She took the burgundy suitcase from Miss Bronyance. The suitcase was much heavier than it looked, and the contents inside were obviously not simple.

"Didn't Jenkins come?"

The two tall ladies walked out side by side, but did not leave with the others. Instead, they boarded another carriage alone and headed towards the city center.

"No, as you requested, I did not tell Jenkins the specific time of the train's arrival. I just said that you would arrive on the weekend. Teacher, have you seen the news? Jenkins has ascended to the throne."

After getting on the bus, Miss Audrey put her suitcase on the side of the seat and asked impatiently.

"You can't see the news on the train, but I got the news from other sources. Very good, Audrey, my student, very good."

The long journey made the ninth-level soothsayer a little tired, but she still looked very motivated. The woman reached out and unbuttoned the collar of the white women's shirt underneath the coat, slightly exposing her collarbone. Miss Audrey raised her eyebrows but said nothing.

"Now that he has ascended the throne, I think [The Uncrowned King] will probably be fine."

Miss Audrey said.

"No, ascending the throne to obtain all the king souls is just the first step. After that, there are still very troublesome things for him to deal with."

"Are you talking about the fusion of the king's soul? I have heard from the Sage Church that Jenkins received inspiration from the star spirits and obtained the method of fusing the king's soul."

Because he was not in a hurry, the carriage did not run along the avenue in the quiet city, but moved forward at a normal speed. The wheels ran over the rocks, causing the car to shake slightly. The sound of wheels swayed rhythmically in the midnight wind. At least this night was a peaceful night.

Chapter 1993 Chapter 1964 The Heir of Knowledge

With the shaking of the carriage, Miss Bronyance shook her head:

"Star Spirit? Yes, Star Spirit can indeed provide a way to forge the souls of the Four Kings. But the qualifications to be a savior belong to those who are already qualified, so he still has to be [uncrowned]."

"What does it mean?"

Miss Audrey asked.

"The Protoss definitely didn't tell Jenkins, so I can't tell Jenkins. But he will know, after all, it's the end... That card of All Things Impermanent -"

"In my case, I lent it to Jenkins once, but he didn't use it."

As he spoke, he took out the [World] card from his pocket, but Miss Bronyance just checked it and handed the card back:

"Didn't anything happen when he touched this card?"

asked the ninth-level fortune teller.


Miss Audrey nodded seriously, and then recalled:

"But his cat seemed to take a look at the card."

"Don't explore Jenkins' cat."

Miss Bronyance shook her head:

"I saw a lot of things in my short death. There are some things you'd better never know. In short, this matter has nothing to do with the cat, and you don't care about the cat... [The world] is yours for the time being. Save it and give it to Jenkins again when the time is right. After all, you are the guide on his destiny."

"Teacher, is this card really found from the pages of [Epic of Time]?"

Miss Audrey couldn't help but ask:

"Jenkins can accept that, but I really doubt it, after all, that book..."

"That book cannot be opened at all. Only the cover of that book is real. The person who can open the book must have been connected to destiny, so he can see the content in the non-existent pages.

Therefore, according to this logic, the first person who saw this card sliding out of the page must have opened the page and was recognized by the epic of time. Therefore, there is a high probability that he is the person chosen by this card. "

Miss Bronyance finished this sentence for her, and then looked at her students with a smile:

"Yes, your feeling is not wrong. This is not slipped out of the [Epic of Time] at all."

"Where did that come from?"

"It was originally in our church."

"Sorry, what do you mean?"

The more Miss Audrey listened, the more confused she became.

"This is the beginning of this era. The exact date is December 31, Year 1 of the Universal Calendar of the Eighteenth Century, which is the end of the first year of this era. Our Lord [The Hermit of Destiny] gave it to us. Let us keep it for you and deliver it to the savior at the end of the age.”


"Oh, Audrey, I just praised you, are you going to be confused? Think carefully about why."

Seeing her teacher giving the test, Miss Audrey immediately sat up straight:

"Is it because, at the end of the Era, the gods cannot interfere in the material world?"

"Yes, since you can't intervene at the end of the era, then you should intervene at the beginning of the era."

There is nothing wrong with this logic, but Miss Audrey sees a big problem:

"There is something wrong with this. The reason why the gods do not participate in the changes in the material world at the end of the era is because the gods know that this is a necessary process. Therefore, the rule that you cannot interfere is not a rule in itself, but a rule tacitly understood and recognized by the gods. Regardless. Is it the end of the era or the beginning of the era, as long as you intervene, you will break the tacit understanding of the gods to maintain the stable cycle of the material world, which is equivalent to violating your own wishes. How is this possible? "

"Because this card does not represent help to the savior. Yes, this is not help. There are some things that the church cannot tell you even if you have become an eighth-level demigod. But if you really want to You know, I can give you some tips."

"Okay, teacher, what does this card that represents [the world] and all things impermanent really mean?"

"Represents the deal between my lord and the sage."

Now Miss Audrey didn't understand even more, this matter actually involved the Sage.

"You should know that the original Sage Church was established with the help of us destiny believers."

"Yes, that was a story a long time ago. It was our first friendship with the sage followers."

Dad also mentioned this to Jenkins the night the [Loop] ability appeared.

Miss Bronyance considered her words:

"You may not think that sages...are qualified to...control their destiny."

Miss Audrey's eyes widened. This was an absolute blasphemy. She once thought that her teacher was crazy:

"Do you know what you're talking about?"

"Yes, of course I know. Neither you nor I know much about gods, but if Jenkins were here, he would definitely be able to hear the meaning."

In other words, before a sage becomes a true god, he is actually qualified to take over the position of the God of Destiny.

Miss Bronyance sighed, and the back of her right index finger traced her student's cheeks that had turned white due to fear:

"Don't think about it, just listen to my story. In short, the sage is qualified, but it didn't do this, but... opened up its own path. Because of this matter, in the ancient era, My Lord has a special fateful involvement with the God of Knowledge. In order to repay this involvement, My Lord promised the sage that he would hand over this card representing the [World] in the eighteenth century. Used by the Savior.”

This passage was so unbelievable that Miss Audrey didn’t want to believe it, and she didn’t even want to think about it anymore:

"How did you know such detailed information?"

"My Lord told me when I got this card from the Holy See last month."

Miss Audrey sat upright:

"Did you see..."

"Yes, I mainly make sure this card is obtained by the right person."

"Oh, it's such a great honor."

She was truly honored for her teacher, and then concluded:

"In other words, it's not my lord who wants to interfere in the end of the era, but the sage who wants to interfere?"

"No, oh, Audrey, have you forgotten what I said? The gods recognize the rules of not interfering with the end of the era, and the great ones will never interfere.

In fact, the sage just wants to cultivate a mortal. Audrey, my lord has revealed very little about the thoughts of that alien god. My lord just wants to make sure that I find the right person. To put it simply, the God of Knowledge had a premonition that a special mortal would appear, so through the hand of fate, he sent this card to her hands to help her complete the sublimation of the mortal.

To exaggerate, the sage found an heir to his knowledge. "

PS: There was no typo in the end, it was indeed "she".

The conversation between the soothsayers is not over, it is not what you think, so don’t think about it. If you don’t read the next chapter, you won’t understand the author’s true intention in describing “her”.

Chapter 1994 Chapter 1965 The original savior

"Sages want to cultivate mortals? Oh, I've only heard of this kind of thing from ancient myths. Is this... I really can't imagine that Alexia and I have worked hard for this goal for so long, I managed to find my way through luck, she through talent, but the lucky guy who was chosen by the sage didn't even see the door... sorry, did you mean 'she'? Are you sure you didn't use the wrong pronoun?"

Miss Audrey thought she was talking about Jenkins, but then she realized that the other person was addressing a woman, and the surprise on her face turned into confusion:

"Isn't it Jenkins? We already know now that Jenkins is the savior. Isn't it him?"

"He was not the intended savior."

Miss Bronyance was still considering her words.

Miss Audrey blinked. This was the first time tonight that she couldn't understand the conversation at all:

"Teacher, how much do you know when you return to the Holy See this time?"

"A lot, after all, the church has almost decided that I will be the next caretaker of [Epic of Time], plus my Lord intends to let me know something. Do you understand, Jenkins is not the original savior."

"No, I don't understand. What does the original plan mean? Is the candidate for the savior chosen by God?"

Miss Audrey frowned:

"I originally thought that the appearance of the savior was just like a natural phenomenon. It might be possible to tell from past signs, but no one can say it completely accurately. It is determined by fate."

"God will not choose a savior, Audrey, I emphasize again, God will not interfere at the end of the era. You can understand this as the sage 'seeing' that in our time, there will be a great An interesting human being. This interesting human being was spotted by the sage. The Great One believed that there would be no human being more powerful than her at the end of the era, so he believed that she would definitely save the world.”

It took Miss Audrey some time to understand this sentence:

"I almost understand...a very special person, so special that even a sage with the title of omniscience thinks she will definitely save the world."

"My Lord told me that the sage's view was correct, but something that had never happened since the birth of the world changed the original destiny path. The things involved are very complicated, and even I don't understand what it is. What does it mean? So don't think about it, it's meaningless. It only affects the gods, and mortals can't feel it.

In short, my Lord told me that the original savior, that is, the lucky one favored by the sage, will end up with no savior ability after the savior who has gathered all the sins of the era fails (note) As the savior's identity, he embarked on the road to save the eighteenth century. "

"What does 'gathering all the sins of the era' mean? Also, can a savior not have the ability to be a savior?"

Miss Audrey once thought that tonight she was once again the little apprentice who didn't understand anything.

"Audrey, my student, your thinking is a bit too narrow. If you think about it carefully, the owner of the savior's ability should meet the requirements of the savior's ability, rather than deliberately catering to the requirements. And the reason why the savior is She is a savior because she really saved everything, not because she passed the competition for savior candidate status.”

Miss Bronyance explained, and Miss Audrey nodded in understanding:

"So what now? Something happened that made the sage change the ownership of this card?"

"Yes, the one who was originally chosen was [a man of learning], [a man of wisdom], [a man who did not believe in God], [who would be an omniscient and almighty man]; but now there is a better choice, The current candidates are [The Unexpected Person] [The Person in the Eyes of Disaster] [The Person Hiding in the Shadows] [The Immortal Person]. This is the information I have received, and I am the only one who knows these specific descriptions of the savior. , knowing that the chosen one has changed.

The church only knows that our Lord has only asked us to give this card to the Savior from beginning to end, so they actually know nothing. "

"Jenkins is now the savior?"

Audrey didn't think about what the teacher just said at all. The information made her head swollen. She shouldn't know this, even if the original "lucky person", the person chosen by the sage, sounded a bit like her. friend.

She abandoned the information that had nothing to do with her, and was just happy with the facts in front of her:

"Sage thinks Jenkins is the savior?"

She smiled, which infected Miss Bronyance, and she smiled too:

"Don't be so sure, but in short, it will definitely be Jenkins who reaches the end on the road of savior, but whether he can succeed or not depends on himself. Don't tell him in our conversation tonight, the great ones don't want him Thinking too much about things that have nothing to do with saving the world. Speaking of which, all nine savior emblems are about to appear..."

"Wait a minute, about [the unknown road ahead]..."

Miss Audrey hesitated and Miss Bronyance nodded:

"During the time spent with Jenkins, you probably also felt his indissoluble bond with fate and his strange fate. Maybe it's time to tell him."

"Then I'll write now."

As he spoke, he rummaged through his bag for paper and pen.

"Audrey, don't be so impatient."

The fortune teller stopped her:

"It's not the time yet. We'll wait until the [Uncrowned King] is truly under his control."

"Why? Wouldn't it be better to prepare him mentally in advance and know that [The Uncrowned King] is the last savior emblem?"

Miss Audrey asked doubtfully.

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