"The Zhengshen Church knows that I am Miss Bai Ling and that I am a member of the Music Order. I can guarantee that Jenkins did not reveal the information. Therefore, I am afraid that someone in our order has a problem."

"Why didn't the church accidentally discover it when it was investigating the people around Jenkins?"

Miss Bernreit continued to ask, putting the melon seeds on a small plate aside, but after thinking about it, she pinched out three more and handed them forward. Miss Harms blushed and accepted Miss Bernreit. of feeding.

Hathaway just pretended not to see:

"I'm very confident that I won't be exposed easily."

"But if it is really someone from within our order, then who could it be?"

Miss Bernreit asked boredly, not seeming to care much about this question.

"I notice she's the only one who's not here right now."

Miss Harms reminded, and the so-called "she", the three people present knew who she was referring to.

"Oh, it's her."

Miss Bernreit said in a very exaggerated tone.

"Have you known this for a long time?"

Hathaway immediately questioned, and Miss Bernreit blinked at her with an innocent expression:

"Hathaway, I can only say that everyone knows some things. If you don't understand, I can't tell you, because these things have great interests involved...Okay, you can ask William, I bet he knows, and it's only fitting that he tell you those secrets."


Hathaway questioned.

"Yes, there is a secret that only one person in the sect can know in every generation. That is the last resort of our sect, which can ensure that no matter what the circumstances, the sect will not be destroyed. If you want to know, I can send me I will give you my position and tell you this secret now.”

Hathaway immediately shook her head. She had never thought of leading the entire cult:

"If it were before, I would have considered it, but I am getting married next year and I don't have that much time."

Hearing what she said, Miss Bernreit and Miss Harms both smiled:

"Yes, little Hathaway is going to become the queen. I didn't expect that you would marry a man in the end, but this result seems to be the best result for you. Of course, it is also a very good result for the Order.

Since you are married to Willamt, how about building a large auditorium in Beldiland for us to use in the future? Or sponsor our concert as a royal family? I have long wanted to hold a grand concert. "

Miss Bernreit is already imagining a bright future:

"And in return, we'll play at your wedding..."

"I said, I still prefer the traditional wedding march."

Hathaway complained jokingly, and then suddenly felt that the cat above her stood up:


it cried.

"Can you tell me what the chocolate on top of my head is doing?"

she asked, pointing to the top of her head to the two other women in the room.

"You mean this cute little kitten? It's standing on top of your head looking out the window."

said Miss Bernreit.

"The direction is the direction of that tower."

Miss Harms added.

Chocolate had jumped from Hathaway's head to the window sill. When he wanted to break the glass, he was picked up by Hathaway. Chocolate could have escaped, but it knew it didn't have to leave because he was here.

A golden light flashed through the window, and then, there was another person in the room. Hathaway, who was still looking out the window, suddenly turned around and saw Jenkins standing in the room (note), and Chocolate had broken free from her hand and ran towards Jenkins quickly.

He bent down and picked up his cat, then looked up at Hathaway. Miss Bernreit and Miss Harms stood up and wanted to leave temporarily, but were stopped by Jenkins, who could not stay here for too long.

"you made it?"

Hathaway walked a few steps quickly and hugged Jenkins, and then she felt that this was just a soul:

"Not yet. I'm on the third floor now. Something went wrong. I left the tower temporarily and wanted to find some help."

It is only the soul that leaves the tower, and leaving the tower in this way can only be used once. What's worse is that if you go back after leaving, because the body has not left, the restricted ability is still restricted, rather than re-counting the number of uses, so the temporary departure does not bring much benefit.

"Do you need help?"

Hathaway asked immediately. She released her hand holding the soul. Jenkins' spiritual body was in a special state at the moment and had a certain materiality, so she could touch it.

"I don't know what help I need."

He guessed that there was most likely a complete beast of disaster in that strange place, and it was a very ancient beast of disaster. This was something he could never fight against with his own strength alone.

"Then let's go to Evergreen Forest!"

While Jenkins was thinking, Hathaway suddenly had inspiration. She raised her head and looked at Jenkins:

"The help you need is in the Evergreen Forest."

PS: Although I have said it once, I will emphasize it again. The appearance of Jenkins' soul is that of Jenkins, but because his soul is contaminated with divinity and because of the "Priesthood of Lies", the soul has completely transcended the mortal world. Therefore, no one can actually see the true appearance of his soul. See what you think you are.

So, the soul Jenkins Hathaway sees is Jenkins.

Chapter 2128 Chapter 2097 The Ninth Emblem

"Alexia went underground for the time being to meet the machine. Before she left, she asked me to notify the church and send Fini to the Evergreen Forest. Although Alexia has not come back now, she did this There must be a reason. She probably knew something, and she said something incomprehensible when we were having dinner a few hours ago.”

Hathaway explained her guess, and after finishing speaking, she fully agreed with this guess:

"So, she must have been prepared."

"Okay, then I'll go to Evergreen Forest now."

Jenkins couldn't leave the tower for too long. After all, the door existed for a short time. If the door was closed, his soul would need to re-enter from the first level of the tower. Although the Star Spirit and Mr. Augustus had most likely already dealt with the matters on the first and second floors, he did not want to verify his ideas personally.

He reached out and hugged Hathaway, then grabbed the waist of the chocolate with both hands and placed it back on Hathaway's head:

"I'll be back soon, don't worry."

"I know."

Hathaway bit her lip and nodded, saying nothing more. Chocolate doesn't want to be separated from Jenkins, but Jenkins obviously doesn't intend to act with it now.

"Fate will guide me forward, Hathaway. Although I cannot rely on the so-called power of fate to defeat the enemy, fate will always guide me when I am at a loss."

This refers both to what has happened all along and to the [unknown path ahead].

"I know, that was your original power."

Hathaway smiled reluctantly:

"The original power is also the original destiny."

"Yes, the original... destiny?"

Jenkins frowned, as if lightning flashed across his head at this moment, and as if the "fate" he witnessed a few minutes ago really guided his destiny. A moment of thought connected everything, and those chaotic fragments were pieced together to finally form the truth:

"Is that so? I'm really stupid for thinking about it for so long..."

"What did you think of?"

"Miss Audrey already knew it!"

He could no longer control his voice, and Hathaway, who was approaching, noticed that a layer of purple light appeared on the surface of Jenkins' soul. It's fleeting, but it's there.

"Everything begins with destiny, and everything ends with destiny. The nine emblems are not a line at all, but a circle. The first destiny is the last destiny, does it mean this? If this is really the case, isn't my essence... .....”

Obviously, what he wants to understand at this moment is by no means as simple as the ninth emblem.

"What did you think of?"

Hathaway asked again.

"How stupid I am!"

He said again, then knocked his head hard, and said to Hathaway:

"I'm going to the Evergreen Forest now, and you do one thing for me."

"No problem, what's the matter?"

"Tell the church that I know the location of the ninth doomsday document."

"You mean..."

Hathaway also understood:

"You already had it? Is that the one?"

"Yes, that's it."

He nodded:

"I told you about my becoming a Gifter, and I also mentioned that alley and that wall. I became a Gifter the moment I entered the treacherous realm, and the Doomsday Script obviously cannot be in the enchanted realm, so That stone slab is either near the wall where I entered the treacherous realm with Mr. Barnard, or in the alley where I saw Mr. Hood and you after leaving the treacherous realm."

He once talked to Hathaway about becoming the Gifter and the specific location of that incident. Not long after leaving the strange place, he bumped into Mr. Hood's party, so Hathaway also knew the location:

"Perhaps when the church finds the ninth doomsday document, I have already returned to the tower, but I must find it. I have an intuition that all nine stone tablets must have extraordinary significance."

"No problem, I will take the church to find it."

Hathaway said firmly.

Jenkins hugged her again and was about to leave, but was stopped again:

"Mr. Willamette."

It was Miss Harms, the "composer of the music score," who stopped Jenkins and took the initiative to look at him:

"Waste a few seconds of your time, this is a gift from the Music Order to you."

With that said, he took out a rolled parchment roll from the small bag on the table and handed it to Jenkins. It looks quite ancient, has a strong golden aura, and has reached the level of numbered items.

After opening it, there was a musical score written in blue ink, but the writing was mottled.

"This is loaned to you."

Miss Harms smiled.

"Wait, this isn't..."

Miss Bernreit hurriedly stopped her, but in the middle of her words, she suddenly showed an expression of realization and immediately changed her words:

"Yes, this is loaned to you."

"But I can't bring this into the strange world. Only the items I touched a month ago can be substituted by me. Thank you for your kindness..."

Jenkins shook his head and wanted to refuse, but Miss Harms had no intention of taking back the score:

"Aren't you going to the Evergreen Forest? Maybe this music score will be useful in the Evergreen Forest."

Hearing her say this, Jenkins temporarily accepted the score. After saying goodbye to the three ladies in the room and his cat, he turned into a golden light and disappeared again. He can fly in the state of soul, but not in the physical state, so Jenkins has always insisted that the body is a limiter for himself.

When Jenkins left, Hathaway did not immediately go to Miss Bevanna, but looked at Miss Burnett and Miss Hams suspiciously:

"Are you hiding something from me?"

"Of course not."

The two said at the same time.

"So, what's the matter with the score just now? Is it the property of the cult? Why have I never heard of it?"

Miss Burnett immediately took the lead and said:

"Let Breeley answer you."

She smiled triumphantly and then peeled the remaining melon seeds. Miss Hams gave Miss Burnett a "fierce" look before answering Hathaway's question:

"That is an item that can only be held by each generation of 'composers of the score'. According to the rules, I cannot reveal its existence to anyone."


Hathaway asked, but before Miss Hams could answer, her expression changed. After all, she knew the unique responsibility of the "composer of the score", so she could guess what could only be held by the composer.

"You see, Hathaway has figured it out."

Miss Burnett smiled while peeling melon seeds.

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