In the seventeenth century, his [Backlight Cult] was reported by the [Light Chaser Club] and was encircled and suppressed by the Zhengshen Church. When searching the gang's lair, several ancient and dangerous numbered items were discovered, the most famous of which was the [Blade of Light]. Thirty years ago, it was this weapon that defeated the [Skeleton Sword of the Dead] and its owner that caused the great plague. When Dad told the story of the past, he mentioned the [Reverse Light Order] once as the background.

"So do you know this boy?"

Jenkins pointed to the bald boy in the chair, who did not respond to the two men's approach.

"I have never reached the second floor of this hospital. In fact, in my knowledge, I have never reached the area other than the lobby on the first floor. I have just arrived at the hospital."

Miss Ross's appearance is not particularly outstanding, but the way she lowers her eyes is very regrettable. Jenkins felt sad for her unfortunate fate, but also curious about what would happen to others here once the cycle was truly broken.

They arrived at the boy at 6 minutes and 3 seconds, and the boy finally looked up at the two of them with dull eyes. The first thing he saw was Miss Fittini Los:

"What an unfortunate fate you have."

The boy murmured to himself. This sentence was translated by Miss Ross for Jenkins, and the woman showed a very unhappy expression.

"Oh, shit."

The boy looked at Jenkins again, then immediately lowered his head. Although Miss Ross only said very simple words of complaint when translating, based on the tone, Jenkins thought that the boy should not be so civilized.

"This should be the kind of child who awakens naturally. Although he has not officially obtained the profession of mystical scholar, he already has extraordinary abilities."

Miss Ross guessed that Jenkins had encountered a similar person in the 18th century. The boy from the Leviathan family who unfortunately died because of the strange environment in the serial killer's room. Although he did not become a benefactor, he was even inside the strange environment. Can be vaguely drawn with a brush.

"He 'saw' the accident in the basement as soon as possible, but unfortunately he didn't have time to escape in the end. This talent is indeed extraordinary."

Jenkins said, speculating that these were the only people in the hospital trapped in the time loop, perhaps because they were the only ones involved in the mystery. But this explanation seems wrong. Among the seven people, only the boy is suspected to be a "patient" in the hospital. According to Miss Ross, there should be many people with extraordinary talents in this hospital, but the church has never been able to find anyone else during its testing here.

Jenkins and Miss Ross decided to let the boy join them. Although time was running out, because of the boy's talent that was almost "instinctive prediction", he easily believed that Jenkins did not tell the truth, but he almost told it. Tell the truth.

No one wants to live forever in a brief cycle of a few minutes. Whether they want to gain permanent peace or freedom, they will not sit still and wait for death.

Chapter 1894 Chapter 1865 For Freedom

There are two more people on the second floor. Among them, the female nurse on the fourth floor entered the room at the 3rd minute and 43rd second of the start of the cycle. At that time, Jenkins had just finished talking to the captain of the night watch team in the courtyard, so they I couldn't see the female nurse.

Jenkins wanted to try to open the door, and maybe gain a teammate, but the boy who called himself "Lark Allan Poe" warned Jenkins not to do so:

"Although I don't know what you are, I think you don't want to cause extra trouble when time is tight, right? This hospital is not as simple as you think. Apart from the 'quagmire' we are stuck in, All the dangers contained here will be a disaster if they are released. Rather than being a base for the organization to train mystical scholars, it is better to say that this is a base for housing those out-of-control mystical scholars."

Little Luck admitted that he was a "patient" here, and briefly introduced his knowledge of [Biggs Hospital] to the other two people. When asked by Jenkins why he was not curious that the corridor was empty when he was in a daze, the boy shook his head and said:

"Before you took the initiative to greet me, I always thought that the corridor was the same as usual. It wasn't until you interrupted me from thinking about the meaning of the world that I realized that the surroundings were different from my perception."

Although he doesn't look very old, he is surprisingly mature when he speaks. Just when thinking, the boy will be used to staring at the ground, this action is quite weird.

The three of them arrived at the rooftop very quickly. As expected, the rusted iron door leading to the rooftop from the stairs was locked, but this made no difference to Jenkins.

At 8 minutes and 9 seconds, before the man on the rooftop started writing, the three people came to him. This is a middle-aged man with a thin build, obvious bags under his eyes, and half-bald hair. His depressed look makes no one doubt whether he suffers from a disease such as "depression."

Of course he didn't know Jenkins or Miss Lowes, but he knew the boy Lark.


The man said hello, and then looked at the other two strangers.

"Are you going to jump?"

Jenkins asked.

"Yes... who are you?"

He was quite distrustful of strangers. Fortunately, the boy Lark proved that the two were not hospital staff, so the man was willing to introduce his situation:

"They said that I have the ability to perceive death. I spent my whole life thinking about what death is, and then I discovered that the most direct way to get the answer is actually to see it directly."

"How did you get here? Where are the people spying on you?"

Boy Lark asked again.

These words were translated by Miss Lose to Jenkins, and the voice she made in Jenkins' heart was very clear. This is a woman with a considerable degree of higher education.

"Them? Since I can see death, I can also bring death. Today I successfully used my ability for the first time."

The man lowered his head and looked at his hands, which were covered with large and small wounds, with confusion and fear on his face. Jenkins' eyes saw some decayed gray air flowing on his fingertips.

Jenkins originally thought that the middle-aged man on the roof turned into a powerful evil spirit because of the ritual in the basement that involved everyone in the time loop. Now it seems that it is clearly because of the man himself that the evil spirit that massacred [Biggs Hospital] appeared.

For the first time today, this man felt the power he possessed, so he used this power to gain short-term freedom for himself. But he was tired of being tortured and imprisoned, and did not have the strength to escape from here, so he chose another way to gain permanent freedom.

This kind of person, who is naturally very sensitive to the power of death, commits suicide with resentment and turns into an evil spirit, which is simply a disaster. But if such a person becomes a believer in the God of Death, he will also be a very powerful gifter. Unfortunately, he did not meet the Church of the Righteous God, but was caught by an illegal organization.

"Uncle Robinson, we plan to escape from here together. Now there are some problems in this hospital, and there are very few guards left. Do you want to go with us?"

Boy Lark asked.

The middle-aged man known as Robinson wandered on the rooftop for at least eight minutes because he hesitated whether to commit suicide. Such a person would certainly not have too firm an idea before making up his mind. Now that I saw a more suitable way to obtain freedom, I naturally put aside my plan of jumping down and was easily convinced.

At this point, within nine minutes of entering the time loop, Jenkins had met all the "hospital natives" in the hospital except for the nurse who could not be rescued and the two people in the closed basement. At the same time, after stopping the thoughts of the man on the roof, it means that there is no need to worry about the powerful and terrifying evil spirit that appears at 10 minutes and 57 seconds.

In this way, except for the middle-aged female doctor on the first floor who will turn into a ghoul and the time loop that may suddenly jump to the next time, there is no longer any danger here. According to the plan negotiated by the Twelve Orthodox Church, at this time, as long as Jenkins inscribes the ritual of [Still Water] on the rooftop and activates it after the tenth tenth minute of the cycle, he can be guaranteed to fall into [Biggs Hospital] this time. To ensure the safety of everyone, and at the same time banish this strange thing.

Jenkins, of course, drew the ritual matrix, but it was not immediately activated. After he took back his chalk, he explained the meaning of this ritual to his three companions, and then said seriously:

"This time I will save everyone worth saving, including you."

As a result, he gained three very trustworthy teammates.

Unlike the boy, Little Luck, the middle-aged Robinson has lived in this nursing home longer. According to him, he was most likely one of the first people to be "hospitalized."

Miss Lowes and Little Luck couldn't figure out who the two men in the basement were based on Jenkins' description alone. But after Mr. Robinson carefully listened to the general description of the appearance of the two people, he immediately guessed the identity of one of them:

"It's Doctor Debye.

He was also a patient who was admitted here in the same batch as me, but was quickly transferred. When I came back six months ago, I had become an accomplice of that group of people. This man is a lunatic. When I first met him, I knew he was a lunatic. He loves to try out his crazy ideas. Since there are women here, I won’t give examples, but I wouldn’t be surprised by anything this kind of guy can do. "

"Is he officially an occultist?"

Miss Lowes asked.

"Yeah, I guess so."

Mr. Robinson nodded uncertainly, so Jenkins asked the boy Lark again:

"With this information, can you 'see' anything related to Dr. Debye?"

The boy closed his eyes, but opened them quickly:

"I could feel him in the basement, but couldn't see much else."

After all, he just has talent and has not yet become an official transcendent under the system of this era. Being able to do this is already quite remarkable.

Chapter 1895 Chapter 1866 Basement

The four of them walked downstairs together. Jenkins talked about the female nurse again in the stairwell. Mr. Robinson and the boy Luck had similar attitudes. They both believed that they should not easily test people who were locked in the room in the hospital:

"There are some very horrible people living here and we don't want to cause trouble."

Middle-aged people are quite cautious.

It was 9 minutes and 19 seconds when we returned to the lobby on the first floor. The middle-aged female doctor was still sitting in the chair, talking to Miss Ross's original position. She pauses at appropriate times, as if listening to what the other person is saying, and then expresses her own opinion.

Because time was urgent, Jenkins did not deal with her. Instead, he led a group of people to the door leading to the basement behind the stairs at the end of the corridor:

"Let me emphasize again what we have to do. The hope of saving everyone is to find out what happened underground in this hospital. After the door is opened, I will hold the two people inside, and the three of you will immediately enter the basement and look for suspicious places. You are all people who have touched the mysterious and extraordinary, and you should have a deep sense of abnormality. The opportunity is less than three minutes, and I will also enter the basement as soon as possible to join you. You must seize the opportunity."

None of the people present knew what the basement was like. According to Mr. Robinson, there is more than one basement in the hospital, and different basements have different uses.

This is somewhat similar to the many basements in the Sage Church.

The three people listened to Jenkins's opinion very carefully. After all, what they were about to face was completely unknown. Jenkins, who quietly left a phantom on the roof, might be able to activate the ceremony at the last moment, but for the three people who had been trapped for nearly ten thousand years, this might be their only chance.

Jenkins didn't intend to wait until ten minutes later to enter the door. He took out the [Key to the Door] and prepared to open the door. Since the cause of everything was probably because the ritual in the basement went wrong, then stopping what happened in the basement might be able to save everything, and even let Jenkins see the divinity at work in the ritual.

At 9 minutes and 41 seconds, he put the key against the door, and when he turned his wrist hard, the key did not move at all, as if it was completely fixed.


Even the space blocked by Dad and the evolved fairy at the same time in Dad's antique shop last time only made the key fly away, not unable to open, so strictly speaking, this is the first time Jenkins encountered a door that the [Door Key] could not open.

"Maybe your idea is wrong."

Miss Ross stood aside and reminded:

"Although I don't know what the key you hold is, the role of the key-shaped numbered items can probably be predicted. The reason why this door cannot be opened may not be because it is locked, but because it is not allowed to be opened at this moment in the rules here."

Among the four people here, only Miss Ross is a transcendent in this era system. She is also the person who knows the current situation best besides Jenkins. Jenkins probably understood what she meant. What happened in the basement in the first ten minutes was the basis for the existence of the weirdness. Therefore, these ten minutes were "necessary" in the time loop and could not be interfered with, otherwise the time loop would not exist at all.

Trying to open the door in front of him was actually trying to eliminate the weirdness [Biggs Hospital] directly from the root. This was not something that could be done with a gift key, otherwise the church would not have been unable to solve the time loop here from the root after exploring so many times.

"Then we can only wait for the tenth minute to come."

He took back the key and looked at his pocket watch. The one of Alexia had only a dozen seconds left:

"You must be careful after entering the basement."

"Don't worry about this."

The middle-aged man said:

"I still want to be able to return to the outside world to see my wife and son."

He was the only one who didn't understand the time loop. The expression on his face when he said this made the three companions a little overwhelmed. In the end, no one told him the truth because the time had come.

Ten minutes later, the [Dead Silence Doll] on Jenkins' chest, which seemed to have lost all its characteristics, suddenly shook violently. Then, behind the door in front of the four people, there came a scream of fear and swear words that Jenkins could not understand.

Jenkins looked at his companions. They seemed extremely nervous. Even though the boy Lark was not on the second floor where he was supposed to be, he still showed a look of fear on his face.

"What did you see?"

Miss Ross asked hurriedly.

"You must escape. If you can't escape from here, you will never escape! I saw the clock! I saw the long river! I saw..."

The boy's eyes, nose, mouth and ears were bleeding. Before he could finish the sentence, Jenkins slapped him on the head:

"Don't think about anything, just count quietly."

His calmness infected everyone, and the others were no longer panicked. The boy Lark whispered the numbers in his mouth according to his instructions, and Miss Ross helped translate. After the number 19 was said, the door was violently slammed from the inside, even causing the dust on the wall to float down.

Jenkins stood facing the door with his hands hanging naturally. When the boy counted to 5 again, he raised his two fists. When 10 was said, the moment a gap appeared in the iron door, he clenched his fists and pulled back with his elbows.


The door was opened, and two terrified men rushed out one after another. The first thing they saw was the strange young man, and then two fists that hit like cannonballs directly sent the two men flying back to the stairs in the basement.


Jenkins called out to his companions and entered the door first. There were dim candles hanging on both sides of the dark stairs. The man in a white coat with hair like straw color had died, and another tall man with protruding knuckles stood up with difficulty, holding the wall:

"Damn, who are you? Do you know what's going on now? Run away, we miscalculated the time."

"Sorry, it's too late."

Immediately, the surprised expression on the man's face was even more serious than when he was knocked away after opening the door.

"You mean? Oh, God..."

His surprise immediately turned into panic, and he huddled up into a ball, dying on the spot without Jenkins doing anything.

"Scared to death. Do you have abilities like a fear aura?"

Miss Ross asked as she passed behind Jenkins.

"Yes, but I didn't do anything. Forget it, I originally wanted to catch him alive and ask about the situation, but now..."

Jenkins shook his head and entered the basement with his companions.

The area here is not large. Presumably it is not a basement used by the hospital to store sundries, but a private workshop. The area is not even as big as the basement of Jenkins' home.

Climbing down the narrow stairs, there are some candles of different heights placed on the flat floor of the basement, arranged regularly like stairs. There were various strange things scattered on the ground, such as lizard tails, tiger skins and even human bones, but there was no trace of the ritual.


The boy Lark pointed upward, and the four of them raised their heads and clearly saw the huge and complicated circular ritual matrix outlined with continuous chalk lines on the low ceiling of the basement. Jenkins glanced at it and knew that the person who arranged the ceremony was not using the ritual system of his own era. He had only obtained fragments of knowledge about similar rituals in whispers at the end of the month, but that was not enough for Jenkins to deconstruct the entire ritual.

In addition to the chalk marks, some small holes were artificially dug out of the ceiling, and ritual materials were embedded in those holes. These include human eyeballs, some flower petals that Jenkins doesn't recognize, self-rotating brass-colored gears, etc. It stands to reason that the radiance of divinity should far exceed the strange aura of [Biggs Hospital], but Jenkins still cannot see the golden light in his eyes.

The middle-aged man stood on tiptoe and reached out to pull down the thing embedded in the ceiling, but was immediately stopped by Miss Ross and Jenkins:

"The ritual has already started. We don't understand the principle and function of this ritual at all. Any deviation from the ritual now may cause the ritual to get further out of control."

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