"Is it because of the king's soul you mentioned? Are you so anxious?"

"Yes, the throne doesn't matter, the king's soul is important. I don't want to wait all night. I haven't forgotten what I want to do?"

He hesitated for a moment, and then pretended to be normal and grabbed Jessica's left breast. The latter's face immediately turned red, but he didn't knock off Jenkins' hand:

"I need this."

Bryony was still smiling ambiguously, staring at Jenkins' hand, as if comparing the size. Hathaway was not angry either. She was also looking at Jessica with strange eyes, looking from bottom to top, and then nodded:

"it's actually very good."

Jenkins didn't know what she was judging.

Chapter 1991 Chapter 1962 The Souls of the Four Kings Gather

The Church of the Sage is brightly lit tonight. From the outside, you can see that the entire church seems to be glowing. This is a sight that only appears during Reading Festival, Year-End Festival and special anniversaries.

Jenkins got off the carriage at the door of the church, climbed the steps to the door, and the door opened automatically. People from the Twelve Churches stood neatly on both sides of the red carpet. Everyone was wearing formal clothes that would only be worn for religious ceremonies.

Wearing a black sacrificial vestment, a purple belt around his waist, a sterling silver sage's holy badge hanging around his neck, and a white hat on his head, Bishop Parrod opened his arms and stood in the center of the red carpet to welcome Jenkins:

"Saint William, for the first time in the eighteenth century, the Son became king of the material world."

He walked a few steps quickly and hugged Jenkins who walked in the door. Under the crystal chandelier overhead, everyone applauded together.

Miss Bevanna, standing on one side, reminded:

"Jenkins, since you have done what you promised, and we are ready with Flame and Hammerhead, I think we can start now."

Although the Twelve Orthodox Churches have different interests and demands, they do have the same goal in fighting against the catastrophe at the end of the era. Jenkins once said that he wanted to become a king in order to obtain the Dark Soul and Ice Soul.

Now that he has become the king, the Sage Church has a means of communication. It has borrowed the gift [Thunder God's Wrath] from the Mechanical Church, and the Class B extraordinary flame B-03-1-3832 [Immortal Burning Flame] from the Sun Church. flame】.

The latter is a magical item whose aura appears golden and is sealed in a special crystal. This kind of flame is really completely inextinguishable, and compared with Jenkins' relatively mild fire of grace, this kind of flame is extremely violent. As long as there is a chance to burn, it can ignite an entire city in a short time.

Jenkins planned to complete the transfer of the Dark Soul and Ice Soul at the church tonight, then obtain the Hammerhead and Flame, and visit the church tomorrow as a lie believer to urge the progress of the negotiations, giving the church a chance to trade the Dragon Soul.

There was no problem in the first step. After Alexia arrived with Dolores, Jenkins entered the empty room alone with Dolores and Jessica. He performed the so-called "Oath of Allegiance" according to the procedure used when the tree soul was transferred last time. In order to show his identity as a king, he even wore the huge golden power ring.

With both sides confirming, Jenkins put his hands on the shoulders of Dolores and Jessica respectively. The two women showed symptoms of chest pain at the same time, but they both endured it. Then the cold blue flames first entered Jenkins' body through his arms.

He trembled subconsciously, the illusion of a frozen soul was really terrifying.

On the other hand, probably because there are currently three souls who own the Dark Soul, the transfer process of the Dark Soul is relatively slow.

But the dragon soul, tree soul and ice soul gathered in Jenkins' chest, and the resonance caused by this still made the dark soul restless.

"No, I'm sorry, I feel...bad."

Jessica could barely stand upright because of the pain. Dolores supported her with some worry, and then reminded Jenkins:

"Don't hold your shoulders, touch her chest directly!"

Jenkins immediately reached out and ignored the indescribable touch. Due to the close contact, the Dark Soul finally moved. The black flames, like flowing black streams, entered Jenkins' body from Jessica's chest through the contact of her hands.

This time it was no longer cold, what the soul felt was an indescribable feeling of nausea. But when all the black flames entered Jenkins' body, the nausea disappeared.

He closed his eyes to calm down his restless spirit, and then he discovered that the souls of the four kings were just burning quietly in his body, with no tendency to merge at all.

"Does it still hurt now?"

Green light glowed in his hand and touched Jessica's chest again. She moaned softly with a blush on her face:

"Fortunately, it doesn't matter anymore."

He replied calmly. When he saw Jenkins trying to take his hand away as if he had been shocked, he got the courage from nowhere and grabbed his hand:

"Perhaps you can continue therapy for a while."

She looked up and looked into Jenkins' eyes to show her determination. Jenkins looked at her too and saw the affection in those beautiful eyes.

Dolores blinked, feeling that she seemed redundant here. Suddenly I heard a cat meowing, and out of the corner of my eye I saw Jenkins' cat. The cat understood the princess's mood very well.

The awakened Dragon Soul provides Jenkins with endless vitality and faster spiritual recovery; the awakened Tree Soul brings him closer to nature and strengthens his body's self-healing ability. Of course, due to the existence of the [World Tree Seedling], the effect of the Tree Soul is almost unavailable; the awakened Dark Soul provides Jenkins with "Dark Vision" and stronger mental resistance, but the latter is not as effective as Jenkins' mental resistance at this time, so it is almost useless to Jenkins.

The Ice Soul has not yet awakened, and the effect is not yet visible. But at this moment, the four king souls have truly gathered together, and there is only one last step left to the savior ability [Uncrowned King].

After obtaining the Ice Soul and the Dark Soul, the Mechanicus and the Sun Church also showed the hammer and the flame. But because of the special nature of the gift and the flame, these two items could not be taken away by Jenkins, but were temporarily stored in the Evergreen Forest, and Jenkins could use them at any time.

This was the end of a long day. Alexia took Dolores back to the mansion where King Salhi II was staying, and Julia followed Jenkins, Hathaway and Britney home.

Jessica was supposed to return to the Windsor family's house, but she followed the group back to St. George's Street.

She had arranged tomorrow's schedule for Jenkins. Now that he had become the king of Fidictli, he could not use his time as he did before. Tomorrow he needed to attend the three kings' meeting in the morning. He could skip it in the afternoon, but he had to attend the cocktail party in the evening, where Jenkins' supporters would be present.

In addition, although it was not necessary, the royal guards would also be arranged to be with Jenkins. Queen Isabella had found two etiquette teachers for Jenkins, and arranged a set of servants, including but not limited to servants responsible for travel, food, clothing, etc., to complete the connection with Julia in the next few days.

He had to be cautious in his words and deeds, and consider the consequences of being recognized when he went out alone. With the title of king, everything would be different from before.

It is still a transition period, and the official coronation ceremony is scheduled to be held in Beldiran next month. Now is a relatively relaxed transition period, during which Jenkins has to learn a lot of things and participate in various activities. After the official coronation, there will be less freedom.

But Jenkins believes that the coronation will definitely be after the final decisive battle. After all, he doesn't think the difference engine has the patience to wait for a month.

Chapter 1992 Chapter 1963 The Return of the Fortune Teller

"Her Majesty said that you have to go to her tomorrow night to discuss the preservation of the crown and some seals before the coronation. At the same time, you have to consider when to go to Beldiran with her. Yes, you must live in Beldiran permanently, not just temporarily traveling because of the coronation ceremony. Jenkins, I know your feelings for Nolan, but everything is different."

Jessica said.

Even Queen Isabella wanted the Jenkins family to move out of their current home immediately. It was too small, not in line with the status of the king, and it was not convenient for servants to enter. The royal family has a lot of real estate in Nolan, and it is easy to find a manor that matches the king's status.

This request is reasonable, but Jenkins refused.

He agreed to go to Beldiran after all the things in Nolan were finished, but now is not a good time to move. The decisive battle is coming, and he has no extra time to arrange a safe house for his family.

When he went out early in the morning, he was just Viscount William, and when he got home, he had become His Majesty William. The evening paper has announced the news of the transfer of the crown of Fidictelli. Before tomorrow morning, this news will spread all over the world tonight.

Jenkins still felt a little unreal when he got home. When he opened the fence door with the key, he talked about this feeling with Hathaway, but Hathaway thought he was not prepared at all.

"When you are wearing the king's dress and sitting on the throne to receive guests from various countries in the Cold Spring Palace in Beldiran in a few months, he will probably feel the reality."

"Don't do this, leave these things to Queen Isabella."

Then he thought about whether it was a good thing for him to get the crown. When she finished thinking, she had already come to the living room. She turned her head and looked at Jessica who had just walked from the hallway, and said the conclusion of her thinking:

"I know this is shirking responsibility, but in the future, political matters will depend on you more."

"I know you have other things to pay attention to."

Jessica said, and then went out to the neighbors. She wanted to say hello to Miss Magic and Miss Silver Flute.

After the sound of the door closing, Hathaway and Britney, who should have gone upstairs to wash up and prepare for a rest, came down from upstairs as if waiting for Jessica to leave:

"Your Majesty William."

The red-haired girl walked down the steps briskly, while teasing playfully.

"I said, don't call me that...Okay, since you said that, what's the matter, my queen?"

Jenkins responded, causing the two ladies to laugh. Chocolate cried out in dissatisfaction, so Jenkins sat on the sofa and picked up his "royal cat" and put it on his lap.

"Congratulations, you finally became the king, how does it feel?"

Hathaway asked.

"I just got the crown a few hours ago, how could I have any feelings...Is it wrong for me to push most of the troubles onto Jessica?"

"You also know it's wrong~"

Bryony sat on the right side of Jenkins:

"So be nice to her."

"Of course."

"Fortunately, you delayed the transfer of power, otherwise it would have been an even bigger headache now."

Hathaway said, she did not sit down, but glanced in the direction of the kitchen to confirm that Julia was preparing tea and would not be out for a short time:

"I bet all the young girls have thought about being able to climb into the bed of a handsome young king as their wives. I really didn't expect that we could actually become queens. Look, we haven't even finished school yet. graduation process.”

She bent down and kissed Jenkins on the forehead.

“It’s not easy to satisfy a ‘wife’, ‘young’, ‘handsome’ and ‘king’ at the same time.”

Britney also said with a smile, then glanced at Hathaway, and said softly, her voice was really soft:

"Well, in order to celebrate today, why not..."

The pad of her right index finger traced across the back of Jenkins' hand. Jenkins blinked and looked at the blonde girl's reddish face, feeling that he might be suffering from an irregular heartbeat.


Hathaway immediately shook her head.

"This was your proposal, Hathaway, in the lecture hall, when you held me in your arms and said..."

"Oh, Bunnie, please stop talking. It must be Jessica today, I think you should understand without having to explain."

Brienne nodded unhappily.

Hathaway said to Jenkins again:

"Are you disappointed? Sorry."

"What are you talking about, Hathaway, how could you be disappointed?"

Seeing his serious look, Hathaway smiled and stretched out her hand, and gently traced Jenkins' face with her fingertips:

"Well little boy, we still have a lot of time in the future. If you want to try other things... exciting and interesting things, we still have many opportunities. You can make some requests, I think, we are I won’t object.”

Jenkins tried not to show a strange expression. Julia happened to come out of the kitchen, and Hathaway asked:

"Julia, tell me, should Jessica and Jenkins be together tonight?"

This question is bold, but Julia has long considered herself a member of the family, so she also has her own opinions:

"Yes, even though Jenkins and Miss Windsor already have a marriage contract, in order to ensure the absolute reliability of Miss Windsor who helps Jenkins deal with the king's rights, it is necessary to consolidate the relationship closer."

The maid lady said with an unchanging expression, faithfully playing her role.

"You see, Julia said the same thing... Come to think of it..."

She looked at the maid at home with a dangerous look, while Britney just covered her mouth and smiled. Jenkins was a little embarrassed. His hand was caressing the cat on his lap unconsciously. The chocolate was really small, soft, and warm.

"Speaking of which, Julia, you have to be prepared, this man will not let you go."

Faced with such "slander", Jenkins straightened his neck and wanted to object, but after briefly looking at Hathaway, he knew that he would not lie to her:

"I know it's my fault..."

"Look, he's here again."

Bryony complained to Hathaway and Julia with a smile.

Most of the time, there is no difference between day and night for Jenkins. Although he still has a biological clock of acting during the day and resting at night, he probably feels more energetic at night because he has been with chocolate for too long.

This was also the reason why he never tired of working at night.

On this Sunday night, Jenkins rarely had some thoughts and speculations about the night. As usual, he returned to his bedroom to rest after washing.

As soon as she lay down, the door to the room was opened by the girl in the corridor. Then Jessica slipped in through the crack of the door in her pajamas, and then quickly closed the door.

Jenkins blinked her eyes and clearly saw that Miss J and Miss Windsor were not with her at this moment. Thinking about it, when I went to Miss Yindi's house next door just now, I must have had the idea of ​​temporarily arranging the other two Windsors elsewhere.

The girl with blond hair stood at the door with a blushing face and looked at Jenkins. The blurry light of the double moon cast her shadow on the opposite wall, leaving an image like a girl holding a flower in an oil painting.

Jenkins was half sitting on the bed and looking at her, while Chocolate looked at the two of them. It licked its paws and its sensitive sense of smell captured the complex smell in the air.


Sometimes Chocolate does miss those days when there were no visitors in the bedroom, but now that Jenkins is happy, he won't object anymore. In Chocolate's eyes, although Jenkins was indeed too much, he was Jenkins after all, the silly man who accompanied him when he was born.

Farewell for a moment to the sweet and heated bedrooms of St. George's Street, at the other end of the city, six or seven ecclesiastical carriages were parked outside Nolan Station. The benefactors of the Orthodox Church, including Miss Audrey, are waiting at the station for the people who are about to arrive.

This is a new force sent to Nolan by various churches. Although the number is not as large as the previous two batches, it is still the backbone of the church.

Miss Audrey ignored the people who were walking out of the exit one after another until she saw a woman wearing a light yellow straw hat and a black women's coat coming out, then she hurriedly greeted her:


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