"Because everything starts with fate, everything must end with fate. You will understand."

Miss Audrey nodded and didn't ask any more questions. But she still had doubts about the teacher's decision, so she planned to hint at Jenkins. If he could understand, he should know it now.

"But, Alexia..."

She thought of her friend, and her hand subconsciously clenched the card of the world:

"Because of Jenkins's appearance, she lost..."

The fortune teller didn't know that she lost and gained more.

The carriage carried the two fortune tellers directly to the block where the metal black tower was located. It was blocked by the church and no carriage was allowed to enter. Therefore, after the fortune tellers verified their identities at the intersection, they walked into the block and soon reached the black tower under the civic square.

All churches are very welcome to the arrival of the ninth-level fortune teller. Miss Bronion briefly learned about the current research progress of the black tower and decided to organize a large-scale ceremony in the next few days to spy on the contents of the tower.

This is quite dangerous, even for a ninth-level fortune teller, so the churches need help. The Orthodox Church expressed its support for the cooperation. After all, the end of the world is coming soon. At this time, it is probably the most harmonious time for the church in an entire era.

Jenkins learned that Miss Bronion had returned to Nolan the next day, that is, Monday afternoon. At that time, he talked about the king's soul with Miss Befanna in the church, and then complained that life seemed to become more tense after becoming the king. He couldn't even walk around the street openly.

As the two were talking, Miss Audrey knocked on the door and entered the office to discuss the large-scale ceremony of Miss Bronion with Miss Befanna.

"When did Miss Bronion come back? Why didn't you tell me? I was going to greet her."

While Miss Befanna went to the Gate of All Things to get something, Jenkins sat on the sofa in the office and asked his teacher.

"I came back last night. You were so tired yesterday, I thought it was better to take a rest, so I didn't tell you, and the teacher doesn't care about these etiquettes... I just visited Dad, and he told me that something happened at your home this morning?"

"Home? Something? Nothing?"

Jenkins said while stroking the cat. Chocolate curled up on Jenkins' legs, shaking with every touch of Jenkins.

"Dad told me this morning that you showed up at the antique shop very early today, and it seems that you didn't have breakfast at home, but had breakfast with him? How come you were finally driven out by the ladies at home?"

This sounded like Dad's ridicule. Jenkins didn't expect Dad to talk nonsense about his affairs, so his unnatural eyes wandered for a moment:

"Actually, it's nothing."

It's really nothing. Specifically, although Miss J and Miss Windsor can use Jessica's body for a long time if allowed, they don't rely on Jenkins's body to act alone for a long time, and Jessica was still in Jenkins' bedroom until this morning. Jenkins didn't think of this detail last night. When he opened his eyes this morning, he immediately thought of many unreasonable things last night, such as the change in the way of speaking.

He didn't expect that he would do such a thing. Although Jessica didn't say anything after waking up, Jenkins always felt that everyone at home was looking at him with strange eyes. Under the huge pressure he created for himself, he hurriedly "escaped" from the house after washing up, intending to go back after his emotions cooled down at night, so that he would probably not be regarded as a "bad guy" by the girls at home.

Of course, there is no need to explain these things to others, which will hurt Jenkins' image, and this is a private matter.

Miss Audrey saw that he smiled awkwardly but didn't explain, and didn't ask more:

"The teacher said that she will also be there on the day you forge the king soul."

PS: The author has never said that the original owner Jenkins can really save the world after becoming a savior.

In addition: Some people may ask, since saving the world does not necessarily mean a savior candidate with an identity, then what is the significance of the appearance of a savior candidate. This is actually very simple. The appearance of savior candidates is only one way to save the world, but not all ways.

If only savior candidates can save the world, and the safety of oneself, family and friends is entrusted to a few unknown people, then isn't it too unfair to the rest of the world?

As long as they have the ability, the fearless spirit and the extraordinary courage, everyone can be a savior, but their chances of success are smaller than those of savior candidates. So there has never been such a precedent in the first seventeen eras.

There will be an extra chapter of "About Alexia" in the evening, a free chapter, about 984 words, to discuss things about Alexia, no spoilers, no impact on the story, you can choose not to read it. It does not affect the original update.

Chapter 1995 Chapter 1966 Visit to the Church

"Okay, it just so happens that I also have something to ask Miss Bronion. By the way, has she been under the black tower in recent days?"

Jenkins asked.

"Yes, the teacher should concentrate on preparing for the divination of the tower. She believes that understanding the internal structure of each layer is very important to help you win the final victory over the difference machine."

"I may not be able to defeat the believers of lies~"

He argued, and wanted to warn them that the tower was very dangerous and they had to be fully prepared before divination. But Miss Befanna happened to come back at this time, and the topic was temporarily terminated.

In the afternoon, I talked with Miss Befanna about the king's soul in the church, and went to the cocktail party in the evening. Jenkins' followers wanted to celebrate their victory. Those nobles who wanted to get to know the new king also had to rely on this opportunity to at least let Jenkins know who they were.

Fortunately, Jessica was there. Although she was not feeling well, she still had two bodies, so Jessica and others could help Jenkins deal with many things. If he relied on himself, Jenkins might really have to consider abdicating quickly after getting the [Uncrowned King].

The banquet lasted until 10 o'clock in the evening. This time, Jenkins was the host of the banquet. He could not leave first. He had to stay until all the guests left and all those who wanted to talk to him after the banquet left before he could leave.

Therefore, when Jenkins came to the Sage Church in a black robe, it was almost midnight. He took his white cat and climbed the steps of the main entrance. There were guards at the door of the church tonight. After seeing him from a distance, one of them ran into the church. When Jenkins arrived at the door, Miss Befanna had already come out to greet him.

The Sage Church estimated that the believers of lies would visit in the near future and had already prepared for another night talk. The last time he came, he asked to prepare for the final negotiations as soon as possible and stated that he might come to the Sage Church to inform the news next time.

So after other churches got the news from the Sage Church, they also arranged representatives to wait in the Sage Church, so more people talked to Jenkins this time.

"Why not go to Evergreen Forest?"

The people of the Mechanical Church raised this question again.

"Because it's too far, do you think we don't live in the city?"

Jenkins also gave a different answer from last time.

He first asked about the arrangements for the final negotiations. The church had no problems. The joint meeting of the twelve churches had basically formulated policies and guidelines for the next period of time. Unlike the three kingdoms, which have completely different interests, the contradictions of the church can be reconciled.

As for the three kingdoms, Queen Isabella agreed to participate in the final negotiations. The church is gradually letting her understand what will happen in the material world. Salhi II is still communicating. Although the old king is very open-minded, he cannot give an immediate response to such an important decision.

There are still some problems on the Cheslan side. The believers of lies require national representatives to participate in the negotiations. The second prince who is now stationed in Nolan, although he has the will of Tarquin the Proud and is the legal heir, he does not have any rights and is still waiting for the other two countries to help restore the country.

The church understands that the believers of lies mean to integrate all the power of mankind, so it also hopes that the one who will eventually sit at the negotiating table can be the real king with real power.

In order to achieve this goal, the church has explained the situation to Salshi II and Queen Isabella, and plans to take advantage of the spread of the fire in the south and the curse of the mechanized corpse to let the Northern Kingdom and Fidicteli immediately send troops to attack Turin, the capital of Cheslan.

With the cooperation of the church and the chaos in Cheslan, it may take a long time to quell the rebellion, but it may only take a few days for the second prince of the Aresio family to take control of the administrative power of Cheslan.

Especially now that the spatial specificity area near Nolan can be directly connected to Turin in Cheslan.

The location of the final negotiation in preparation has not yet been selected, but this time the representatives of the twelve churches gave a precise estimated time point, which is Friday of this week.

It is now Monday night, and the midnight bell will ring in a few minutes, which shows that the church is confident that the matter of the Cheslan representative will be resolved as soon as possible. Now that the Tower Agreement has expired, if the twelve churches really decide to unite and do something, the mortal kingdom will not be able to stop them.

At the same time, the church also hinted that it wanted to take over this negotiation and catch all the cultists entrenched in Nolan. But this matter has nothing to do with the believers of lies. Jenkins can get the details by asking the church with his identity, so he didn't ask more.

The believers of lies claimed that the purpose of coming here tonight was to obtain information related to the negotiations. But the church intends to take this opportunity to trade the one representing the dragon among the four kings.

Therefore, when Jenkins claimed to leave with the cat and come back to ask about the progress in two days, Miss Bevanna, the owner of the church, stopped him:

"Actually, there is one more thing I need to discuss with you."

"What else? Is it related to Jenkins Williamette?"

Seeing that he guessed it at once, Miss Bevanna was also happy that she didn't need to explain more:

"Yes, it's related to Jenkins. Now the four..."

"No need to explain, since he has the ability to expose Miss Fabry's scam, we will not hate him for it. We appreciate such smart people. If there is a chance, I would also like to talk to this young and promising king. Talk. Please rest assured that this will not affect our cooperation, and we will not retaliate against the new king. Believers of lies are not vengeful people.”

He waved his hands and said, then stood up again:

"I left when I had nothing to do. It was so late and my cat was sleepy."

With that said, White Cat Vanilla yawned very cooperatively.

"No, it's not about Miss Fabry. It's about Wang Hun."

"King Soul?"

He held the table with one hand but did not sit down again:

"Let me guess."

He smiled and looked at the people at the table. Under the lamp, they were trying their best to avoid looking at him:

"Have you found other king souls? Wait, oh, I probably understand, that's it."

"What do you understand?"

Miss Bevanna asked.

"This is not important, but I think you want the Dragon Soul?"

The scene was quiet for a while. Other churches had little to do with this matter, so they didn't speak. Miss Bevanna nodded despite the pressure. She knows that if she does this, she will definitely be laughed at or blackmailed by the believers of lies, but this is also a last resort. The Holy See has sent an order to get the Dragon Soul over at all costs.

Chapter 1996 About Alexia


By now, a future without outsiders is almost clear.

In the spirit of no spoilers, let’s briefly summarize:

The outsiders did not arrive, so just like all previous eras, nine saviors emerged to compete for the identity of the savior, including Hathaway, Jessica, Mr. Hood, and many outsiders. and familiar people. But the winner of the battle was the original owner Jenkins who chose to bear the sin and also used mechanical power.

Of course, although he won the battle for the identity of the savior, he still failed to save the world, just like the losers in the past (such as the savior buried by Jenkins in the chapter "Madmen and Fools"). Just like the prophecy on the parchment in the first volume of this article, the original owner became a beast of disaster, raging at the end of the era. Then Alexia, the only mortal in this era who has reached the status of god on her own, will defeat the beast of disaster and truly prevent the end of the world.

Yes, Alexia is the one who saves the original world.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, you have atheism (do not believe in any other gods), thirst for knowledge (share the same pursuit with sages), extraordinary talent (possibly become a god on your own), and have been studying the difference engine many years ago. (Has the deepest understanding of the beast of disaster), isn’t this the standard for a savior to become a god in this century?

I'm surprised that no one noticed it. The author thought it was obvious.


Someone mentioned earlier that Hathaway might be the one who originally saved the world, because she is liked by many people like Jenkins now. But there is a difference between Hathaway and Jenkins and Alexia. She is always human and has never shown the same "divineness" as Jenkins and Alexia.

To put it simply, she is not detached from the world like outsiders and mathematicians. Jenkins is detached because he doesn't belong here, so he doesn't care, while Alexia is just pursuing mathematics due to her own reasons.

The gods of this world are not the kind of personal gods in the traditional Western pantheon. They are not the kind of gods who are too involved with mortals, covet the pleasures of mortals, and appear to be just powerful mortals.

So, Hathaway and Alexa are different than Jenkins.


Did Alexia lose a lot with the arrival of outsiders? No, there is a world without outsiders. She eventually became a god by saving the world, taking over the position of the sage and becoming the new god of knowledge. The price paid to save the world, the loneliness of always being alone, and the various hardships endured for the goal are all part of the process.

In the world where outsiders come, she is no longer alone and has a lover that she is quite satisfied with. She doesn’t have to pay the price to save the world, and she doesn’t have to experience all kinds of hardships and obstacles. Moreover, she has gained knowledge from another world, which is better than "the outsiders didn't come". "The road is now wider. Even, at the end of the story, she (no spoilers).

Therefore, the arrival of Jenkins is a good thing for everyone, including the original owner Jenkins, including Alexia, and everyone.

There is no charge for 984 words.

Ask for votes, ask for everything.

Chapter 1997 Chapter 1967 [Contact with the Moon-Swallowing Civet]

"You have probably obtained the other three king souls, otherwise you would not be able to make the request now. You are moving really fast. Well, I admit that the Sage Church is superior in the fight for the [Uncrowned King], and I can also represent the others. People, agree to trade with you.”

The lie believer was surprisingly easy to talk to, and Miss Bevanna was already prepared to have a tough time with him.

"You have already thought about it...forget it, it's not important. So what do you want?"

Miss Bevanna asked.

Jenkins wanted nothing. In theory, he could now use all the knowledge and items in the Sage Church at his will. Of course he could make demands to other churches, but in this case, it would be equivalent to the Sage Church owing a huge favor to other churches for the Dragon Soul.

Jenkins didn’t want to cause such a big problem just to “give his stuff to himself.”

"what do you want......"

He thought for a moment:

"Williamt withdraws from the race to be the savior."

"This is impossible."

"Okay, let's change the request... These people will go out first, and I will only talk to the people from the Sage Church."

So only Mr. Gilbert and Miss Bevanna were left, and Jenkins also made a rather concise request:

"When I came here last time, I met Mr. Oliver. After we went back, we investigated the old man carefully and found some very interesting things. The condition of the transaction was the key, exchanging the key for the Dragon Soul. Only this Required, no other conditions will be accepted.”

"What key did you say?"

Mr. Gilbert asked.

"Are you still pretending to be stupid? This makes no sense."

Jenkins sat down again, holding onto the table.

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