"Have you ever been a queen?"

She looked at the two Windsors, because she had long noticed something abnormal about "Jessica". Except for her heart beating a little fast at this moment, she was not as surprised as the old Duke beside her.

"Yes, in a world you don't know."

The voices of Miss Windsor and Miss J overlapped, creating a wonderful sound effect.

"You always think about yourself, but never consider Jessica's feelings."

Miss J concluded:

"you are selfish."

"No, I..."

"And you are quite unscrupulous. Are you really what you think?"

Miss J asked the question that Jessica was briefly lost in:

"Think about yourself, look deep within yourself. Are you really who you think you are?"

The old man took a deep breath:

"I'm not perfect, I know that, but at least I'm not ashamed of you at all. Since you don't want to succeed, I will let Jenkins succeed, but keep two years to make final preparations. Jessica , doesn’t this mean that I treat you well?”

"Yes, I understand your feelings for me."

The third voice came, Jessica came down from the second floor of the villa.

"This is the Jessica Windsor you know, the Jessica Windsor who has never been queen."

Jenkins introduced.

"Because I understand, I don't want you to do anything wrong."

Jessica stood on the stairs overlooking the people in the living room:

"Let me ask one last question before Jenkins' patience really runs out."

Duke Jerrod saw that things were a little out of control and wanted to get up, but found that he could not move. He couldn't even open his mouth to shout, he could only watch as things continued.

"My question is, why wouldn't you want Jenkins to take over now?"

"He pursues change, and I want to spend two years preserving my political legacy to the greatest extent possible."

Queen Isabella was also a little flustered and considered the possibility of Jenkins taking action, but when it happened, she was really nervous.

"Then it's my turn, and my last question is-"

Miss J asked:

"What do you mean by your political legacy? All the current laws and regulations?"

"No, I just want to make sure that my life will not become worthless after my death."

She asked firmly, the face of the previous king appeared vaguely in front of her eyes, and she thought of the last conversation between the two parties. For the first time, I had some doubts in my heart, whether what I was doing at this moment was right. Just like Miss J's question just now, she began to doubt whether she was the kind of person she thought she was.

"And then it's up to me, my last question -"

Miss Windsor asked last. Jenkins looked at her. No matter what happens next, he will use the priesthood of lies:

"If Jenkins promises that even if he becomes king now, you can still intervene in politics in the next two years, are you willing..."

"What's the meaning?"

"It means that Jenkins doesn't care what you want to do. He is confident that the changes he brings are the future of the world. Therefore, you can do anything within two years, but you must give up the throne."

"Time is up."

Jenkins said he was running out of patience.

Turning to look at Queen Isabella, their eyes made contact, and the sudden feeling of panic almost made her suffocate. She looked at the Jessicas around her like a drowning person, but no one tried to help her.

"I am......"

Jenkins said.

The appearance of the previous king appeared before his eyes again, and all the conversations he had had since this afternoon, his thoughts about his life, and his relationship with Jessica, everything flashed through his mind like a revolving lantern.

"I am the legitimate heir of Fedicli..."

Panic reached its extreme at this moment, and the moment of mental tension made his thinking more active. What would happen next was hallucinated over and over again in her mind, and the sense of panic made her really breathe.

"No, it can't be like this."

She thought to herself as Jenkins finished her sentence:

"So, you have to do it now..."

"Jessica is right."

She suddenly told herself this, looking at Jenkins with her eyes widened, emptying her mind to prevent extreme fear from causing her to tremble unseemly:

"I am definitely not afraid anymore. My path will stretch under my feet. In front of me are the descendants of Middleton. I made a promise to the late king."

Chapter 1990 Chapter 1961 His Majesty William

"So, you have to commit now to..."

Jenkins spoke clearly, and the panic that gradually reached its peak almost made Queen Isabella speechless.

The insistence on the throne and the extension of one's own path are related to one's own ideas, but it is also related to the stubbornness of power. Ideas can be refuted, but stubbornness can only be defeated by fear. She looked at the three Windsors beside her and at Jenkins with an indifferent expression in front of her. Her stubborn persistence was finally shaken by the fear she did not admit:

"Oh, that's enough, that's enough!"

she suddenly shouted, interrupting Jenkins.

Keep your eyes on Jenkins:

"If I ask you to succeed now, can you promise that within two years..."

"If you are willing to let me succeed now, two years from today, except for losing the title of king, everything else will be the same as now, but you must let Jessica learn by your side. To be honest, I am not worried at all You will do anything in two years. In my opinion, the wheel of history will choose the path. If what you insist on is correct, it will naturally be retained. If it is wrong, even if Jessica succeeds, the dross will be preserved. will also be eliminated."

"Are you confident in yours?"

"No, I'm confident in what I remember. So now..."

"I will let Jessica learn everything, and I am also willing to let you be by my side to access all the work of King Cheng, but you must swear..."

"I swear to the sage, within two years, I only want the title and treatment of the king. You can also continue to live in Cold Spring Palace, as long as you arrange a suitable room for our family."

After taking the throne, it would be great to have someone willing to run the country for you, and not paying a pound. In particular, the other party's management of this country is actually quite good. Jenkins didn't care what her path actually was or what she insisted on.

Just like what he said, he firmly believes that the wheels of history will crush everything and will make its own choices.

"Your family is responsible for taking care of me in my old age and handling my funeral affairs."

"Even if you don't say it, Jessica, I mean Jessica on the stairs will do it. That's such a stupid girl. If you don't believe me, don't you believe her mother?"

"I am not being forced to abdicate..."

"Yes, of course you were not coerced by me. You made your own choice knowing what was right. Moreover, you still have all the power in the next two years. Do you need to worry that I will publicize this matter?"

"One last thing, if I were to marry my lover, would you object in the name of the king?"

Jenkins never expected such a request. He paused:

"Of course there will be no objection, but only after two years, after the transfer of power, and not if too many people know, otherwise it will be an international scandal... Can we know who it is?"

Queen Isabella glanced at Duke Gerold, the royal butler in his youth, his political helper in his middle age, his most powerful supporter in his old age, and the man he spent the longest time with in his life.

Although Duke Jerrod could not speak, his face was already flushed.

She became a widow at a young age, how could she live a life of pure and stoic life? The freedom of marriage that she just mentioned to Jessica was not a regret in her life. Once you mentally accept your abdication, you can really think about things that you couldn't even imagine before.

Queen Isabella was inexplicably relieved:

"I will compensate the heirs who were killed by me by contacting the treehouse, do my best to make amends to their families, and sincerely repent. Therefore, after this, you are not allowed to mention this matter again."

"...In the tenth year after your death, I will make this public."

"Twenty years after my death, I know you will survive until then."

"Okay, twenty years. You have to sincerely repent, not superficially."

"Finally, I'm not afraid of you now..."

"Of course I know that. You are quite brave."

Jenkins stood up, but Queen Isabella was still sitting. Instead of looking at Jenkins, she lowered her head and took off the ring in her hand and gave it to him:

"Now, well, end this damn thing, you're the king."

Jessica had originally arranged a press conference at 5pm. When Jenkins appeared with the golden ring that symbolized the king, Queen Isabella announced the news of the transfer of the throne with a calm face. The flashbulbs exploded at that moment. , enough for people to remember for many years.

Even though Queen Isabella and Jenkins have emphasized many times, only the title of king has been transferred, and the transfer of power will take at least two years. But it was true that Isabella only announced Jenkins as the heir at noon and changed her mind about abdicating in the afternoon.

People were curious about the reason why the Queen changed her mind, but because Jenkins and she had already reached an agreement, both said that this was a conclusion reached after careful consideration, and it was not a sudden change of mind in the afternoon.

In short, no matter what, on this afternoon, the title of "Viscount Williamt" officially became a thing of the past, and Jenkins became "His Majesty Williamt". Unless he can make great achievements later, or insists on changing his name, this title will accompany him for a long time.

The press conference only announced this one thing, but it still went from five o'clock to six o'clock. After that, Jenkins failed to go home for dinner as promised. Fidicli officially held a grand dinner. As the new king, even if he was just a mascot-like king for the time being, Jenkins had to attend.

He was the star of the dinner, people from all corners of the physical world expressed heartfelt congratulations to him, and Jenkins heard more foreign languages ​​and native dialects that night than he had in all the previous year.

But he had to stand there because that's what you have to do to be a king. Fortunately, he doesn't have to take over the power yet and doesn't have that kind of burden on him. Otherwise, tonight will definitely not be as simple as just listening to the greetings.

During the entire banquet, he had no contact with anyone from the church. The church also had a tacit understanding and did not come to see Jenkins, but simply sent a representative to congratulate him.

On the contrary, the strange girl who usually attended the banquets and liked to hand him all kinds of weird handkerchiefs or envelopes did not appear this time. After Jenkins boarded the carriage home at nine o'clock in the evening, he heard that Jessica had arranged for people to stop all the young girls who tried to approach Jenkins.

"Don't let them waste your time today. I won't do this next time."

Jessica explained this, and Jenkins shook his head tiredly. He never liked such occasions, let alone being the protagonist.

"I just met your father."

He said to Hathaway and Britney again that besides him, there were these three girls on the carriage now. Julia temporarily went back with Dolores and Alexia. It was said that Dolores had something to tell her.

"They were very happy, but they also urged me to hurry up and get married, as if I would throw away my previous vows if I became king."

He shared the incident in an anecdotal tone.

"Speaking of which, we haven't congratulated you yet."

Bryony covered her mouth with a handkerchief and smiled. She glanced at Hathaway, who was also laughing, and the two of them said in tandem:

"Your Majesty, congratulations..."

"Okay, okay, stop joking. Oh, it's true..."

He scratched his hair hard:

"Being a king is more troublesome than I thought."

"That's because you spent most of the day wandering around the city."

Jessica said.

"I'm not wandering around, I'm wandering with a purpose. I understand now. Miss J and Miss Windsor are right. This is indeed a burden, a big burden."

He raised his head and looked at Jessica:

"From now on, I'll leave it to you three to prepare for the transfer of power by Queen Isabella's side, manage the country, the parliament, and appease the nobles..."

He also sees the power after becoming the king, but he doesn't care about power at all, so the throne is really a burden in his eyes. Power may be sweet, but everyone's definition of "sweet" is different. At least Jenkins doesn't care about this taste.

"No problem, then leave it to us. As long as you don't think that we are actually ignoring you."

"Excuse me? Oh, okay, please excuse me. I wish you could."

Jenkins picked up his cat and put it on his face. Chocolate was careful not to touch Jenkins' skin with his paws to prevent scratching him. It pressed its belly against Jenkins' face in embarrassment, looking like it wanted to come down.

"Then Your Majesty..."

"Hathaway, if you call me that again, I will really get angry."

"Okay then, Jenkins, put your royal kitty down for a moment, where are we going next?"

"We are going to the church now. Alexia, Dolores and Julia will meet us soon. If you feel bored, you can..."

"No, we'll just go to church with you."

Hathaway shook his head:

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