In the case of being struck by lightning, the mechanical creations created entirely by him have the function of breaking through the limits of their own design in a short period of time. This probably comes from Jenkins' memory of the perception of the technology system of another world.

But at the same time, it also made him understand that this world, at least the basic materialistic and idealistic rules of this era, do not support the development of the electric energy technology tree. Otherwise, the ability that was born just now should rely on electricity to create machinery, rather than just using lightning to stimulate a one-time breakthrough in the limit.

Thinking of this, he unfolded the book in his hand again. As the iron-gray light spread to the surroundings, he summoned the Holy Sword of Bones and chopped at the crack on the ground.

The sword mark went straight into the crack, but unfortunately it did not cause any consequences. But there is no need to worry here. Since the appearance of this black tower, the church has been guarding around it day and night to prevent such things from happening.

At this moment, a huge puzzle has been formed. Jenkins ascended on the back of the unicorn and watched the church urgently deal with the crack that seemed to connect to the abyss underground.

After he solved the "flying birds" in the air, the number of birds emerging from the ground became fewer and fewer. Jenkins left with peace of mind until he was sure that the church had completely controlled the situation.

He returned to the house from the window of the study and pretended that he had not left at all. He picked up the pocket watch on the windowsill and listened to the regular "click-click~" sound that was recalled as the pointer turned.

"But why is this?"

He whispered:

"How can the power of me and the machine be so compatible?"

[Machinist] is an ability he realized on his own, so he can feel even more powerful. Although it is the end of the era, as a savior, he is lucky enough to gain the power to compete with machines, which can be regarded as an arrangement of fate. But this ability, no matter how you think about it, appears to be due to his connection with mechanical power.

His soul comes from another world and knows another huge and completely different knowledge system, so he has an affinity for machinery, which can be explained. But he couldn't understand that as a candidate for the savior of the eighteenth century to fight against mechanical and steam disasters, he actually had almost the same power as the enemy.

This world is a very idealistic world, and any coincidence deserves attention and consideration.

"Could it be that the Difference Engine assimilated me in the end, or did I go crazy and assimilate the Difference Engine?"

Chapter 1887 Chapter 1858 Holiday in the Forest

Jenkins stood in front of the window and clenched his fists suddenly. He was never afraid of any power he had, but at this moment he was very afraid of the [Machinist].

"Why at this time."

He asked himself, then revealed the iron-gray book. The book can be opened normally, and the content recorded in it is much more than what it seems. It is all scientific theory and application knowledge that has never appeared in this world in Jenkin's memory. His academic qualifications before coming to this world were not low, so he can show quite a lot of knowledge in this book.

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