He didn't say any more nonsense, picked up his backpack and two metal cocoons and left. Mr. Augustus’s laughter echoed throughout the world:

"There is no need to thank me, Jenkins. Without the Lord's permission, I would not have been able to attract so many high-level undead. It is my ancestor who is helping you. As I said, you are destined to be the darling of death. If you really want to thank , when it’s over, remember to call me to the material world and invite me to the pub for a drink.”

He kept getting taller until his feet were on the earth and his head was in the abyss. The tide of undead roared from the ground, and there was really no need for Jenkins here.

"See you next time then."

"Bless you, Jenkins, for fighting to the end for the world we know."

Those were the last words Jenkins heard before he jumped through the door of increasingly unstable white light.

(Chocolate Run...)

In front of the steps at the door of the Church of the Sage, Hathaway held chocolate on her head and watched the carriage and the accompanying team go away with Fini under a sky as dark as late night and filled with ashes.

It wasn't until the carriage completely disappeared around the corner that the red-haired girl couldn't help but sigh, showing the same expression as the chocolate on her head. But she quickly regained her spirits and raised her hand to touch the chocolate that she had never been allowed to touch before. She didn't take her hand back until she felt the chocolate's little paws pushing her hand:

"I just met Jenkins' friend, so the next step is to wait for Alexia to come back. Brienne is now with the goblin at the silver dragon, so I'd better go find Jessica."

She thought in her mind that she could not resume her identity as Miss Bai Ling now, otherwise once Jenkins came back, she would not be able to come up and talk to him, not to mention that there would be no place to put the cat.

While stroking the white ash from her shoulders, she turned around (the top of her head was not used because there was chocolate), but she saw Miss Bevanna and the secret keeper Granny Alia standing at the door of the church waiting for her.

"Miss Hesha, do you have time now? We have something we want to talk to you about."

Miss Bevanna asked with an unnatural smile on her face.

"As expected, she still came. Really, did Alexia go underground just to throw this matter to me?"

Hathaway made a small complaint of dissatisfaction in her heart, nodded despite the inconvenience, and said:

"Okay, so where are we going to talk?"

"Go to my office."

Miss Bevanna said.

The three of them walked towards Miss Bevanna's office together. Hathaway originally thought that she would be walked between Miss Bevanna and Granny Aria, but in fact she was just walking side by side with Miss Bevanna, and the other two There was no attempt to prevent her from escaping.

So before entering the office, Hathaway thought that there would be many church demigods in the office, but after opening the door, there were only Miss Bennett, the Holy Son of the Natural Church, and Miss Marceau, the demigod of the Mechanical Church.

This is probably to take care of Hathaway's emotions. Everyone is female and they will speak more naturally.

"Maybe there are a lot of people standing behind this wall, and you can't see across from the office, but you can see this office from there."

She thought about it again when she walked into the room with Miss Bevanna, but Chocolate said "meow~" listlessly, and Hathaway understood inexplicably that the cat was saying that she was thinking too much.

Chapter 2120 Chapter 2089 Hathaway’s Interview

"Speaking of which, this is the first time I've seen Jenkins' cat around someone else."

Granny Alia, who finally walked in, closed the door of the room, and Miss Bevanna said as she asked Hathaway to sit on the sofa.

"Chocolate is actually very well-behaved. He knows that Jenkins must leave. His owner is doing a great thing, so he must be well-behaved and sensible."

Seeing that Hathaway praised him, the unhappy cat meowed~ to express his approval of this explanation.

Next, Miss Bevanna introduced the other two people in the room. She sat behind her desk, Miss Bennett and Hathaway sat on the sofa together, and Granny Alia stood beside the desk. Miss Marceau stood in front of the window with the curtains drawn.

"Actually, I have nothing else to do with you this time."

Miss Bevanna obviously didn't want to let herself be the leader of this conversation, but the task fell on her, and she could only do it:

"It's like this. When we were conducting a routine investigation, we accidentally discovered that you are an unregistered benefactor. Don't be nervous. Although the new treaty has not been signed yet, the relationship between the False God Church and the True God Church is no longer the same. , not to mention your relationship with Jenkins."

"As expected, we started with irrelevant topics."

Hathaway thought in her mind, and then said:

"Yes, although I claim to be a believer of the God of Earth, I am actually a member of the Music Cult, codenamed Miss Bailing. You should have heard of this name."

She said without hesitation, Miss Bevanna and Miss Bennett exchanged glances, and the Holy Son of the Church of Nature answered:

"In that case, if you have time, you need to do a simple registration."

"No problem at all."

Hathaway said again, with a natural expression:

"Actually, I should have done this when Jenkins told me about the identity of the Holy Son. Fortunately, it's too late to make up for it now."

"Speaking of Jenkins' identity..."

Miss Bevanna abruptly shifted the topic to the center of this conversation. She weighed her words and thought about the impact of what she would say next.

A long time ago, she learned from her father and Miss Bevanna that Jenkins was a savior, and even guessed that he was the most important savior of this century. But she never thought that the identity of this young man who had grown from an ordinary person to his current state in front of her in a year was not important at all——

"We don't know if you have heard about what happened in the Civic Square."

Miss Bevanna said.

"Are you referring to what happened before Jenkins left?"

Hathaway blinked:

"Oh, yes, I heard about it from Alexia."

Now the church can only talk to her about this matter, because Alexia went underground, and no one else is more suitable than Hathaway.

"It's good to hear about it... Then... did you..."

Miss Bevanna had never experienced such a conversation. When she heard the news from her father and Mr. Gilbert, she thought they were deliberately making her laugh and wanted to make her relax. Until now, Miss Befanna, who had not personally experienced the scene in the Civic Square, still doubted the authenticity of this incident, and even thought that this was an illusion created by the believers of lies to split the relationship between Jenkins and the church.

But she had to believe it, because it was not only Dad and Mr. Gilbert who saw that scene. The news had quickly spread to the Holy See. After the Holy See asked five times whether Nolan had been destroyed, whether the guy who sent the message had gone crazy, and whether Nolan was still normal, it reluctantly accepted the message.

Just receiving this message is not believing, let alone accepting.

Miss Befanna could imagine how intense the discussion of the Holy See was before finally deciding to ask the sage about his attitude towards this matter. People don't want to offend the gods because of ridiculous lies, and no matter how you look at this matter, it doesn't seem to be true.

Before this conversation took place, the Holy See also received the oracle of the sage. The good news is that the sage basically acquiesced that what Nolan wanted to confirm was true. The bad news is that this directly explains Jenkins' problem. The good news is that the great man...the great man they believe in is not angry, but asks mortals not to be surprised.

The oracle was not written in common language, so the meaning would always change when translated into common language. But Miss Befanna already knew the general meaning that the sage wanted to express:

"I have long known that Jenkins William is the God of Lies. Is there any need to be surprised about this? Isn't this better? He is the Son of God that I favor, and I am the God that he trusts, so you don't have to panic, just accept it."

The above is the attitude of the sage obtained after translation and speculation. After receiving this information, Miss Befanna once suspected that Beldiran City had been completely destroyed. This was a malicious joke sent by someone unknown.

The Sage Church of Nolan repeatedly confirmed that the message sent by the Holy See was correct. After a brief suspicion that the end of the world had come, Miss Befanna finally accepted the fact and organized this "interview" in accordance with the advice of the Holy See and the attitude of other Orthodox Churches after receiving the oracle.

They certainly cannot have a face-to-face interview with Jenkins now, and even if Jenkins is still here, I am afraid no one dares to have a face-to-face interview with him. Therefore, they can only find people around Jenkins, so what is happening now.

"So... do you know about Jenkins? Those things."

Miss Befanna finally found a suitable way to express what she wanted to ask, and she had to carefully consider her words.

Hathaway nodded to understand:

"If you are talking about that thing, yes, I knew it not long ago. The time was probably... the last time the treasure appeared in the eastern suburbs of Nolan, and then he and the differential machine... you know, it was the day when that happened."

"Oh, it turned out to be that day."

Miss Befanna also nodded. That thing happened not long ago, and she couldn't forget it:

"Miss Hesha, please don't worry, the sage has given us the oracle, and everything Jenkins did was done under His instruction."

Hathaway didn't know about this, so she didn't comment on it:

"So you came to me just to make sure if I know about it?"

"No, we also want to know, besides you, who else around Jenkins knows about this? This kind of thing is not easy to spread to the outside world, and the church can guarantee that it will not be disclosed to the outside world..."

PS: About 20,000 words of the manuscript are missing. I don't know if I forgot to save or the file is damaged. It's not in the cloud archive or backup, so I have to make up for it in the next few days. Fortunately, it's not tomorrow's content, otherwise it will be troublesome.

So there are probably a lot of typos in the past few days, and the author will probably be busy making up for that part of the plot.

Section 2121 Chapter 2090 Theater and Dolls

Regarding Miss Bevanna's statement that the matter about Jenkins will not be spread, Hathaway said she didn't believe it. Alexia had told her how many people saw that scene at the time.

Maybe "The God of Lies is by my side" will not be spread, but the rumor will definitely spread.

"So, we need to know who else knows about this besides the church."

Miss Bevanna fully expressed her meaning.

"I know, and Alexia knows. Sigrid, Jessica and Britney definitely don't know. As for Dolores and Julia... I don't know much about it. Clearly, you can ask Alexia about this.”

"Speaking of which, where did Miss Miller go?"

Miss Bevanna asked again.

"She'll be back soon."

Hathaway shrugged and raised his hand to touch the chocolate again, but the chocolate's little claws opened the hand.

"Is there anything else?"

She asked again. Hathaway now wanted to find a quiet place to wait for Jenkins to show up:

"Since the church is not worried about Jenkins' loyalty, wouldn't it be better to ask him personally about other matters after he comes back? Or do you want to avoid talking to him directly?"

Miss Bevanna refused to answer the question and instead said:

"One last thing, if Jenkins is really... then he's definitely going to win."

Hearing this question, Hathaway's expression immediately changed. She suppressed the panic and worry that had been temporarily forgotten but surged into her heart again at this moment:

"It's true that Jenkins can win. But he wasn't always a god."

Miss Bevanna wanted to avoid the word, but Hathaway didn't. Sure enough, upon hearing her blunt statement that Jenkins was a god, the other four people in the room began to avoid her eyes.

"He is a great man walking on the earth. He is a god, but he is also a mortal. What he has to do now is to face the last horror of this era as a mortal, and to let us The fire of civilization continues to burn; instead of the gesture of God in the sky to save us mortals on the ground.”

Hathaway said seriously, and Miss Bevanna had nothing to say about it:

"So, Jenkins will definitely come back, right?"

"Yes, I have never doubted that. If you want to ask about anything else, I will let him talk to the church alone after his victory. Miss Bevanna, I have always believed that Jenkins will come back safely, Never doubted that."


(Fini is praying...)

"Oh my god!"

When he got up from the ground for the third time, the dizzy Jenkins raised his head and bumped into something. Fortunately, the thing was quite soft, so he was not injured.

I lay down on the ground and sniffed in the dark, but I couldn't smell anything that could be used to identify the location of the environment. So after calming down for a while, I covered my head and tried to get up. This time I didn't hit my head, but I found myself lying in the gap between the front and back of the row of chairs similar to those in an opera house.

The surroundings were dark. Jenkins touched the seat, pulled down the upright seat covered with soft cushions, and then sat down. Then, he placed the backpack and metal cocoon on the seat next to him.

Without observing the surroundings first, he immediately put his hand into his pocket, and as expected, he touched a second round coin that didn't exist in the first place.

This time it is made of white gemstone, exactly the same size and thickness as the sin coin. Jenkins thought that the front side was exactly the same as the emblem of the [Undead], and the back side was two crossed bones, with a skull shape engraved where the two bones were connected.

"That's it again."

He also temporarily stored the round coin in his spirit, and then checked its own abilities. After passing the second strange situation, almost all the abilities related to the "death" system have been used, and only the [Fear Aura] can be used once.

And only two-ninths of the time have passed, and Jenkins can't help but have some pessimistic views about the future.

In addition to the abilities related to death, the effect of the undead was also triggered once in the last dungeon, and it could no longer play a role in resurrection before Jenkins completely left the nine dungeons. But even so, the last strange situation is not a reversal of the fate of the "immortal". Even though Jenkins took the initiative to sacrifice himself to light the fire, he was not dead after all, so no matter how you look at it, the undead are still immortal.

As for the immortal ability being used, it actually doesn't matter. If he is really beaten by the Difference Machine and needs to be resurrected, then there is a high probability that he will die after resurrection. Therefore, at least in the final decisive battle, even if the [Immortal] is not It doesn’t matter if you leave it until the end.

And because the terrible flames that burned the body and caused Jenkins to die at a certain moment also remained in Jenkins' body after he was resurrected. The flame merged with the eternal fire that was fused with the purification candle again, making the flame on the candle brighter, and there was also a trace of blue on the warm yellow flame.

The original flame burned almost nothing, but its effect on the soul was still a bit poor. It mainly relied on the purification effect of the purification candle on filth to harm evil spirits. But the current flame can ignite souls of any nature, which to a certain extent enriches Jenkins' attack methods.

If this was not the final battle, but an ordinary mystery, then what happened just now could definitely be considered valuable.

"As a result, the second treacherous realm relied on forces other than my own to fight against the power of the beast of disaster... There are still seven treacherous realms left, and there are still seven unknown powers of the beast of disaster. , can I find another seven that do not belong to me, but can appear in the treacherous environment and have enough power to deal with the beasts of disaster? "

After thinking about these things, I had time to sit on the soft seat and look around.

In the back, rows of seats seemed to extend diagonally upwards to the horizon. Even with dark vision, the back boundary could not be seen. I think it was because the area of ​​the strange land was not large.

Looking up, it seemed as if a star curtain was hanging overhead, but the stars were dim, and it was easy to see that this was a poorly imitated ceiling. In addition to the silver stars, the starry sky, which seemed to be a hand-painted painting, also had large patches of black shadows, which seemed to represent something ominous. The ceiling emitted a faint glow. If it were not for the dark vision, such light would not even be enough for Jenkins to see the pattern on the cushion of the seat under him.

The left and right sides did not extend into the terrible darkness like the back, but the walls could be observed. Rooms like opera houses and concert halls usually have uneven walls to prevent the sound from constantly reverberating in the room and forming echoes. This place is no exception, but the way the walls are uneven is not to create simple artificial circular or conical depressions. The depressions look like the heads of giant beasts, as if they were permanently confined inside the gray-green walls covered with mold.

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