What Jenkins is actually worried about is that after destroying the ritual, he will directly enter the next time loop. Now very close to the record for the longest cycle recorded by the church, the strange movements of the Dead Doll since Jenkins entered the basement have become more and more intense. Every second that passes now makes Jenkins extremely worried. He even thought about whether what he was experiencing at this time was really the first time he had experienced it.

"Which item on the ceiling do you feel most special about?"

His voice appeared in the hearts of three people at the same time. In fact, Jenkins also considered divinity in areas other than the ritual on the ceiling, but this possibility was not high. After all, without the involvement of divinity, he didn't think it would be possible to form a time-like monster on such a scale.

"Maybe it's the pocket watch in the center of the five-pointed star pattern in the upper left corner. This is related to time."

The boy Lark said immediately. The blood he had shed had not yet been wiped clean. His whole body was timid and he was not as lively and enthusiastic as when he went downstairs.

"The skeleton directly above us doesn't look like the remains of a human being. Is it a canine?"

The middle-aged man said immediately.

Miss Ross hesitated for a few seconds before giving her answer. She was the most nervous because she knew the most about the current situation:

"Maybe it's that human eyeball. It seems to be staring at me all the time. Sorry, fate didn't give me guidance. I can only guess on my own."

"No need to apologize, fate does not always guide people, but this time I think it will guide me. For me, the future is not unknown."

Chapter 1896 Chapter 1867 The truth about the hospital

With that said, Jenkins took a deep breath and activated [Unknown Road Ahead]. After noticing that the purple light did not appear, I once again carefully observed all the details of the ceremony on the ceiling, and even took the risk to observe the intensity of the black spiritual light.

The spirit touched the purple light spot that symbolized destiny, and then the purple thread stretched into the air and sank directly into the soil layer of the ceiling. There were no ritual materials inlaid there, not even any traces of chalk passing through.

But if you look carefully through the weak candle light in the basement, you can still find that the color of the soil here is a little different.

"What a cheesy result."

Pulling the cane out of the air and poking it upward, the soil immediately collapsed. As dust and dirt fell, the silver ring-shaped object that had been hidden inside the ceiling and was essentially the centerpiece of the ritual fell.

This thing is just a ring, without any other characteristics. Jenkins subconsciously reached out to touch it and thought:

"Ring? Time?"

The moment his right hand touched the ring, the ring buzzed and spread out a gray arc of light that was difficult to detect. All the sounds disappeared, the light of the candle stopped shaking, and when the death doll on his chest fell to his feet, Jenkins gained the spirit of destroying strange things.

Jenkins looked at the ring in his hand, at his companions who were still in place, and finally at the stopped pocket watch.

He stayed there for a few seconds before leaving the basement along the stairs and returning to the first floor of the main building of the hospital. Walking along the corridor to the lobby, the female doctor was sitting there equally still, her mouth still open as if speaking.

Jenkins ignored her and used a real phantom to move himself to the rooftop of the main building. Three men wearing black formal suits, black hats, black leather shoes, and carrying black suitcases were waiting for him. It is the [Time Paradoxist], a unique alien creature that lives in the non-linear time gap and is responsible for stabilizing the timeline for the master.

"Oh, it really shocked me."

Jenkins shook his head and said, he thought the master [Closed Circle] would appear in person.

"What's wrong with you?"

he asked.

Now Biggs Hospital is in a state of time stasis, which means that there is no need to worry about the time loop jumping to the next time, so you can talk to people casually.

Although the three men have different looks, they are very similar. If they were said to be three brothers, most people would definitely not question it. They bowed stiffly to Jenkins, and then the man in the lead said:

"The God of Lies in the future, I am honored to meet you at this point in time. We are aware of the abnormal explosion of our Lord's divine power, so we are here to assist you in solving the abnormal time accident here according to my Lord's instructions."

"You mean you didn't know anything about this place before?"

Jenkins certainly didn't believe they didn't know.

"Of course we know that there are actually a lot of time anomalies in the material world. We will only deal with those uncertain factors that will affect the stability of the timeline."

"Is it because I came here?"

"No, you got this ring, which allowed us to discover the secret hidden here. Don't worry, although this ring was once owned by my lord, we are not here to ask for it. This is a certain It is part of a very strong sealing ceremony, and its stripping represents a problem with the seal, and we are here to confirm whether this is what we think it is and to find the specific point in time when the seal went wrong."

"Can you tell me what this is for sealing?"

"The calamity of time - [Paradox Worm], yes, it is what you think it is. My Lord sealed it in the past years, but this worm ignores any means of space and time blocking, and problems may occur at every time point, so it is necessary to ensure that there is power to maintain the seal at every time point. This is also one of the reasons why our clan was born."

Jenkins accepted this reason, so he handed the ring to the man who was talking to him. The latter took it and took a look, then returned it to Jenkins:

"Yes, it is indeed part of the seal."

"Before you go to deal with that calamity, how to solve this hospital?"

Jenkins asked again.

"It's very simple. The power of this ring spreads, making this place a time seal, and trapping humans with time talents here forever. Now you come to destroy the ring, which can only be done by you, and we stabilize the time power accumulated by the hospital for tens of thousands of years, and this place will completely turn into dust."

Now Jenkins understands the reason for the existence of the "natives" of the hospital.

"So what will happen to those trapped here? Can they return to their time?"

"They have already died."

The time paradoxist answered briefly, and Jenkins understood what he wanted to say. Although they were trapped in a time loop, the events of the ten minutes that the church learned about were part of history. When they could not continue, everyone was killed by evil spirits, so no one survived in the hospital in history.

Moreover, those people did not belong to the eighteenth century in which Jenkins lived. They were the unfortunate people involved in the accident in ancient times, and they were also dead in modern times.

"If I want them to survive..."

"If it is your era, it can be done, but is it necessary?"

The time paradoxist asked.

Jenkins did not know this question either. He and the three people had only known each other for less than ten minutes. What he wanted to do was to make them escape the infinite loop. He had not thought about what happened afterwards.

"Then ask their opinions."

"Okay, then please do it first. Those mortal matters can be solved together."

Jenkins sniffed, held the ring in his right hand, and raised it above his head. The hand exerted force slowly, and with a crisp sound like glass being broken, cracks appeared on the surface of the ring. At the same time, the color of the building under his feet and the hospital within his sight gradually faded, just like a colorful oil painting fading.

Some dazzling golden light radiated from the tiny cracks on the surface of the ring, and Jenkins felt the power of divinity. Not much, only two drops, but it was enough for him.

He did not smash the ring immediately, after all, resealing the divinity was not a simple task. Now it was enough for the ring to be broken, and the evidence was the hospital that disappeared like a faded color in front of him.

The three time paradoxists raised their right hands to the sky together, just like the gray light stream that froze time when they appeared, almost the same gray light appeared in the sky, forming a ring covering the entire sky, and in the center of the ring was a colorful and dreamy light, and it was impossible to see what that light was.

Chapter 1897 Chapter 1868 The "Gift" of Three People

The colors that disappeared from the surface of the hospital flew up to the sky little by little and entered the colorful lights inside the huge ring. The time paradoxists explained to Jenkins that this was the wrong information and time flow that had been circulating for nearly ten thousand years, which was very dangerous to the normal world and needed to be recycled.

The time of the hospital was still frozen, and it would always stagnate at this moment before it completely disappeared. When it appeared this time, the outsiders involved would return to the normal world, and according to the agreement, the three people who were traveling with Jenkins would also get the freedom they wanted.

On the gradually pale floor of the rooftop, Miss Ross, the boy Lark, and the middle-aged man Robinson appeared in a static posture. The gray light swept over the three people, and then the three people regained their ability to move against the background of countless light spots flying into the sky.

Their memory still stayed at the last moment, when Jenkins knocked on the ceiling with his cane. So he suddenly regained his ability to think, and expressed uneasiness and confusion about everything in front of him.

They noticed the abnormality around them, and they all looked up at the gray ring in the sky that absorbed "color". When they looked at Jenkins again, they seemed to have understood everything.

The strange thing [Biggs Hospital] is collapsing, and the daytime in the hospital is being replaced by the night of normal time. The sky is getting darker and darker, and Jenkins also feels the weak night breeze of summer. He knows that there is not much time left.

"Now you have two choices, one is to step into death, just like the final result of everyone, and the other is to come with me to my era, the summer of 1866 in the general calendar of the 18th century, but I want to warn you, this is not a good time. Now is the end of the era, and the legendary disaster that ends an entire era is coming, which is probably more terrible than this hospital."

The young man said calmly. In the eyes of the other three people, the man holding the ring stood with the three men in black suits who were not human at first glance, and suddenly there was a strong sense of oppression, instead of the approachable man who was walking with them just now.

"Can we go back to our era? I still want to see my..."

The middle-aged man Robinson asked hopefully.

"Feel sorry."

Jenkins shook his head:

"The story of the past is over."

Robinson showed an ugly smile, looked at his hands, and then at the three time paradoxes:

"Then let me continue walking and welcome death. After I was caught by those people and taken to the hospital, the only thing that kept me from being tortured crazy was that I thought I could still see my wife and children... ..I was getting a little tired and I thought, let me keep going, I deserve it.”

Jenkins nodded and looked at the boy Lark again. The boy was smiling at him:

"I'm the same as Mr. Robinson."


Jenkins couldn't understand it.

"I've had enough of my talent."

The boy pointed to his bald head:

"I may sense dangers that ordinary people cannot sense at any time, and sometimes I will see things that humans like me should not see. If I follow you to your era, I think this talent will Hurt me deeper."

Jenkins thought about the current situation around the world and agreed with his conclusion.

"And I know that we were meant to die. I don't want to go against my own destiny, so let's end it all, just like the history that has happened, and I can finally sleep peacefully."

This was his own choice, and Jenkins said nothing more. Finally looking at Miss Ross, she showed no hesitation or hesitation:

"I'll go to the Eighteenth Century with you. Although everything I'm familiar with is gone, it's not bad to see a whole new world."

She smiled at Jenkins and said:

"I am a mystic scholar. I want to explore the unknown of the world and contain the dangers that will harm the world. Now that my time has passed, let's go to the future and have a look. When I was a child, I was fascinated by that. The distant future was once full of daydreams... I hope that in your era, at least there will be no feces and sewage on the streets. "

"Of course, the level of civilization now is probably about the same as it was in your time."

This is Jenkins' judgment based on the hospital's internal experience.

"I must remind you that the time loop she has experienced is too long. Once she leaves the hospital with you, although those disordered memories will not reappear, the infection of time on the body and mind will cause her strength and memory to reappear. Large-scale loss. Coupled with the differences in the basic rules of different eras, the rules of the world will selectively delete her memory. Sensitive information about the church, customs, etc. will be lost, and her memories of her past will be lost. There are large gaps.”

The time paradoxist said that this is the price in Jenkins' view, but the price is worth it.

"In other words, it's possible that I don't even remember who I am."

Los asked, and the man in black formal attire nodded but did not speak to her.

"If that's the case... I think, thanks to your kindness, I'd better keep going."

She took a step to the side and stood with the boy and the middle-aged man:

"If I can't even remember my past, then what's the use of knowing more about the future?"

Jenkins felt deeply about this sentence. It was by adhering to this belief that he understood who he really was during the "Stranger" incident.

"Have you really decided?"

He asked the three people again. All three people were smiling at him, but the three faces became blurred inexplicably. The night wind blew the colors toward the sky, and colored particles floated from the three people's bodies, flying along with the colors.

"But I still have to thank you."

The middle-aged man Robinson said:

"Thank you for giving me a real chance to escape from this hospital. I have nothing to give you, I can only wish you the best and wish you can live happily."

"Sir, I want to thank you too, for everything you've done for us."

The boy looked up at Jenkins and said:

"The first time I saw you, I knew that you were different from all of us. Especially your eyes, they are really beautiful. Sir, you have a pair of beautiful eyes."

This was the first time that someone could see the difference in Jenkins' eyes at a glance. Jenkins was a little surprised:

"Can you tell?"

"Yes, purple eyes. Brighter than mine. I guess you see more than I do."

The boy said, then pointed to his eyes:

"I can hear and see a lot, so you probably have the same pain as me."

Jenkins could control whether he saw something he shouldn't, but in this case, he didn't think he had to tell the boy Lark that.

"Sir, I have nothing to give you. So, at the end, let me take a look at your essence, and let me give you the last bit of help."

He raised his eyes to look at Jenkins, and as they made eye contact, the boy's eyes went blind. He almost fell to the ground, his eyes, nose, mouth, and ears were bleeding, but he still smiled happily:

"So that's it."

If it weren't for the fact that he was at the intersection of different points in time, and the boy's state was between existence and non-existence, he might have died.

"Your eyes are different from mine. I can see and hear just because it is a gift, just like someone can run fast and someone can jump high. But your eyes are not a gift, sir, I I can’t see your essence clearly, but I see your eyes. You see more than us because you stand high enough.”

The middle-aged Robinson held his hand, and the boy looked at Jenkins' eyes with dark eyes. Jenkins could not see other emotions from that smiling face:

"Stand high, so you can see far. Your essence is very great. I have seen many things, but I can't recognize what they are. You are destined to be great. Thank you for everything you have done for us."

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