"I don't have a love experience like yours. In your opinion, our marriage is probably a very standard political marriage."

Her expression remained normal, not sad or sad because of this:

"My family still existed at that time and did not experience the great plague 30 years ago. My father and mother were really happy when they saw me getting married, but I still don't know if they were happy for me."

The two of them paused for a moment, waiting for the rabbit that suddenly emerged from the hole in front of them to run away. The big rabbit with gray fur is actually bigger than chocolate and seems to be well-nourished. It originally wanted to run towards Jenkins, but was frightened by Chocolate's "meow~" and ran away. Although Jenkins' cat is usually timid, it is still very good at bullying rabbits.

"My memory of the first few years of marriage is a little blurry. I know that this period is a very important time in life. You will understand this deeply after you get married. But I only remember that I gradually became the king's assistant. ”

She glanced at Jenkins, which probably meant something.

"But at that time, I didn't need to bear the responsibility, or the responsibility was very small. After all, I was not the king. I had enough time to learn and understand."

This must mean something.

"But it looks like you learned well."

"He taught me very well."

Queen Isabella rarely smiled in front of Jenkins:

"Those days are already very far away, but occasionally recalling them is indeed very reassuring. I am very happy that God did not let me be completely confused when I grow old. If even that memory was completely lost, I would not know What do you need to support your own happiness?”

PS: It’s not a whitewash, it’s a decent farewell before the character has no other great use.

Chapter 1986 Chapter 1957 The Past

The group of people continued to walk forward, and suddenly there was a very regular sound of horse hooves behind them.

The royal guards immediately turned around to be alert, only to see Jessica Windsor wearing a neutral gray hunting suit and a deerstalker hat, riding a black horse and galloping towards them.

As for who this Jessica Windsor is, only Jenkins can tell.

"good afternoon."

She pulled the reins tightly, stopped beside everyone, and jumped off the horse.

"You are so old, how can you still ride a horse and run around? Also, where did your clothes come from?"

Queen Isabella was a little dissatisfied.

"I was wearing my clothes. I just heard that Jenkins came to the racecourse. I thought I could run a lap with him."

Miss J boldly touched Jenkins' face, which made Queen Isabella even more dissatisfied.

"Oh, please don't look at me with condemning eyes. You finally announced that Jenkins will succeed you. The responsibility that has been on my shoulders is finally gone. Hold a cocktail party in Jenkins and invite Nolan's important people What’s wrong with letting me relax before we celebrate?”

Miss J asked, then smiled at Jenkins:

"In the past, you were free and could go wherever you liked. Now I am free too. Apart from you, nothing can restrain me. I can finally enjoy the life that should belong to me at this age."

This sentence was half taught by Jenkins, and half was thought up by Miss J herself. This could probably be regarded as a revelation of true feelings. Even Queen Isabella on the side couldn't tell whether the girl she had watched grow up was lying.

"You hated your old life so much?"

Queen Isabella asked.

"Of course I don't hate it, but I can't say I like it. It's just boring, yes, boring. Although I can get some sense of accomplishment, I don't want to think of nothing more than when I'm old and recall my twenties. Boring things."

Next, she went beyond the "script" and kissed Jenkins directly on the side of his face. Then she whistled and asked the horse that was grazing on the side to come over and get on the horse:

"Jenkins, I promised you a press conference at five o'clock in the afternoon. Remember to prepare early. I will arrange a carriage to pick you up then. Now, let me have a good run~"

After saying that, he leaned on the horse and rode on the pasture into the distance under the watchful eyes of everyone.

"Did you arrange for her to appear now?"

Queen Isabella asked after Miss J's figure was completely gone.

"Of course not. Besides, you brought up the topic about youth just now yourself."

But it was indeed Jenkins who used his ability to empathize with all living beings and told the topic to Miss J who dismounted.

The two continued to walk forward without any further discussion about Miss J who was leaving.

"What Jessica said makes sense. Girls of her age do need some freedom to experience life. Otherwise, after getting married and having children, they will no longer know what freedom feels like."

"Please don't speak so poorly of me."

Jenkins said.

"I'm not saying you're bad, I'm describing a common phenomenon. Jenkins, I've lived for so long. From half a century ago to now, everything has changed rapidly. Our lives, our buildings, our country, the only thing that remains unchanged is men's poor control and performance. Girls before marriage are like larks under the spotlight, and ladies after marriage are sparrows trapped in a cage. The world is always like this, even if everything is changing, this will never change."

Jenkins really couldn't refute this point. At least in his opinion, even if the world develops for another two hundred years, Queen Isabella's point of view is probably still correct.

"Then let's continue talking about you. Did you inherit the throne immediately after the death of the previous king?"

This is a story from the previous era, and Jenkins has never asked about it.

"Of course not. At that time, although there were few descendants of the Middleton family, it was not like now that there was only your family. The late king died suddenly of illness. He left a will, but no one could prove that the will was true. Even I can only admit the contents of the will. The late king made a verbal promise, but none of the witnesses who should have existed showed up after the late king passed away. I don't know what happened...

According to convention, most of the private property was left to me. This is what I deserve, and no one would object. You may have heard the rumor that the late king left the throne to me. In fact, the will was written like this. The late king also told me so before he passed away, but only I knew about the verbal promise. Now that I have ruled this country for more than half a century, I can certainly make everyone believe this, but at that time I didn't even dare to say it."

Jenkins understood this very well. In that embarrassing position, no one would believe her.

"So, the throne should belong to the Grand Duke of Sidrol who was still alive at that time."

This Grand Duke had passed away long ago. He was actually a distant cousin of the previous king, that is, he and the previous king had a common great-grandfather, and the blood relationship was similar to Jenkins and Sigrid.

The relationship between this Grand Duke and the previous king was quite bad. Even the original owner half a century later had heard that two descendants of Middleton almost caused a fight between the guards in the opera house.

It is said that the conflict was accumulated from the previous generation and was also related to the throne. These are all court secrets, and only when Jenkins officially moved into Cold Spring Palace will he have the opportunity to learn the truth.

"But before the succession to the throne began, Sidrol also passed away because of a terrible accident..."

"Is it really just an accident?"

Because of this question, Queen Isabella glanced at Jenkins:

"In fact, I am also very curious whether this is an accident. You don't have to doubt me. At that time, I was just the young widow of the previous king. I didn't have the power to assassinate a duke without leaving any traces."

"I didn't doubt you."

He quickly denied that the other party was telling the truth.

"After the Grand Duke passed away, according to the succession law, the heir was Lady Ruth Chadaro, who was second in line to the throne."

"Is she dead too?"

"Of course not, how could two heirs die in a row..."

He paused here, probably thinking of the fact that he had murdered several heirs in a row.

"The Baroness and the Middleton family are distant relatives, and they should not be considered members of the family. She has a bad reputation, and it has been bad for a long time. When people found her and informed her that the throne would fall to her, the woman said that after inheriting the throne, she would make all her relatives members of the House of Lords..."

The old man shook his head and stopped with Jenkins again, watching the young men riding horses in the distance. Although the horses' hooves trampled the grass and did not raise dust, the vibration of the ground could still be barely felt at such a distance.

"That woman was rejected by me. Although I have no right of succession, I still have some say in the succession to the throne. Besides, no one really likes that woman. Even if the nobles with different intentions want a puppet, they should at least find a puppet with a good reputation.

In short, after searching around, there was no suitable candidate. During the vacancy of the throne, all the affairs of the country were handled by me. So people accepted the reality and believed part of the content of the will. According to the will, I will inherit the throne."

She paused, not knowing what she recalled:

"This was quite strange for me at that time. Even though the late king had said that he would leave the throne to me, I was not mentally prepared at all. I didn't even think about it. Except for friends like Madeline, I didn't have any supporters or followers. The first few years were really difficult for me. Everything at home and abroad, and those opponents..."

She was probably lost in her own memories, and her voice gradually became lower without her noticing. Jenkins didn't disturb her, but continued to walk forward beside her.

The sun was covered by the gray fog, and the wind gradually picked up, which really brought some coolness.

"Good afternoon~"

It was a familiar voice again. Jessica Windsor stood not far in front and waved to this side. This must be to Jenkins. She was wearing a beautiful blue dress, and two maids stood behind her, like a noble lady who came for an outing.

With a warm smile on his face, he watched Jenkins approach, and his sweet expression allowed his emotions as thick as honey to be easily revealed.

She quickly walked over to Jenkins and hugged him:

"Knew you'd be here."

"Jessica, why did you change clothes so quickly?"

Queen Isabella woke up from her memories and unexpectedly asked the young girl she was familiar with.

Jessica shook her head:

"I wear this one all the time."

As he spoke, he looked at the two maids behind him. They immediately proved that Jessica had been wearing this beautiful dress and had not changed clothes since she arrived at the racecourse an hour ago.

Jessica looked at Jenkins with her hands behind her back, and stood on tiptoes slightly, showing some reserve and shyness:

"Do you have time tonight? Let's have dinner together?"

"Oh, no, we have to go home and have dinner together. Do you want to come?"


She smiled and nodded, then said:

"Remember to go home early. You are very famous today. Let me see, you are now called 'Fabric Star'."

"I'm only leaving town for three hours, why..."

"People are always keen on this kind of thing, especially when there is a charming lady and a commendable conspiracy. I know this is difficult for you, but now you have finally been recognized by His Majesty, and you have finally got through it. After the most difficult days, things will get better in the future.”

Chapter 1987 Chapter 1958: Missing

As Jessica spoke, she got closer to Jenkins. Under Chocolate's dissatisfied eyes, she helped Jenkins adjust his collar:

"everything will get better."

This convinced Queen Isabella that this was definitely Jenkins' arrangement, otherwise there would be no reason for Jessica to say this.

"I will go home as soon as possible, but there is a press conference around five o'clock."

Jenkins reminded.

"Really? Five o'clock, okay, I remember it."

"Jessica" was supposed to have just told Jenkins the news, but now she acted like she just knew it. Queen Isabella didn't know what Jenkins was up to, so she simply said nothing. Instead, she watched Jessica say goodbye to Jenkins, and then turned to herself:

"You must be careful."

"What are you careful about?"

"Of course if someone who follows the rules decides not to follow the rules, who knows what he will do."

She didn't explain much, but winked at Jenkins and walked in the opposite direction with the maids.

"Aren't you coming with us?"

Jenkins asked.

"I want to meet up with the 'sir' on horseback."

She said with a smile and then separated from the group.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

The old man asked Jenkins dissatisfiedly.

"You'll know in a moment, why not continue our story? As I just mentioned, the first few years were very difficult to maintain."

Queen Isabella was dissatisfied with Jenkins' attitude, but unexpectedly she became more enthusiastic about telling her own story. Jenkins originally planned to put in some effort to persuade her to continue talking, but to his surprise, she didn’t object:

"Yes, it is very difficult. Jenkins, I know you have encountered a lot of troubles, but you must have never encountered a scene where almost everyone is an enemy."

This is right, Jenkins always makes most people his supporters.

"This was the most important feeling in the first few years after I became queen. Even now, when I think of those days, I still feel scared from the bottom of my heart. Fortunately, I did a good job, and I have some supporters since then. This A good virtuous circle has been formed, and I think I am probably a person with some political talent.”

She looked at the vast grassland in front of her, took a deep breath, and let the air enter her lungs directly:

"That's great."

I don’t know whether it’s the past or the scenery here.

"Jenkins, when you stand here with me and look at this country, what do you see?"


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