He said it simply, and then asked:

"What do you see?"

"Leap forward."

Neither of them explained their views, but continued the following story:

"As I become the queen, more and more people begin to accept me and recognize my abilities. Although the daily work is still so arduous, the days are really changing day by day. Okay. It seems that I just lowered my head in front of the desk and raised it again, and I have reached the age of silver hair. "

She smiled and touched her hair:

"It really seemed like it was just a blink of an eye. Before I knew it, my life was over. On my wedding day and the moment I exchanged rings, I definitely didn't expect that I would spend my life like this."

"So how do you feel about this life?"

"Very good, Jenkins, think about it carefully, I am not a descendant of the Middleton family, but I can become the queen. Do I have to complain about the injustice of fate?"

She took a deep breath:

"I have devoted my life to this country, so I hope that someone can continue my path. Can you understand?"

"Of course I understand. If a lifetime of hard work is easily erased by others, no one can bear it. I can understand it, but I can't accept it."

"It's good if you can understand. If you can't understand, I will really feel sad."

They walked on, and Jenkins continued to listen to the story. Of course, he would not be easily moved by these words, but with a curious attitude, he wanted to know the life of a legendary figure like the other party.

"At your age, you will definitely not be able to imagine the thoughts of an old man. When you reach my age, you will definitely miss our conversation walking together in the racecourse that afternoon. I will miss the smell of the grass, I will miss listening to the sound of the horse's hooves together, and I will miss the darkness. Every scene under the sun... for sure.”

She repeated it, then raised her hand and pointed to the mountains in the distance:

"I still remember that when I was 40 years old, I came to Nolan for a visit, and I saw the mountain in almost the same position as now. I have never climbed that mountain, but I know that it is my territory. It felt great and fascinating to know that everything there legally belonged to me. I was probably lost in this feeling for a while in my middle age, when all the domestic opponents had disappeared. Diplomacy with Cheslan and Hampavo was also in a brief period of peace until..."

"The Great Plague Thirty Years Ago."

Jenkins guessed what she wanted to say.

"Yes, the great plague. No one expected it, and I didn't know the more secret reason from the church until last week. Thank you, Jenkins, for helping us get rid of that sword. I also learned about it from thirty years ago Only then did I realize that everything will come to an end. I don’t believe in the god of death, but I really realized this.

It was from that point on that I wanted to raise an heir of my own who could carry on my path as I moved towards my final rest. I'm very lucky, I don't need to deliberately search for or even create an illegitimate daughter. Not long after the Great Plague ended, a new heir appeared in the Windsor family.

I wasn't there when she was born, but the first time I saw her, I knew she was a girl who looked very much like me. "

There may be some problems with this statement, involving the ethical issues of the Windsor family, but Jenkins did not point out that he still wanted to hear the next story.

"It's impossible for the Grand Duke to agree to my training Jessica as an heir. A man who is arbitrary and arbitrary will not let his children do such a thing. So I deliberately approached Jessica and helped her grow up. Continuously deepening the impact.

My methods were gentle because I didn't want her to hate me, and I didn't want her to think of me as an unscrupulous person. At least until you came along, I was very successful. "

"You have indeed succeeded in cultivating Jessica, I admit that. She is a very good lady, knowledgeable, strong, intellectual, elegant, and independent. Although I have opinions on you, I agree with you. Educational policies and methods.”

In particular, Jessica is a principled person, and she still remains principled after experiencing so many things, which is commendable.

Chapter 1988 Chapter 1959 The King of Three Generations

"You agree with my educational approach? Oh, Jenkins, that's probably the highest praise I can get from you.

I once complained that Jessica was not taught things to do with men, so she was deceived by you. But actually, I talked about this with her, and there's one thing you shouldn't say, but I told you. At least until she was eighteen, Jessica was actually more interested in girls. "

"...I won't tell anyone."

It turns out that Miss Windsor’s style in the possible world is not caused by differences in the world at all.

"This is actually normal. Most aristocratic ladies of that age have this tendency to a certain extent. I think this may be related to our education policy and social environment.

In short, although Jessica's last name is Windsor and she lives with her family, she actually spends more time with me than at school. After I made up my mind to train Jessica to be my successor, everything went smoothly.

Watching a baby grow into a beautiful noble girl seems to have happened in the blink of an eye. One moment, the eight-year-old girl was begging me for a teddy bear as a year-end gift. In the blink of an eye, she was already taller than me. "

"So, you treat Jessica as your own daughter."

Jenkins asked, they were still walking and talking.

"No, not a daughter, but a niece."

Queen Isabella shook her head:

"I thought she would get married, and helped her find some young men, but those people were not worthy of her. It is too difficult to find a young gentleman of the same age who is of noble birth, good character, motivated, able to distinguish right from wrong, and kind-hearted.

Sometimes I also wonder, according to my training of her, will Jessica live a lonely life like me. Of course, I don't want her to have a life like mine. It is enough for fate to throw such a life to me. There is no reason for her to do the same. She can inherit my path and even inherit the throne, but I never thought of letting her live a life like me. This is enough... Then she met you."

Jenkins met Miss Windsor in the autumn of last year. There was no fateful encounter, just an encounter in public. Only a year has passed, and Jenkins still remembers the banquet clearly. At the banquet, he met Dimen Beryl, a descendant of the demon summoner family, and after seeing Jessica from a distance, he learned her identity from Britney, the female companion at the banquet at that time.

"So, do you think it is a good thing or a bad thing for Jessica to meet me?"

Jenkins asked. He heard the cat on his shoulder yawning. This cat has the habit of taking a nap, and it will probably take a light sleep on Jenkins' shoulder soon with its amazing balance.

"To her personally, to be fair, of course it's a good thing. Although I have some dissatisfaction with you, you are indeed the best marriage partner I can find for Jessica... It would be even better if she could know you before Michael and the girl from the Hesha family."

"If that's the case, then it means that you think that it's not a good thing for you that Jessica knows me?"

"No, it's even better for me. I know how much resistance and pressure a non-Middleton descendant will encounter in running a country. If she marries you, then she will have legitimacy after becoming queen. And I promised the late king that the throne would definitely be returned to Middleton's hands, which can be regarded as helping me fulfill my promise."

The two continued to move forward and saw a three-story building standing not far away. It was a villa for guests who came to the horse farm to rest. A group of people were walking towards that side.

"In short, although I have encountered countless setbacks in my life, I have solved almost all the difficulties. In my old age, my only hope is that the path I have planned for this country can continue to extend. For this reason, I have spent nearly 20 years to train my successor.

This is why I don't like you, Jenkins. You are a reformer. You will bring different things. You will never continue my path. Even if I know that the changes you bring are correct, I will not allow such a thing to happen."


He nodded.

"When I was young, I succeeded to the throne under pressure from home and abroad. In my middle age, I got everything but understood that everything will end one day. In my old age, I wanted to train a successor, but I met you. God gave me a very wonderful life, and very generously, at the end of my life, let you become my opponent.

Jenkins, you can think that I am a stubborn old fool, but you must know that my story, my persistence, and my beliefs are no less than you, a young man who only lived for 20 years."

Since Jenkins and the original owner are not as old as her, Jenkins did not refute this point.


The corner of his eye glanced behind him:

"What if I use the means of the extraordinary to forcibly obtain the throne? Although you are the queen now, in fact, my cards are far greater than yours. This is an unavoidable fact."

"Yes, you do have a way to do this. I know you will not refuse to do so when the time is right. But so what? I did not lose to you in a fair fight. You won the crown, but even if you are king, you just stole the crown. This may be ridiculous, but if you do this, I can leave the center of the stage and laugh at you in a dark corner, laughing at everything you have done so far. Jenkins, if you want it, then take it from me."

The maids and royal guards behind him seemed to be deaf suddenly, and did not respond to this conversation. The old Duke Douglas Gerold sighed, and his already old face became even more tired.

"Since you say so..."

Jenkins looked up at the villa not far away.

A lady was standing there quietly watching a group of people coming. It was Jessica Windsor, or Miss Windsor, who was wearing an evening dress.

Wearing this outfit in the horse farm is definitely weird, but she stood there, looking down at everyone like a queen. This is an inexplicable temperament. Miss Windsor was not only once a queen, but also indirectly controlled the differential engine, which is equivalent to controlling half of the world.

Her temperament is similar to Miss J and Jessica, but also completely different. She is somewhat similar to Queen Isabella. But the sense of oppression is more pure, which may be because she is younger than Queen Isabella.

"What exactly do you want to do? It's fun to make Jessica change clothes repeatedly, right?"

The old man asked.

"You will know in a while."

Everyone walked into the villa. The servants in the villa were already ready to welcome the group. Jenkins, Miss Windsor, Duke Jerrod and Queen Isabella sat down in the living room together. After the servants prepared tea and snacks, they also They all retreated, leaving only four people talking.

Queen Isabella looked at Miss Windsor's outfit, her eyes flickering and she didn't know what she was thinking of:

"Why are you wearing this here?"

she asked in a somewhat gentle tone.

"Just wanted to dress up nicely, Jenkins. Is there going to be a party tonight? To celebrate what happened today."

"Eat at home tonight."

He told "Jessica Windsor" about it for the second time, and the latter nodded happily:

"Better than I thought."

After speaking, he looked at Queen Isabella:

"You finally figured it out? This is really good. I thought you were an incompetent king. Now that I know I was wrong, it means you are better than I thought."


Queen Isabella felt obviously uncomfortable, not only because of the disrespect in the other person's tone, but also the attitude of her and the second walking Jessica Windsor towards the announcement of the heir. A big difference.

"Where did I go wrong?"

she asked.

"Isn't it obvious? Since you are the king, it is your important responsibility as the king to choose a suitable successor so that the country can develop better, even more important than excellent policies. Obviously, let Jenkins be the king. King, it's like combining his wisdom with my help. This is the ideal combination. I know you always thought that Jenkins had no political experience, but didn't today's speech speak volumes for a smart guy like him? Experience and time are equivalent, he will be able to master everything sooner or later, and...could it be that you had a lot of political experience when you succeeded? "

When Queen Isabella succeeded to the throne, although she had been an assistant to the previous king for a long time, she was not considered to have rich political experience.

"I originally thought that because of your stubborn ideas, you insisted on not choosing him even in the face of the danger of causing the kingdom to fall into turmoil. In doing so, you violated your responsibilities as a queen and violated your obligations to this country when you succeeded to the throne. A sacred oath made.”

"I feel like you're not complimenting me, but blaming me."

"Yes, I'm blaming you."

Miss Windsor is different from Jessica. Like Miss J, she was murdered by her possible queen, Isabella. Even though I know that the person in front of me has nothing to do with this matter, being able to sit here with a calm mind is already very restrained.

"Your life as a queen has not been too stained, but in your old age, you have made such a serious mistake. I am not discriminating against the elderly, but are you really old and confused?"

This was a quite serious accusation. Duke Jerrod coughed awkwardly and reminded Miss Windsor to exercise restraint. Queen Isabella's expression remained unchanged:

"Do you think what I'm doing now is a stain on my status as queen?"

Chapter 1989 Chapter 1960 The Queen’s Panic

“Yeah, I think that’s the stain.

Is it not? Duke Jerrod, swear to God to be honest, please tell me, do you think it is right to choose Jenkins to succeed? "

Of course it is correct. Even people who support Queen Isabella do not deny that Jenkins, as a descendant of Middleton, has almost no shortcomings except for his lack of political experience and his excessive closeness to the church. Compared with other successors, he is the most suitable candidate.

"His Majesty has declared him as his successor."

So the Duke avoided the subject.

"I think he should be king immediately."

Miss Windsor said, Queen Isabella smiled and shook her head and looked at Jenkins:

"After such a long journey, is this why you came to me?"


He took out the lady's pocket watch from the breast pocket of his coat, opened it and took a look at the time:

"Sorry, you probably didn't think I would do anything outrageous, but sometimes people have to make choices."

He knew it was time to leave. He wasted too much time here, so he coughed:

"One last time, are you willing to give up the throne to me now?"

"of course not......"

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted. There were footsteps at the door, and Miss J in hunting attire walked in:

"You'd better think about it."

Queen Isabella and Duke Jerrod were shocked. They looked at the door, and then at Miss Windsor beside them.

"It's all true and it's complicated to explain, but these two are the real Jessica Windsors."

Miss J walked up to Jenkins and put one hand on the shoulder without the cat:

"Sometimes people have to make choices. As a king, you should know that some choices are far more important than the other choices combined. I was also a queen. Yes, there is no doubt that I served as Fidic Queen, I know I’m not good enough.”

"I also served as queen of this country, and to be honest, it was very unhappy. I hated the fact that these were responsibilities that were not mine."

Miss Windsor said.

"Asking for the second time, are you willing to give up the throne to me now?"

Jenkins asked again, and this time Queen Isabella did not object immediately like before:

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