Every earthquake is accompanied by the rise of metal towers, which is the most troublesome thing.

"But the probability of an earthquake today is low. I found a very professional fortune teller to conduct divination, so I chose today."

This is the result of Miss Audrey's divination. When Alexia went deep underground yesterday, she asked the machine to confirm that the probability of the black tower rising on Sunday is very low, so there is no need to worry.

"Okay then."

He took out the pocket watch from his pocket, saw that it was the one given by his brother John, and put it back. He took out Alexia's lady's pocket watch again and took a look at the time:

"It's almost time, I'm going on stage."

He inserted the tulip into the breast pocket of his suit, and then lifted the kerosene lamp placed on the table, which was an important prop for a while.

"Sir, you will definitely succeed!"

Feeney clenched her little fists and encouraged, and the other girls also encouraged Jenkins. Although their words were childish, they were all sincere. Jenkins smiled, picked up the cat and put it on his shoulder, then straightened the hem of his formal coat in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror at the door:

"I will definitely succeed."

He said to himself in the mirror.

Standing at the front door of the lecture hall, he took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly. After relaxing, he nodded to the servant at the door. The two people on the left and the right immediately pushed the two doors open, and flash lights burst out in front of them. Jenkins worried about scaring his cat.

He stepped on the red carpet and walked into the hall. Everyone in the stepped lecture hall stood up and applauded to welcome Jenkins. The sound like a waterfall made the ground seem to shake. This scene was quite spectacular. Everyone was looking at this young man. Whether they liked him or not, everyone knew that he would be the political star of the future kingdom. He might even be the owner of the land beneath everyone’s feet for the next few decades.

The applause after standing up did not stop until Jenkins walked from the door to the podium at the end of the red carpet. He raised his hands and pushed his palms forward, and people stopped applauding.

After that, the well-dressed gentlemen and ladies took their seats. Only the flash facing the podium is still flashing. Contemporary cameras cannot achieve continuous shooting due to the heat dissipation problem of the flash, otherwise the spotlight will have problems. Therefore, the newspaper has mobilized more cameras to ensure that there is at least one camera at every moment. The desk can work.

Originally, the city hall wanted to arrange a host for Jenkins' speech, or at least introduce him in a very formal manner before he came on the stage. But Jenkins refused, so when everyone was seated he was left to ramble on: "It's my pleasure today... it's been my pleasure... about financial reform and the National Bank... .." and then welcomed all the guests who took the time to listen to the speech.

The only people worthy of being welcomed by his name were Queen Isabella, Sarsi II, and the second prince of Tarquin the Proud. The others were classified among "all other people who came."

The prince of the South who was temporarily staying in Nolan, the heir to the Aresio family, was sitting with the other two kings. Compared to Salshi II and Queen Isabella, he was quite young, so he was more imposing than the other two kings around him. A king is very different.

Turning sideways, he hugged the cat on his shoulders with both hands, pinched its waist and put the cat on the table in front of him. Chocolate immediately walked to the corner of the table closest to Jenkins and lay down, seemingly determined not to get up before noon.

“Thank you again to everyone and to Mr. Mayor for being able to provide this lecture theater.”

He greeted Mr. Saxe Ruto in the fourth row, who returned the greeting.

"This speech is mainly about financial reform. I noticed that since the beginning of this year, various countries have been actively preparing for a new order of national banks. Churches and some large industrial and commercial associations are also trying to carry out banking business. But the current The financial regulations are not perfect, and the level of financial departments in various countries is uneven, and they also have different attitudes and views when dealing with different financial actions, which makes some illegal and criminal activities become rampant. "

Behind him was a specially installed giant blackboard. Jenkins took out a piece of chalk from the paper box in front of him, knocked it on the table in front of him, and then wrote the word "finance" behind him.

"So Viscount, do you want to talk about some examples of fiscal crimes today? I listened to your speech in Belduran, and you have a very unique view on the exchange rate issue."

Someone in the audience said loudly. Of course, this is a "trust" arranged in advance. In such a formal large-scale speech event, casual interruptions are generally not allowed.

Chapter 1963 Chapter 1934 Tulip Mania

"No, what I am going to talk about is not an example of financial crime. Even if I describe it verbally now, many people will still be confused, and it may even allow smart people with intentions to deduce other more covert and dangerous ways of committing crimes."

He replied loudly, which got everyone's approval because it showed that Jenkins thought everyone here was smart. 0

"Do you still remember the public lecture I gave last year on the 'Fabry Scam'?"

He asked again that the "Fabry scam" that he wrote, directed and acted in last year can be regarded as the thing that Jenkins has done that is most out of his control since he came to this world.

There was a burst of voices from the audience immediately, and everyone was nodding in agreement. Speaking of this, few people will forget it. That speech has been compiled into a speech transcript. After paying Jenkins a certain number of gold pounds, the speech transcript has become a public publication. It is said that the number of printed copies is already higher than that of "Tales from the Stranger" and "Frozen".

Of course, if it were revealed that Jenkins was Miss Fabry, the printed copy of the speech would probably be much higher.

"The Fabry scam, although compared to financial games that manipulate numbers, is still a bit simple, this scam has almost the same essence as some scams in the financial industry. I have to say that Miss Fabry is really A genius."

he praised.

Hathaway, who was sitting with Britney and Jessica who had her head lowered, suppressed her smile. Now that she thought about it, the fact that Jenkins was Miss Fabry still amazed her. Knowing that Jenkins is a believer in all lies, Miss Fabry's true identity will naturally become clear.

Now that she knows the truth, she thinks that the Fabry scam is actually nothing. "Miss Fabry is Jenkins" is the most exciting scam.

To this day, Hathaway still doesn't believe that the guy who represents the image of "the smartest woman of this era" in her impression is actually the strange young man next to her who seems honest, honest and likes cats.

Although Miss Fabry is an out-and-out bad person, because of the scam, more people were not harmed unexpectedly, and her superb resourcefulness amazed people. Therefore, the existence of Miss Fabry has become a symbol representing female wisdom. If civilization can continue, it may become synonymous with women's rights in the future and become a symbol of the times for women's awakening.

"Actually, I married Miss Fabry."

Hathaway said in her heart, finally unable to suppress her smile.

"Please do not underestimate this scam, from the west coast of the continent to the east coast, from the Westminster River in Noland to the Leaning Tower of Faris in Eldron, the City of Thousand Trees, from the mansions of all of you to the southern forests. In the tents of primitive tribes, only these most universal scams can best represent the truth of the simplest and most basic financial scams.

We must see the essence through the truth, and before analyzing the essence, it is most important and useful to understand what has happened, not what I have assumed. Therefore, although today's speech still focuses on financial reform, the main content I want to talk about is another scam, a scam that has already happened and is all around us. "

In the center of the first row, Queen Isabella's expression remained unchanged. Salshi II rubbed his chin and smiled. Young Arecio looked at Jenkins blankly. He really didn't understand much, but he felt Jenkins’ speech was indeed powerful.

This time no one came to ask Jenkins what he wanted to say, so he pulled out the tulip stuck in the breast pocket of his coat and held it up for everyone to see:

"How many people here have made gold pounds by investing in tulips? Oh, congratulations, the scammers succeeded. Today's theme is tulips."

Like a cannonball exploding in the lecture hall, the raucous discussion erupted almost immediately. People kept polite whispers and discussed with those around them, and the collective voice showed the turmoil caused by this topic.

The high price of tulips has long been noticed by interested people, and although those who are qualified to invest large sums of money are not necessarily in the lecture hall, many of the people who come to listen to the lecture are indeed involved in the tulip business.

Jenkins put the bouquet of flowers on the table. The chocolate was not very friendly to the "new neighbor". It put its belly on the table and stretched out its head to sniff the vase in an almost "prostrate" state. After the cat's whiskers trembled a few times, he pushed the flower with his little paw, but was immediately slapped by Jenkins. So he completely lost interest and continued to lie back to his original position.

"I think many people have noticed that the price of tulips in this city has increased significantly since about a month ago. If you compare it with past prices, you will understand how outrageous this increase is."

He waved to the audience, and the servants immediately brought up the huge canvas that had been painted, climbed up the ladder, and pasted it on the upper left corner of the blackboard.

That is the line chart drawn by Jenkins. It shows the trend of the average price of tulips in the same season in the past few years, that is, summer, and the trend of tulip prices from last summer to this summer.

He not only completed the drawing of the graph, but also filled in the blanks on the side of the line graph with data sources and simple arithmetic average, variance and other data. This is the advantage of preparing in advance. Even though Jenjin did not study economics before, he is very familiar with drawing tables, organizing and analyzing data.

He picked up the telescopic teaching stick placed on the table and pulled away the chocolate that for some reason suddenly pressed down on the teaching stick with a small paw. With a slight swing, swing the teaching stick longer, then come to the bottom of the blackboard and point to the data above.

The people sitting at the back of the lecture theater had already stood up and set up their telescopes. It was not a telescope used for military operations, but a telescope connected with a thin brass-colored metal rod and binoculars. It was more like a telescope made of exquisite crafts. These telescopes are commonly used in theaters and racetracks, but are not commonly seen in lecture audiences.

"These data clearly prove that the trend of tulip prices this year is different from that of the past ten years. Whether it is the daily statistics above or the bar chart with months as the horizontal axis, this conclusion is very clear."

He spoke in detail, and then stated the reliability of his data source. Finally, he waved to the fat businessman standing nervously in the audience. The businessman nodded quickly, took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat, and walked off the stage with his hat in both hands.

"This is the owner of Peter Pan Flower Shop two streets away from the City Hall. Let him talk about his feelings about the changes in tulip prices this year. I think this can help understand this strange price curve."

The owner of the flower shop was found by the Church of Nature, and the content of his speech at this moment was also reviewed by Jenkins. The scam was carried out by himself, and how to expose it was completely controlled by Jenkins.

Compared to the last time when he suddenly and hastily decided to expose the truth of the scam for Mr. Barnard's family, this time he was well prepared. Even if someone in the audience was blind and planned to refute him, he could deal with it calmly. Because, from beginning to end, every corner of this matter has his traces, and he can't be wrong.

While the nervous flower shop owner was talking about the changes in the purchase and delivery prices of tulips in his store in the past two months, there seemed to be a rumbling sound in the distance.

At first, I thought it was going to rain, and it was thunder coming from high in the sky. But after careful analysis, it seemed to be a series of explosions. But it was very far away from the city hall, and the place where the explosion occurred was definitely not the central city of Nolan.

Jenkins thought of the news from the church before the speech that mechanized corpses appeared in the city.

"Hasn't it been solved yet?"

He was a little worried, but the mechanized curse of corpses was not a big problem, nor was it a problem that only he could solve. At present, the affairs of the city hall are the most important. The throne is related to the savior emblem, and the tulip incident is related to divinity. These two things cannot be delayed.

When the flower shop owner finished his three-minute explanation, most of the others understood what Jenkins wanted to express. Then Jenkins invited Finnie's friends to explain what he saw and heard about selling flowers on the street.

Their stories are different from those of the flower shop owner. The flower shop owner mainly talks about price changes, while they talk about people's obsession with tulips and various accidents caused by tulips.

Flower girls are active on the streets, and people tend to ignore these short girls when they don't need to buy flowers. Therefore, they occasionally hear things that they shouldn't hear.

Based on what they heard, this counts as one-tenth of the stories they told, plus nine-tenths of the stories Jenkins made up about "borrowing money to buy tulips, using the money earned as collateral to borrow more money to buy tulips for profit" or "fish vendors will use their family's 30 years of savings to buy a tulip bulb of a rare color", which together constitute the very terrifying "Tulip Mania".

"Tulip Mania" is a combination of words Jenkins said, and he wrote this word next to "Finance" with chalk. Many people have also realized the abnormality of this phenomenon. Although there was no concept of finance in the past, it is not difficult to understand that price gouging is something that happens in every era.

"No, this is not simply price gouging."

Jenkins seemed to have guessed what people were thinking. He shook his head and asked the Duke of Rochester who was sitting behind Queen Isabella.

"Duke, what is the most serious consequence of price gouging?"

"Citizens cannot buy affordable necessities and can only buy them at high prices, which squeezes out other living expenses and causes the family's living standards to decline. If prices continue to remain at a high level, it may cause citizens to riot."

Although the Duke is young, he still has these basic common sense.

"So this is not price gouging. Tulips are priced higher, so they are not bought. Tulips are not necessities."

He looked at the people in the audience:

"The consequences caused by the tulip mania can directly destroy all the wealth accumulated by Nolan since the steam age."

Chapter 1964 Chapter 1935 Blockade of City Hall (Additional updates for everything)

"Most of you here returned to Nolan a month ago, and you must have discovered the story the girls just told."

He avoided the problems that might be caused by the tulip craze and continued to talk according to his thoughts. The appearance of the flower girl just now was to make the story more realistic, and also to facilitate their appearance later.

"Many people have noticed such things, but you may not care... If you care, there is no need for me to say it here. But it makes sense not to care. After all, every year, due to various reasons, the prices of some commodities will fluctuate abnormally. For example, I remember that last summer, Nolan's rice and noodles had a period of crazy price increases."

This is the information provided by the original owner's memory. Although he is a playboy who wanders the streets all day, he is not just throwing garbage into other people's yards. He also pays attention to occasional life anecdotes.

"But the price increase of tulips this year is obviously different from previous years. If..."

There was a strange sound outside again, this time it was still an explosion, and it still came from a long distance. But this time it was a muffled sound. If the series of sounds just now were sounds from the surface, then this time it was like a steam bomb exploded in the pile of soil.

"What is going on?"

He continued his speech while thinking. In order to prove that "the crazy price of tulips this summer is an abnormal phenomenon", he listed a lot of evidence and almost covered the blackboard behind him with canvas.

Finally, he said the core of this speech:

"So, the crazy rise in the price of tulips is the result of human manipulation. Combined with the current situation of people's excessive pursuit of tulips that I listed, it can basically be equivalent to that the price of tulips has exceeded its own value and has become an investment with appreciation performance, and a symbol without a target object. This is the result of human manipulation, so the people behind it, or what people want to do, is definitely not simply to make tulips and tulip bulbs appreciate in value. As for the purpose... Sorry."

He glanced at the lady's pocket watch on the table:

"Fifteen minutes of intermission. And... City Hall can be entered now, but no one can go out."

"Viscount, why is this?"

Someone shouted from the audience. This was also arranged by Jenkins to prevent the servants around Queen Isabella from speaking first.

"I think smart people probably understand what I want to say. So, in order to prevent my speech from directly impacting the local tulip market, no one is allowed to leave the city hall before the end of the speech.

I have obtained the consent of the mayor, Mr. Saxe Ruto, and the police outside the city hall are mobilized by him."

The mayor is one of the supporters that Jenkins has won. The reason is simple. It is not because he hates the queen, nor because he is a loyal follower of Middleton, nor because Jenkins promised any benefits. It is just because Jenkins is a Norlander.

"This is a bit too rude."

The Duke of Rochester, who was sitting in the second row behind the queen, said.

"It doesn't matter."

Queen Isabella looked at Jenkins and shook her head slightly:

"I think Jenkins must have his reasons. Just like he exposed the Fabry scam, bought time to freeze the funds in the bank account, and saved the unfortunate people who did not deceive, he can save some people this time."

"Since you say so, I think I have no objection."

Salhi II also said, so the young king of Chesland, Briel Alessio, also agreed, so that others no longer objected.

In fact, the original plan was to let the people behind Salhi II play the villain and debate with Jenkins about the significance of blocking the city hall, so that Jenkins could use "reason" to explain the reason for not letting people go out. Finally, Salhi II announced that he supported Jenkins because he was convinced.

He didn't expect Queen Isabella to agree directly. You know, letting the police surround the city hall is a very obvious signal in itself. As long as she heard the recent rumors, it is impossible not to associate something.

"Does she have other cards? It's impossible. Neither Jessica nor the church has found any results. Moreover, the team sent by the church to "protect" her also ensured that she would never get in touch with any illegal organization again... Could it be that she trusts my character and thinks that I can't force her to abdicate in this way? No, it won't be that simple."

Jenkins thought suspiciously, grabbed his cat, temporarily left the podium, and came to the corridor from the side door.

"Jessica was just called away by Queen Isabella's people. They found her."

As soon as he came out, he met Britney who came around the main door.

"It's okay. I'm afraid I'm just asking about the situation, not trying to 'imprison' her again."

"How do you know?"

Britney asked.

"Even if it's really 'imprisonment', and I don't want her to help me at the last minute, I have other ways. Don't worry about it. Where's Hathaway?"

"In the bathroom."

Britney gestured to the corner of the corridor, which was the direction of the bathroom.

"And... the speech was very good, really, very good."

As she said, she stood on tiptoe, hugged Jenkins, and gave him a pretty good kiss:

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