
Without further delay, the action plan was finalized, and after repeatedly confirming with Jenkins that he knew the details of the hospital, the action officially began.

The [Dead Silence Doll] was handed over to Jenkins in a cloth bag tied with a rope. When Jenkins pinned it to his chest with a pin, he inexplicably felt that his body temperature suddenly dropped a lot, and his heart rate per minute was also affected. Fortunately, the malice of this item against the user is not very great, and after the awakening process of the World Tree Seedling, Jenkins's body is no longer as weak as before.

Although it is a bit uncomfortable, it is not completely unbearable. He patted the scarecrow doll and took a few deep breaths, looking at the group of people in the temporary camp standing in front of him and looking at him.

"Have you memorized the map of the hospital and the action plan accurate to the second?"

Dad asked.


"Also, have you brought the pocket watch to determine the time?"

Old Jack asked, grabbing his hair with some sorrow.

"I made sure I brought two."

"Have you hidden the charm that serves as the last insurance?"

Miss Bevanna asked as she flipped through the documents in her hand.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Are you sure your cat won't follow you?"

Miss Audrey asked, looking at Jenkins' shoulder. Jenkins then took off Chocolate, who had climbed onto his shoulder again at some point:

"Wait for me to come back."

He said to his cat, and Chocolate looked up at him, with a very aggrieved expression in his amber eyes.

"Everything is already in place. And even if I unfortunately don't come out on time, I believe someone will come into the hospital to rescue me. Don't worry, I will succeed."

He didn't stay here any longer. After confirming for the last time that Chocolate didn't catch up, he lit the torch prepared by the church and approached the edge of the thick fog.

As he moved forward, the visibility around him became lower and lower, and even the light of the torch could not penetrate the thick fog. But when the concentration of the fog reached a critical point, it faded a little bit until Jenkins saw the shadows of the buildings behind the fog. After walking a few more steps, he saw the forest hospital standing on the dark plain.

In addition to the lush trees in the woods, there are also patches of farmland interspersed among them. This is the effect caused by spatial overlap. One space shows the scenery of two places at the same time, and the lost part is lost in the gap of space and can never come back.

Because [Biggs Hospital] constantly attracts outsiders to enter, the church chose to station outside the space-specific location instead of around the hospital. The rusty barbed wire surrounded the building complex. From the direction of the building, Jenkins judged that he appeared behind the hospital. He looked up at the top floor of the main building and just saw a figure flashing on the rooftop. That should be the man who fell from the building mentioned in the information.

He stared at the courtyard inside the barbed wire and walked quickly around the perimeter of the hospital. Soon he came to the main entrance of the hospital. A large sign with the name of the hospital written in ancient common language was hung just above the fence gate.

This does not look like a regular hospital. It is more like an unqualified sanatorium in a remote village in the traditional sense, where mental patients are left to fend for themselves.

Jenkins did not enter immediately, but looked up at the roof of the hospital. When the body that fell from the building appeared, he immediately held the pocket watch and started timing, but the body disappeared before it hit the ground, and Jenkins did not see the appearance of the so-called evil spirit.

"Disappeared in mid-air? It seems that the next cycle has just begun, but I don't know if the next cycle will be able to cycle to the body falling from the building."

He thought to himself, and did not intend to wait, but took advantage of the beginning of this cycle and directly reached out to push open the fence door that had almost no effect.

Chapter 1892 Chapter 1863 First Floor Hall

With a creaking sound, the birds in the forest behind him were startled and flew into the night sky. Jenkins stepped into the scope of the hospital, and the night immediately turned into day, which meant that he really stepped into the time and space that had been circulating for nearly ten thousand years.

At the same time, the cold [Dead Silence Doll] on his chest seemed to have lost all its characteristics in an instant. When he looked down, even the intensity of the aura weakened.

"Could it be that the two strange things resist each other because of the principle of like devouring like?"

He tried to imagine the scene where the [Dead Silence Doll] was permanently left in the time loop and became part of the hospital, and then immediately swore that even if he was unlucky enough to fail to escape in time, he would definitely throw the doll outside the fence.

As soon as he took a step forward, the missing four farmers, a farm manager, two dogs, and the team of gifters appeared out of thin air and stood not far in front of Jenkins in an instant.

Once the time loop begins, all the things that happened in the previous loop will be reset. These people will think that they have just entered the hospital, and no one can realize how long they have been.

"Mr. William? Why are you here?"

Jenkins did not deliberately suppress the sound of his footsteps as he walked quickly forward, so the captain leading the team saw him and recognized who he was.

"Mr. Yoder said that you did nothing wrong in what you did ten years ago. Also, if you raise a hateful parrot and talk nonsense again when preaching in the church, you will be kicked out together - Mr. Yoder said , by saying this, you can confirm that I am real and not an illusion or fake Jenkins Willamt.”

Mr. Yoder is the holy son of the righteous god [Sunless Moon], and is a big shot sent by the Church of the Night to station in Nolan.

"No problem, I confirm that you are the real Williamte."

"That's good. I brought new orders from the church. You and your teammates will take these five ordinary people and four dogs out of the hospital."


With that said, the night watchmen directly surrounded the local farmers in Nolan without asking for a reason. After showing their firearms, the group pushed open the fence door and walked out, and then disappeared as instantly as they appeared.

People who unfortunately lose themselves in a time loop will disappear immediately if they leave the hospital during the cycle and will not appear until the next cycle begins. Unless someone succeeds in their mission to banish Biggs Hospital, there's no way they can escape.

Whether it was the plan jointly discussed by the Twelve Orthodox Churches or the action guide that his father privately told Jenkins, he was allowed to eliminate the interference of these people at the beginning so that what happened in the hospital could be performed according to the "script".

So far, the loop has started for 3 minutes and 34 seconds. After Jenkins confirmed that all the people involved in the loop had disappeared, he turned and walked towards the door of the main building in front of him.

The story in the time loop mainly takes place in the four-story building in front of the hospital gate. There is no need to pay attention to other parts of the hospital, so before entering the room, Jenkins didn't bother to observe other locations. Even now, he still doesn't like it. Look directly at those black auras.

Because of the special nature of the psychiatric sanatorium, all the windows in the building have curtains drawn. The lights in the room were very dim. When Jenkins broke into the hall, the two women in the very deserted hall immediately turned their heads to look at him.

"who are you looking for?"

The older woman who was the doctor stood up immediately, she would soon be transformed into a ghoul. The woman spoke an ancient language that Jenkins did not understand. Due to a certain degree of memory loss after escaping from the hospital, and the language barrier with the aboriginal people here, the information the church has about this place is not comprehensive.

Jenkins had long known that he would face such a situation. The advice given by the Twelve Churches and his father was not to pay attention to these "natives" of the hospital. When the outsiders involved in the time loop did not face them, the seven people in the hospital There won't be much of a reaction to the presence of these people.

But Jenkins didn't plan to do that, and he had his own plans. Waiting at the door of the basement is too passive. Even my father thinks that this is just a risk-taking attempt. It is an act of gambling, but if it succeeds, the rewards will be huge.

Understanding everything that happens here before the door opens in ten minutes is what Jenkins believes is the best way to find divinity.

Of course, the church and Dad also know that they have a thorough understanding of this hospital so that they can better find clues about divinity, but past attempts have failed, and they are worried that doing so will get Jenkins into trouble. But Jenkins was willing to take risks for the sake of divinity, not to mention that the church had no idea what his abilities were.

Although he didn't understand the ancient language, Jenkins didn't need to.

He directly activated the ability of "Empathy with Living Beings" and looked into the eyes of the middle-aged female doctor. This ability belongs to the green life category, so it was enhanced after Jenkins met the World Tree and successfully upgraded. Although he still couldn't understand the cunning cat's thoughts, he was able to communicate with unsuspecting ordinary people at close range.

"I'm here to find someone."

This voice appeared directly in the woman's heart, and because it was the same thought, she understood its meaning:

"Excuse me, are you here to find..."

Only then did she realize that the young man in front of her had not opened his mouth at all. She wanted to scream, but she immediately covered her mouth and took a step back:


This is probably how extraordinary people are called in this era. Jenkins originally thought they would be "wizards" or "spellcasters."

He nodded and looked at the young woman who stood up not far away and looked here.

As of the end of the 18th century, although the Twelve Orthodox Churches had kept records of hundreds of explorations of the hospital, in fact some key issues were still not clarified. The more important issue is whether the seven people are extraordinary beings.

Not even the two people in the basement could be confirmed as extraordinary. During the cycle, although some of the seven people had used props with extraordinary power, no one had used extraordinary abilities. The church of this era does not understand the power system very well, and cannot judge whether he is a transcendent just because he can throw out a test tube to expel ghouls.

The two women standing in front of Jenkins at this moment had the same black aura as those in the hospital. Even if there is indeed a "mysterious scholar" among them, the color of the aura is completely obscured by the aura of the strange thing.

Before becoming a World Tree sapling, Jenkins would definitely not use [Biology Empathy] to directly communicate with creatures with black aura, but now he has become more powerful, and [Biggs Hospital] has special characteristics, so he dares to do this communicate.

PS: Someone came to me to recommend a book: "Cultivation of Immortality is Just the Task of the Ancient Gods".

Refresh the chapter. I just changed the last sentence of this chapter. The previous version was not smooth enough.

Chapter 1893 Chapter 1864 Fellow Travelers

Although the number of "occult scholars" among them cannot be clearly known, according to the church's judgment, the young woman in the hall on the first floor is most likely a transcendent. After all, after the middle-aged female doctor turned into a ghoul, she did not panic but chose to turn around and run away. This decisiveness is not something ordinary people can have.

So Jenkins decided to use this woman as a breakthrough in the investigation.


His voice sounded directly in the young woman's heart. Just like the middle-aged female doctor, she also covered her mouth with a look of horror. Jenkins did not try to judge whether the other party was acting, but asked his own question:

"Excuse me, are you a mystical scholar?"

"No, oh, sir, how could I be..."

Of course Jenkins didn't understand this sentence, but he at least understood that no matter what era, shaking his head meant negation. The priest immediately reminded Jenkins that this was a lie, and Jenkins knew that the breakthrough point he was looking for was correct:

"Please listen to me."

His voice continued to ring in the other person's mind, but he did not intend to directly explain that the hospital had spent nearly ten thousand years in a time loop. Past experience shows that once someone tries to do this, they will be forced to enter the next time loop, so Jenkins said it another way:

"Don't you notice something is wrong? When the leaves fall from the branches and fly in the air, fate will determine the landing point, but until the eyes of mortals watch, all the results will be nothingness."

It’s not that Jenkins wants to show that he is very talented in writing. This sentence is a description of the Church of Destiny’s nihilism and the specificity of time. It is a quite old proverb. I chose this sentence specifically to determine what level of transcendent person, or mystical scholar, the other party was.

If the other person understands this sentence, then Jenkins will choose to cooperate with her. If he doesn't understand, whether he pretends not to understand or really doesn't understand, Jenkins will go straight to the second floor. After all, he doesn't have much time.

Fortunately, the other party understood.

The woman's expression suddenly calmed down, and after a second of silence, Jenkins felt conscious touching himself. He didn't refuse, so he also heard the woman's voice in his heart. Compared with the ordinary appearance and speech, the voice that came to mind in Jenkins was unusually cold:

"what do you mean?"

Jenkins didn't answer, but took a coin from his pocket. Not the copper penny of Fidictle, but the seed of blasphemy. He curled his right index finger and placed the coin flat on the side of his index finger. With a flick of his thumb, the coin flew directly into the air.

But it didn't fall, but kept spinning in the air. This is a telekinesis-like effect formed by powerful mental power. It is a very common skill for high-level gifters.

The woman's eyes looked at the coin, and the rotating front and back were constantly changing in her pupils. Suddenly she lowered her head and covered her mouth to cough. Jenkins noticed that there was black blood between her fingers.

"I see."

The woman's voice sounded in Jenkins' heart, which made him a little confused:

"What did you understand?"

"I understand everything, everything here, my destiny, and your origin."


Jenkins thought that things might go smoothly, but he didn't expect it to be so smooth. He was worried that he had misunderstood the meaning, so he asked uneasily:

"What do you think is going on now?"

"You're here to make the coin drop."

Because these conversations all took place in the mind, the conversation was very fast. From the perspective of the middle-aged female doctor, the two of them just looked at each other for a few seconds, and then suddenly walked towards the stairs in tacit understanding.

The female doctor wanted to ask what happened, but when the strange and handsome young man disappeared from sight, she suddenly had questions:

"What does this have to do with me."

A strong desire to stay where he was made the doctor sit back to his previous position, and then looked at the empty seat opposite and continued talking.

The time at this time was 5 minutes and 41 seconds after the time loop. Jenkins entered the second floor with the woman.

"Jenkins Willamette."

He introduced himself, and it took a few seconds before he heard the other party's answer in his heart:

"Fitini Los."

They looked to the left side of the stairs together. The doors on both sides of the corridor were closed tightly. The fluorescent stone lamps hanging on the walls were warm and bright, no less bright than gas lamps. Every once in a while in the corridor, there is a bench made of steel pipes beside the wall. A lonely bald boy is sitting on the chair not far away with his head lowered.

"May I know how you figured it out?"

A man and a woman walked towards the boy together, and the conversation in their minds was going on quickly.

"I know a very good fortune teller. She used divination cards to predict my destiny. The cards that symbolize the future are coins flipping in the air. I once asked the gods for enlightenment about this prophecy, but the gods' answers were obscure. It’s hard to understand. But when I saw the coin you threw, I thought I understood. I thought that for a long time, I just didn’t want to believe this result, and I didn’t expect that the day after God gave me the revelation. This happened."

"This... I'm taking the liberty to ask, what do you believe in..."

"My Lord is the God of Fate."

Jenkins nodded:

"It's good that you understand. No matter what, I'm going to solve all this. When I went up the stairs just now, I told you most of what I know, so what do you know about this hospital?"

"This mental hospital is the base of an illegal organization, mainly used to find ordinary people with mysterious talents for the organization, and to detain and brainwash them. I came here to find my missing cousin. The doctor who talked to me is a member of the cult. According to your description, I suspect that she has mastered abilities like [Incarnation of a Ghoul], but I don't know why she lost control inexplicably later. This may be related to the basement you mentioned."

"Just an illegal organization? Since it is not a cult organization, the danger level is lower. What are their names?"

"[Against the Light Cult], the purpose is to pursue eternal life. You probably understand that this goal is most likely to attract the participation of those who fear death and have evil intentions."

Jenkins has heard of this organization. Because of serious conflicts in doctrine, they are hostile to another illegal organization [Light Chaser Club].

The [Reverse Light Cult] is a well-known illegal organization. Of course, because it is just a gathering of mortals without a common belief, it is still inferior to the xie cult organization. This organization has experienced ups and downs in the past history. It has been glorious for a short time, but more often it has been hiding like a rat. Therefore, it has appeared many times under different names, but it has disappeared by the end of the 18th era.

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