"She definitely hasn't fully figured it out, but she should have touched the edge of the truth."

Miss Harms raised her face and looked at Hathaway with the cat on her head:

"She probably doesn't understand as well as a cute kitten... Hathaway, if you don't leave, I'm afraid things will be delayed. Also, didn't you say you wanted to tell His Majesty the King that his friend is coming to visit? You seem to have forgotten too."

Chapter 2129 Chapter 2098 Angels, Gods and Humans

On the other side, Jenkins had already crossed half of the city and the deserted suburbs, approaching the evergreen forest under the falling sky. Just like when he went to the Church of the Sage, no one noticed his arrival when he entered the forest. Even when he came to the open space under the big tree, his sudden appearance scared Fini.

On the periphery of the open space, the benefactors and ordinary priests of the Righteous God Church are busy, constructing rituals to block the communication between the open space and the outside, ensuring that no matter what happens in the open space, it will not affect the outside. The open space was much deserted, except for Feini and two diviners, who were conducting a ceremony.

Complex lines carved with a knife covered the open space in front of the waterhole under the trees. Expensive and precious ritual materials were piled beside the waterhole waiting to be taken. Although it was not the largest in area, it was definitely the most complex ritual array that Jenkins had ever seen. He could not even decipher the purpose of the ritual immediately, but he had a vague feeling that it was related to divine magic.

The sky was blocked by black clouds, and the black clouds were blocked by the branches of giant trees, so not much ashes fell on the open space. Of course, it might have been swept away in advance.

The lighting here is not very good, there are only dozens of candles scattered in the open space. Jenkins thought they were simply used for lighting, but after landing, he discovered that candles were also part of the ceremony.

Both ladies, like Fini, wore hooded, floor-length gowns, Miss Bronyance's was an elegant purple, with stars all over the gown. Miss Audrey and Fini both wore the same style of white robes. Judging from the style, they were both sacrificial robes from the Church of the Sage.

"What is Miss Audrey doing wearing the robe of the Sage Church?"

He felt strange when he landed.

"Yes, sir!"

The little girl was startled by the sudden golden light, but when she saw Jenkins in the light, she quickly ran towards him and wanted to hug him.

But Miss Audrey took Jenkins’ hand one step ahead:


"No, I just reached the third floor."

Miss Audrey and Miss Broniance had been arranging the ceremony in the Evergreen Forest. Of course, they did not know what happened under the tower, let alone the passage left by the gods. Jenkins didn't have time to explain more. He just said that he was temporarily out in spirit form to seek help and would go back soon.

"I'm in big trouble. The combined power of the twelve churches may not be able to solve this trouble. I don't know what to do. Can you give me guidance?"

He asked, but Miss Audrey and Feeney did not speak, so Miss Broniance asked:

"What kind of trouble is it specifically? Have you encountered the power of the beast of disaster?"

"If it's just the power of the beast of disaster, I doubt that I have encountered a real beast of disaster."

Among the people present, Miss Bronyance and Miss Audrey are both demigods, and Fini is protected by an angel, so Jenkins can tell some secret things without any scruples.

"Which one is it?"

Miss Audrey frowned. There was really no need to ask the church for help now.

"Although there is no conclusive evidence, I have read "Criminal Sin: The Beast of Disaster", so I have some guesses that it is the Disaster of the Second Age, the Mythical Witch (Chapter 1520)."

The Second Age did not leave any information to contemporary people, and all the rumors about that ancient era were left behind by untrue word of mouth.

In those most ancient times, supernatural power did not manifest itself in the way it does today. People in the Second Era rely on the stories of the First Era to gain strength. Those ancient stories themselves can give readers miracles. They are the first stories of the world, the stories of the beginning, and therefore symbolize the essence of the world.

But the original world contained not only light and hope, but also darkness and corruption. Excessive excavation of the legacy of the First Age has allowed the world to re-understand the stories tainted with the original sin.

Thus, the sins of the entire second era and the terrifying power left over from the first era were combined to give birth to the [Mythical Witch].

Yggdrasil once said that the disaster beasts of the first three eras were part of the basic rules of the world and would not be sealed. They had their own reason, so the appearance of the [Mythical Witch] was not surprising at all. Even though there was no solid evidence that he was the puppeteer in the puppet theater, Jenkins trusted his instincts.

As for the metal puppet, Jenkins believed that it had nothing to do with the Difference Engine. It was made by the owner of the puppet theater to make him think that the Difference Engine was dominating everything in the third puzzle. After all, for that kind of being, there is essentially no difference between operating a puppet and a metal puppet.

Especially in the fourth act of "Magic Girl", when the girl puppet sings, Jenkins hears a different message.

Neither Fini nor Miss Audrey knew what the [Mythical Witch] was, but Miss Bronyance was indeed the best fortune teller in existence, and she knew what Jenkins was talking about.

"You made the right decision by asking us for help."

"Is there really a way?"

Jenkins asked in surprise.

"Of course there is, but it may not work. We are trying. But before that, Jenkins, there is one thing you need to know."

"whats the matter?"

Not only was Jenkins confused, but even Miss Audrey didn't know what the teacher wanted to say.

"You want to talk about the ninth emblem? I already know it, it is [Unknown Road Ahead]. Did you already know it? It doesn't matter, I have asked Hathaway to notify the church to find the last stone slab. Go, could it be said that what can help me is the combined power of the nine stone slabs? "

Jenkins was immediately inspired, but apparently not.

"of course not."

Miss Bronyance shook her head, and then motioned to Jenkins to observe the ground:

"We temporarily occupied this open space and kept others away, just for this ceremony. Jenkins, can you tell what kind of ceremony this is?"

Although Jenkins is not very talented in divination, he does not know anything about divination, and the rituals on the ground are not divination rituals:

"Divinity? Sacrifice? Summon?"

He read such a meaning from the carved runes, but the style of the ceremony was too ancient and was not a contemporary ritual system. Jenkins had never seen a similar ceremony. He only knew that it was quite ancient, very ancient.

"Since you are facing a beast of disaster in a strange situation, ordinary power will definitely not be able to help you. Only the truly great can help you in this situation."

"The Great One?"

Jenkins and Miss Audrey showed surprised expressions at the same time, but Feeney's expression remained normal. She couldn't understand what was happening and just listened to Jenkins' words.

"What do you mean?"

Jenkins asked again, but Miss Bronyance didn't want to ask:

"Jenkins, all we can do is guide you, not give you a direct answer. You need to do everything yourself. Audrey, give him the things."

She nodded to the somewhat confused Miss Audrey, who hurriedly handed [The Impermanent World] and a beautiful dagger to Jenkins.

It was not the first time that Jenkins saw the Impermanence card, so he didn't look at it carefully. But it was the beautiful silver dagger that Jenkins recognized as the [Vampire Nemesis]. This weapon had an unusual connection with him.

"We're just providing you with guidance and opportunities, Jenkins. It's up to you to decide what needs to be done."

Miss Bronyance said, retreating to the edge of the clearing. Jenkins then looked at Miss Audrey, who obviously didn’t know what his teacher meant:

"I don't understand this ritual either. I only know that it requires three sacrifices before it can be used."

She exited the ceremonial formation, leaving Jenkins and Feeney alone in the center of the clearing.


It wasn't that he didn't understand. After all, he had already made some speculations, but he just couldn't accept them. He looked down at the dagger in his hand, thinking of its original owner, the girl who handed him the notes in the town square on a snowy night...

Thoughts pulled power, and the inexplicable golden light flowed along the dents carved on the ground, making the entire ritual array light up. Feeney looked around curiously. Behind her, the little angel Louise took the initiative to reveal her figure.

"Teacher, that's an angel!"

Miss Audrey could hardly contain her emotions:

"But why is the angel? The angel is not...Teacher, did you already know that?"

"No, I didn't know anything. But Jenkins, now I do."

In the center of the ritual array, there are three circles distributed in the shape of equilateral triangles. The circles are also carved on the ground with a dagger, and the sides of the circles are connected with the entire array with lines.

"I didn't expect that I still had to rely on her strength. I really didn't expect that it was actually her."

In the golden light that continued to escape upwards, Fini and Louise held hands and watched the somewhat expressionless Jenkins squat down and insert Mithril's [Vampire Nemesis] into the center of one of the rings.

The gold in the ring soon spread to the dagger, and then the dagger shot a golden light toward the sky.


Feeney said softly, she didn't know why she thought it was a sign.

Jenkins turned to look at the fortune tellers at the edge of the clearing. Miss Audrey was even more confused about the current situation, and Miss Bronyance said softly:

"You have carved the first trace, which represents the first encounter."

Although the voice was very soft, everyone present heard it.

"Teacher, what exactly is this going to do?"

“Don’t understand, feel.”

Miss Bronyance said to her students, and then looked at the angel behind little Fini:

"There are indeed some things that even I did not expect, but this does not affect the result. From this point of view, it is indeed fate."

PS: The wrong time is set.

Chapter 2130 Chapter 2099 Long-lasting Love

"Miss Audrey, I will explain to you after this is over."

After Miss Bronyance's incomprehensible words, Jenkins said this to his teacher.

Then, he hesitated and did not take the next step, so Miss Bronyance asked again:

"What are you hesitating about?"

"I don't know how to face her."

Miss Audrey noticed the pronoun representing women.

After Jenkins finished speaking, he didn't wait for Miss Bronion's next words, so he took a deep breath and bent down to put the music score that the music group "lent" to him when he left the church just now into the second ring.

The golden light shot up into the sky again, forming a second beam of light.

"You have engraved the second trace, which represents the connection."

Miss Bronion whispered again.

The light in the ceremony was brighter and more brilliant, but no one in the forest outside the clearing was attracted by the light.

Jenkins stood there hesitating, he fully understood what was happening and what was going to happen. He knew what he should do, but he was full of contradictions about this moment.

But fortunately, he was not the kind of person who would be indecisive at a critical moment, he knew what he had to do.

"Finny, you and Louise will help me with something later. This may hurt you..."

"It's okay, sir!"

Finny raised her head and said with a smile:

"You have always helped us in the past, now it's our turn to help you."

Jenkins nodded, and as the golden light swirled around his soul, the coat given by the sage appeared on his body. This coat should be worn by his flesh in the strange world, but because the gift is connected to the soul, it can be called out at this moment.

He reached into the big pocket inside and then took out an old notebook that was carefully preserved but still showed signs of frequent flipping.

He put this notebook in the pocket of his clothes, but it was just an ordinary item. It shouldn't appear with the coat, but now, it appeared naturally.

Jenkins understood the reason, because the notebook and the coat originally belonged to the same person.

Looking at the divination notebook in his hand, Jenkins stood there in a trance for several seconds, then slowly walked to the third ring on the ground, bent down and carefully placed the notebook on the ground.

"You have left the third mark, which represents the beginning and the final fate."

The third beam of light rose into the sky.

Jenkins took a few steps forward and walked into the equilateral triangle area formed by the three rings. Finnie and Louise also held hands and came to the center of the three offerings with Jenkins.

The golden light gathered on the three people.

Finnie held Louise, Louise held Finnie, and Jenkins looked at them.

"Energy body."

Jenkins, Finnie and Louise whispered together.

Of the three, Jenkins was in a spirit state, and Louise was an angel. Their current state could be called "energy body". Under the influence of the golden light, Finnie's body also emitted golden light, which made Finnie meet the conditions.

"Angel Halo."

The savior, the saved and the redeemer whispered together.

Louise smiled and raised her hand, took off the golden halo that appeared on her head, and then put the halo on Finnie's head. The angel's body gradually overlapped with the little mortal girl. Finnie's appearance did not change, but her eyes became the same purple-gold heterochromatic eyes as Louise's.

At this moment, Finnie successfully promoted to the first level of the gifter. The original level 0 had a blank bubble, plus the one at level 1, a total of two. But at the moment of promotion, because of the contact with the essence of the angel, a new ability appeared - [Angel Aura].

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