"At least we know that before the next event like this, we must send someone to help Jenkins tidy up his clothes. Look, his hair is not even neatly combed."

Jessica reminded, Jenkins immediately wanted to find a comb, Sigrid had already taken it out:

"Let me help you, let you do it yourself, you don't know how to comb it."

"You see, you and Robert are always worried that Jenkins will not grow up, but now at least there are so many people to take care of him."

Bishop Palod took the opportunity to talk to Mary, who watched Jenkins interact with the girls around him:

"Although I knew that my son would be taken away by other women sooner or later, I didn't expect that so many women would come to take it away...Dad Oliver, what have you taught him in the past year?"

Soon after Jenkins got the job at Dad's antique shop, he moved out of his home on Privet Drive, so Mary thought that it was Dad who changed Jenkins.

"I also wonder what I taught him...Maybe he learned it himself."

Dad absolutely did not admit that it was his responsibility that caused this scene.

Jenkins sat on the left side of the sofa, and the red-haired Hathaway sat on the right side. Considering the height, Alexia and the younger Dolores stood beside Jenkins and Hathaway respectively. Behind the sofa were Sigrid, Britney and Jessica, with Sigrid behind Jenkins, Jessica behind Hathaway, and Britney between them, which was in the center of the photo.

As for the maid, Jenkins wanted Julia to stand behind Sigrid, after all, she was tall and would not be blocked. But Julia insisted on being beside Dolores, and finally asked the photographer for advice and stood behind Dolores.

Although this would make the right side of the photo have one more person than the left side, the photo does not pursue absolute symmetry.

The elf Vinate temporarily left Britney's hair and waited outside the photo range, but Chocolate certainly would not leave. As an important member of the family, the cat must appear in the group photo.

"Is it better for Chocolate to be on my shoulder or on my knees? Or should I hold it?"

"You can't hold it."

The ladies said in unison, and then thought that if Chocolate was on his shoulder, his tail would likely block Britney behind him, so they let him lie on Jenkins' legs.

"Are you ready?"

The old cameraman got into the black curtain behind the camera and asked while extending his hand.

"Please wait a moment."

He said, then sat upright, adjusted his collar, first looked to the right at Hathaway who was smiling beautifully, and then turned around with difficulty to look at the other girls behind him:

"Although it sounds a bit cliché, I am really lucky to meet you in this world at this moment."

They all laughed and blushed as they looked at Jenkins. No one expected his next sentence:

"I love you."

He whispered.

"Can't you say this when there are no other people around?"

Hathaway complained in a low voice with a blushing face, and the group of people standing at the door immediately turned their heads and pretended that they were not here.

"And it's better not to use the plural pronoun, but to speak to each of us individually."

Alexia also said so.

"I know, I remember, I will remember it next time when we are alone."

"I must remember it."

Brianne reminded.

"Yes, I will remember it."

Then she turned around and adjusted her hems for the last time. The girls also checked their skirts and hair. Even Chocolate did not forget to adjust the posture of lying on Jenkins' legs to make herself look more "elegant".

"Please look here."

The photographer's voice came out from the black cloth in a dull voice:

"Sirs, ladies, please smile~"

The people in front of the camera smiled and moved forward. The photographer immediately pressed the button in his hand. With the flash of the white flash, the fabric sofa and the family around were recorded forever in the photo:

"I will remember it."

It took a lot of time to take photos. In addition to the many individual photos with different people, the debugging of the camera and flash itself could not be completed in a few seconds due to the limitations of the photography technology of this era.

Anyway, after taking the last group photo in the plan and secretly arranging for Anastasia and Princess Sophia to take one, it was time for dinner.

The Twelve Churches had already transported a large number of numbered items to the Evergreen Forest this afternoon. According to the plan, Jenkins would leave after dinner and return to the church before midnight for the last meeting.

Therefore, in order to prevent the sudden outbreak of the battle and not have time to explain other things, Jenkins found Alexia before dinner, said nothing, and pointed directly at her forehead.

A long string of silver fragments representing memory flew out with his finger snapping action, but was casually knocked away by Alexia.

This is the first time that the ability of [Knowledge Granting] was artificially blocked when it was used. But considering that this ability originally belonged to Alexia, it is not unreasonable:

"Jenkins, do you really think this is necessary?"

The short lady asked with her hands folded in front of her chest.

"Of course it is necessary. I don't want this knowledge to disappear."

He pointed to his head:

"Besides, these will all be yours sooner or later."

"But I want to work with you little by little in the endless years to come to verify and discuss what you have."

She grabbed Jenkins' arm roughly, and Jenkins was forced to look down at Alexia, and found that the other person's face was serious as never before:

"Jenkins, if you dare to disappear after entering the tower, until more than ten years later, when I was cleaning your yard, chocolate suddenly appeared at my feet, and when I burst into tears, you took another step and appeared at the door of your house, Wearing the same clothes as when you disappeared... If you dare to do this, you will definitely not get my tears and hugs, but I will never forgive you in this life. "

What she said was so graphic that Jenkins directly thought of that scene in his mind.

Chapter 2089 Chapter 2058 Niece’s Letter

Jenkins quickly shook his head:

"Alexia, have you been reading any strange novels recently... Please don't worry, I'm not that kind of person. I will come back as soon as possible, I know there is someone waiting for me."

"Don't talk in vain. What confidence do you have?"

Alexia asked.

"That drop of divinity."

"I bet that drop of divinity will be consumed before you climb to the ninth floor and see the difference engine."

"why would you say so?"

"Jenkins, have you forgotten that I can also do divination?"

Alexia's divination principle is different from Miss Audrey's, more similar to a difference engine.

"So besides divinity, what else does your confidence come from? Don't say, you feel that fate will protect you."

"I...my essence, this question has been bothering me. Now I am quite convinced that neither life nor death nor machinery nor even fate is real."

"what is that?"

"I don't know, I'm sure this is my last resort to victory."

"Jenkins, think about it, think about the things that have happened to you that are full of [destiny]. These things are the last resort to help you, not the uncertain nature."

Alexia let go of Jenkins' hand, then stood up on tiptoes and grabbed his collar, forcing him to bend down and lower his head:

"Jenkins, you must come back."

"I know."

She raised her head and kissed Jenkins, and then let go of his collar for a long time. He saw Alexa's red eyes for the first time, so he opened his arms and hugged her:

"You should have confidence in me. When have I failed all this time?"

"I'm still too weak. If I could be stronger, I might be able to help you, or at least be able to enter that tower with you."

"Stop being stupid, Alexia, when did you become so irrational? Do you think I would let you face such danger with me?"

Jenkins smiled and let her go:

"I also plan to live my life after moving to Beldiran. How could I not come back? I promise, I will definitely come back."

He said this again and added:

"Promise in the name of chocolate, do you believe it this time?"

"Speaking of which, are you going to enter that tower with the chocolate?"

Alexia suddenly changed the topic, and Jenkins thought she didn't want to talk about something that made her uncomfortable.

"Of course it's impossible. It's so dangerous inside. How could she bring chocolate? I plan to let someone else take care of her temporarily."

Jenkins said.

"Then take a ticket, B-11-5-2305 [ticket home], at least to ensure that you have one chance to come out of that tower."

"Of course, if possible, I would even like to get ten. I am just worried that once I escape from the third level, I will have to climb up from the first level again. This is not impossible."

He smiled and was then called away by Miss Audrey. The fortune teller had something to say to Jenkins.

Alexia, who was alone, did not stay where she was and feel sad. Instead, after taking a few breaths, she quickly went to Jenkins' room in the church and took out the B-11-5-9421 that was hidden by Jenkins. Blessing Bracelet·Love] put together in a box.

The box is Jenkins' future niece, sent from the future time to give Jenkins a second chance. Alexia kept it in the Sage's Church, which was obviously the safest place.

Even Jenkins didn't know the origin of the box. He thought the box was one of Alexia's treasures.

"Wouldn't it be a bit stupid if you don't know what it is until you use it?"

Without hesitation, she pressed the button on the lock to open the box, looked inside, and then took out a letter. There was no addressee written on the white envelope, and a simple cat was drawn in place of the stamp, which actually looked a bit like chocolate.

There is another sentence on the envelope:

[Uncle Jenkins said that if you know a secret, you must either never tell it, or if you want to tell it, tell it completely. He hates "The Riddler" who talks and hides half of it. 】

Alexia shook her head and smiled, then opened the letter. There was only one page of paper, handwritten, with nine hyphenated phrases on it:

[The ice of the starry sky, the noble death, the long-lasting love, the silver dragon, the ancient military power, the four-in-one, the mortal god, the master of all opportunities, and sincere friendship. 】

She was stunned for a moment, and finally smiled from the bottom of her heart. After more than ten seconds, she put away the box and put the letter and other items that were not taken out of the box together.

Then she returned to the dining table. Jenkins, who was called away by Miss Audrey, had not returned yet, but the other ladies had already started eating. Alexia sat down at her seat, no longer in a gloomy mood.

She looked around the table and at everyone here.

"What's wrong?"

Hathaway noticed the strangeness of this lady.

"I just thought that Jenkins' greatest wealth turned out to be the friendship he made with everyone after he came here. Every footprint left is valuable."

"What do you mean?"

Hathaway asked again.

"I don't quite understand, but I believe he will be able to come back on time. Yes, he will."

Miss Audrey called Jenkins away, of course not to say goodbye to him for the last time, the fact is that the church found the eighth doomsday document. The slab was not hidden in the negotiation venue revealed by the opening of the Gate of All Things. The slab was in the courtyard directly below the venue, very close to the flowerbed of fantasy flowers.

The church just asked people to dig with a shovel and found the slab buried in the shallow surface. This is the eighth slab, which continues the vague way of speaking of the other slabs:

[Young buds poked out of the ground,

but they didn't know that the world had changed.

Gray fog covered the sun,

Black clouds crossed the sky.

All that could be imagined,

All that could not be imagined,

All that could not be imagined.

The clues had already appeared.

The gods looked down at the coming of the end of the world from the clouds,

The king of mankind raised his sword high.

A cry came from the abyss:

This is the last chapter——

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