"Didn't you find other corpses? Sacrifice them!"

"I prefer to believe that this is also a trap. Now you have no choice, either to provide another way to light the fire, or to light it yourself."

That cluster of blue flames was really going to disappear. Now all the people and corpses were completely in darkness, and the only ones that could be illuminated were the burnt yellow bones under the flames.

"Bonfires can burn more than just bones with souls attached to them. Any spiritual material can be used! But the burning effect is very poor. It is impossible to rely on other things to help you find the door to leave! Other items can only burn and provide you with a short-term bright."

Jenkins immediately threw one of the metal cocoons he got from the last treacherous realm into the bonfire. He was originally worried that it would extinguish the flames, but the flames instantly engulfed the metal cocoons. The light spread instantly, reaching a level similar to when Jenkins first arrived, but the metal cocoon burned extremely fast. One cocoon could burn for up to ten minutes. If all the items in Jenkins' backpack and the remaining two cocoons were added, He could last about an hour at most.

"What is that? Why does it burn so brightly?"

The rotting corpse wondered, and Jenkins guessed that this was because the cocoon itself was used to cultivate souls, so it was tainted with some soul power. But instead of explaining, he let go of his control over the corpse, and it immediately shrank under the ground, leaving only its head and two hands exposed.

As a result, Jenkins, the metal skeleton and the rotting heads all gathered around the bonfire.

Jenkins said to the head again:

"Since you said you were on my side, do you know how I should find the door?"

"Of course I know, don't offer bones to it, offer meat to me!"

Jenkins snorted and changed the topic:

"This skeleton looks like this. It has metal components. Do you know what's going on?"

"Of course I know that existence outside the world interfered with what happened here. I hid at the time, hiding in the soil, and it would just sit there stupidly, so it was turned into this."

"What else did the existence outside the world you mentioned do?"

"Look up."

Jenkins then raised his head and saw a dark sky without any light. This look was terrifying, as if an abyss was hanging upside down in the sky. The more he looked at the sky, the more he felt that something was looking at him from the depths of the sky.

"Abyss? Could it be..."

"Yes, it projects a huge abyss into the sky. I can feel the horror of that abyss. It is the desire of the living for immortality, and the jealousy of the dead towards the living. For the sake of everyone, you'd better not Go test the sky here..."

From this, it can be judged that the power introduced into the second strange environment is exactly the power of the disaster beast [Abyss of the Immortal] sealed under [Night Manor].

After meeting Night Manor, Jenkins and the church knew that the arrival of Night Manor was related to the cultists and the Difference Engine. They speculated that this was the Difference Engine's attempt to gain a deeper understanding of the power of the Disaster Beast, and incidentally caused some problems to Nolan. trouble. Only now do I realize that it was not just that, the Difference Engine at that time was collecting the power of the Disaster Beast.

"I just want to leave and I won't mess with it."

Jenkins continued, but he also understood that even if he did nothing, the abyss in the sky would never be quiet forever. From the rules obtained from the previous treacherous realm, we can know that when the power of the beast of disaster enters the treacherous realm, it also needs to abide by the rules, so the abyss must be waiting for an opportunity to wake up.

But the most important thing now is to find the door to leave, so Jenkins picked up the wooden board leaning against the obsidian table again.

Chapter 2118 Chapter 2087 The belief that lights the fire

"Aren't all the souls here from the same era as me?"

Jenkins asked as he carried the board to find the next dig site.

The corpse on the table cannot answer, but the rotting head can answer:

"Of course not. Just like me, I am definitely not from the same era as you."

"I was curious just now. If the existence of that skeleton is the introduction of the rules that must exist in the strange environment, then what do you think of this strange environment?"

"I'm preparing the second way for you."

"You know, I have the ability to detect lies."

"...If you think of that fire as your civilization, it is a greedy person who robs everything on the surface; I am helping you, but while helping, I am actually tearing you apart. Evil man, do you understand?"

"...I probably understand, it's all a trap."

The third corpse is still a male corpse. It looks like an old man. Its dress and appearance are almost the same as the first two corpses. There is even reason to suspect that it is a three-generation family, or a person of different ages.

After it was placed on the obsidian stone table, there was no room for the fourth body on the table. A strong wind blew, blowing more souls from the ground into the corpse.

The third corpse opened its eyes and began to tell its story.

Most of these souls came from five or six years ago from the current point in the material world. In the era when they died, the flame of civilization had reached its peak. Unique steam technology brought the eighteenth century to an unprecedented moment of prosperity.

It's just that what supports this prosperity is not just the nobles who mingled and drank at the banquet. Everyone in this era, even the poor people in the slums, is the cornerstone of the era.

Compared with the many souls in the first two corpses, the third soul did not have any bitter experience. It was just born in a slum, lived a hard life, and then died. They appeared in obscurity and left in obscurity, leaving nothing behind except the traces left on their bodies due to years of fatigue and malnutrition when they died.

Therefore, the soul in the third corpse appears to be more numb than the souls in the first two corpses. When Jenkins tried to say that he wanted to use their bones to light firewood, and wanted to use their meat to fill greedy human heads, they actually didn't object.

"This group of people has been slaughtered by others when they were alive. They don't even understand that they are being slaughtered by others, and they don't think about why they are being slaughtered by others. Therefore, they will never resist now because they don't know how to resist. What are you waiting for? Give me their flesh, and no one will condemn you, for this is how they are born, and so will they die.”

The human head said bewitchingly.

Jenkins nodded, stepped in front of it, and jerked his feet up. Suddenly the head was stamped into the ground again. After Jenkins walked away, it came out again and complained:

"I obviously told the truth."

"I don't believe it. All the corpses here are like this."

Jenkins picked up the board and dug again, and soon found a fourth body. But there is no place on the obsidian table. The corpse can only absorb the soul when it is on the table. Regardless of whether it is bone or meat, it must be bone and meat with a soul attached. It is useless to dissect an ordinary corpse, otherwise Jenkins will directly create one. Some came out.

He wanted to get the first three corpses off the table, but the three bodies seemed to have their backs glued to the table, and they couldn't be pulled off:

"We're going to lie down here, it's more comfortable here than in the mud."

The spirits in the corpse said.

"But if you lie here, you will be slaughtered by me."

"So what? Even if we are slaughtered by you, we are not willing to return to the ground. It is more comfortable here."

They said stubbornly.

[Look, these souls are not worthy of pity at all, they don’t understand anything, and you don’t have to care about what they think. 】

The metal skull reached out again, leaving letters in the air.

"I'm here to save it all. Even if they don't understand anything, I won't let them become victims of lighting my way forward."

"Then do you have a better idea? The fire is going out again."

Rentou also reminded.

Jenkins shook his head:

"I really don't see a way out of this strange situation this time, but since I have a mission, I have to keep going. I believe that I should let the fire of civilization burn. If I don't have the consciousness of self-sacrifice, I will just let others If you sacrifice yourself for me, then I am not a savior.”

As he spoke, he stepped towards the bonfire, took a deep breath, and reached out to touch the blue flames.

He closed his eyes and looked up to the sky. Under the sky, he was quickly completely covered by the blue fire. The pain that touched his soul made him unable to even stand, but he only trembled a few times.

When he opened his eyes again, the blue flame formed by the burning of his soul and body had completely illuminated the world. Whether it's the sky or the earth, whether it's the shadows or corners, everything in the world has been illuminated.

Looking up to the sky, the abyss is fully revealed because of the light. Jenkins could even see the black flash at the highest point of the upside-down abyss, which was the core of the [Immortal Abyss]. Considering that what is currently being displayed is the power transformed by the Difference Engine, it is assumed that the core is also displayed in a mechanical form.

The fire he produced by burning himself finally revealed a white-light but seemingly unstable door to the enchantment at the edge of the cluster of tombstones.

The flames were still licking his body and soul. The soul was so powerful that it could not be damaged. It only hurt like needles, but his body was scorched little by little in the flames. The spirit in the body was quickly consumed, and the trigger limit of the undead was not far away.

Stepping away from the bonfire, the metal skeleton originally said that the flames could not leave the place, but it still followed Jenkins and burned him bit by bit.

He endured the pain and turned his mental power into telekinesis, letting the remaining two metal cocoons and backpack float behind him, moving towards the door with him.

But when all the flames left the bonfire and there was no more firelight on the bones in the bonfire, the sitting metal skeleton suddenly stood up.


The rotten human head shouted loudly, and then burrowed into the soil. The three corpses lying on the obsidian also began to tremble crazily, but they could no longer leave.

The burning Jenkins raised his head and clearly saw the sky falling. It may be difficult to understand this, but he understands that this is the power of the [Immortal Abyss] being activated.

Chapter 2119 Chapter 2088 Noble Death

"The beast of disaster must also abide by the rules in the strange environment. It turns out that the condition for its activation is that the firelight in the campfire disappears... Did the difference engine predict that I would do this?"

The burning Jenkins quickened his pace and ran towards the gate emitting white light, but the falling sky was obviously faster. At the same time, as the "sky fell", the metal skeleton that had just stood up appeared directly behind Jenkins and grabbed him.

"I didn't break the rules."

Jenkins said, and then the skeleton's fingers moved slightly, and a line of words appeared in front of him:

[You didn't break the rules, I broke the rules, savior, you stay. ]

Jenkins was obviously on fire, but the metal skeleton didn't show any signs of being ignited. Its power is very great. If Jenkins was in a normal state, he might be able to break free, but now that his body and soul are burning, it is obviously impossible.

"Since you can't break free, then I will sacrifice you!"

He gritted his teeth and endured the pain.

This thing is not just a bone, so in order to avoid the spell [Bone Sacrifice] from having no effect, Jenkins directly used the chain ability [Embrace Death (Red Fighting)] + [Bone Sacrifice (Yellow Spell)] = [Contact the Messenger of Death]!

Because of the pain of being burned, the mental power was particularly concentrated, and the ritual base was outlined under the feet of the metal skeleton. With a slight flash, the skeleton actually disappeared in the ritual.

As it turned into black ash, the black ash drifted around and then gathered together again. With a slight explosion, Mr. Augustus appeared in front of him.

"Jenkins, what are you doing..."

Before he could be surprised by the burning Jenkins, he suddenly raised his head:

"It turned out to be this thing!"

Mr. Augustus immediately clenched his sickle with both hands, and then slashed upward. The huge sickle shadow appeared in the sky, but was immediately shattered by the downward pressure of the sky.

"I'm fine, Mr. Augustus, go quickly! This is not something you can deal with."

Jenkins urged, and at the same time he wanted to move towards the door. But after being blocked by the metal skeleton for a while, his body was more and more obviously burned, and he barely took two steps before falling to the ground.

His body regenerated quickly, and the flames licked his body even faster. He couldn't leave for the time being.

"Jenkins, what are you talking about? I treat you as a friend. Do you think I'm the kind of person who will abandon a friend at will?"

Mr. Augustus held up his sickle, and the black lightning went against the trend and kept hitting the falling abyss, but all this seemed to be useless.

"That is the power of the disaster beast [Undead Abyss]."

"Of course I know that all those who use the power of death should regard this monster as an enemy. Mortals will die one day. This is the rule of the world. Immortality is the sin of the greedy."

He jumped high, and the whole person turned into a black light and rushed into the falling sky. But compared to the abyss, Mr. Augustus is equivalent to an ant.

Jenkins stretched out his hand to stop him, but it was too late. He wanted to stand up by holding the ground, but the consumption of his spirit finally reached the limit. In the battle between life and death, although life has always had the advantage, this is a process of constant entanglement. At a certain moment, he finally touched the boundary of [Undead].

As a result, the white light covered the blue flame.

"What's going on?"

Although [Undead] is an ability Jenkins acquired last year, in fact, this ability has only worked once so far. That time, he was hit by a bullet in the vitals, so there was nothing unusual when he returned from death.

At this moment, he is only one step away from becoming a god, and his body is a genuine seedling of the world tree. [Undead] is a white basic ability, and it is affected by various reasons. Finally, when the ability is used for the second time, it has undergone strange changes.

The body quickly recovered in this white light, and the blue flame was extinguished. While the vitality of the world tree seedling was quickly replenished, the majestic spirit of death in the ground under his feet was also extracted into the body.

The "reborn" Jenkins thus extracted strength and returned to the best state again. And these are just appearances. More importantly, the God of Lies experienced the feeling of returning from death. This is no longer the experience of a mortal. Compared with half a year ago, Jenkins, whose soul has reached a higher level, saw more at this moment, so he felt more.

He jumped up in the white light of the resurrection of the [Undead], sat on a high stool and turned into a white light spot and rushed into the sky, pulling back Mr. Augustus who was about to be swallowed by the abyss in time.

However, no matter how much he realized, he could not let the mortal Jenkins at this moment immediately have the power to defeat the [Undead Abyss]. At this time, the sky had pressed down to the ground. The great pressure and power forced Jenkins and Mr. Augustus back to the ground. It was too late to leave through the door at this time.

"Do you think I really only have this kind of power?"

This sentence was said by Mr. Augustus. He pointed his finger at the sky, and the dark lightning cut through the space, from the world that Jenkins could not perceive, and hit Mr. Augustus directly.

The earth was shaking. Obviously, one-third of the dead spirits in the strange world were sucked away by Jenkins when he was resurrected, but the majestic spirits that seemed to come from the underworld gushed out from the ground like a spring.


Mr. Augustus, who was struck by black lightning, put on another black robe, an older and more shabby black robe. He held the black scythe high, and the howling wind swirled around him. A terrifying number of undead were emerging from the soil of the cemetery to guard this gentleman.

The speed of falling in the sky suddenly weakened, and even tended to rise upwards. Dark mist surged from the ground, and among the spirits of death, terrifying undead creatures of unknown origin crossed space and entered this strange place directly and illegally.

They passed by Mr. Augustus and charged towards the sky. The black torrent of undead actually became entangled with the abyss. Those undead are all high-level undead, that is, self-aware undead.

They obviously could only come from one place, which was the world controlled by Mr. Augustus's ancestors. The Augustus family were descendants of the Lord, they were a noble family, it was a noble death.

"Jenkins, please leave first. Leave the matters here to me."

Mr. Augustus said that at this moment he had turned into a huge shadow covered in black robes, and Jenkins could feel the power of this gentleman at this moment.

"Okay, thank you very much this time."

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