
This is the last cry --


This is also the final confrontation --

Sin and Redemption. 】

"I understand everything else, but why does the content of this slate look like the last line of a series of poems?"

This is the question Jenkins had after seeing the content of the slate.

"Indeed, the last few paragraphs clearly mentioned the end of the world, so it looks like the last slate."

Miss Audrey agreed.

"But it is obvious that now we only know eight savior emblems... Could it be that the real purpose of the believers of lies who are suspected of faking their deaths is really to hide the qualifications that symbolize fate? Rather than there being only two believers of lies?"

She looked at Jenkins while making a guess that she knew was incorrect. Jenkins blinked and immediately changed the subject to something other than the believers of lies.

Chapter 2090 Chapter 2059 Farewell Gift

"Of course this is impossible. Although I also think that the deaths of other believers of lies besides Mr. Candle are strange, they should have nothing to do with this... Miss Bronion, what do you think?"

Jenkins decisively threw the topic to his teacher's teacher. The ninth-level demigod fortune teller secretly threw a disdainful look at his student's student, and then continued the topic:

"We need to observe the problem of the stone tablets, but now the other seven stone tablets have been transported from the Holy See by the Sage Church. If all the stone tablets can be obtained, then this is also a powerful force."

As a symbol of the arrival of the end of the world, the combination of the Doomsday Documents is also a very powerful prop, but Jenkins does not know what will happen when the nine stone tablets are put together.

"So is there any new information about the qualifications of the final savior?"

Jenkins asked again:

"Now that the [Uncrowned King] is fully formed, the "Epic of Years" should give new clues."

"Jenkins, reality is not a game. It takes time to transmit and identify information... But there are indeed new clues."

Miss Bronion smiled at Jenkins:

"The beginning is the end, and the end is the beginning."

This kind of words that make people completely confused, but sound like they have said something important, are indeed the style of prophets providing clues. But Jenkins thought about it for a while and couldn't think of a specific ability:

"[Cycle] is very similar to this description, but [Cycle] is a white basic ability, not a purple destiny... Miss Audrey said that there is an advanced ability of [Cycle] [Reciprocating Destiny] in the school. That is the ability of destiny. Could it be that? But this ability does not seem to have a unique nature. Moreover, [Cycle] has evolved into [Four Seasons]. Regardless of whether the last ability is related to this, it cannot be evolved again."

He was puzzled and could only take his cat to dinner for the time being. Miss Audrey and Miss Bronion watched Jenkins leave, and the conversation between the two fortune tellers was not over yet:


Miss Audrey seemed a little dissatisfied.

"Yes, I know you want to tell him directly. But it doesn't matter whether to tell him or not. After all, he has gained the ability. The ability will not be unable to exert its power because it is not known. As for the ninth stone tablet... Audrey, do you know that in the countless eras in the past, it is very rare for all the doomsday documents to be collected."


Miss Audrey asked in confusion, and Miss Bronion smiled. She liked the expression of her students who wanted to get answers from her:

"Isn't it obvious? The savior candidates are hostile to each other, how can they tell others where they become saviors? Therefore, the doomsday documents are also difficult to find. Therefore, whether the ninth tablet can be found depends entirely on whether Jenkins can understand all this before entering the tower. Let fate decide. Since we are fortune tellers, we must believe in fate... Of course, we can also do something ourselves."

As he said, he flipped his hand, like a magician, and a silver gorgeous dagger appeared in his hand. Made of mithril, embellished with just the right amount of broken gemstones, the pattern on the surface outlines the appearance of a vine, but the ridges of the vines look like living blood vessels.

"[Vampire Nemesis]."

Miss Audrey recognized what it was.

Jenkins has a very close relationship with this dagger. The first time he saw this dagger, he borrowed it from the Stuart family's treasure house through Dolores to deal with the vampires who came to the material world for the [real illusion]. Later, after experiencing the story of "Vampire Passion" in Black Town, he learned that this dagger was originally a mithril dagger used for self-defense in the hands of an ancient fortune-teller girl. It was transformed into a numbered item after Jenkins traveled through time and killed the vampires in ancient times.

The fortune-teller girl is the ancestor of the school, so [Vampire Nemesis] is the ancestral treasure of the school. Later, after Jenkins arrived in Beldiran, in order to deal with the countess who launched a maze with the manor as the center, this dagger was transported from the North Country to the Kingdom of Fidictli.

At that time, Miss Audrey had proposed that Miss Bronion wanted to buy back the lost secret treasure of the school, but she had succeeded.

"Should this dagger be given to Jenkins together with the Vientiane card? There might be vampires in the tower."

Miss Audrey suggested.

"Of course not. The value of this dagger does not lie in its own power. Its value lies in the people who have used it."

Miss Bronyance said, and Miss Audrey saw the dagger actually shining:

"What's going on here?"

The young soothsayer was still puzzled.

"The power of its past owners is nearby."

Miss Bronyance said, but without further explanation, she put away the dagger:

"Get ready. After sending Jenkins to the Evergreen Forest, we are going to perform a ceremony. Even if we cannot accompany Jenkins into the tower, we must provide him with help. This is you as his teacher, and I as your teacher. , the last thing that can be done.”

The conversation just now delayed some time, and when Jenkins arrived at the table, everyone had already finished eating. Dolores was the only one left at the table still waiting for Jenkins. Julia refused the help of the servants in the church and brought the dining car up personally, which made Jenkins still a little uncomfortable:

"When I come back from the Evergreen Forest, I will have a chat with your father alone, and then do my best to help him treat it. Although it is not easy to cure the thing in my head, it is not completely impossible for me now. impossible."

Jenkins picked up the knife and fork and said to Dolores. Her Royal Highness the Princess was a little sad:

"You have entrusted things to everyone else, don't you have something to entrust to me?"

"How do you know...not everyone is entrusted with things, such as Sigrid and Hathaway..."

"Isn't it obvious that you would entrust Sigrid to take care of your parents and brothers for you? As for Hathaway, Jenkins, who are you going to entrust your cat to?"

Dolores said, feeling a little happier when she saw that Chocolate was a little unhappy. Without waiting for Jenkins to answer, he asked again:

"Is there nothing I can do to help you?"

"take care of yourself."

"It's so perfunctory."

Even though she was blushing a little, Dolores still said this. She watched Julia help Jenkins and chocolate serve dinner:

"Am I useless?"

"Why do you say that? Dolores, do you think I really can't come back?"

"of course not."

Her voice suddenly became louder, and she realized that she was a little rude, so she covered her mouth, but quickly said:

"I don't allow you to say that."

"Yes, my princess."

He teased, pushing the plate of chocolate towards it. Chocolate was enjoying its dinner while "eavesdropping" on the conversation with its ears. It was not worried about whether Jenkins would come back. The cat would tear into pieces anything that dared to hurt Jenkins.

"Since I am your princess, prince, can you grant one of my wishes?"

"A hundred wishes will do."

So Dolores tilted her body and whispered something in Jenkins' ear. Jenkins looked surprised:

"Didn't you say that we have to wait until you are eighteen?"

"I want to use myself as a gift for you before my warrior sets out. Isn't this what the princesses in the story do?"

Dolores looked very serious, this time she was not joking, she really meant it.

"Have you been reading any strange books recently? Julia, please check whether Dolores hides under the quilt and reads after lights out every night... Okay, I'm kidding, but I’m not the bad guy in the story who likes corpses, breaks into other people’s boudoirs, or threatens the king with force.”

He used a knife to cut the pieces of meat on the plate with a normal expression:

"So, you'd better wait for me to come back. There is only more than a year left before you turn eighteen. Isn't this very soon?"

"Then let me replace Your Highness..."

The maid lady said, and Dolores immediately turned her head, looking at the betrayer.

"Oh, you seem to be looking for pure virgins as sacrifices to my 'big devil'. But even if they are sacrifices, they will not change the outcome of my next trip."

He said, then looked at the two ladies beside him:

"Besides, I don't want to be so hasty."

"What's so sloppy?"

Dolores asked.

Because he had already made rash mistakes when talking to the three Jessicas just now, Jenkins expressed it very tactfully this time:

"Chocolate should know my thoughts very well. For those delicious foods, of course, they should be tasted slowly one bite at a time in the most comfortable environment, rather than eating a few big bites before going out. This is too wasteful."

Dolores and Julia's faces immediately turned red, while Chocolate turned his back to Jenkins and ate, somewhat disgusted with his statement.

He laughed himself:

"You see, after so many things, I am now able to make such a joke."

"This is no joke, you must..."

"I will definitely come back. I have said this countless times today."

After saying that, he put down the tableware in his hands, pulled Julia who was standing behind him, and kissed her. The two kissed for at least three minutes. After they separated, Julia stood back to her original position panting, blushing and lowering her head, twisting her hands together and saying nothing.

"Dolores, this kiss is just a farewell, and there will be more when you come back."

He said to the princess.

"What you just kissed was... a gift for me. Why did you kiss Julia?"

Her Royal Highness the Princess asked very dissatisfied.

"Because you are not yet eighteen years old, Julia will do it for you."

He asked naturally, and then asked Julia:

"I just gave it to Dolores as a parting gift, and now I want to give it to you...Julia, do you want a parting gift?"

The maid took a step forward and bent down slightly to make her crotch protrude more, and then straightened the hair that had fallen behind her ears because she lowered her head. Jenkins immediately hugged her.


Dolores lost her temper, took Jenkins' plate, and without looking at the "scenery" on the side, took his cutlery and swept away the remaining food on his plate. This move scared Chocolate to the point where he quickly lowered his head and ate his dinner. Even though he sympathized with Dolores's feelings at the moment, the cat would never let others touch its food...except for Jenkins.

Chapter 2091 Chapter Two Thousand Sixty The Edge of the Forest

After temporarily bidding farewell to the sulky princess and the blushing but still pretending to be serious maid, Jenkins walked around the church with the cat, and met Miss Magic and Miss Silver Flute, so he chatted with them. Talk about meeting Mr. Hood just now.

He did not take this opportunity to say his final goodbyes. After all, he would still have the opportunity to see these two ladies after returning from the Evergreen Forest. He hoped to properly arrange Jessica's security, regardless of whether he was there or not.

It didn't take long to say hello, but after Jenkins left, Miss Magic touched her chin, looking thoughtful:

"Usually when you look like this, it means you have new ideas."

Miss Yindi said.

"I want to leave the church temporarily. Last time I provided Jenkins with a clue about a gift. He later mentioned that there seemed to be some slate fragments near the gift key. I just wanted to see the hood. Sir, why don't you go find the fragment of gravel, where Mr. Hood's current residence is? Do you want to go with me?"

"But what about Miss Windsor's safety?"

"She won't leave the church for the time being. There is no place safer than here... What's more, I have a bold idea. If we succeed, Jenkins will not just give us an honorary title. ...Don't you want to own a large manor with a garden and a courtyard in the central city of Belduran, and maybe have a noble title, the title of Dame Mistalla Front? How about... Or are you willing to live in a small house near Nolan Pier for the rest of your life? "

As a neighbor of Jenkins, Miss Silver Flute’s house is not small at all, but she still couldn’t help but think about the future imagined by Miss Magic:

"When do we leave?"

"Wait a while, I have to consider more things carefully. After all, this is an opportunity that is difficult to seize."

(Chocolate Run...)

At 6:30 in the evening, Jenkins went to Evergreen Forest with the church members.

Because no one was cleaning, more ashes accumulated on the ground. But the streets were not deserted. On the contrary, there were more citizens than usual at this time with their heads lowered and their heads wrapped in cloth, struggling to walk under the light of the street lights.

A whole day of city blockades and ashes falling from the sky made people more or less aware of something. Therefore, people who woke up early got permission to go out after Jenkins's speech at the venue in the afternoon, and continued living according to their daily routines.

Regardless of whether it is a doomsday or a disaster, people must make money to survive. So even though I know it’s not appropriate to go out now, my daily routine is slowly returning to normal. It's just that the daily life now is the daily life in a disaster. It may be very different from ordinary days, but no one wants to starve a family to death. Life must go on.

Evergreen Forest is far away from the city. If we travel by normal carriage, the round trip would be enough to consume all the time tonight. But there was more than one person going to the Evergreen Forest this time, and it would take many flights for the demigods in the church to take them.

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