"My pleasure."

Jenkins also nodded, knowing that the Star Spirits had helped him in a way that he would never be able to repay.

The news that Jenkins was going to give a public speech at City Hall spread through newspapers and other channels a few days ago. But even the largest lecture hall in the city hall cannot accommodate the entire city's citizens.

Therefore, if citizens wanted to hear the speech on Sunday morning, they would need to obtain a special invitation. Invitations will not be sold to the public, and there will be no lottery.

Most of them were distributed to Nolan's big shots, and a small amount was distributed by Jenkins to Feeney's friends and florists in the city, so that they could hand out invitations to guests who bought tulips.

Because the theme of this speech itself is related to tulips, Jenkins' selection of invitees was unanimously approved by those who knew the content of the speech in advance.

And because most of the invitations sent are related to Jenkins, Jenkins can select some specific people, which facilitates some of Jessica's operations.

The speech was scheduled to start at nine in the morning, so after breakfast at about seven o'clock, Jenkins changed clothes in front of the mirror with Julia's help.

Another meaning of this speech is to gather important people in the kingdom to force Queen Isabella to abdicate in front of everyone, so other people in the family must also go together to witness this scene. In addition to the girls, everyone related to Jenkins will be present. This is probably the busiest day in Nolan in recent months. Jenkins believes that this day will be recorded in history.

Jessica is the most important person in this event, maybe even more so than Jenkins. Originally, she was going to the City Hall to join Jenkins with her father, the Duke of Windsor. But before Jenkins went out, the servant sent a note. Jessica was called away by Queen Isabella and did not come back before the Duke of Windsor left. It seemed that Queen Isabella kept her behind.

"it does not matter."

After Jenkins read the note, he said to Hathaway and Britney, who were a little worried:

"I have prepared quite a few plans for today's events, which is also to be expected."

As he spoke, he hailed the carriage waiting at the intersection. After Hathaway, Britney and Julia entered the carriage, he turned around and locked the door to the yard. After taking a look at his home and touching the cat on his shoulder, he also boarded the carriage.

Jessica is in the carriage.

She was also dressed up and looked a little nervous, but she seemed to be in good spirits.

"The one who was called away by Queen Isabella was Miss J."

Jenkins took the initiative to explain without waiting for the girls to ask, and then took Jessica's hand, who smiled at him, as if Jenkins' action gave her more courage.

Chapter 1961 Chapter 1932 Before the Speech

"Miss J only had half an hour to act alone. Half an hour after she was called away by Queen Isabella, she returned to me because her abilities failed.

She told me what happened. His Majesty seemed to have noticed something and asked her to stay inside the house and not go out. She objected for a while, then imprisoned herself in the room, drank the water sent by His Majesty, and then pretended to be asleep. Her soul returned and told me what happened."

"So now from Queen Isabella's point of view, I don't have Jessica by my side today as a helper."

Jenkins nodded, and the girls understood his intention.

After telling the coachman to set off, Jenkins held the chocolate in his arms, looked at his home from the window, and couldn't help but sigh:

"Maybe by the time we go home, I will have become the king of this country."

He wanted to use this sentence to make everyone relax, but when he said it, he felt like he was lamenting the unlucky soldiers who went home to get married after the war, so he made up for it:

"Even if I can't become the king, I can definitely reach a certain deal with Queen Isabella."

It was still early, but the road in front of the city hall was almost blocked by carriages of all kinds. Sensitive people smelled the wind and realized that this speech was definitely not simple. There were many people present, so no one wanted to miss the big event that was going to happen today.

In order not to let Queen Isabella know that Jessica was not retained by her, Jenkins drove the carriage into the backyard of the city hall, and everyone got off the carriage.

Next, Jessica will temporarily stay with Hathaway and Britney, and will appear again when the time is right. Jenkins said goodbye to them and met Dolores and Alexia in the corridor with Julia.

Alexia's clothes were very ordinary, fitting the persona of a tutor and personal staff member. Dolores is dressed up. She is the heir to the North Kingdom and must pay attention to her clothes when traveling.

"How are the preparations going?"

Asked the eldest princess Yanni Stuart who followed Dolores. She learned from her father what would happen today.

"no problem."

He nodded and asked Dolores again:

"Where is your father? Isn't His Majesty Salshi II here?"

"Father is coming in a little late. He's involved in another meeting upstairs."

Dolores pointed to the top of her head, and Jenkins looked at Alexia, who asked the same question as the eldest princess Yani:

"How are the preparations going?"

Inexplicably, Jenkins actually understood that she was asking about the king's soul.

"I have gone to see my friend in heaven, and everything is ready."

The short lady also nodded, and then there was no problem. She was not too worried about what was going to happen next, probably because she had great confidence in Jenkins.

Dolores and Alexia had to wait to enter with Salhi II, and Julia stayed to take care of Dolores, so only Jenkins continued to walk to the venue with the cat alone.

Then, he met Marquis Michael and Count Hesha who seemed to be waiting at the corner deliberately. Before today, the meeting between the two sides was very sensitive, so it was always Britney who passed the message. But it was about to be a showdown, and now there were no so many taboos in the meeting.

"How are the preparations going?"

Marquis Michael also asked this. The two naval officers were used to big scenes and had much stronger psychological qualities, but at this time, they had to meet Jenkins for the last time before they could feel at ease.

The Marquis and the Count were both dressed in military uniforms, with medals on their chests that Jenkins could not recognize. The two took today's speech very seriously and their faces were quite serious.

"Don't worry, everything is arranged."

"Why don't you see the lady from the Windsor family?"

Earl Hesa ​​asked again, looking around hesitantly.

"She will appear later."

The Marquis and the Earl did not go with Jenkins, and both went in opposite directions.

Jenkins continued to move forward and met Bishop Palod and Duke Madeline who were talking at the stairs. Duke Madeline was one of the few female duchesses in the kingdom and was very old. She lived in Norland for a period of time when she was young and seemed to know Bishop Palod.

Seeing Jenkins appear, the old duke smiled at Jenkins and left with his attendants and servants. The priests of the church consciously went to the corridors around to prevent anyone from eavesdropping on the conversation. Bishop Palod asked Jenkins naturally: "Is it okay?" "It's okay, don't worry." "We have already discussed with other churches. Although not all of them will fully support you, at least no one will oppose it. Relax, Jenkins, you are about to accomplish something that the church has never thought of in the entire 18th century." That is, the son of the Orthodox Church will become the king of the secular kingdom. Jenkins nodded to the bishop, and the bishop patted Jenkins on the cat-free shoulder twice: "The sage blesses you, Saint William." After that, without asking more questions, he took the young priests of the church and walked to another corridor to meet with other people from the Sage Church. Jenkins was not nervous at first, but after talking with the bishop, he felt inexplicably panicked. It was not serious, just a little panic. He took a few deep breaths and continued to move forward. The conference hall arranged this time was in the corner of the second floor. The entire conference hall occupied part of the main building and tower of the city hall, so it looked very large. Not long after leaving the stairs, Jenkins saw Sigrid again at the next corner. She was the only one here, waiting for Jenkins.

"I heard about what happened today from other people in the church."

The rarely dressed up girl hugged Jenkins, making Jenkins feel something he shouldn't feel:

"Relax, I'll pray for you."

She also noticed that her hug was too enthusiastic, but she didn't blush.

"What does the church think of my claiming the throne?"

Jenkins hugged her back naturally, and then adjusted his bow tie. But Sigrid reached out faster and helped Jenkins straighten the crooked black bow tie.

"What else can I think? Some people think that I also have the right to inherit, but to be honest, I am not interested in this. When she wanted the cultists to kidnap me before, I declared that I had given up everything. And your inheritance order is indeed above mine."

Fidictli's succession order algorithm is very complicated. With the same blood relationship, the older is of course above the younger, but the inheritance rights of men are defaulted to be higher than those of women, so Sigrid's inheritance order is still below the three William brothers and Robert.

"Will your parents come today?"

Sigrid asked again.

"I invited them, but Mary and Robert didn't want to come, and they didn't let Newman and John come. When I went home to visit yesterday, John complained to me about this."

"They just don't want their family to be involved in danger, which is good."

"There will be no danger, everything will go well."

Jenkins promised.

"Then I wish you success."

As she said, Sigrid tiptoed and kissed Jenkins on the lips. Jenkins touched his lips, looked at her in surprise, but smiled with relief.

There were not only people waiting for Jenkins in the corridor. Others who attended the speech saluted politely after seeing Jenkins. At the door of the lecture hall, Jenkins unexpectedly met Queen Isabella and her group, followed by the young Duke of Rochester and the loyal Duke of Douglas.

The group came from another corridor. They attended another meeting before nine o'clock, and of course their route was different from that of Jenkins who had just arrived at the City Hall.

"Oh, look who is this, Jenkins, you are here?"

Queen Isabella greeted Jenkins with exaggerated enthusiasm, and then extended her right hand to Jenkins.

Jenkins followed Hathaway's hand-kissing etiquette and gave a fake kiss on the golden ring outside the white glove, then stood up and said:

"Today's speech will be wonderful."

"So what is the theme of the speech?"

In order to prevent the tulip business from collapsing suddenly, only a few trustworthy people knew the theme before the speech began, which of course did not include Queen Isabella.

"About flowers."

"That's a really good topic."

The two said hello and parted ways. Jenkins was going to the office next door to confirm the details of the speech, including the time, the water he needed, and the order of entry and exit.

Queen Isabella and the two dukes would wait in another office. They would not enter first, but would appear after everyone was seated.

Seeing that Jenkins had already walked into the office, the Duke of Rochester leaned forward cautiously and tried to speak to Queen Isabella's ear, but was immediately stopped by her:

"No need to say more."


The young Duke hesitated and looked at the Duke of Douglas next to him, who was the steward of Queen Isabella when she was young and could be regarded as the right-hand man of the current King Fidictelli.

"There is really no need to say more."

The old Duke also said so.

"Every word we say may be heard by him, so what's the point of saying it?"

After hearing his explanation, the Duke of Rochester stopped asking, but still asked worriedly:

"If that somewhat unrealistic news is true, then today..."

Jenkins didn't expect his actions to be completely hidden from Queen Isabella, so they knew what would happen today, which was also within the plan.

"It doesn't matter. If he really has such ability, what if I give him the crown?"

Queen Isabella said, and then walked in another direction under the guidance of the servant.

Chapter 1962 Chapter 1933 Opening Remarks

Before the speech officially began, many people visited Jenkins who was waiting in the lounge. He didn't know most of them, but he received them warmly.

Finally, he saw the flower girls who were specially invited. They entered the venue with Finnie and the Church of Sages, but according to Jenkins' request, they wore the clothes they wore when selling flowers on the street.

The girls looked a little nervous. It was their first time to enter the city hall and see so many "big shots". Jenkins comforted them and said that their lives would be very different after today's events.

The priesthood of [Guardian of Flower Girls] was working, and his words calmed the girls down quickly. Another goal today was to announce the establishment of the Flower Girls' Union as a means of dealing with the tulip incident. Maybe this is not enough to gather divinity, but if they can live a better life, Jenkins would be very satisfied.

In order to show their identity as flower girls, the girls all carried flower baskets with flowers sent from the flower garden outside the city today. Jenkins picked up a tulip and held it in his hand. Just as he was about to say something else, there was a knock on the door.

The priest of the church came in and handed Jenkins a note.

Jenkins unfolded it and took a look. It said that about ten minutes ago, a mechanized corpse injured people in the east of the city. Because the mechanized curse of corpses is contagious, the church has allocated a demigod to lead a team to deal with it.

According to the current intelligence, it is not very serious now, so Jenkins was just notified of this matter, and he did not need to go to suppress it for the time being.

"Sir, if there is an earthquake when you are giving a speech later, will the speech continue?"

Seeing that Jenkins did not show any unhappy expression after reading the note, Finnie knew that the content of the note did not matter, so she asked again.

"Earthquake? Oh, yes, earthquake, there are so many earthquakes in Nolan recently."

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